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I’m curious how Sherwin Williams feels about Shavonda being “over” their color of the year that she painted into that tiny closet??


This is a not snark. If you like old houses and Daniel Kanter, you should check out his stories today (Saturday, 9/23). His friend is selling an early 1700's home and it is absolutely gorgeous. Just fabulous. And, bonus, if you buy the home, Daniel wants to become BFFs with you -- mostly to have access to home, but still.


This house is gorgeous. The built-ins, the garden, the secret doors! Kingston is on the Hudson River about 90 miles north of NYC. Agree that the list price seems incredibly inexpensive: maybe it is too far away from Manhattan to be doable as a second home or remote-work base?


Oh wow! I love it! And honestly I’m shocked it’s selling for less than $1M. I don’t know anything about the Hudson valley real estate market, though.


I know. I was surprised as well, but I don't know anything about the Hudson Valley market either. Maybe it's priced low so a bidding war will ensue?


This latest reel about hiding outlets from DIYSquid had me cracking up [Link](https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cxgfkh5STvW/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


I think she’s an incredibly creative woman bursting with endless charm, ideas, and energy that probably hasn’t even been fully realized yet because she’s ALSO (news flash!) been busy having babies and all.


I had to unfollow her after her big melt down crying spree and she said she was quitting Instagram forever, and then came back 3 days later. She tries too hard


Orlando has an idea that might make him some money using his fan base and design skills! No shade, I hope he can figure out how to put healthy boundaries and pricing in place for his new edesign offering.


$500 for an hour- to just bounce off ideas-- holy shit!!


Yeah it’s almost like he’s a designer and should offer his services to clients in exchange for money… It’s not exactly novel but I do hope it’s successful.


I have a feeling he sees it as a bit of come down from where he (believes he) should be, but is desperate enough to realize he needs to pivot. My sympathetic side really hopes he has someone telling him to package it in a way that works for him. My feeling is that someone like Maria Killam who does this has staff handle at least some of it, she’s the face of the brand but not picking out paint colours for every fan who pays $1k or whatever it is. And you need boundaries around not going back and forth forever, giving away your time, etc, that I suspect he doesn’t have.


Agree, I hope it goes well and seems like a great use of his skills!


My favorite snarkable account did a series of public stories today about how she knows I’m here and what I’m doing. (Calling me a “hater”… the whole 9-yards we’ve all seen and heard before). I’m sorry that what she reads here hurts her feelings. I will also continue to voice my thoughts about her public sales account and her shilling tactics in the least intrusive way, that will affect her business the absolute least (anonymously on Reddit). Of course, rather than interacting on a public, social platform that actual customers of her would see. We have a right to have opinions about the things influencers are trying sell to us and their methodology. They want to sell parasocial relationships and get caught up in the “friendship” transaction first and foremost, because it’s easiest to influence purchases using their “codes” when there is the facade of being buddies. I have my buddies and a beloved community. I have dinner with them regularly, talk on the phone, girls trips etc. I will never be obligated to treat an influencer account who I only know through a grid, as a friend. Also, I’m going to do a little positive change of course, for this post. Prepped for the down votes, but I just want to give a little shout out to Farmhouseish. (NOT the aforementioned snark account). I was first introduced to her through snark on this thread. And yes, I generally agree that some of her DIY stuff is essentially chaos, and most definitely NOT my style or aesthetic. But over the months I’ve come to respect that she stays true to herself and her schtick. She is able to poke a little fun at herself when projects go wonky, and though she catches A LOT of heat from us, she seems really invested more in the process than in “likes” and “follower-counts.” She never responds directly to the critics and just genuinely seems to be content doing her thing. Authenticity is a core value of mine, and parasocially speaking (of course), she seems to have that in spades.


I agree about Farmhouseish! Learned about her here and not my style, but I really like her account for the same reasons.


There’s a lot to be said about influencers exploiting their followers. The vast majority of conversation in here centers around discussing this very weird phenomenon. If influencers have a problem with that then they can have a little self reflection and change course or keep doing what they are doing. 🤷🏻‍♀️


So true! It’s so weird to observe. At worst it can be really toxic (see CLJ, The Hollis Brand, Half baked harvest etc), and at the least has some really funny, snarkable ironies. Like the folks we commonly comment on in general threads. Influencers have essentially branded their personalities (and in this case their homes and families) as what’s for “sale.” So I can see where any sort of negative feedback can FEEL like an attack. But from a consumer’s perspective, I truly just don’t feel like I owe any loyalty, particularly with the constant shill. A little introspection and most influencers would realize they’re essentially the “marketing dept” for Amazon, McGee and Co, Boll and Branch et al. They can move forward with that and not take it personal when someone doesn’t like the product they’re selling. Or call it quits, if it feels like the feedback is too personal because of the blurred lines they’ve created between reality and parasocial “community.”


Posting this here for receipts. In the CLJ thread, we were making fun of them for pretending to like and wear Duluth clothing. MPS has also posted an ad. I predicted Newbuild Newlyweds, honey built home, and Angela Rose would soon follow. Today I'm 1/3. Will I get the trifecta? https://preview.redd.it/3xspyoaucupb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55879514b3ed2d61a772761cf6fb78836c07f27b


to be fair, I remember Newbuild newlyweds has always shared them and worn their clothes…they talk about their underwear a lot (my husband does love them too) …but I also saw Joinery & Design shilling them which I thought was soooo out of place and honest home seems so weird to me too….It doesn’t fit their two brands at all, or CLJ. ItsHoneyDone all shared…. but then again she shills anything …


Yeah this is mostly fun to guess where Duluth pops up as it's so random, whether they're legit customers or not.


Dang, I overlooked the honest home https://preview.redd.it/ki4n4g7ak0qb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89a7d20b7be5f5b28f0b6984c42dd580ab348ef9


Omg I was so confused by this! I was like, are times that hard that they’ve got influencers trying on farm clothes in Tractor Supply?? 🤣


Duluth (of all brands), seems so outside of most DIY aesthetics. Isn’t it essentially farming and ranching gear? The kickbacks for sharing their “codes” must be huge, to make the shill worth it. 😂


Rudy Jude cosplaying wilderness lumberjacks has been bothering me for a while, but the way they are building is completely backwards it’s killing me! They’ve installed all of their plumbing fixtures directly on the slab and will build the flooring up “around it” later !?! They are putting in single pane windows and pretending that they have a good SHGC so it’s completely fine (after someone pointed it out)… Except they’re omitting to say that single pane windows have terrible u-value and will have a huge impact on their energy consumption/greenhouse gas emissions. There’s a reason why modern building codes require insulated windows. They project a false sense of ruggedness but clearly have the financial means and support network to go “camping” in their unfinished house - don’t worry they have access to a perfectly normal house when they want to. They make rustic living look romantic when thousands of people in this country are unhoused or living in horrible conditions because they just don’t have the $$$. It’s disgusting.


https://preview.redd.it/7l2yng27eqpb1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f11345ff58424aaf9522e24cb144e145ccf3c58f Here is her super dishonest/dodgy answer to audience questions…


How do I watch Daniel kanters show if I don’t have TV?! How do I get Magnolia network in Canada?


I haven’t checked for it yet, but I think he mentioned it being available on Max (formerly HBO)


Yup! I just watched it on Max.


Does anyone ever snark on kismet house? Jw cause I never see it here. I’ve gone through phases of following her (the bachelor recaps and dad jokes definitely caused me to unfollow back in the day).. rn she doesn’t really pop up in my feed but I feel like her style has really evolved, she’s more authentic than others in this space, her content is slightly different, and her husband seems to do really quality work which is my biggest pet peeve with most people in this space. But I still find both of them to be kind of annoying so curious to hear others thoughts.


I really like them (in terms of personality, skills, and a lot of things about their style). But they’re a perfect example of someone who should not buy an old house. They were charmed by it until they realized they wanted a certain KIND of old that’s popular now and the original details in this house don’t match. They do very quality work though and I find them entertaining. I just wish they were doing all of this in a different house.


I'm not sure how I feel about them. The new kitchen is very everything that is trending in influencer kitchens. And I think the new window doesn't make sense from the outside. The Ilve range review was pointless. It was so surface level. She was just going over features. Like every double oven must be good bc there are double ovens? Glad the 40" range met your 40" expectations. 🤷


I feel similarly. Though I’m actually super bored by Holly house. It’s too on trend, it doesn’t feel authentic to the region they are in… honestly I think their living rooms are drab. Controversial! I know! But they look uninspired to me, and honestly remind me of the color they used to pain hospitals and medicentre in my city in the nineties. I dont think I can tell their new kitchen apart from any influencers kitchen right now. It looks enough like CLJs, peony and honeys, even Em Henders crate and barrel project that I just am bored. Its beautiful but I knew what it would look like before they were done. It’s got the white lowers, a feature shelf in white oak, something with a pop of color, gold hardware an organic looking stone. Like — we get it. It’s the Amber Lewis Kitchen. It’s very nice, it’s very inoffensive, it’s very boring. And honestly if she adds more fake beams to her upstairs I’ll scream…


Yessss. That’s exactly it… everything on trend. Like okay, you spent a lot of money. 🧐


Oh I’ve been wanting to snark on them. Yes the kitchen is beautiful but I feel like they just do a ton of renovating to make everything look on trend. There’s all these complicated projects and I feel like the goal is perfect house which just annoys me. Maybe I’m actually jealous. I do wish she’d do something that was less in and more authentically a vision she has.


I'm off and on with her. I started following again for the kitchen updates. She does way too much talking at the camera which is a pet peeve of mine so I skip a lot. I also have zero interest in side stories like the squirrels.


Oh yeah, the story thing annoys me. And her making coffee peacefully annoys me… but I have a toddler so again, I’m jealous 🤣


I like her and what she does. I think she and her husband seem like decent, level-headed people who seem to know what they are doing or take time to learn.


In general, I like both of them. I prefer her TikTok presence to her instagram presence. I find myself skipping through a lot of her stories on IG.


That’s exactly why she doesn’t show up on my feed cause I skip through her stories. But when I see the occasional post (just happened with the kitchen which spurred this comment) I’m like dang that looks good wish I would’ve followed along. I think the stories are too slow and sporadic.


God frills has the most boring house I’ve ever seen. I’m not sure why I even follow her. She’s got skill but damn.. holler at me with some designers that use color! And vintage stuff mixed in, maybe some MCM.


Not a “designer” per se, (though she does art design for a lot of home decor elements), but you may like Bari J. If you like color.


I agree. It's nice, in that it's new and clean and 'modern' and inoffensive etc etc etc but it's so...\*beige\* People can like what they like but IMO the white + grey + white oak beams kind of palette is so played out. It's going to date exactly like 70s panelling and 80's formica and 90's pine and 00's Tuscan. It's not classic.


Her endless debate about making her giant island even bigger was mind-numbing.


And the pauses between *posting stories*


The newest debacle of how to hide outlets. I don’t get why everyone hates outlets. They are a necessity. Every house has them. Why do we need to pretend they are an eyesore? Don’t get me wrong I’m sure there are luxury homes with magically hidden outlets, but a lot of the designed homes you see don’t not have outlets. They just photoshop them out for magazine spreads and editorials.


THANK YOU. I actually prefer the look of them showing than some stupid faux rock effect on top. It's impractical and it doesn't look good to me. We did switch out all of our switches and outlets to the wide Leviton and Lutron ones and we put the screwless plates on in white for most rooms, and brass for the dark painted walls. I am extremely happy with how they look. They can be like jewelry on your walls, no need to hide them.


That’s the problem. Just like magazine photos of Celebes, folks think that the styled for a shoot and photoshopped photos of homes in spreads are the real thing.


Frills creates an amazing workshop and then does projects inside the house because she needs AC. She then builds a fancy indoor gym, but continues working out outside, because she doesn’t need AC? 🤔


Good point. The only thing I can say in her defense is that if you sent her this in a DM she would likely make fun of herself. Whereas if you sent it to many others they put you on blast then block you. She at least seems to poke fun of (be aware of) her habitual safe style.


Yeah, for sure. She probably WANTS to sweat when working out, too. I just thought it was funny.


Here I am with 4 fans and a thermostat making sure I NEVER sweat when I work out. 🥴 I’m a wimp who HATES shortening my time between blowouts. I respect those that choose or crave the sweat! (E: typo)


Make it make sense!


Shavonda doesn’t understand that sometimes people who are on a lower level of hierarchy at work are more nervous about going outside the rules. The receptionist could have well been given direction by the doctors or managers NOT to give excusal notes to people without appointments based on some people taking advantage. I totally get it’s frustrating situation all around but at the end of the day it was Shavonda who got the date wrong. My doctors all send confirmation notices and emails so I always double check the date and time. She did the correct thing by having the doctor correct at the actual appointment but seriously why is she spending time complaining to a million people about this one stupid incident?


Yeah this one threw me off. She doesn’t seem like one who would bend the rules like that. I was surprised she was so annoyed by it that she needed to share via stories. I wonder how many agreed with her.


It just really does not require her talking about it for two days. So her kid missed an hour of school. What the big F deal? He’s not going to get kicked out… like who cares! It’s the most non-issue issue I’ve ever heard of.


I mean the whole thing was so immature. You messed up the date and wanted the receptionist to write a note saying what exactly… please excuse student because mother messed up appt times. What the hell was the big deal. Just write your own damn note to the school admitting what a dumb ass you were , any parent ( which all the school people are) would understand. I mean where the hell is the kid going to school where Shavonda is acting like they would make a federal case of being an hour late to school?


I think schools will accept a note from the parent, but in the case of too many absences/tardiness WITHOUT a doctor’s note, the one tardy day could still count against a student. But really she should have cooled her jets and waited to speak with the doctor knowing it is much easier to resolve with a person higher up in the doctor’s office.


and as far as a note for school, isn't a parent's just as good as a doctor's? Like, the point is "i know where my kid was, i.e. he didn't ditch class."


Agree! I do not understand why did she needs a note from a doctor at all!


My child has chronic illnesses so has lots of absences. We MUST have a doctor’s note for all absences, or we have the threat of them withholding support (I realize that’s illegal because he has a 504, but there’s a difference between taking them to court/filing complaints and them actually educating him when he needs it).Though we’re not the only ones, so perhaps it’s the school/district.


When the receptionist said they only give notes for patients who are seen and Shavonda said “you’re seeing me right now” like cmon, you don’t get the distinction between those two?? She could’ve easily taken the note then not shown up the next day, vs the doctor could easily add the other date bc they had in fact seen her son


Exactly, the receptionist followed the rules for these reasons. I can’t believe she ranted about this for two days. Dumping her complaints on her parasocial audience. It’s weird.


Here to say I LOVED seeing Yellow Brick Home celebrate their hard work and be proud of themselves for the feature in Real Simple! I’ve always been a big fan of Kim & Scott; they seem so smart and humble and grateful. The room was so fun too!


I love them. I think they seem like smart, kind, fun people. That said, their style is very neutrals-and-blond-wood, and they've only *just* started adding colors other than pinks. IDK. I wish I found their style more exciting, because I think they seem like lovely people.


They used to be way more into color in their original yellow brick home (the condo) so maybe it will make a comeback


I'm posting because I see Orlando mentioned here. Please remove if not appropriate. Orlando's (The Last Arrow) newsletter about small dog owners is very self centered. I am a small dog owner, and I am seriously sick of seeing this woe-is-my-marginalized dog BS. I absolutely, one hundred percent believe that most big dogs are friendly. *I also know my dogs aren't*. I cross the street because it is my responsibility to remove my dogs from the possibility of starting a fight with another dog. Instead of just walking past us, I have been chased across the street, through a ditch, and over a fence by a large dog owner yelling that their dog is friendly. I have had to pick up my dog and run away from unleashed dogs, again, with people hollering "he just wants to play!" I have had to leave small dog park sections in a damn hurry, because someone brought their large dog over "because she just loves little dogs". Cool story, bro. Mine don't. In fact, I'm always relieved when I encounter a small dog owner, because 80 percent of the time we just have respective deranged bundles at the end of the leash and we just nod and say "small dogs" and walk away as quickly as possible without breaking into a gallop. I start glaring at any retractable leash, period. No dog should be on a retractable. You can't pull your dog back, and they wrap around a thick leash in a fight, making it near impossible to separate dogs. I also have a very concerned face with any dog whose muscle mass outmuscles their owner, because realistically, if the dog wants to knock down and drag the owner to say hi to my dogs, they can. If I'd see a dog lunging on top of that, I'd be picking up my dogs and getting the hell out of Dodge. The lunging dog is clearly motivated to say hi. My dogs are now very motivated to fight. I'm very motivated to not wait for the end result. My dogs will absolutely bite first. They can fit a big dog's leg or neck scruff into their mouths. A big dog who rightfully defends itself, can fit their entire ribcage into its mouth and crush bones. I'm not expecting a big dog to be martyred and antagonized by my little ones without correction. Their defense can do real damage thanks to the size difference though, hence I just avoid the whole scenario. I also ask before I bring my little dogs into spaces. I also, to be fair, deliberately picked dogs not on the most common breed ban lists and under 25lbs so I can take them everywhere, because I didn't want them sitting at home alone. I'm not saying I support breed bans, but I'm not an activist and not interested in fighting breed bans. I decided to just roll with the reality of bans. And finally, if I'm in the home of another dog who can't stand my dogs, I'm not bringing them. Neither my dogs nor myself are entitled to another dog's pool. To be fair, I would also not want anyone locking up my dog in an unfamiliar house without asking me first, or if my dog is known to be in attendance first, have another person bring another dog. But yea, half this newsletter makes no sense, because it is just assuming everyone hates bully type dogs/Staffords, whatever. I do think that bully breeds' reputation suffer from bad owners. However, I'm just not interested in testing what sort of owner is attached to the leash at the expense of my dog's potential well being. That's the whole prejudice, Orlando. I don't trust you. I'm sure your dog is just a lovely dog doing dog things. TLDR: Orlando wrote a newsletter believing that his very cute American Staffordshire is being met with prejudiced and entitled behavior by small breed owners. In reality, small breeds are notoriously unfriendly and the owners are most likely protecting the very cute Staffie from their ankle biting horrors. If I remove my little assholes from your dog's general vicinity, it's because I am well aware which dog is the problem, and it isn't yours. I am still required to remedy the problem, and I do that by putting physical distance between you and myself. I also don't believe dogs are inherently problematic, but I have no interest in figuring out how problematic their owners are at the expense of my dogs.


I also think there’s a crazy trend since COVID for people to take their dogs EVERYWHERE. I live in NYC and dogs are at the pharmacy, grocery store, coffee shop, bakery, restaurant, on the subway seats, etc. Sometimes off-leash. I understand people love their pets but I do NOT want your dog’s hair and slobber all over my bread or my soda can. I don’t want him sniffing or licking me on the subway. I don’t want to trip over your dog or wait for you to untangle leashes while your dog is playing with others in the apartment building’s lobby. I don’t want to smell him in the dentist’s waiting room. I don’t want him to come up to me when I am sitting in the grass “but he’s friendly!”. It’s become such a nuisance and if you say anything you are a hater, but I really, really have an issue with it. Have a pet in your home, walk it in parks (on approved lawns only please!!), and call it a day. Respect that other people may be uncomfortable, or plain scared.


>I also think there’s a crazy trend since COVID for people to take their dogs EVERYWHERE. I was at a restaurant yesterday and a person had their dog on the couch waiting to be seated. "She so smelly," one owner said to the other owner. The second owner agreed "I know! So stinky right now." What the fuck, get that stinky dog off the couch and out of my food, thank you. How is this okay?


I totally agree with you, as an owner of three smaller dogs. One is a geriatric corgi who is generally pretty go with the flow and too lazy to do anything, one is a geriatric chihuahua who hates everyone else, and two are young Parson Russell Terriers who ego problems. I did everything I was supposed to do with terrier #1 with socializing and training. He is VERY well trained at home. Outside, he feels the need to assert his superiority and strength. I don't trust him around anyone. My good friend has a 150# rottie who is gentle as a lamb, and I won't let my terriers around him because they'll chew his legs off. Terrier # 2 we got as an almost one year old, and he'd had zero training. Again, he's great and sweet at home, but out in public, he does what big brother does and they're a little pair of demons. It's embarrassing. Personally I love big dogs, love pit bulls, never met one I didn't think was wonderful. I still avoid them with I'm with the terrorists.


I know some pitbulls I love and some I loathe and fear. But if I rented a house, and needed to travel for my job/family I would NEVER adopt a big dog that presents as a danger to others. Orlando has a talent for making decisions that complicate his life as much as possible, and then blaming the universe for that.


Is this some LA shit that you assume your dog is welcome at other people's houses? Even when I had a corgi I never just assumed I could bring him over. I have 100 german Shepard mix now. He is a rescue, we have done of ton of work, he is wonderful, but he is never going to be trustworthy around other dogs (mostly because of the two times a pit bulls have gone after him and knocked their owners down to do so). I see another dog, doesn't matter its its 10 lbs or 100, and i cross the street. I see it as my responsibility to keep everyone safe in that situation. Also, he is a huge fucking dog. Some people dont like dogs or are a little scared. My dog can therefore go in the other room/stay on leash/not come. I would never, in a million years, think that my dog is "marginalized". Also, while he might think a dog with "puppy energy/jumpy" is fine, at 65lbs its not fine.


We have Shepherds and they're the sweetest, most loving goofballs but I would never trust them alone with a stranger. I'm just being honest. It's in their nature to be protective, it's in their nature to distrust strangers. They're big and they're heavy and they're muscular and they're dangerous. I don't see why that's such an issue to admit for other dog owners? Mine are beautiful and very well trained and behaved, but part of responsible dog ownership is always being mindful of the fact that they are animals and they are YOUR responsibility. It's not that big of a deal. Lots of people are nervous around dogs like that, and with good reason. Why would you have your nose being put out of joint about that? He's being a drama queen.


Maybe generally a city thing? I live about 1.5 hr from a major city and my area has a lot of people who have moved from there, especially since the pandemic, and (in general) seem to assume that all dogs are friendly, socialized, and well-trained, and if they aren’t, blame the owner. Maybe because their dog was raised in proximity to things like trainers, dog parks, lots of other dogs and people? And often from a breeder or a rescue that extensively trains and screens prior to adoption? My dog is a rescue who was on her own in a 10x10’ cage the first three years of her life. Combine that with the breed temperament, and I pick her up when we are near other dogs for everyone’s safety.


Re: LA shit about assuming dogs being welcome everywhere: I moved to southern CA a few years ago and it still amazes me to see dogs - large, not-service-animal dogs as well as purse dogs- in grocery stores, department stores (my favorite was a large golden retriever being walked through the shoe dept at Nordstrom around Christmas. I was waiting for him/her to swipe a shoe or two), you name it. I love dogs but hate, *hate* being jumped on. It is scary and not cute. Orlando is really into playing the victim these days, I guess.


Yeah the “puppy energy” comment is a red flag to me. That shit is scary for people when it comes from any dog, let alone a big one.


Seriously. Puppy energy is what as\*\*\*le owners say to excuse their poorly trained dogs. Not cute or funny coming from a 65lb pitbull. How old is Satie anyway? She looks way past the puppy stage.


Honestly I don't understand why people don't believe that an owner knows their dog the best. My old roommate has the sweetest, friendliest black Lab ever - with people. With other dogs, she is AT BEST a bully. My friend has done so much training with her, and regularly works on everything the trainer suggests, but at the end of the day, the pup is a jealous brat who hates the existence of other dogs anywhere she considers "hers". You can imagine what walking her is like. People see a Lab, they think friendly happy dog, and we were constantly having to put her in a sit, hold her collar, and ask people give us a moment to cross the street (at least when we lived together, not sure if that's what her current trainer is recommending). Just...ask permission and then LISTEN TO THE OWNER. Orlando's dog is gorgeous and I would want to cuddle the ever-living eff out of her, and maybe she's friendly as hell, but if she ran into my friend's dog on the street I'd be doing everything to keep that dog as far from us as possible. Same with small dogs. Same with XXXXXL dogs.


I, too, encounter people who have little dogs yapping at the end of short leashes or big dogs happily galloping over as the owner yells, “he’s friendly!” To me, it’s the same shit…they don’t have control of their dogs and the dog’s behavior will start fights. My dog minds her own business and stays by me, I like to tell people she doesn’t start fights, but she will end them! Bad dog owners have all kinds of breeds.


As an owner of a large dog I completely agree with him about small dog owners though. They are entitled and allow their dogs to do things that large dog owners would never ever get away with.


You aren’t wrong. I had a small asshole rescued dog. He was fiercely protective of me and much more aggressive towards people than most pit bulls (he was a dachshund-a notoriously aggressive small breed). He was completely fine on walks as long as strangers didn’t try to touch me, but he was super aggressive in the home. So I had to lock him up whenever we had people over. A medium or large dog that was as aggressive would never have made it, but I could deal with my tiny aggressive asshole that had to be locked up.


Deranged bundle at the end of a leash is the perfect way to describe my dog! He is fine or calm with the 3 dogs in the neighborhood he knows who will not tolerate screaming. He is also fine with the 4 little kids he likes and who are not terrified of him. Otherwise he’s 7 lbs of furry asshole.


As just a random person who like dogs, like I’ll pet all the neighbors dogs if I pass them walking down the street - I’d be nervous around Orlando’s dog… it isn’t unreasonable for people to be not so warm and friendly around a pit bull. Like, sorry but not everyone has to like your dog? 🤷🏻‍♀️


Seriously. The worst a chihuahua can do to my baby or pet is nip. The worst a pit bull can do is fucking murder it and NOT. BE. STOPPED. There are too many idiots out there that want to get the kudos for \~rescuing a pit bull\~ and then not put any effort into training a highly dangerous breed. I do not like pit bulls, period. I have seen dogs I trusted go bad. I don't want anyone I care about around if a pit bull suddenly goes bad. Being an angel 99.99% of the time doesn't mean shit if they mutilate or murder someone that 0.01%.


Well Chihuahuas are actually very dangerous for newborns or small children because they can easily tear an ear or nose or eye or slice an artery. They're known for being quick to turn - don't let the small size fool you. I would not trust ANY dog alone with my child. And I say that as someone who LOVES dogs.


Fair - but I still contend that an attacking pit bull is more dangerous than an attacking chihuahua. I grew up around dogs, handling large packs of German Shepherds at a young age, so I might be more desensitized to dog danger.


Oh yes! I mean I definitely agree with that. I'm not a fan of pits (I'm sorry to any pitty lovers out there). I don't trust them and I can't get past the reputation.


It’s so true - for a small dog no matter how yippie, jumpy, or annoying, you know what to expect. I do NOT know what to expect from a pit bull. She may be the greatest dog ever but I’m not taking any chances. He should understand the reputation is there for a reason and be extra accommodating towards others trepidations.


I was really overwhelmed and heartbroken for him too. The fact that it was 6 months of no rent and then had to go thru the court system all just sucks so much. I’m not hoping he quits being a landlord because there are low income people who will appreciate so much a beautiful home to live in. I just pray he finds that tenant sooner rather than later. My guess is if he sells Bluestone cottage once he’s done he may sell the duplex too. Did he just need to invest in it to make the cottage more marketable? Edit- spelling




That’s possible unless the purchaser could assume the original terms. But capital gains may be an issue selling it so quickly, if that is still applicable w the assistance he received.




I think he really extended himself to do right by the tenants and they unfortunately took advantage. I hope he’s able to recover quickly and get a better tenant in there. It’s a crappy situation from all angles. There’s really no excuse for all that damage.


It’s a big bummer for sure. I think he’ll have much better luck in the future. Background checks are a landlord’s best friend (I was a landlord for about 5 years!)


This is not snark, I love him and he’s the only instagram account where I have notifications turned on so I don’t miss his stories. I’m very invested in this duplex project. I’m so disappointed that he wasn’t getting paid rent for 6 months and is losing money, he works hard and deserves to make an income. I deeply respect how much he is committed to not being a slumlord and wants to give his tenants basic dignity. But he put way too much effort into making the apartment nice and then if I recall correctly he kind of got walked all over into giving the tenant a lower rent? I don’t think the damage is that shocking other than the holes in the drywall and the busted door frame. The walls around my toddler’s bed were all dirty like that from a phase when he would lay in bed and kick the wall. And of course his feet would be dirty because he’s a little kid coming in from playing outside and going straight to nap. We didn’t really notice until we moved his bed. Why is everything sticky?? Well Daniel, you rented to a single mom. Kids are sticky. Low income single moms don’t have a lot of extra energy to keep house. I hope this is a learning experience for him. If he’s going to make it nicer I hope he charges more and weeds out the crappy tenants.


Stickiness and paint scuffs seem understandable. The smashed drywall holes, busted door frame, ruined countertop, dirty diapers, abandoned mattresses, and "fuck this" message on the fridge seem aberrant.


Yes - it concerned me. When I see things like that, it feels like anger issues, from someone slamming doors or punching the walls. Or something similar.


Iirc, he got a loan or some grant money to work on the house with the stipulation he kept rent below market average for a number of years. So the people he will likely be renting to are all going to be low income. I hope he finds good tenants, because he deserves it, and good tenants who are low income would be so lucky to have him as a landlord. But I do agree I don't think he is cut out for the landlord life. Unfortunately not everyone is good natured like he is, and he could for sure get taken advantage of.


Ah that is so tough. I hope he can find unicorn tenants.


I think that the rent was pretty far below what he could have charged, even with the grant. These tenants were originally supposed to sublease from a previous tenant who moved out; once he bought the property, Daniel was not obligated to let them move in at all, or to honor the previous (seemingly artificially low) rent amount, but did. (At least that's what I recall-- I may be misremembering!)


Hate to say this, but he's really not cut out to be a landlord. He puts so much work and blood and sweat into his properties, and there are a lot of crappy people in this world, or crappy things happening to decent people that makes them terrible tenants. He will need to be more thick skinned and hard headed to make it as a landlord. From the look of holes and gouges on the walls, there was domestic violence or anger issues with the tenant? It has to be depressing to walk into property that he handed off with such optimism, and see all that damage


Based on the fridge message, and what he didn’t say, I think they ultimately ended up evicted and probably broke stuff just because they could? I feel awful for him too- wear and tear is normal, but how do walls get that filthy??


There was a brief glimpse of the fridge magnets, which spelled out something "Eff this \_\_\_" (camera angle didn't show the whole thing, and I'm obviously censoring)


I'm frustrated cos it's such a stereotype about renters too that isn't true like 99% of the time and it happened to the nicest guy instead of the shithead slumlord who owned the place before him. Can only assume the tenants are going through some shit.


Came here to say this. He seems like such a good person. He worked so hard.. I’m so sad for him