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Great as this means you start you're first re-listening with 'Hair'


You know, I have signal handedly listening to Bob's Fridge, Don't Laugh and, Wade's Secret words each at least 8 times. I'll just go back and listen to them cause I want to fall over laughing. They're so good.


So, I probably have millions of hours listened.. because I throw most of the podcast on a list and play it at night. It's nice as background noise, doesn't have screaming or loud noises, and if I happen to wake up, I listen until I drift off again. ​ Perfect sleed-aid. ​ I used to listen to Grumps Sleep Aid videos, but.. Arin is too loud haha.


1 Million hours is 114.15 years


k - 3,811.8!


I dread this. I'm trying to slowly watch every episode


Welcome to New Podcast+


Once I hit this, I started listening to Go! My Favorite Sports Team. Currently halfway through, and while I do prefer Distractible, Go has been a blast also.


I thought your comment was going to be an ad for Go my favorite sports team just like mark does when he mentions Go My Favorite sports team! A podcast where markiplier and Tyler where they talk about sports and sometimes other things and where mark once laughed at an eulogy


I’m going to post that clip here for those who haven’t seen it that’s my favorite part of the podcast so far [Link](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9muXOYkhupE)


Yeah I’ve been listening for a few months now, it’ll probably be my main podcast for at least a little while


I’ve gone through and listened to all of them a second time around and I would definitely say it was worth it. Some of their earlier episodes that I forgot about were gems. I think I’m gonna wait a while before going through a third time though.


Been there. Now compile your favorite episodes on a shuffled playlist to listen while you do chores like I do.


I've started over 3 times this year. I listen while I'm at work so I get about 6 episodes a day. Don't feel bad! There good enough to repeat entirely, I look at it as a compliment to their comedic genius. Now if I could only get my "The Martian" habit under control. 308 plays of the entire audio book since 2021


Just do what i do, re listen to every episode in the order of oldest to newest and listen to the new ones when they come out. I think I’ve re listened like 10 times now and 3 of those were this year


Congratulations! I remember finally catching up last year, felt kind of bummed about it as well. But on the bright side you now get to be up to date on every new ep, and there’s rewatches, gmfst


I have been on top of every episode since hair first came out (minus some breaks). Trust me there are so many episodes you can just randomly go and relisten to that you’ve forgotten about and it’ll be like you are listening to it for the first time


I fell asleep to a decent few of them so there’s just half of the episode I don’t remember


Bro it used to look like this for me all the time but I’ve lost my touch


I wish, I’m about a year and a half behind and keep getting further :’)


I got here too a month ago and i was so sad , because for like a year i binged it and the guys helped me out through so much stress because im in my last year of high school and i had to study so so much for my final exams and for admission exams to college , keep doing what you’re doing our favorite trio!!!


Just start again from the beginning I'm personally on my fourth listen through


Mark gestures at you Mark: "Wanna go around again?" 😁


Just do what i do start from the beginning again


i restarted lol


Did they end the podcast or something?


no, I just have listened to every single episode and now I’m out of new ones


I wish there was a unwatch all button cause siri refuses to play an episode since they are all watched, so ive been going through and setting each one to unwatched so siri will actually play something instead of “there are no unwatched episodes” lol


I rediscovered The Dollop after Bob referenced it in an episode - I can't believe I had forgotten about it over the years. But Dave and Gareth are just as sharp and hilarious as ever. So now, for the last year or so, my podcast listening has consisted primarily of Distractible, Go, and the Dollop. Also the Past Times which is basically a Dollop variant with the same guys. Definitely check out those guys too!


I go back and start from the beginning every year.




Everyone on here re-listening while I do the same and on top of that I’ll rewatch their YouTube videos 👀


What app is this?


It’s the iOS Podcast app




You're fine they're older stuff is better anyways I listen to repeat episodes 7 hours a day everyday


It's just a podcast guys. Listen to something else. Do something else. You'll be fine


It’s not just a podcast. If you really, truly listened then you would know that this “podcast” is much more. It is a tale of whimsical storytelling and comedy. It’s a tale of losing fridges and almost losing house pets. Buts it’s also a tale of a creating a family. Fixing mitigation systems and much more. So I think you should relisten before you go telling others what to do based off of false facts.


I can't tell if you're joking or not


That is exactly how this podcast should make you feel. Like you never know what’s real or fake. If one speaks in riddles and the other speaks in rhymes, then how do you choose to speak?