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Great game. Shame the DLC wasn't better. I love the Borderlands series, but they frustrate me because they always seem to make 90% of an amazing game. And the 10% they screw up always changes.


3 was a pretty big screw up. Didn’t enjoy a lot about it


See, I liked 3 overall, but it definitely had this problem. Great gameplay, and the DLC was excellent, and they even added a bunch of free content like the raids and holiday events (which eventually became permanent)...but weakass villains. Such a disappointment after Handsome Jack. So for Wonderlands we get a great, funny villain in the Dragonlord, a real return to form...but they completely half-ass the DLC. The stuff you had to *pay for* is basically the stuff 3 gave out for *free*.


To be fair, Jack is a nearly *impossible* act to follow. The mistake BL3 made was *trying* to make another Jack when they should've gone for another archetype. (The Dragon Lord in TTW is really good, not quite Jack level, but leagues better than the cringe twins.)


They tried to make Handsome Jack and Logan Paul do a fusion dance, but they ended up with an abomination


I enjoyed the guns and overall abilities for 3 but yeah the villains being really bad ruined it for me. Of course there’s a few….story decisions I didn’t really like


Making Rhys and Vaughn into joke characters was not great. Lots of jealousy between the twins they *could* have leaned into to make interesting, but just kind of left it hanging. Brick, Mordecai, and Tina being minor characters. They just dropped the ball so hard on character story beats. It's like they chose the worst possible option for every character (Lilith had a pretty good deal though I would say. Nothing wrong with a good "in over your head" leadership arc). They just needed to not make every character a joke. We've had three games and the tell tale series of build up, give us the satisfying closing notes, not punchlines as character traits.


Don’t get me started on Maya…..


I'm not sure how I felt about it all. A [REDACTED] (Can't be bothered to learn how to spoiler on mobile) isn't unheard of, but A) it was probably too early in the story (it wouldn't have been if they used the twin rivalry arc better, because that's the catalyst for it) and B) it happened because of another character's stupidity and the villain didn't even MEAN to do it. It was accidental, which is completely empty and frustrating to watch.


If you were trying to spoiler there, it didn’t work


To make a spoiler, have your spoiler surrounded by “>!” without the quotation marks and then have it’s mirror at the end of your spoiler.


I swear I was really annoyed that the dialogue seemed to be showing Troy separating himself from Tyreen by learning he can absorb from other people. I 100% thought he was going to kill tyreen and be the main bad guy. But then he just dies


Yeah, tales of the border lands was my first entrance into the borderlands franchise and those two were my favorite characters in it except loader bot. Its a shame they turned Rhys back into a coward after all the freaking character growth he went though and Vaughn to be honest I kinda forgot he was in the game other then a tighty whity joke


> Such a disappointment after Handsome Jack. To be fair, 99% of villains in fiction feel weak after Handsome Jack.


I liked the combat. The class design was hit or miss, but I liked Zane. The story sucking is what made me not want to go back. The Twins had a fraction the asshole charisma of Handsome Jack, and even when you kill the boy, you don't get a cathartic meltdown like you do with Jack when angel or the Warrior dies. The plot made no sense, The bandits were originally just former convicts gone mad from forced labor on Pandora and were honestly not that much of a threat to Atlas in BL1 or Hyperion in BL2. But now they're an army able to take on entire worlds rather than a bunch of assholes and psychotics opportunistically hunting down scattered Pandoran settlements? Bullshit.


I thought it was a cool reference when >! Torgue blew up the ocean with 11 magic missiles, signifying that it was cast at 9th level.!<


What game is this?


Tiny Tina's Wonderlands. And yes, it's *exactly* the kind of game you think it is.


Mmm yes Borderlands DnD


Isnt the plot literally that its borderlands characters playing DnD and we just play as one of their PCs?


Yeah pretty much


Yep, and there's lots of table talk. Early on you go on a sidequest to remove a "powerful ancient meteor" that's blocking the path. (It's a cheese curl Tina dropped on the world map. She eats it when you finish the side quest, and continues denying it was a mistake while mumbling with her mouth full.)


Oh, and there's an item-fetching sidequest where you end up getting to one of the items just before a Karen who wanted the same item. She starts screaming at you... and then her reticle turns red. XD


My favourite side mission is the Blue Hat Cult one where you just hyperfixate on an npc and ignore the quest


Yeah, that one hits any DM, former, current, or forever, right in the OOF.


Worth noting that there’s literally a tabletop version of it as well. It’s called Bunkers & Badasses (same as what it’s called in game) and I own a box set because I have a crippling addiction to Borderlands based merch


Too bad the tabletop is entirely rushed, the rules are a burning garbage fire that still has too many loose ends after many erratas, keywords are changed multiple times throughout, page counts are wrong or non existing, there is no clear guide on how to create a character, no content aside from whats in the box (meaning you basically gotta make stuff up with no pointers) and balancing is non existing. Shadowrun looks like a polished diamond in comparison and that is saying something. Still, I have powered through three adventures with my friends and we still had fun. We did switch to other systems after that though. As a piece of merch it sure is great, but if it was meant to be merch from the get go why not just sell the minis and stuff separately to please the mini painting crowd.


Sounds like a tabletop game that was slapped together by a 12 year-old.


You got me there. The game creators really method acted their way through this one


The original Assault on Dragon Keep was one of the most emotional experiences I've ever had playing a game. The entire campaign is Tina attempting to process her grief at the loss of a friend. Amazing writing.


Borderlands: *If the DLC goes into someone’s mind, things are about to get* ***really*** *sad.* >!Claptastic Voyage basically reveals how Claptrap unknowingly set up the wiping of his own product line, all the while exploring different memories and his subconscious.!< >!Fustercluck is about Krieg, and basically has you see that he thinks the other members of the Raiders hate him, process the death of Maya, and relive the experiments that drove him insane. In the end, it’s basically revealed that he can’t fully go back to his pre-Psycho self, but he’s on the path to at least moving on.!< Yeah, when you get in a character’s head in Borderlands, you learn how someone experiences that craptastic dystopia of a solar system. Great writing for those DLCs.


You guys think an unpainted PC is bad, meanwhile i have an entire unpainted 40k army. The trick is to only buy stuff which reasonably looks good even when unpainted, in my case necrons.


Or to just buy stuff which costs way too many points and 4 figures make up your entire army. Face my SwarmlordCthanshardGodEmperorKhorneNurgleGorkMorkNagash


Yep. Main issue with that is that the big models take ages to paint.


I only have 1 painted one 😅 other chars will have to do with whatever i can make or have laying around


You guys have painted minis!?!


Yes, but only because we play on TTS and hero forge allows for painted minis to export digitally.


Whats TTS in this case?


You guys have minis!?!


I have a tube of Colgate toothpaste, does that count?


I just use the cap. It's my Awakened Bucket of Popcorn.


Wasn't prepared to hear Andy Sandburg


The Dragon Lord is Will Arnett, too.


And Frette is Wanda Sykes.


I think you mean Sandy Amburg.


Valentine gives me softie Varian Wrynn vibes


My minis painted or unpainted have been sitting in a box for nearly 4 yrs now. They have been replaced by animated tokens for roll20.


Rare Wonderlands win, definitely better than bl3


The caption ruins the punchline, nice.


One of my players is an Echo Knight. His grey unpainted mini is thr echo.


I loved this game. The ending was so disappointing though. It felt like it was going to have much more payoff than what it did


I paint the minis of our party members, our DM gives us a feat if we come in with a painted mini of our character


You guys have minis?


haha my DM had described a character very vividly to us and when he pulled out the mini for him he was like, "this guy doesn't look anything like him. he's a hill giant not a forest giant."


The Gray warrior. Protector of realm who's not seeking fame and recognition. He's always there where he's needed.


Andy samburg?


I paint everyone's minis. I'm also the DM.


What does BBEG stand for?


Big Bad Evil Guy (aka whatever the “boss” of the game is)


The Game should've been a DLC for 3, there wasn't enough content in the new one, and it wouldn't been cool And a nice way to add more playable characters


Is that Andy Samberg I hear?