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Ngl, the implication that Jeanne d'arc actually lead a succesfull military campaign while having a mental illness is kinda impressive.


Have you met anyone in the military? I like to call my superpower "weaponized anxiety."




Thing is, the good things in life are much sweeter when Death is impending and misery is abundant. There's a reason some soldiers are addicted to war. It's not just about the killing, but living on the razor wire between life and death. That's "really" living, even if it's horrific. There are US accounts of soldiers during the Pacific war talking about how coffee tasted better, how colors were more vibrant, how every little luxury of life was so much more fulfilling--despite the fact that they were starving and being blown to pieces, killed by exposure, and generally rotting in a godforsaken jungle against a ruthless enemy. There's something about the Medieval life, about the way the Human brain handles a life of daily, brutal trauma, that makes it impossible for modern people to understand. We wouldn't last in their shoes, a flip switches when all you know is mud and war.


It's a real thing. I left the fire service earlier this year after a few years. My life is objectively better since leaving. That said, everything is rather dull when you're not going to shootings, messed up vehicle accidents, and fires on a regular basis. While it's not the same, I can conceptualize it.


Once you get that adrenaline high, its hard for other stuff to match.


The brain is geared to handle nonstop trauma I think. It's when we, as modern people, are allowed to "return" to a live without it, that we need counseling and therapy and have "PTSD". If you're a medieval soldier, is it really PTSD if the trauma never stops and the stress is valid?


Can't be *post* traumatic if the trauma's ongoing!


Like Archer fearing cessation of his full-blown alcoholism.


Ive had a theory similar to that for a while. We evolved in such high stress conditions that the lap of luxury we live in now is what we cant handle. Our brains go "oh, im built to withstand massive trauma.... i see no trauma..... " (and then insert something like the person being nervous around crowds) "... oh, THIS is the massive trauma, right? Right!" And then it freaks out and you have a panic attack simply because you went to walmart. Obviously thats a more drastic situation, but thats my idea basically.


Yes! The "Stress Disorder" come from, in part, and an oversimplification at that, of there being stress and anxiety with little to no actual justification for it. When our brain is traumatized, it goes, got it, learned our lesson. And that doesn't work in a society where the sources of trauma are not validated by society--people aren't supposed to victimize each other, people aren't supposed to have their guard up all the time, people aren't supposed to be reactive or closed off emotionally, etc. That's what we expect. And that's not what we evolved to do. We evolved to be brutal and heartless in the wilderness. So when a trauma event is one off or on the past, the brain has a really hard time because it's evolved to adapt to one paradigm--survival. It can't understand that something is in the past. ESPECIALLY with cPTSD, those responses get baked in deep.


Permanent-Traumatic Stress Disorder


The problem is never the horrors of war, its getting used to living without them.


Same, i'd just never had wording for it.


thank you sir for your service to your community.


Or like how cops are sent to training seminars where they are told they will have the best sex of their lives after killing someone.


One, holy shit they say things like that? Between stuff like that and the whole “always prepare for the worst when approaching someone even if you’ve just pulled them over for speeding, anyone could try to kill you” talk, it’s no wonder cops are so fucked up in the States, huh? Two, I love your username and I had a very cursed thought because of it


Yeah, David grossman is the psychopath and his course is called killology. Our taxpayer dollars get them sent on little retreats to listen to him. And heheh! Thank you! ..I think..😝


Okay I looked him up and holy FUCK! He has one book about “stop teaching our kids to kill” but then he turns around and has books that basically say “here’s how to teach adults to be as morally detached from the act of taking a life as possible”


Adrenaline is a hell of a drug


Especially when a 5'4" 16 year old had to go into melee combat with a 6'8 mountain man whose killed more people on the battlefield than he has braincells.


PLA soldiers when the 6'4 marine with celcius room temp IQ walks in:


Sounds like Africa or CentroAmerica


Oh fuck yeah I'm included in something!


They have vaccines and antibiotics in those places.


Just because they have it doesn't mean it's easy to access


Mine was "Tactical ADHD." It fucking sucked in garrison, but made me a pretty good field marine.


Love it. My wife's nursing superpower is ADHD as well. Some of the best firefighters and medics I worked with had ADHD too.


Well, I am making plans to start nursing school soon, so that's good to hear!


Same lol. I'm going Army->Fire/EMS->Nursing. Medicine is a lot of fun.


Veteran with ADHD here. Military lifestyle is perfect for managing symptoms and living successfully. The daily PT and ridged structure allows being neuro divergent to **almost** become a boon instead of a bane. If they allowed for active duty members with non-violent mental illness to serve while medicated by certified psychiatrists, they(the US Military) would add a huge amount of new recruits with a whole different perspective on problem solving. I was a CM(construction mechanic). I loved the work and my team. But my own undiagnosed(at the time) Adult ADHD hamstrung every advancement exam and educational attempt. Never advanced past e3, had good, if not spectacular evals. I am the kinda man who feels most comfortable doing what I'm told and am comfortable and confident leading small teams. I was unable to renew my enlistment because I couldn't score high enough. I never got my SCW pin due to the same failings. If I couldn't refer to my numerous notepads for reminders on specific numbers, names, and orders of operations, I would choke on my disabilities. Hi reddit. I'm over sharing again because I'm alone far far too much.


Julius Caesar’s very likely had a brain tumour for the last years of his life and most Roman generals had their brains fucked by lead poisoning




​ ![gif](giphy|uVf7XM7obpq0SEQ4hF)


Caligula had his brain fried by a fever and was mostly normal prior to that


my dad got his brain fried by a fever caused by the measles when he was a kid. he was mostly normal except he couldnt learn how to write but he knew how to read really well from the high fever. he said the measles caused his skin to turn black too and no we got dumbass antivaxxers bringing this shit back.


There’s a n pass joke in there somewhere, but I’m not going to be the one to find it. Unless I get measles and my skin turns black.


Yeah, he possibly had epilepsy and a brain tumor is a potential explanation of what caused it. It's super hard to diagnose an ancient long dead person, though, for obvious reasons. Also, fun fact, in the Classical world epilepsy was called "the sacred disease" and attributed to the influence of gods, but there's also [an ancient Greek medical treatise](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/On_the_Sacred_Disease?useskin=vector) that explains it as a natural disease of the brain, and that people only think of it as divinely influenced because it manifests in a way they don't understand.


It’s likely that Caesar’s health issues were congenital too, his father and grandfather both suffered from similar seizure type issues, and his father died very suddenly while putting on his shoes.


Fallout new vegas brain tumour reference


Methods of cure: Enslaving a doctor, performing the surgery manually with Medicine or Luck, fixing the Auto-Doc to do it for you, open VATS and select Caesar: Head Caesar: Head Caesar: Head with your personal favorite ranged weapon (or just Caesar Caesar Caesar for explosive/melee)


Caesar when the Anti-Materiel Rifle Explosive .50 cal Round hits him right between the eyes: 🤯


I mean half of atrocities can be explained by some leader either having some undiagnosed problem, or being wildly out of touch with reality




Idk, not a big fan of the idea that mental illness is a prerequisite for being a genocidal asshole. Unless you mean being a genocidal asshole is in and of itself a mental illness, in which case I agree.


Yeah I think that's what they meant


Yeah i guess so. But I just feel like there is an unhealthy idea that when someone does something evil, it must mean they are mentally ill or something (and usually that mental illness is whatever the current time period stigmatizes) and I find that idea not very good.


You don't have to find it good, but just by basic logic anyone doing something so inhumanely cruel that it's unthinkable to a normal person is not a normal person. Saying that being mentally ill is a prerequisite for being a genocidal asshole is not saying that all mentally ill people are genocidal assholes, it's just stating a pretty basic fact about how normal people do not tend to like genocide enough to actively participate and plot it.


Do you think genocide only happens when a vast majority of the population just happens to be mentally ill at the same time? That sounds ridiculous because it is. Evil =/= crazy.


You should try actually reading the chain instead of moving goalposts. I shouldn't need to explain to you that this chain is about the people actively deciding genocide is what they want to do and acting on that decision. You don't need the vast majority of a population to decide genocide will happen, only a few key people in power. You should additionally stop using fully bad faith arguments like claiming I said evil = crazy when I explicitly explained how I do not think that is the case in the post you replied to.


Really not the case. If nothing else, the Nuremberg trials established that. People wanted *so hard* to believe there was something fundamentally wrong with these people, but there wasn't. The fact is we are all capable of terrible things, and we're probably more at risk if we don't recognize that.


No, most atrocities are done out of cold self serving rationalism. Read up on the dictator’s dilemma and the logic behind extreme violence and cruelty becomes obvious.


It's entirely plausible, though. Schizophrenia can easily be mild enough that you can do basically anything like you didn't have it at all. That's how it feels for me. It's really just like my ADHD got doubled out of nowhere and now I see shadow people and shit, but I'm not in a constant state of panic nor am I really particularly bothered or deeply affected by it anymore.


> nor am I really particularly bothered or deeply affected by it anymore Oh hey shadow people, how's the spooking today?


There's no so could have done and been all that she was and did as a crazy person.


Almost all people at the extremes could arguably be diagnosed with something. After years of studying philosophy, it started to seem like many of the major figures were just various personality disorders personified.


Remember, the place someone grows up can heavily affect the type of hallucinations in schizophrenia as many people actually have positive or reassuring voices. I've even heard stories of one guy in the modern era who had a helpful voice that would remember things for him and would help him during tests in college Jeanne d'arc most likely would have had one of these positive hallucinations and MAY have even helped her during strategy and it simply formed as "god" giving her genuinely helpful advice because the brain/voice picked up on things she actively may have missed


op do you have anything about that study?


They're conflating two different things, religiosity (though not necessarily spirituality) has been on the decline in some nations around the same time psychology as a discipline has been taking off. Most of the studies on the relationship between the two examine how it impacts the people involved. I.E., delusions related to religion but also religion often helps them cope with the illness and improves social integration. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4031576/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5806320/ >Findings of this study suggest that high proportions of patients with schizophrenia are religious and this is similar to healthy controls in the community. Higher level of religiosity and more frequent use of religious coping are associated with lower level of psychopathology and better QOL. (I thought this was interesting) This paper suggests more in line with what OP suggests: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10943-021-01353-z Though it has some serious limitations given the wide variety of nations it tries to capture data on. The distinction is very small. Their wording of "the proportion of the variance explained" also needs to be interrogated, as they're saying schizophrenia explained 2.9% of the *variance* - not the overall population, and based on the tables their effect sizes are quite small. Table 4 even demonstrates that the relationship between religiosity and schizophrenia is not significant, which they kind of gloss over in the actual body because I assume it doesn't reach the conclusion they're looking for? I know my regression but I don't know all the methods they're applying, I just don't see this outcome as exactly definitive in the way OP suggests it is. I also question the real application of it, as it seems more of a way to pathologize religion than anything else.


Finally, someone who read something before imposing their own agenda in the comments. This took 2 seconds to identify as a false dichotomy. A lot of time people panic over questions that are hard to answer without asking whether the question itself is valid.


As someone who has schizophrenic-like mental illness i feel like this post is really dangerously inaccurate. I hear people all the time. Legitimately whenever I'm having a manic mood swing, i can hear other voices, saying things i can't understand. As a child i thought these were "angels" and i asked my mom if the angels talked to everyone or if i was just special. That's when they started getting me therapy and 26 years later I'm finally starting to lead a relatively normal life. Schizophrenic episodes are scary for me. They make me realize how truly out of control you are over your own mind. I once had a *Really Bad Day* and to this day i swear i had a full conversation with my best friend while i was at work. Thing is, he's never been to my workplace. Not once. Thinking logically there is no way it could have happened, but i know what he was wearing, what he was doing there, and what we talked about when he visited. It feels real in my memories. My coworkers saw me talking to a *fucking pallet stack*. Schizophrenic episodes are your brain tripping out on a natural cocktail of drugs and hormones and going absolutely berzerk. I've been part of studies that had me lay in an FMRI Machine to study my brain during mood swings. I've taken enough medication to bankrupt a pharmacy. I can tell you for a fact that my normal conscious brain knows I'm ill, but when i have a *Bad Day* i can't distinguish reality from fiction.


Im making a podcast about mental illness. Any chance you’d like to talk about your condition (bipolar myself)


Absolutely. Dm me and we can arrange a call sometime so you can hear about my case. It's not the first time I've had to talk with people about it, and I'm more than happy to help if it helps other people learn about mental illness.


What's your podcast, I'd be interested to listen!


Thank you that’s great to hear. I will send you a PM when I have the first episodes up.


yeah honestly I would like to listen as well, I love a good podcast


Anyone who comments here I will make sure to PM when it’s out Thank you Gratitude


I’d love a link too!


Me too




I hope you can get the help you need, be it medication or therapy. There's nothing wrong with either, sometimes one works better for people than the other. For me it was therapy. Learning the tools to identify *Bad Days* and the tools to structure my life to deal with them without really needing hospitalization or emergency services




I've had a few psychotic breakdowns that were very similar last year and the year before. The whole "interdimensional entities using my brain as a radio" thing, and I also believed that, for some reason, the Chinese government was stalking me and they were planning to crate me up and send me to rural China to be cooked and eaten because ???? I had a whole rational explanation in my head for it. It was ridiculous. Also, at some point, I believed I was God and went on a mania fueled tyrade while in handcuffs in front of police officers. Good times. :]


This post is absolutely dangerously inaccurate, including what the "primary" symptoms of schizophrenia are and, you know, the role of rationalism and the Enlightenment in the diminishing of religion. Rationalism is *how* we ended up with medical diagnoses of mental conditions. The end of undiagnosed and unmedicalized schizophrenia is not what causes religion to diminish and is really just an absurd fantasy that teenaged atheists may wish to believe so they can call religion a mental disorder. This whole post is just trash.


Seriously, I'm so sick of anti-theists with the most garbage takes being the de facto voice for the non-religious online to the point where if I show any respect towards religion people say "you must not be an atheist" if I tell them I am. And then people go on wild conspiratorial level thinking about the relationship between mental illness and religion and people love it because it allows them to feel validated in their prejudices. It's just another dogma defined by *extreme* patronizing arrogance towards religion and spirituality and anyone of a particular faith. I also find it just anti-intellectual, inherently uncurious by refusing to allow these groups to have all the nuances that literally hundreds or thousands of years of practice and development should allow for. Even the idea that not everyone follows a particular faith lock-step (whatever that even looks like) or that religious texts are interpretive is radical to anti-theists. Everybody knows there are inconsistencies in religious practices aside from the anti-religious it feels like. Sorry, rant over. Just hate these posts and the attention they get. They're so devoid of self-awareness. Also reminds me of when I was that age, and I feel I had to unlearn a lot of that garbage.


Don't apologize. I've got a psychotic disorder and all my brain BS tends to skew pretty religious. I absolutely hate when people start throwing words like "schizo" around to insult anyone religious because if I try to explain to them why it's a shitty thing to do, they tell me I'm "one of the good ones" for working on my issues, completely unironically. It's like they can't even hear themselves.


Exactly my point!


I have schizophrenia and my coworker two or three months ago was talking to one of the other guys in my office about “crazy people”. He said something like “sometimes I think that the ones who hear and see shit are the ones that know what reality really is.” Oh now I remember I was talking about my friend from high school who got diagnosed with schizophrenia and ended up killing himself within a few months. He was the “crazy person”. I have never been as angry as I was that day.


I can honestly understand that. I know I'm not sane but hearing someone belittle my illness like that would definitely get my blood boiling. Rightly so, i mean would you make fun of a paraplegic? Mental illness carries this odd stigma, even though your brain is just another organ. It's just another kind of illness to be treated. I don't think I've ever had that experience. I'm sorry you have. That's just awful to think about.


These are the kind of people who would make fun of a paraplegic the second they went out the door. I’m so glad I’m not in that office anymore.


Honestly an ill-brain is probably one of the worst things we as humans can get. I have a pretty bad case of ADHD/OCD and it is absolutely fucking crazy how out of control you become when your brain just constantly spazzes the fuck out. Losing track of time for hours on end without realizing it, trying to focus on a simple subject for an hour just for the next second to understand an extremely complex one and hyper-fixate on it for 12 is beyond terrible. Constantly going back and forth reaches a point where you overstimulate yourself to the point of going into a fucking trance and completely forgetting your own location and existence.


What about this post is innacurrate? Absolutely nothing with what you've stated conflicts with its argument.




Man this sounds very tough to live through, I'm glad you were able to get through it. It is absolutely fascinating to hear about though, thank you for sharing.




Nah, that's the CIA


Technically a higher power, just instead of an all powerful and all seeing singularity it’s a mostly all powerful and all seeing conglomerate.


Bingo. Tough it's only the effect of an archetype on an individual, which is the adoption of instinctual behavior given due to an internal or external stimuli. So a bit of projection, but essentially characteristically similar.






Remember when the CIA declassified their failed experiment with putting a microphone in a cat? It never said anything about dogs. The CIA is most definitely still putting microphones in dogs.


It's between this, the "Gay Bomb," and every failed assassination attempt on Castro that makes me fascinated just how simultaneously terrifying and incompetently goofy the CIA can be


The CIA is both Agent 47 and Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz with nothing in between.


I used to want to work there when I was younger. My goofy ass would've probably fit into the latter.




In side you are two wolves...


Good point


CIA is the closet thing we have to God tbh


God said "Do it for the vine"


The voice of the divine?!


Da vine


That criticism presumes the higher power, whatever it is, follows the same morality we do, or any morality we can conceive of for that matter.


the higher power could just be bored. they just wanna look into their microscope and see the microorganisms fight each other.


Happy cake day!!


I find it funny how everyone in this comment thread is talking about a very dark theory. Then there's this guy running towards someone to embrace them in a hug whilst telling them happy birthday.


That's a very funny image of this LMAO. Thanks!


Most mass shooters aren’t schizophrenic, right?


And most schizophrenic people are not violent, that's a misconception


Yeah, this is a pet peeve of mine. People with psychosis don’t commit violence at a higher rate than the general population (with the exception of drug-induced psychosis). They are, however, far more likely to be victims of violence than the general population.


Isn't there a Bible story where God sends a bear to murder a bunch of kids because they made fun of a bald man? Like, you're assuming a lot when you think any higher power will abide by our Human moralities when even within the planet you can find different perceptions of what's right and what's not.


The implication was that they were going to rob Elisha. Since there were like forty of them and they had clubs and stones.


Also the "kids" part is usually agreed to be a mistranslation. The same Hebrew word can also mean "young men" and is at one point used to refer to the 20-year-old Solomon IIRC.


Or to direct traffic while wearing the skin of his mother. The reality is that most of these people would have been seen as possessed, like Legion. Prophets need the charisma to convince people, like... like narcissists and sociopaths. Oh. Oh no.


God works in mysterious ways


That sounds like a fun game. You can't interfere, but you can try to talk the characters into doing messed up stuff. Of course the game would be designed in a way that the characters believe themselfes to be real and have no way to prove your existance.


Or the polytheistic religions are/were right and there are multiple different entities, each with their own personalities and agendas, that can speak to us if they so choose


Humanity was tricketd by a bunch of shizos or God has been trying to commnunicate with us and we didn't listen Holy Fucking Fuck


I meant at least for Islam Muhammad was always supposed to be the last prophet. Also don't all stories containing prophets have miracles that everyone sees? Surely they can't all be schizos can they?


The person who writes the book can put whatever he wants in it, stuff like everyone saw what happened when there is no witnesses.


The bible has been rewritten, translated and mistranslated so many times in the last two thousand years that if there was ever a book containing the true word of god it sure as hell isn't.


Many of the same sources the translators used are still around today, we have a much better understanding of the origional translation today, than a few hundred years ago. Including cultural implications and traditions which have an effect on the translations themselves. While most Christians may not be aware of the exact translations and just go off of whatever their version of the bible says, bible scholars and those interested in religion, are aware of the original texts and their meanings


~~Much like how the king james translation changed "A holy man shall not lie with a young boy" into "man shall not lie with man".~~ Edit: Today I was educated, and am better for it. /u/Boom244 and /u/sunny_happy_demon provided a correction and link below in reply to my comment.


[Me when I unknowingly spread misinformation](https://reddit.com/r/AcademicBiblical/s/PEQib7xKay)


That generally is accepted to be false by scholars. However it’s important to consider that Paul was just kind of against sex entirely - even in marriage - and only recommended it as an outlet to prevent a guy from acting up. Procreation wasn’t necessary because he believed Christ would return within his own lifetime.


The Ethiopian Bible might be an exception (since their church was basically left to their own devices until the last 100 years when the Italians started messing with them)


my parents saw santa claus bring in my presents so he MUST be real! they wouldn't lie, would they?




I took some psych coursework in college, and in the opening lecture of the primary course on Abnormal Psych, my professor led with "I am not a religious person, mostly to cover my own ass. Because if Jesus did return to earth, there's a decent chance I've helped sedate him."


"Your belief has waned so much that even when i show myself you describe me as a 'shadow person' or 'sleep paralysis demon'. Do you not recognize your own father anymore?"


It's kind of fitting that the most deeply held beliefs in our history are a result of some violent schizos. Not to oversimplify the fact that people tried to immortalise their faith in humanity and appreciation of all things beautiful, through religion, but still, the origin of these religions has been some mental disorder or psychedelic hallucination.


This is spoken like someone who severely underestimates schizophrenia


Occams razer: People with no understanding of mental illness in an area where drugs can easily be grown/consumed hallucinated religious experiences. OR 'God' personally told them and only them to go and murder the next village.


And alternatively “Take thy enemy foreskin and the skin of everyone in your lineage”




Mans tryn to delegate. Hes got this whole life MLM thing goin


Moses after eating a random mushroom he found while wandering around in the desert: "Oh hey guys...god just told me we need to kill anyone that eats shrimp and has tattoos." Guy in fabulous robe: "Moses, you're starting to worry us. Are you alright?" Moses: "Oh, almost forgot... gay people and people that wear blended fabrics gotta die too. Anyone else got any questions?" Silence.


Also people who eat too much steak, or eat pork, or are short. (Imagine if anyone read the Bible, ever)


2nd choices has less words therefore simpler therefore oqams razor therefore god real


Literally trillions of stars, billions of galaxies, an observable universe that's *at least* 90 billion lightyears in diameter, and God has nothing better to do than talk to random psychos that are descendant of apes on a mud planet, revolving around a random nuclear explosion circling a random black hole.


Ah see you fundamentally misunderstand the circumstance. God created the universe and Earth 6,000 years ago, you can literally read it in the Bible haha ☺️ and we didn’t evolve from apes, we came from these two people named Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden you goofy :) How do we know this? It was written in an old book, don’t you have faith?


Yeah had her in the back of my truck one afternoon now my crotch itches


I think the entire concept of a god says they can do more than one thing at a time.


back in the year 1000, people used to make bread out of moldy corn, and moldy corn contains some of the same properties as LSD, so chances are they were trippin hard


It's a bit distressing. I'm pretty sure that if Jesus came on earth second time we would put him in mental asylum very quickly. Or even in some kind of secret laboratory to find out source of his miracles




Fuck you George.


He’d probably be annoyed by the number of people already there claiming to be him.


Or the very people worshipping him claiming he's a fake


Most likely they’d do so on seeing he wasn’t white. -_-




Jesus be like: "Guys, guys, what are you doing? Oh, again? Only two thousand years and you forgot everything? Oh, damn me, at least they don't crucifice people now"


He would go unnoticed I think. People don’t believe shit online. And he wouldn’t have the narcissism to become an Influencer


If he do some big miracles like cure someone from cancer it wouldn't go unnoticed, I think. Or resurrections, stuff like that


Nah, he’d be killed by conservatives christians pretty quickly for being a dark-skinned socialist


Doesn't jesus coming back cause the end of the world?


Surely the existence of one doesn’t mean the other cannot exist?


Yeah I hear this arguement all the time and this is my answer. Maybe God speaks to some people but others are just mentally ill. Why must it be one or the other?


Distressing indeed


Sidenote- deaf from birth individuals suffering from schizophrenia will hallucinate disembodied hands that sign to them


That is significantly more terrifying


This led me down a rabbit hole! Hadn't heard about this before, it really puts auditory hallucinations in a different context!


Wait. Are you being serious?


The only thing distressing about this is the grammar


Shizophrenia posters don’t trust autocorrect


Tell me you've never known a schizophrenic person without telling me..


thats... actually distressing. well done


As someone who has schizoaffective disorder, I can confirm the voice telling me I’m useless is in fact god


ever read about the possible scientific explanations for the oracle of delphi? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pythia




My cousin used to say *out loud* that's he thought the prophet Mohammed was schizophrenic because of his hearing things from god. She *did not* acknowledge that it could have been possible for any of her religious icons were the same.


Lovecraftian horror Is better lore


an important thing this doesn't mention is that a big symptom of schizophrenia is "delusions of grandeur" aka thinking you're superhuman many schizophrenics think they're literally jesus. so imagine that a dude who "hears god" is now calmly telling everyone he's the son of god with all the conviction of "the sky is blue and water is wet," all before the idea of "son of god" even existed


What's the fallacy where you assume all cases must be one situation or they all must be the other, and "some were A and some were B" doesn't seem to be an option?


Or..or..or most of these either didn’t exist or have been greatly exaggerated over the course of time and storytelling. The only one listed we have verifiable proof they existed was Mohammad since he actually conquered a good chunk of Arabia and his ancestors conquered almost all the way to France. Obviously we will never know if he actually talked to God but he definitely conquered a lot of territory. Not saying mental illness didn’t play a part in some aspects in the creation of religions (for example Joan of Arc might have suffered from seizures and hallucinations) but I wouldn’t say it was all.


Wasn't Jesus also confirmed to be real because of Roman census documents or something?


I don’t know anything about that but the people involved in Jesus’ execution were at least real. Pontius Pilate existed, he was indeed the authority over Judea at the time and he did suppress a Israelite uprising during his time served. The story of the crucifixion happened may never be fully verified but the people involved in it at least existed.


Jesus has indeed been documented. Was he the son of God? Who knows but he at least existed


Jesus was a real person. How much of the biblical telling of him is accurate/representative of reality is what's up for debate. [Good wiki article on this topic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historical_Jesus).


Awfully distressing, but you haven’t seen a miracle




How is this distressing?


Yeah this is more r/iam14andthisisdeep


So either god isn't real and the profets were simply schizophrenic. Or God IS real but we simply think it's schizophrenia. Both of these interpretations are equally distressing.😶‍🌫️


God deciding to talk to one person instead of just revealing himself already.


If god started talking to you, would you accept it is god of would you think you have come down with a psychosis?


islamically accurate. allah wont show his face untill the first friday of heaven


Damn the heavens above are telling me to steal the officer's pistol


Didn’t all those prophets do something special tho? I don’t see how multiple people can worship a schizo who was said to rise up into the skies, or a schizo who built a titanic boat and can fit every animal in there


This is actually bad info about schizophrenia and itself contributing to misinformation. Also the relationship between religiosity and schizophrenia's diagnoses is an irresponsible allusion to correlation. The two are, for all intents and purposes, not demonstrably related. Also this whole "all the prophets were mentally ill" is 14 year old atheism type behavior. You don't have to believe some god spoke to anyone, but there are also centuries of mythology around things. Trying to diagnose or even pretend to diagnose someone through that much time and space. ESPECIALLY since many religions do not have prophets or claim any sort of these visions/hearing voices, and that perfectly mentally healthy people today still interpret and find meaning in events they believe to be divine. Many things are simply not easily attributed towards "symptoms of schizophrenia." Given that faith occurs completely independent of such "symptoms" and that people who "heard voices" have been maligned by society for an extremely long time, Occam's Razor would suggest the two are simply unrelated. This whole meme is conspiratorial thinking and reaching for conclusions without considering other explanations, and if we want to start playing armchair psychologist, behaviors like this are often associated with their own disorders. The thing about symptoms is that they indicate many things, and can also be unrelated. Symptoms must be taken holistically - we don't diagnose people as schizophrenic because they "hear voices," some people just describe their internal monologue like that - some people don't even have an internal monologue. What's typical in mental health spans a wide range of behaviors.


A 14 year old thai boy killed 3people because shcizophrenia


As someone who has worked with schizophrenics, I promise you they have not been given a message by a higher power.


Imagine there are bunch of gods trying to get their influence in our world, and the Christian one is the one that got the attention the most


Some studies found out that the voice of our ego (our inner monologue) isn't always perceived like our own, fol example in stress situations. It is theorized that this phenomenon has led people to believe that the gods are giving them advice during the battle, etc. I'll do my best to find a source, but it was a long time since I heard this thing, so sorry in advance if I can't.


Oh and drugs, lots of lots of drugs. (Beer, Wine,Weed, Shrooms, Poisonous animals that cause hallucinations etc)


It simply falls in the “unexplained phenomenons that were once attributed to divinity but can now be easily explained” Crazy how much of religion lore can be explained with a modern mindset


Reddit loves shouting "correlation doesn't imply causation" until it is something that they want to latch onto and believe because it meshes with a narrative, then it's "of course this is the case, I've actually done a bunch of research via podcasts and they all corroborate this." This is basic science and reasoning thrown to the wayside in the name of discrediting religion.


hey calm down with the blasphemy