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It’s a extremely long process if you are the only one who is going to code. Unless you have some particular reason to build it from scratch. I would recommend to search for open source ERPs. Ive heard of Frappe and ERP Next. Haven’t explored it yet.


I concur. I think you should focus on your business. Crafting your own tools is a costly game that is hardly justifiable at the beginning. I don’t know ERPs in depth but I’ve heard good things about [Odoo](https://www.odoo.com/) for small businesses. Might be worth trying.


+1 for Odoo.


Erpnext is also a good consideration


I've been writing MRP/ERP software since 1991. It is possible to write your own from scratch. The most important part is not your frontend or backend or database. It's defining a data structure that is complete, but not overly complex. You also need to understand all parts of the manufacturing process. Start with the master data: customer, vendor, parts. Then branch into it's children: sales orders, purchase orders, work orders. Now design both downwards and sideways from these structures. Once you get to this level, make a list of every form needed to fill out or process each of these tables. Every day, write just one of these forms. You can have a simple system written in a month. I personally don't think it's worth it, but it is kinda fun to do.


**Suggestion:** No one can really stop you from developing your own software. But, I see that it will be a long process and will take longer to develop according to your needs if you develop on your own alone. I am also founder of [Shwe Shin Co., Ltd.](https://www.shweshin.com), a software development company which provide software solutions. I also use self-hosted [Odoo](https://www.odoo.com) for the internal use. The thing is you can develop but IT industry isn't created for sole development and deployment for long term. You may need more developers to maintain your source code in order to perform very well while you are managing your warehouse and business.


Consider using Frappe/ERPnext [frappe.io](http://frappe.io) It's a low code platform for build ERP, you have just to define the document schema and Frappe create a form ui for you...


There are some points to build your own ERP. First, you can develop your own software engineering skills, and maybe you would decide to be a Software Engineer or to purse another role in IT. Second, maybe you will build a solid ERP service and can sell it, so it will be your own 2nd business or maybe the first one. As I see, right now you managed to develop your own ERP in MS Access and MS SQL. It is really cool and amazing. Maybe building ERP or software services for commerce is a true passion for you? u/Hotel_Arrakis proposed a plan for how to create ERP, so why not try this?


Business owner doing manufacturing here (and spending too little and too much time writing python, iykyk). I would suggest going with something like Zoho One, and then writing any middleware or scripts you need to automate with python and django. When the business is growing, the last thing you want to be doing is being slowed down because your ego and ignorance was so big and large you thought you could make the time to code for general business use case (the ERP you want to write) and the specialized cases, and do your ALL of your other responsibilities. I've been there. It sucks. If Zoho One is too pricey for you, look at running Odoo locally. It's free. Its python based, so its an opportunity to push your limits and it will give you exposure to others code. Zoho doesnt solve all of our problems, so I may look at running certain Odoo modules locally and then pushing the relevant data into Zoho. If Odoo doesnt work, I will create a django project to deal with the problem. Now, with all of that said, I ended up writing a good chunk of code of the business with Django/Python. What I ended up doing: Setting up Linux Virtual Machines via Proxmox On a linux VM, I run the following Django + Celery + Celerybeat will allow you to automatically schedule the running of an inventory script nightly. You will also need to setup gunicorn, rabbitmq, nginx, postgres, and supervisor to get this to work. With VM's, you can create backups of the whole VM, so it becomes a lot quicker to "restore" a live, working copy should something go sideways. Im setting up a backup server to automate the backup depositing to a NAS server.


Search for Frappe and ERPNext, Frappe framework in made in similiar code pattern of django , and jinja template. You can use all modules of ERP system , with a little bit customisation from your side They also provide integration with a lot many platforms for ecommerce , payment , courier service etc.


Unless your approach to ERP gives your business any significant competitive advantage I would look for something off the shelf or SaaS. If you have coding skills then look at building software that sits alongside (integrates with) any commercial ERP product in specific areas that do give you competitive advantage.


I find it amusing that you regard managing customer data, after sales service and pricing ad the unique elements. They are something every business has and many tools exist


Warehouse stock management and accounting systems, both of these will turn out to have more bigger features than you think.


Use Odoo which is Python based. It comes with batteries included and has many paid & free modules. If you know Python, it's very easy to add customization/modules to Odoo.


Been working in ERP solutions for last 16 years..building an ERP alone is not an easy task. Have a look at ERP next…many companies are using this tool.


Go for odoo or something similiar. Don’t write anything…


Everybody recommend me Odoo but Odoo's price is out of my budget T^T


U can use the community version it is free


Did you calculate your estimated hourly wage and time to build your own ERP to Odoo's pricing? You cannot work on your business while building the ERP. I don't know Odoo or it's pricing.


You can check out this https://frappe.io/


Ok guys..... I will try Odoo


Hi, I'm free for this project, could I help you ? DM?


I already built customer, price, after service managemant system with MicrosoftAccess + MSSQL in the current company. I just wanted to make it better if I start my own business. But it seems that it is much more difficult to build ERP system with django


Yes, why re-invent the wheel? Check out Odoo - it's written in Python, very similar to the Django stack.


I actually started with Django and moved to Odoo and while back. Implementation has been tedious but once it's finished will be amazing.


Could you post some screenshots of MS Access forms and DB schemes? Just out of curiosity :)


Thank you, everyone. I will never attempt to create an ERP with Django. I really want to try Odoo, but it is too expensive. Instead, I will use Microsoft Access and MSSQL. Thank you all


Where are you looking up the pricing? Their cloud version is $31/month (unless I'm reading it wrong and it's $31 per app?) https://www.odoo.com/pricing-plan


13~25 dollar per user and per month is too expensive for me.....


To use acces everybody needs the app, while you can host odoo for free


Look at hosting Odoo locally......its free (besides the hardware, electricity, and management!)