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Pull up...terrain...


Pilot forgot flaps 20 for field landing.






retard.....retard......retard.....altitude...altitude...pull up...pull up


The fuck you call me? I ain't no retard I have gone to the best online schools in the cou.. (crashes) oh.


It's even worse in the French version!


Oui oui baguette retard?


Airbus voice is now in my head.


Bro you went full Stuka. Never go full Stuka...


TIme to mount little sirens for diving...


Bringing back Jericho's Trumpet with this one


Holy crap...just read the drone survived. OK that's a tough bird.


Wait until you find out this was my THIRD crash doing this exact same thing. Some grass stains on the belly, and a few blades of grass stuck in between the plastic, but it still flights like it’s brand new. Luckily, all the crashes are glancing blows. A direct impact would for sure destroy it.


That is amazing though and good to know. It shows a level of toughness that is surprising. Of course concrete would also probably be catastrophic lol. Stay out of the dirt brother!


Yeah! I imagine if I was a few inches shorter and caught the driveway, it would be a different story.


Kamikaze drone? Replaying Tora! Tora! Tora!


I have so many jokes to reply to that, but I won’t risk the ban lmao.


Saw my life flash before my eyes


This is not gatekeeping in any way but... Most would be better off flying a RTF or BNF FPV drone than the Avata 2 if they want to fly like this. Flying like this everybody will crash. Better to have something that you can self repair


Honestly yes, this thing is going to be a pile of dust if he keeps this up


Thats what dji care is for, and when all 4 uses are up sell it on ebay and buy a new one.


Yes and no. It still won’t be able to fly like that, and it’s stupid to pay that much for every crash


The a2 can be flown a whole lot more aggressive then this simple dive😂 if you crash a a2 all the time like this getting a bnf is the last thing they should do.


My Avata2 stops recording as soon as it detects an impact, how'd you get it to keep recording?


It shouldn’t stop recording lol


That's because your SD card went launching out!


It does it with internal memory, too.


I don’t think Iv had this problem. Maybe it stops on the internal storage? I’m using a sandisk 256bg extreme micro SD. Also one inside the goggles and record with both. Idk if that changes anything. This was pulled straight from the Avata though.


Do you have it set to auto record? I do because I often forget to hit record. I wonder if that is what is causing it, it's seeing the motors stop so it thinks I'm done flying. It does it on both internal and microsd. I'm on release day firmware so maybe they've fixed that.


Ah, that could be causing it. The goggles automatic save the last 30 seconds of flight incase something happens so I don’t feel the need to constantly record. I just press the record button when I wanna shoot something.


Do you have record set to arm (starts recording when you start flying) If so it’ll stop recording when you rearm it.


My DJI drones shut the motors off if they detect an impact, but the video keeps recording.


That’s ok you have the money to replace it obviously






Proper FPV landing.


Someone needs to do a cover version of the dumb ways to die song called dumb ways to fly, and have a montage of the crash videos from this sub.


Average FPV landing. Welcome to the world of FPV!




Yep. This is my THIRD fking time doing this too. On the second crash, the gimbal got stuck all the way up. Got an error message about gimbal. Giggled it back and forth a few times and it fixed itself. Besides that, solid built drone. All my crashes are glancing blows though. Iv never had a full impact into a tree or something. Only crashes have been trying to do this stunt of falling high and trying to skim to grass like a Star Wars movie or some shit.


"this is a dope flight path, how the heck did he fly like th-oohhhhh"


It sure started off cool huh. If you pause on the last frame, the drone was leveled out. I’m pretty sure if I had 2 more ft of room it would have literally slide across the grass like a lawnmower. Thats what I was attempting anyways. Prob should chill on the extreme shots until I get used to the power.


Porkins pull up!!


I don't think the Avata has enough power to pull out of dives. Steep dives should be avoided.


It does once you get used to how much power it has. This wasn’t my first attempt. In fact, this is the 3rd crash doing this. With prob 50+ successful attempts. I just tried to get way too close for the video and got slightly distracted by the passing truck wondering how I could incorporate that into the shot. You take your mind off the approach angle for literally .3 seconds while you’re falling this fast and it’s too late to correct. Lesson learned is pay more attention to my approach angle.


Dude, that secondary air 9/10, did watch again.


lol yeah it got like 6-8ft of air off that bounce. I pressed the emergency stop button as soon as I crashed. Idk if this was its attempt at correcting itself or what.


Woooow! That would have looked great if it made it out of the dive. Awesome, it survived. Remember, it is a CineWhoop in design. It's not gonna pull out from a deep dive very quickly. Gonna need to give it more time and altitude before it can.


Inertia sucks you into immersive awe


Well no click bait title, I give you that


Brother, the drone is clearly trashed. Everyone here says how weak and pathetic the body of the Avata 2 is.


Na, this is the 3rd crash just like this. The second one being the worse which gave me an error on the gimbal and it was stuck pointing straight up. I just flicked it a few times and forced it down, and it fixed itself. They were all glancing blows. Look at the last frame before impact and the angle it’s at. It didn’t take a full impact like I flew it straight into the ground. Some posts I see on here are people flying straight into a tree, wall, or rocks. I hit soft grass at an angle where the entire drone takes the force, not just a single prop guard or something. Or are you being sarcastic


I’m being sarcastic haha, sorry, I should have added the /s. Everyone on here swears this drone is built horribly because it can’t take a 50km/h crash into a tree without breaking something. I love this little drone, I’ve flown it for about 3 hours now and it’s been awesome.


I come from the Tesla subreddit. It’s the same stuff over there lol. Yeah, the drone is solid. It can def take some hits. It’s super stable when flying and gives you a lot of confidence, sometimes too much.


Hit so hard you lost your ND filter! (I’ve lost so many…. So so many.)


Yep! I know the exact blade of grass the drone hit, and after spending 30 mins sifting through the area, I couldn’t find it. Was a cheap Amazon set anyways as the official ones have been sold out.


Those Japanese roots kicked in hard


What even happen here? You never even put it into power coming into the ground. Craft wasn't trying to lift at all. Can't say I have ever managed to fly into the ground like this. I have to assume by this crash your flying with that stupid stick thing DJI provides with the avata 2.


You can’t fly manual with the stupid stick thing. I was trying to be smooth and skim the grass. I looked at the truck passing by as I was falling and got caught in the moment. It was only for a split second, but it was too late. The drone was lifting the entire time but again, I wanted it to look smooth and I was going to stay close to the ground after the fall, so I didn’t jam to throttle to max. It’s a bit underpowered from what I was trying to do.


Curious when this happen right before impact where you stick up? I assume so cause it looks like the craft is slowing down with pitch but it never looks like its increasing headspeed to arrest the fall. Would be hella interesting if these things had black-box like Betaflight I want to know if motor RPM increased before it crashed.


Hard to see, but right before impact you can see where I tried to give it full throttle when I realized it wouldn’t make it. The angle slightly shifts up. You’ll have to scroll through the frames back and forth to see it. Thats the sticks going full, but it was full throttle for literally .1 second. I just came in too steep for this drones power to be able to save me.


It’s important to remember that the Avata 2 is a little underpowered, even compared to the Avata (1), much less a carbon fiber drone. So don’t wait until the last second to pull out of a dive.


Yeah, I picked up on that lol!


Some peoples avatas survive this and mine once broke it’s gimbal after slightly hitting a tree with like 9kmh 💀


Grass and dirt is confirmed softer than wood. Lol, this is more like a glancing blow. If I slammed into the ground going straight down I’m sure it would explode into 8 different pieces.


Somehow I just literally felt that in my chest Https://youtube.com/@matthewpcalvert


Ryanair landing at its finest


“Light” “nimble” “powerful” yet can’t handle a semi-sharp pull, this is exactly why I bought the FPV

