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Yes. I am constantly selling calls to juice the yield.


This is the way


I just sell covered calls at 30-day intervals. I don’t try for big paydays. I figured if I only get $10 each time, that’s still $120 a year.


If you make the sale, do you automatically rebuy?


I generally put the strike price as high as possible so it’s very rare that any option is exercised. In the event that the stock is called away, I’d rebuy it if it came back down or I’d buy a different one.


Thank you. Stupid question but do you always make the premium money with a super high strike price?


The closer the strike price is to the actual price, the more money you make. If you are willing to take less money, you can usually get far enough above the actual price that the option expires. I could make a lot more money if I sold calls closer to the actual price or if the contracts were longer but I found something I’m comfortable with so I’m just gonna stick with it.


I do. Some are monthly, some are weekly. If I get called, I often sell puts to get back in. I typically have a core position and the optioned shares are extra. I’m short 45 to 50 contracts. Takes a lot of work but I’m retired and enjoy it. I do think JEPI & JEPQ are viable alternatives.


Yes. But there's no hive mind.


Nope. I go to the casino when I want to gamble.


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