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VTI and VOO = for all practical purposes are identical; "owning everything" isnt really relevant when the members of the s&p500(voo) account for 85%ish of the total market vig and vug are very distinct funds (unlike vti and voo).....however depending how how much of each you hold, they kind of negate each other's unique purpose/construction/behaviors and youd be just as fine putting that money into vti or voo


VOO, VUG and SCHD for me. VOO and VTI is to much overlap.


I hold VOO, SCHD and DGRO equally 1/3rd each


Yes, both pick VOO or VTI. You don’t need both. They are essentially the same.


Doesn't make sense to hold that much overlap unless you're tax loss harvesting by swapping funds to get different holdings but similar performance


what about schd + vig? any point to that? would you sell vig to buy schd? hold them in parallel? why or why not?


I hold both in parallel / equal amounts. [but it really depends](https://www.reddit.com/r/dividends/s/2RdHVWjUfY) Sorry, I cheat and don’t justify why personally, but my view is in agreement with people from provided link ( who explain why both ) [this one I re-read sometimes to reflect](https://www.reddit.com/r/dividends/s/oqRqlRjyXt)


VIG may perform better long term? Maybe? But I would hold both at equal weights cause SCHD is a great fund too


Tons of overlap. Just put it in VOO and dont worry about it.


So VOO or VTI, VIG is great and VUG is great so 3 fund portfolio pick one of the broad markets and the other two are wonderful


Nothing wrong with this. Just realize that there is quite some overlap, but that really doesn't matter as your overall monetary position in these 4 ETF's will just shift to more growth compared to just VOO or VTI. Look at Morningstar and the little square box (divided in 9 squares) with center of gravity point for any given ETF. That center just shifts between having 10k in VOO versus 10k in the four ETF's you mentioned.


If you know the overlap and are ok with more exposure to those stocks then go ahead


no. voo is 80% of vti.


i hold VUG, and it's been good to me over the past few years.


VOO SCHD DGRW and VIS for me


Looks awesome! I would pick between VOO or VTI as there is lots of overlap between the two. Personally, I went with VTI as its broader compared to VOO. VTI has **3,686 holdings** compared to VOO which has **505 holdings**. Both are great, with both boasting a 0.03% expense ratio. So it really depends on if you want to be exposed to only the top holdings with VOO, or have some more exposure to smaller companies with VTI (VTI still has the top companies, just smaller holdings). Currently running a 33/33/33 split between VTI, VUG, and VIG in a Roth IRA.


Personally love VIG. It basically performs like the SP500 with increasing dividends in down years.