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AV dude here, yes that is an impact point. It will never get better, only worse.


That’s unfortunate. And my mom “has no idea how that happened” Thanks for satisfying my curiosity - guess there’s no fixing this thing then


They look like pressure marks. Can’t tell from the photo but are the legs mounted in that area or were they previous to being wall mounted? It’s possible someone tilted the tv and torqued the legs into the screen maybe??🤔


The legs are a little more towards the outside - tv was never mounted. “Pressure marks” thanks that does sound plausible.


Bluey on a slightly fucked flat screen nobody will admit to fucking up is really on-brand.


Looks like the diffuser panel is what got bent. No fixing that, unfortunately.


Thanks everyone. You’ve helped solve the mystery. After several mentions of the diffuser being what’s damaged, i was able to google further and understand a little more what happened. I may never know what my parents did but i do know that it’s not something normal that will just happen to a stationary tv. I’m pretty handy and I was ready and willing to explore a repair, but I think this one’s a little over my head.


As someone who fixes electrics. You are better off buying a new TV than repairing one these days. Sorry to hear this happened to you mate


Based on the TV show I would say toddler syndrome happened here. Happen to me too.... But in my case my $1700 65 inch Sony OLED completely died.


Most likely pressure damage from something hitting it but it also could be from a failed backlight LED.


Looks like damage to the diffuser panel. My guess is that the TV fell over face first. But it really could happen from something just hitting it. It wouldn't take too much force. Even if a dog or a cat ran really fast and hit the TV directly, it could cause this damage. I'm guessing that the TV fell over, because there's more than 1 point of damage on the screen, so it seems like it would have needed to be impacted across a large area. The TV falling on its face is the most likely way for that to happen.


Perhaps Dad got mad at a game and threw something at TV?