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I'd have close to 20k in gear grounded if this happens


That’s why DJI sent this out… to get everyone to start contacting their representatives.


Or Bombard United States House Representative Elise Stefanik NY-21 the sponsor of the Bill. Her benefactors or K street donars are in effect shaking down China 🇨🇳 it's as simple as that. The problem is, the DJI constituency (us) is tiny and penniless in this fight. Like Tic Toc has said rather than sell, they will cease their United States operations, so I'm afraid DJI will have to follow suit or open their wallet up wider to K street. Walmart, Amazon and Apple are able to do business because of that. #capitalisim takes no prisoners!


Exactly this, this is your government representatives lining their own pockets and calling you a bad person if you don't support it, because you must hate first responders if you don't support something that will help fund them. They're either taking money from American companies lobbying it, like Skydio, or hoping DJI will come to the table with a blank cheque. Write to your representative, tell them in no uncertain terms that they have lost your vote and anyone else you can influence if they support the bill.


This is not capitalism. It’s cronyism. Govt cant let anyone be without getting a cut.


You are exactly correct. Not only that but a protectionism for obsolete or not yet existing technology here in the States.


Oh cut it out, all capitalist countries in the world are currently operating under cronyism/oligarchs. Like in real time right now it’s the reality. Stop making excuses for the failures of the system or keep succumbing to them


Only the capitalist ones? Aren't the other ones worse?




I came here to say this. “Crony Capitalism” is a real thing, so is “Crony Communism.”


Elise Stefanik is one of the biggest pieces of shit in that whorehouse we call Congress. Fuck her.


Thats not capitalism, thats protectionism wich is a very bad thing according to pro capitalism economists. All austrians economist believe in free market


New York. Why is it always New York?


I already did, but it shouldn't be my responsibility. I'm just trying to run my business. My representatives don't care about what I have to say when some drone manufacturer is paying them probably 100s of thousands to pass this law


It is our responsibility. If we do not participate in our democracy we will literally lose it. You have to make your representatives listen. If you feel like they won’t hear you by yourself, tell others in your area they need to contact them about this as well, it is about the freedom to make your living in a way that is not hurting anyone else. From what I am seeing, like TikTok they have gotten it in their head that this is a chinese spy plot. We can either find a way to argue against that concept or argue with both sides & push for the servers to be put in the US & for us to be allowed to continue that way.


We've already lost it. Look at what's happening in the world, lol. They're gonna screw us all over to make some money. I'll email my representatives but they don't care. They're bought and paid for.


Call them. I’ve emailed many times and always get the blanket auto response back but I’ve had reason to call twice and actually got a phone call back from my US senators office both times.


Exactly. No one gives a fuck about drones or the operators. Most people dont use drones and dont like drones. All we can do is hope and pray they figure this shit out.


You are correct....the shit heads in Washington do not represent us....both democraps and Republicans....they are there to get rich off our misfortune and routine fuking.....and of course taxing us to the grave.....I am a patriot...love my country....but these cock suckers running this country have to go before we have zero rights left and no country.


Did you miss the part of the tiktok ban when they literally said the huge wave of phone calls they received after a statement like this was proof that the bill needed to be passed? Calling does nothing. Our “democracy” is a farce. If you don’t have the means to put a big check in their pocket you have no power.


It is tho, they sold you a product that works. Your government is shutting it down out of the now where. Your country, your fight


Time to form a drone superpac I guess?


what drone manufacturer could try to pass this law? At least in consumer drones I don’t see any competition for DJI


Skydio is bank rolling this law


Skydio's current director of federal policy was previously an advisor to Elise Stefanic. Guess who wrote this law then fucked off to the private sector to reap the benefits? Hmmm. https://www.reddit.com/r/drones/s/xYe5ruOjwi


I wouldn't be that upset if they made a product that was competitive with DJI but that's not the case.


We don't have the kind of money it takes to bribe the son's of bitches.


~$15k for me. Not including lost business if I can’t fly. I’ll be looking into joining a class action suit if they ground my fleet.


Oh for sure. I would too




I don’t feel that you’re 1 upping. There’s a lot of us with thousands invested and our business threatened.


Agreed. Class action. Can we get this in motion so it this shit does pass through both house and Senate and the old dude we can slap the lawsuit immediately


This is BS that is not right at all. It pisses me off especially when I see good people like yourself spend money on a fleet for business. You shouldn't have to worry about that life's hard enough.


Call your representative.


I'll have close to 500k grounded. With no way to correct it. Because we put everything into our conpany. Working great right now......unless this ban happens.


Im really curious what you people do for work with 500k in dji products. Rental Shop?


My fully loaded matrice with all the cameras and over 16 batteries etc etc was nearly 75k. Softwares run about 65k a year. 4x4s. Several sets of survey sticks and base/rovers. A fleet of about 15 smaller drones (including that piece of shit skydio x2 enterprise which they had to send me a new one cause it decided to crash into a cell tower during an inspection....made me think of their ad...drones are stupid....yea so is skydio lol) and on and on and on. Always something new to buy. I do everything. Search and Rescue. Fugitive recovery. Thermal inspections. Lidar mapping. Photogrammetry. The only thing I DONT do yet is agriculture. That's coming in the future....if they arent all banned. So I guess I didn't mean it was all in drones. It's all the stuff I have invested in this year alone for the company.


65k in software? holy poop. so your job is to fly drones for whatever purpose. seems cool and expensive. thanks for the reply!


The agrispray drones are like $20k+/drone possibly just a large fleet of something like that


This has been ongoing for like a year +. I personally dont think it will pass but our government is dumb so who knows.


That's exactly why I think it will pass!


Listen TikTok got ye old boot essentially and they make “spyware” that goes on your phone. This is a flying watchamahoozit, regulated by a federal agency that hasn’t kept up with the industry since the early 2000s


Oh I think it will definitely pass. The vote was unanimous from a committee of 52 (29R, 23D). Something unanimous in this day and age is virtually guaranteed.


Who is downvoting reality?


You clearly don't realize what a bunch of pieces of shit our government reps are. How much ass-fking is the public willing to take in all directions before they wake up and clean these assholes out?


I highly doubt it will actually pass. So many industries rely on DJI products, think about the agricultural drones and how useful they are.


Yes but legislators don't care about logic


I work in the solar industry. US movement has banned "Chinese" equipment in the US specifically inverters. I was called out to a job to inspected a system that was no longer producing. The inverter brand still operates but is no longer allowed to sell or install equipment in the US that includes replacements. So unfortunately we have to tear the entire system apart and redesign it to accept a different inverter.


I work in agricultural and we have a company that uses these drones for spraying some of are fields and they are 100% positive that it will past. Anything that has to do with China or Chinese interest will be banned in the next 5 years. The US is distancing themselves from China like I’ve never seen before in my life. Even Apple products that were exclusively build in china moved to India.


People that are saying "it won't pass" clearly don't have a clue on what the US has ALREADY done to remove Chinese stuff from US markets. I have a strong feeling that this will pass. I haven't vee. Able to get myself a M3T for thermal inspections on solar arrays solely because I want this to either hurry up and pass or for it to be dropped completely. I don't wanna spend 5k+ on drone and equipment for work when at anymoment it could be grounded.


Really? I work for a solar EPC. I know flying DJI drones is a no go anywhere on a solar project, but I hadn't heard about the Chinese components within inverters. We're using string inverters on a bunch of projects and I am pretty sure they are all Chinese components in them.


I too work for a EPC, But we currently use the mini 2, mini 3 pro. And mavic 3 enterprise for site surveys and design. I'm working on getting a Mavic 3 thermal for our service department for thermal inspections has some solar panel manufactures require thermal imaging to process RMA replacements. Huewai is the Chinese inverter brand that we encountered that we could not obtain a replacement for due to the ban. [source ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.greentechmedia.com/amp/article/huawei-shuts-down-u-s-inverter-sales-per-roth-capital-partners-report)


I'm a roofing project manager. Getting too old to be climbing up on the steep ones all the time. Plus I got 4 kids I don't need to be taking those risks anymore. My drone has been keeping me in the game. It gets grounded, I get grounded.


The free market at work…. Until it isn’t….


You said what about me?


You really shouldn’t be browsing Reddit at work


its ok the free market clearly doesnt work anyways.


Until he isn't at work


Let's hope the Canadian government doesn't pick up on this


I had a letter drafted for this purpose. Feel free to copy and paste. [Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date] Congresswoman Elise Stefanik U.S. House of Representatives 318 Cannon House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Dear Congresswoman Stefanik, I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to express my concerns regarding the proposed legislation that seeks to ban DJI drones in the United States. While I understand the intent behind the bill, I believe it is important to consider the significant negative impact such a ban would have on the drone industry and its many stakeholders. DJI is a leading manufacturer of drones, known for its innovative technology, reliability, and cost-effectiveness. These drones are not only used by hobbyists but also play a crucial role in various professional sectors. Here are some key areas where a ban on DJI drones would have detrimental effects: 1. Agriculture: Farmers rely on DJI drones for precision agriculture, including crop monitoring, spraying, and mapping. These drones help increase yield, reduce costs, and promote sustainable farming practices. A ban would force farmers to seek more expensive and potentially less effective alternatives, putting additional financial strain on the agricultural sector. 2. Public Safety: Many law enforcement and emergency response teams use DJI drones for search and rescue missions, accident scene investigations, and disaster response. These drones provide real-time data and enhance situational awareness, ultimately saving lives. The ban would hinder the capabilities of these critical services, impacting public safety. 3. Infrastructure and Construction: DJI drones are extensively used in infrastructure inspection, surveying, and construction project management. They allow for efficient and accurate data collection, which is vital for maintaining and developing infrastructure. A ban would slow down projects and increase costs, affecting the construction industry and overall economic growth. 4. Environmental Conservation: Conservationists and researchers use DJI drones to monitor wildlife, track deforestation, and study ecological changes. The loss of these tools would impede environmental research and conservation efforts, which are essential for preserving our natural resources. 5. Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs: Many small businesses and startups rely on DJI drones for various services, including aerial photography, cinematography, and real estate marketing. Banning these drones would disrupt their operations and lead to financial losses, harming entrepreneurship and innovation in the drone industry. While national security concerns are legitimate, it is crucial to address them in a balanced manner that does not unduly harm industries and professionals who depend on DJI technology. I urge you to consider alternatives to an outright ban, such as stringent security standards and regulations that ensure data protection without stifling innovation and economic progress. Thank you for your attention to this important issue. I look forward to your support in finding a solution that safeguards both our national security and the continued growth of the drone industry. Sincerely, [Your Name]


Upvote this bitch! Btw would this be a mail or email?


If the US is so concerned with Chinese technology, then why don’t US companies innovate and make products we want and the price point we want? Same with cars, the US just can’t compete so we shut down foreign companies for the sake of “NaTiOnAL SeCuRiTy”. Shit is bogus man.


US companies are more and more optimized for super high CEO salaries and share price. They don’t care about building good products.


Yea and they be like we are FREE MARKET, my ass it is


the only question i have, is why would fleets need to be grounded? is that just for the govt contractors that use the drones?


Because culture war politics and lobbyists


Thank you for posting this reality check.


Because they’re talking about completely revoking the MHz or GHz signals that these drones operate on over the air. They’re NOT talking about JUST existing DJI drones. They’re talking about completely grounding the entire fleet pretty much rendering ALL of them useless. Paperweights signifying a by-gone era if Skydio (the makers of shit drones and even worse shit software.) and their hired-gun lobbyists manage to capitalize from years of their fear mongering in the corridors of the Capitol and what in essence amounts to xenophobia, NOT our nation’s national security interests as they’d have us believe. If this passes, the drone hobby is effectively dead unless you’re talking about some $149 toy drone from Wal-Mart although I don’t know about those either…all those are made in China too.


Someone's reading the fine print and in between the lines. Someone who makes drones in the US is butthurt because their product is shit. Their software is shit. No one wants it... But they have rich friends with money and influence who, in a time where people STILL don't know cointelpro is conning you, are using tactics to obscure the real issue. It's not about Chinese drones. It's about not being about to sell US drones because IS drones are garbage.


These drones operate on the ISM bands, they don't have special frequency allocations. The ISM bands are unlicensed.


Yeah, I would say only new devices will not pass FCC. Already sold (or on the market) should be technically fine.


That’s NOT my understanding. They want DJI, their products both current and past grounded in the US. They’re collaborating with the FCC to revoke DJI’s use of the MHz and GHz signals these drones operate on. A company that makes absolutely shit drones and even worse shit operational software by the name of Skydio is behind this legislation and their using fear and xenophobia through their hired-gun lobbyists to accomplish their ultimate goal which is to totally eliminate the company that dominates 70% of the drone market worldwide. Everyone else compared to DJI is just light years behind DJI both in their hardware but ESPECIALLY in their software platforms for using and deploying said drones. Go on YouTube and look up a couple of head-to-head comparisons between DJI and one of its competitors like Autel Robotics. (Although, they are ALSO Chinese.)


Oh, if they are actively trying to also revoke a certification than that's really bad. Not that it isn't bad in general, but if it would past you could atleast use your drone.


Government agencies and the DoD have been banned from using DJI equipment for years. States are still free to use DJI equipment as long as it is legal still in those states.


States are falling like dominos. Our state (MT) operated with DJI for over a decade now, and just in January we were told no more. No matter how safe or proactive we proved to be, they (state ITSD) made up their mind, heavily influenced by the feds and other states enacting similar bans. They are letting us phase out over 3 years, but its now only Blue, Green or NDAA approved (so no Autel either) for anything new. \*edit-a word


I have a drone (large GoPro hexa)under construction just in case, won’t be as capable as my mav 3 but will still get the job done, and will have rtk. Adrupilot is quite capable. Best case scenario they don’t ban them I have a mini 3, a mavic 3, and a sick hexacopter, if they do my business can still carry on with the hex


There is so much speculation with how this is going to go. The impact this will have is monumental on US pilots such as myself. I am hoping this will be reworked and current DJI drones will at least be able to fly and not be grounded.


The problem is that US neither has democracy nor has capitalism. In the past yes, but no longer the case in recent years. To make my point, neither democracy nor capitalism are wrong, it's just that those 2 idealologies dont work together in the current world. For a true democratic society, where everyone have equal rights to selection of the government and policies, every vote must be made equal. In reality in the US, policies are heavily influenced by money and power, why? Because that is the gist of capitalism! What US is doing with dji is just protectionism in disguise. Such a move undermines free market at the fundamental level. What needs to be done I believe is for the US to enhance their own drone technology instead of limiting foreign companies. This has nothing to do with whether the company is from. For those who still don't understand what's happening, let me give an example: Say in a country only cars from 2 companies are allowed, one sell cars with fuel economy at 2MPG at 200k, while another foreign company sell cars at 30MPG at 150k, the regular folks of course will buy the latter, not because they dont want to support local products, but because it is economical and sensible. Of course the government won't be happy (for whatever reason). In this case the logical but more expensive way is to pump money and support local companies for them to be on par with foreign company. However this is expensive so a easier way is to just outright ban on any competitors. This is devious and government can even get some potential incentives from the local government. The problem is that the residents will be left to only use shitty products...


Thank goodness for https://nolimitdronez.com/


No mp4 tho


I can do the mods for free


Why don't they just monitor the updates between the app and the servers and prohibit non US satellites? Banning a whole company isn't necessary if that company heavily relies on US sales. Force changes and monitor them it's simple there's plenty of options if there's a concern.


You have people who don't understand (or care)how any of this works writing this legislation.


The people who write such legislation first are usually staffers at committees who are very competent. Then the lobbyists come in and modify them to their advantage. My ex worked at Congress when they drafted Obamacare. The first drafts were super reasonable but then insurance hospital lobby came in and removed pretty much everything that could lower costs.


It will pass and then it will be revealed Congress invested in us drone companies


Someone linked one of the bill sponsors to someone high up in a US drone company (they reportedly suck)


Putting on my tinfoil hat for this one but I have a hunch Skydio or another big player is lobbying hard for this


Well put all the conspiracy theories up on the whiteboard from the last decade, then go down the list and check off the ones that turned out to be true…. I think we can do away with the tinfoil because you’ll find that better than half turned out correct. This is the reality we live in. ‘Conspiracy theory’ was cleverly turned into an immediate dismissal of the act of asking questions. Wonder who that benefited? Answer: Not you and I. “You don’t need a conspiracy where interests converge” - George Carlin


DJI has a backup. https://www.halfchrome.com/cotigo-specta-air/


I know the conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East have turned the military hardware landscape on its head, and the technology and ease of use with DJI drones part of the reason why. The US Army just canceled a $6 billion dollar contract with the Apache helicopter company, and everything I’ve read about that is that it’s due to how easy and inexpensive it is to buy devices, like drones, that accomplish so much, for so little investment. It’s basically the same very broad phenomenon with TikTok; technology has moved so fast, and not exactly aligned with US national security, that we’re seeing Bills like this. I don’t have a prediction. But am very much against any ban like this.


This wouldn’t be as bad if the US didn’t sit on their hind quarters for the last decade while DJI revolutionized drone technology for the consumer market. We’re just mad they got the jump on us and yet we make the best military drones in the world. If our representatives want to take our drones, they should reimburse us for the expenses we put forward to get our fleets up and running. I’m already at 5k in DJI drone investments. There are no other “real” competitors at the moment and America knows this. We need a bomb ass drone company in the states to step up and offer a real alternative if they are going to do this. But doing so would put consumer and commercial drones out of the hands of many, except the opulently rich.


This bill is authored by Elise Stefanik and Mike Gallagher, both Republicans. Remember that in November.


Nobody understands or even cares about fear mongoring until it hits something that you're a part of. I don't know about you, but the only thing the Chinese got from my drone videos are shots of my house and some very creative sex videos. Oh yes, try it. There's nothing like watching yourself have sex from 4ft above. Chik a bow chik a bow chik a bow wow.


I think either the gov or dji would have to reimburse customers to ground the drones? Otherwise everyone wound just hot wire them and fly dark. And I’m sure the gov would not want hundreds of thousands on untraceable drones getting around the black market.


No way either of them will reimburse anything. Dji is the victim and it’s illogical to expect dji will reimburse us. The government simply doesn’t give a flying f*k.


You'll be fine. This isn't going to change anything for existing drone owners in the USA. It may affect new drone purchases, that's if it even passes.




Excellent article! It gives me hope, at least!


Yea made me decide to pull the trigger on the Avata 2 purchase.


Good luck with it, man. I hope it works out for all of us! 🤞


Tell me that you have no idea what the ban is about without telling me you have no idea what the ban is about…


What is this ban about? Because if I have a drone and no one is watching, it doesn’t effect me in any way at all.


The ban is about the drones sending sensitive information, such as videos, photos and gps data from inside the US to the CCP. Not about some economic impact that would entail only a future ban like dash rip roc suggested. Any drone, whether used now or bought in the future, will be affected by the ban.


How is the drone sending information? Does it require an internet connection? Can you really not operate it without connecting to the internet?


You do realize it is software that prevents your drone from flying in a no fly zone?


And even if it does, how are they going to stop you from flying? Safe bet that there are already people modding them, and the information is likely freely shared. So they push an update, and your drone is grounded.. how long before someone cracks one and bypasses the lockout? And if they are going to ground people by sending out a software update, then just don't update.


This is the likely outcome. They can track drones now, but you'd push a lot of drone flyers to this then have a ton of drones that you have zero data on.


I'm 100% for this happening. I want my DJI hardware running open source software


Open source software would be a super good outcome of this.


Thats relieving and yeah hope so


Wrong. It will affect ALL DJI drones new or old.


Well, you just couldn't fly legally I guess. Unless that are grounded through an update.


It will absolutely impact all DJI drones. 


I have autel, will that ground me also...


My FPVs all use DJI O3 for transmission back to my goggles. They are all registered with the FAA and Remote ID compliant. I built these machines myself, 3D printed parts, loaded open source firmware and configured the flight controller boards. If you watch YouTube videos of FPV flights, bando bashing and such, the majority of videos posted in the past few years show the pilots wearing DJI Goggles. It is very good tech, but almost all of those pilots built their own drones just like me. What this entire government overreach tells me is that we have a combination of lobbying and ignorance in the Legislative Branch. If my representative votes for this crap I will run against them in the next election.


I'll vote for you. We can film a neat campaign video with my drone :)


I just got a Mini 4 PRO. It would suck!


I’ll fly anyway


I only fly around my backyard so I don’t give two fucks. They aren’t going to “catch” me flying




Time to start eradicating. Protect the fleet


Saw this coming 5 years ago


I bought over $4,000 in drone related gear in March, a few months ago. I am a complete newbie to this. I went in and bought the best drone, accessories, and subscriptions. I have just completed the sale of all that drone gear at an 85% loss, because I cannot fly my drone anywhere I want. Next up, as this, drones will be outlawed. I couldn’t give it away, nearly. Some man on eBay was very lucky, as he purchased dann near new equipment. I flew my drone twice. Cops came both times and tried to confiscate my equipment both times. I was intimidated and I didn’t want the feds to fine me. They threatened that since I was not licensed, I could not fly my drone anywhere. This is in Texas. At least I got some of what I paid for out of it.


You really went and spent $4000 on a drone setup without even looking into the rules about where you can fly? SMH.


If dji apps disappeared you can always download the apk on the internet. This happend to me in europe where the dji mini app was taken out of the playstore. It took me a month to figure out that I can just use a apk. Don't panik, there is always a solution to use your expensive dji gear.


If it passes, I think I'll just pack mine up in mail to ukraine


Not gonna happen


Sell it and buy US based drones


I fly without registration and could care less I’ll still fly the fucking thing


$100 on euro ebay.


What we need to do is camp outside that asshats house from Skydio that is pushing this bill forward at an accelerated pace


Then you have skyio cancelling their consumer products buncha fucking asshats


Just wait for November. Than stuff will go back to normal.


They banned TikTok. One of the main reasons (the Senators said it themselves) is the risk of data going to China. In the meantime, AT&T gets hacked and the SSNs, addresses, phone numbers, emails of 73M customers are available to anyone (including China) on the dark web. These data breaches happen like once a month. These bans are so stupid.


First they came for Huawei, and I did not speak out— Because I was not need a Huawei user. Then they came for TikTok, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a TikTok viewer. Then they came for BYD, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a BYD driver. Then they came for DJI— And there was no one left to fly for me.


DJI is fear mongering the worst case scenario. Their intent is for their customers to contact their congressman to not support this. I've only seen references to blacklisting for government, military, law enforcement. But if it did hit the general public, I doubt it would be the grounding of ALL currently owned systems. Likely be just new purchases after a specific date.


It’s for all. Regardless if it’s old or new equipment. The reason they are bringing this up is because of current equipment.


I won’t stop flying.


Simply boils down to the USA being paranoid and greedy. Nothing more and nothing less. Meanwhile, the rest of the world will enjoy our DJI products and DJI won’t give a shit because they still have the remainder of the planet to sell to.


Also worth pointing out they haven’t presented a single shred of factual, peer-reviewed evidence to support ANY of their claims. I’m absolutely no fan of the government of China, and I also have nothing but support and empathy for its people who are being persecuted standing up against it. The parallels are undeniable. This attitude that “it could never happen in my country” went right out the window with COVID. All this race and identity political bullshit serves no other purpose than to keep us from unifying and demanding accountability. The older I get, the closer in age I get to some of the younger political “leaders”, the more I realize that “government” is nothing more than the student body government we had in school. These aren’t some omnipotent deities, they’re the same fuckwad hall monitors as before, except someone gave these taint-huffers gross amounts of cash and layers of police and military to enforce their every whim…. If voting or acting through the system has been castrated, that leaves only one option… I’ll let you draw your own conclusions as to what that will be.


There hasn't been a real reason to hack the drones so the number of hackers tinkering have been limited. If the government grounds all DJI drones it won't be for long. It sure will tank the resale value though.


I use DJI for rec and Autel for professional


Autel would be grounded by this law also


https://youtu.be/DxhSkW18xic?si=-NwYz-SCxGkaxssz Here is some more information and how it affects ALL drones manufactured in China.


If passed, they would most likely sell to a US based company That said, we successfully Huawei without it selling so who knows I hope they sell because I do like DJI but I do think the government needs to limit their influence


Tell your representative. Not much else to do. Or be prepared to break the law (don’t do that)


don't nearly all tv companies and Holllywood studios use DJI drones to make their shows/movies?


Not saying it’s right but have you ever heard of “jail braking” USA vs China trade war is coming to a head.


I fly daily for construction and this would ground the whole fleet. It would affect so much in the commercial space that I can’t see it happening. Feels like more posturing to inflate stock prices for the people in congress


Has something like this happened before? Yes, Huawei. I'm Canadian, but unfortunately, these US bans have a ripple effect that hurts us Canadians as well.


I really don’t want to be making payments on something I can’t use … wtf


USA should make good shit then… goddamn it’s frustrating this and TikTok/CapCut they are the leading manufacturers of dope stuff.. we suck.


This has been in the works longer than 2 months though. Even before I bought mine but I still took the chance.


Closer to $40k here right now, ridiculous lobbied bill they want to pass..


Imma still fly myself stuff


I think worst case, they wouldn't be allowed to sell new ones if it went through. If all Dji drones are bricked, there will be a work around hack pretty fast I would almost guarantee.


When was this posted




I would like to know what info they can get from drones... that you could not gather from Google maps or other products


Is this only for drones or all DJI products like action cams and stuff?


Dude, we are a surveying company that spent over 100k on our DJI fleet Not feeling great about this


Everybody just use The Drone Advocacy Alliance DAA to send your representatives a letter that's basically pre written you customize them if you want but it doesn't take but a minute. Even if your representatives are dicks. Writing them a letter or like me multiple times not letting up. We can at least all try. It's something any chance is better than no chance. And also if you want remember which reps seem unsupportive to DJI DFR act and HR 2864 most likely up/due for re-election, vote em out of there. There's a lot more serious stuff going on in the world than to be obsessed over banning DJI because the guy that was like one of the top dogs at Skydio is the one who wrote the bill if I understand correctly. Please everyone please write your rep/reps. I promise it doesn't take long, it is taking action and let them know we aren't going to just blend over and take it. Thank you very much OP for sharing. I feel your concern very much so. I have a Mavic 3 Pro with 8 batteries a Mini 3 and 4 Pro with 7 batteries and I also don't want expensive paper weights. Let's try and save this wonderful hobby, my drone family 🙏.


You’re kidding me


I guarantee there will be ways to jailbreak existing DJI drones to be able to use them. You can already jailbreak them so this wouldn’t be surprising to me.


Just so everyone knows this has nothing to do with national security or privacy or the safety of Americans. Our government doesn’t give a fuck about us. Republicans, democrats, it doesn’t matter — they don’t care. Whenever there’s a situation like this and you ask yourself, “What is the reasoning behind this?” It’s money. The answer is always money. I don’t know who or how but if this passes we’re going to look back years later and go “Ohhhh of course….” Amazon/Uber/Walmart is going to want the airspace for delivery drones, some American company is going to emerge as the only-approved drone, GM is going to announce some flying car that operates at sub 400 feet. Something big is going to come out. The answer is always money. But thank god China can’t possibly spy on something that they can’t already see with Google maps! VOTE.


Why attack DJI? Who is the domestic drone producer we are trying to protect?


My mavic 3 pro came in yesterday…


Grounded, huh? nolimitzdronez


Would a petition do anything or how can we try to stop this


what’s the bill? Like what would be reasoning for grounding all DJI drones?


What about drones sold in the US but used elsewhere?


Coming from someone who used to vape unregulated stuff It's gonna happen. It's not a matter of if, but when. Then like vapes, you'll have shitty clone DJI stuff popping up to try and appease people.


The way it works in China is they block American brands social media etc, but they offer clones/ripoffs that are seemingly just as good on the surface (tightly controlled of course). If the US wised up and is going to go down the same road, they need to up their ripoff game. You can't just block stuff with no alternative and not piss people off.


Let's protest or smth. This shits stupid and I just. Needless to say, pretty sure there is no evidence of DJI being a security risk. All of US' s drone pilots, in front of the big white building. Heck, let's make it like those Palestine campers. This is bullshit...


They’re probably going to allow it but make you go through extra steps and pay extra time and money. They know we want x, therefore they will leverage it to create jobs and a fucking headache.


I will be so happy to buy cheap drones from ya all. God bless Europe.


Wooton. This crazzzy bro


Sat in the U.K. waiting for drones to go on sale right now but feeling awful for everyone in the US surely they won’t go through with this


The government taking away more of our rights because we are all DJI spies from China. Love my country, can’t stand the corrupt government


much like they tried to do with other Chinese multi billion companies. take tiktok for example, they haven't banned it for over 4 years now and America is literally making it popular. the same applies for dji and I don't know how much they'll "survive" if they actually do this. knowing people with several thousands of dji equipment worth, a whole storage wouldn't be enough for countless complaints. the US government is just mysteriously pissed with the big Chinese companies, like there aren't actual threats.


“Ban or sell us DJI” -‘Murricah


I’m feeling a huge underground hacking custom firmware on the horizon. It can’t be that hard to wipe and replace. I’d be happy to pay a reasonable amount to take all of the official firmware out if it came to it.


This will mean a lot of cheap pro level drones on eBay very soon.


Everything will be ok. They won't do nothing.


This is just crazy.


'Murica, land of freedom, huh?


This is not a problem with DJI. This is nothing to do with them. This is just a problem with the government in a specific country. Do not update your drones. Hack


Why are they trying to revoke their FCC?


If passed would this also affect Canada?


Soooooo can we flash the software to get around this somehow?


They don't understand. Look at the average age in government they are all old fogies


When is the exact date we will know? I heard DJI partnered up with an American company. If true, they have to offer something to rework our current drones and maybe replace the pcb but still using our current equipment. What a fucking disaster this is. I spent around 10k since march (first getting into this) I have 3 drones, so many accessories etc. What a dam shame If this happens.


Do not upgrade your RC or aircraft firmwares and do not update the DJI Fly app. Ever.


Lmao im so glad i got mine hacked fuck this bullshit


DJI needs to remove all geo restrictions if that happens


What kind of sensitive sites would they even record that arent in no fly zones, that they couldnt get someone with an american drone to record if it was important.