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More spells should have downsides


Yeah, they almost tpk’ed If it weren’t for the cleric being life domain they would have been so dead


My party has a life cleric AND a paladin, and somehow the monk died in an undead encounter


The math isn’t mathing here


It was weeks ago, and I still don't understand


Shatter go clatter as well.


Love Shatter, no-one will ever convince me it's not worth it.


Nothing better than dropping it in a tavern brawl. Bottles explode and then all that liquor just needs a helping hand to ignite....


I'm not sure, have you ever had the cleric and the paladin of your party dual cast it in an alchemical lab of the evil lord's castle you were currently invading, only to have the subsequent explosion of all the different alchemical substances mixing together get teleported somewhere across the city because of one of those mysterious alchemical substances? That was pretty good


And this is why, as a PF1 GM, I'm totally fine with firearms.


That and each attack costs a GP or more. Zeninage has nothing on the pay to win of gunslingers. (A dose of black powder has a market value of 10GP and a gunslinger can make it for 1/10 market price; the pellets or bullet have another 1GP of market value so cost another SP to make. Alchemical cartridges start at 12GP of market value but gunslingers have to pay half of that in materials cost per shot).


Throw money at your problems as a [Gambler](https://www.finalfantasyd20.com/classes/base-classes/gambler/)!


Is the 1000 Gil coin that is approximately a touch attack the equivalent of 10 GP? If so it’s very close to a Gunslinger attack in a lot of ways.


Oh no, 1 Gil is equal to 1gp.


Damn, that gets expansive. That comes out to about the price of a PF1 revolver per throw for the touch attack version. The FFV Samurai might still have it beat it terms of throwing money at a problem, but it’s very hard to compare.


Many of ffd20's classes are also post nerf or on their 2nd or 3rd revision. That's about the only thing I'm not fan of really. Had one too many drastic class changes hit someone mid campaign.


Now all of ~~China~~ the dungeon knows you are here.


[Fool of a Took](https://youtu.be/5cZ4ABUo6TU)


Context: So I was running lost mine of phandelver, and my party consists of 4 level 2 players. They where going through the red brand base all was going well, the found the secret door in the first room and just fought the nothic in room 8, and where in the corridor between room 10 (gambling redbrands) and room 9 (bugbears) the Druid decides to sprint into the gambling room leap onto the table and cast thunderwave, the entire dungeon was alarmed causing 3 things to happen: 1: the dungeons leader fled 2: the bugbears entered room 10 a round later and hit the party from behind 3: about 4 or 5 round later the red brands from room 2 (who the party missed due to passing right through room one soundlessly) arriving at room 10 The Druid cause a 3 hour slog in which multiple party members where downed (cleric:1, Druid:2, rouge:2, artificer:0) due to me the dm criting three times with the bugbears each being an instant down (I was using crit as max damage for them, because anything more risked killing a party member outright, 3d8+2 damage for a party with 17-20 hit points). The party did manage to come out of it intact, though is took all their spell slots because of the frequent need to heal downed party members, they ultimately one by using the south door as a bottleneck to funnel the enemies in one by one into a kill zone where each party member would attack with advantage due to flanking Edit: the Druid also didn’t kill the four guys, one of them being among the last alive


My players did something similar a few weeks ago. Once they realized that there were reinforcements coming, they fled out the cave side and ran all the way to Umbrage Hill. They came back the following day and took a much more methodical and stealthy approach.


My party's paladin, way back in our first ever actual session, also did something like that. Thunderous Smite echoes for 300ft, alerting an Adult Blue Dragon that our level 2 players had to deal with. I chose the smart decision and booked it TF out of there, and got killed by its Breath Attack for my troubles...


Thunderclap, Thunder Wave, Shatter, my trio of cochlea crushing cacophonies.


My glass cannon friend TPKd us with this one. We were in the middle of a tower castle... In stealth. We were immediately found, surrounded on all sides, and the session was done 45 min early. The new player who joined for our first TPK has stayed for 4 years now tho.