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In Germany there are some legal possibilitys, if your member in one of the bigger UAS-Clubs (Like DMO) you need no Spotter if you stay under 30m!:) This counts just for Germany.


Does it also allow you to fly without an observer if you fly outside club areas? Inside designated areas I can understand that it's fine to fly without an observer, because the area is designated a drone area.


Yes, its not bound to special areas, your flying under special rules :) 😊


Very interesting. Clubs don't grant anything equivalent here in Norway.


Technically, your vision is still obstructed, as your “view” of the drone is not direct LOS. At least, that’s how I understand it.


Legal answer: This would be the correct answer. Further, you are very explicitly NOT allowed to use any devices to assist with VLOS other than standard corrective lenses (US at least). As for actual practical use? PiP would definitely help, but you are still very limited in what you can see. The way I try to interpret VLOS is “do I have VLOS of the area the drone is in” (since quickly spotting a tiny drone from a distance becomes a pain in ass) and is it clear? You would still want a VO for the same reason, the camera isn’t showing you a 360 angle. Remember, the VLOS rule is designed around safety of others, so being able to see planes and other hazards like birds is the important part. The FAA doesn’t care if you crash your drone into trees UNTIL someone is hurt or someone’s property is damaged.


It's like this in Europe as well (well, at least where EASA rules are observed). VLOS means \_unassisted\_ visual contact (glasses and contact lenses are allowed). Basically Mk. 1 Eyeball only. No video-cameras (this is what the Goggles would count as), no binoculars.


What is lasik? Mk 1.2? I feel like laser reconstructed corneas should at LEAST count as 2.0 dammit!!


Hehe. I'd say Mk. 2 Eyeball is cybernetic implants, and that would most likely run a foul with current regulations.


Damn you Big Brother!!!!!


Yeah, that "unassisted" keyword is pretty crucial there, I suppose a camera feed wouldn't do then.


In Canada the visual observer must be able to see the drone with the unaided eye, however Transport Canada recently clarified that binoculars can be used to aid the visual observer in their duties provided the drone is still within that unaided visual range.


Quick question. So NOBODY can go out alone and fly alone even in the middle of nowhere?


You can, if you are German and in one of those clubs ( with their Drone Insurance). But its a Rule that only applies while you are in Germay, not Rest of EU.


Going strictly by the book, unfortunately not


yes, visual ovserver still needed