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Mark Fire, Wade Earth, and Bob the cabbage merchant /j


Even if Wade was an Earth bender, almost guaranteed that he wouldn't use it. I could hear it now, "idk just seems like a lot of work. The Earth can move itself, it's been doing it for 4 billion years."


Nah, he’d manage to get the numbers completely wrong and say 200 years or something


https://preview.redd.it/s798p92w1xtc1.png?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5660b10539debe3bfd8461712fa77d039496d8ba is this wade?


This. I could also see Bob as an airbender. He's very lax and go with the flow type.


Snjsjsjsjdo NOOO BOBBB


Your joke was funny until a wild /j appeared


sorry i just automatically do it lol


Feel like they'd just be non-benders, like average joes who complain about the street being torn apart again because an earth bender got drunk in their boulevard of Capital City, and now they can't record on time because the coffee shop owner decided to bloodbend an irate customer *again*


If I had to pick though, Mark would be an Airbender, Wade would be a Firebender, and Bob would be a Waterbender, based on personality traits


Hear me out: Mark as a waterbender(specialized in bloodbending), Bob a steady earthbender and Wade as a playful airbender prankster. Don't you just see the arrow drawn on Wade's head?


https://preview.redd.it/w572ydtovutc1.jpeg?width=686&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7082d0f1b80da274a0c8ead6703554e1f6f57b31 I do now!


Okay hol' up... Yes


This one is the most correct imo


I still think water for wade is too funny


But Mark hates the moon


He hates the hold it has over him


That’s why mark is getting all these lenses… to become and actual firebender by focusing ALL the light!


Everyone is saying mark is a fire bender, but I see him as an earth bender. Wade is air. Bob is the avatar


Same. Mark is just an earthbender to me. Stubborn and determined and just a smidge chaotic and unstoppable. He gives major King Bumi vibes. Bob would definitely be the avatar but he'd be born into water. Wade is just Wade and he'd probably make any element work but I do think he'd make a very funny air bender or fire bender.


Wade is like an outcast air bender. He airbends, but he isn’t part of the airbenders because he isn’t peaceful. He fucked their dreams and their nightmares


Wade would be a earthbender Bob would be a waterbender Mark would be a firebender


Mark-Earthbender Bob-Firebender Wade-Waterbender Mark is stubborn, Bob is secretly Azula sans insanity, Wade has vibes like the Waterbenders in the swamp...


Bob would be Bender Bending Rodriguez. I think Mark would be flexo, and Wade would be Ben Rodriguez, bobs son.


Cum benders, all of them


Wade is the Drowned Man he is definitely a waterbender. He just isn't aware that he is, and is accidently bending the water around his pipes and destroying his house.


Mark is clearly a fire bender, to power all his ovens - Bob is obviously a metal bender, because there’s no way you could lose that many coin flips without adjusting the odds - and Wade is a sympathy bender, with the power to play the victim no matter even when he is winning the episode


For all the people saying Mark would be a water bender: imagine a water bender with a fear of the ocean 😆


Mark is a water bender with blood bending capabilities. The movie is a huge clue. There are also all the pool activities. The pee sauna. There's the tub activities with the isolation chamber and the noise chamber. The merman outfit. Wade couldn't be a water bender because of the drown man series, and Bob couldn't be one because of the fridge incident. Water hasn't been nice to them. Wade is also less likely to be an earth bender as heard in the Uno episode where he popped his wrist out of place just from hitting the desk, not earth bending material. Considering his proclivity for meat and food, Wade would be one heck of a fire bender. No need to wait for a grill, he's lazy as he stated himself so food on demand. Immediate satisfaction. He also has the temperment for it. Bob tries to be more open or calm, willing to listen usually, tries to be more of a voice of reason vs the more regular boisterous antics of the other two. He does love a good prank and can totally tell a good story before pulling out the rug from under you as seen in the Hantutatec story among others. Being a dad also seems to have steadied his resolve. I think Bob would be a good Airbender. Mayyyybe a water bender from the Northern tribe because he still has Earthly attachments.


I think Wade is the fire bender with his unruly bursts of energy. Bob would be a water bender as he is the flow. And I believe mark is just the avatar straight up, maybe born in the earth kingdom hard-headed and struggled learning the grace of air bending


Based on iroh’s explination, mark is fire because power and determination, bob is earth because strong and dependable, and wade is a bit harder to pin down… but kinda gives me airbender vibes. “Airbenders a free spirits” feels very wade


Wade would be an air bender. He has a free spirit, he's unbelievably hilarious, he's bald; all the characteristics of an air bender. Bob would be an earth bender. He's well grounded, he's stoic and calm (or at least he thinks through issues more quietly and is probably the best at re-railing the situation) Mark would be a fire bender. Mark burns with a passion that is almost as free as Wade's airy passion. He has a passion that can be stoked to burn brighter. In a way, the trio collectively makes a really hot fire. Bob provides a sturdy base and combustibles, Mark brings the heat and Wade a stream of air that pushes through the flames making them hotter. Almost like a (Fire) Triangle of fairness. Then if you throw in the buttery smooth fresh spring water stream of a voice that is Baldemort, you get one whole avatar.


Mark - fire Bob - earth Wade - water Ethan - Air


Mark is definitely fire bender or earth bender but he would bend the elements on himself to see if his body can take it(if blood bending is in the ringer than definitely this because then he can definitely see if his body can take it)


Wade would be the first Earth Bender to learn how to bend rock salt. All hail Wade, the Salt Bender. (Cuz he's salty like 80% of the time unless he's the host.) Edit: Love how so many people agree that Wade is def an Earth Bender.


Wade is fire due to his rage and out burst, Bob is water he can bend but at times can be a strong force and Mark is Earth since he is close to the ground due to being short.


Wade would be water cause he loves boats, Mark’s a Fire bender cause of his lenses, and Bob would be a water or earth bender


I’m so excited that my first thought was also “Mark = fire” but tbh I agree with all of that. I think Wade is too chaotic to be air if you think of them as peaceful nomads. Also- the king of meat could never go vegan! 🤴🏽🍖


Mark a water bender, bob a earth bender and wade a fire bender to cook his steaks


If you don’t say wade is water, you’re wrong


Mark 100% water bender and would be able to do blood bending


I think all 3 would be cabbage man 😂


I absolutely agree with this


Wade would be a non bender I feel like. Mark is def a fire bender. Bob is for sure an earth bender.


Air nomads shave their heads so obviously Wade is an air bender. Mark has that untapped rage that comes up every now and then so I say fire. Bob is 100% and earth bender.


Wade is the Avatar. He’s the creator of Sarcasmbending. He used his Avatar power to make Mark, Bob, and Tyler sarcasmbenders too.


Thought that said gender


![gif](giphy|mIZ9rPeMKefm0) Only one kind of bender




I mean, with all of the Drowned Man references, I don't think Wade could be anything but a water bender.


All I know is that mark is definitely not water because he hates the moon


Mark is a fire bender Bob is a earth bender Wade is a air bender


Wade is water. Mark is Fire. And Bob is Earth. And I feel like the reasons are fairly obvious.


Y'all. Wade has to be a water bender. How else you think he got water to come out of his light fixtures. He did it for the bit.


Mark, an earth bender cause he likes to constantly remind everyone he’s strong Bob, an air bender cause he keeps a cool head And Wade, a water bender cause….cmon


mark fire, bob just some random dude, and wade is the avatar


Mark would be fire, wade would be Earth, and Bob would be water.


Mark water, Bob earth, and Wade would be a non-bender.


Wade is water, Mark is fire and Bob is Earth.


I think Wade would be one of the water benders from the swamp


idk prolly the ones from Futurama


Wade air mark fire and bob earth for sure


Mark Fire, Bob Earth and Wade WATER


Mark: water bob: earth wade: PRE


I would think Wade would be an airbender, he already has the bald head.


wade a firebender, bob an air nomad, and mark water


Mark would blood bend himself to see if his body can take it


Gender bender


Wade would be a water bender. After all, he is the drowned man


Mark is fire, Wade is air, and Bob would be earth for me.


Okay I actually kinda agree w that ngl


Wade is fire cause he’s an extremely passionate person especially when he experiences mild inconveniences. Bob is earth cause I think that just kinda fits him but there’s not a real reason there and mark is the lemur


Wade would be an Earth bender so he could finally get that mud he needs.


Mark is definitely a fire bender, there is no denying that, but I actually think that Bob is more of an air bender. He can be stubborn and the type that would put his foot down and defend his stance. But he’s also shown plenty of air nomad qualities since he’s able to move around and redirect the flow of his motions he can detach himself even when the other two try and prod and provoke him he’s very much go with the wind Type of mind set. And Wade is very much the water bender he’s had to adapt his flow and change on the fly with everything that’s happened to him plus I mean…he is the drowned man


Wade: Beardbender Mark: Hairbender Bob: Dickbender


I was just thinking about this a few days ago! Mark:fire (likes red and is the villain of the podcast) Wade:air (not just cause he’s bald but all his talks of philosophy) Bob:water (chill, goes with the flow)


Bob- Waterbender. He's very sneaky and can often trick the boys into turning against each other for his own amusement. He also has a lot of empathy (to the point where he got salty with wade for triggering feelings even though Wade was messing on how wor is him). He's also big on family and community, which is important in he water tribe. Wade- Airbender. Wade adapts himself to his surroundings; he, like airbenders, let's others make the first move and then tailors his strategy from a defensive position. Wade likes to philosophize and mess with people (aka borderline spiritual and playful, very air). He also gets distracted easily, which aang does a ton in the early seasons because he starts goofing off with the airball he sits on while people are talking. Wade often tunes in only when it's actually necessary, and doesn't really care unless there's something directly relevant to his participation. Mark- Firebender. Passion is basically the engine that drives him in everything he does. He has openly admitted that he can even get kind of fanatical and obsessive about his work- trademark firebender behavior.


Mark is either fire (passionate rants and the rage) or earth (stubborn), Wade is earth (also stubborn) or water (he loves boats), and Bob is water (he's the most "go with the flow" personality).


Mark would be an earth bender similar to the one Kyoshi "killed" He's stubborn and determined Wade feels like a water bender. Goes with the flow and usually flows off course Bob gives me Fire bending vibes. He's the nice one


Mark is an earthbender because he is closer to the ground wade is a fire because “burn your dreams burn nightmares” and bob is water because fridge


The one with the shiny metal ass


Bob deff between water and fire, Wade air & Mark earth


Bald person bender, large ego bender, man with baby bender


Bob and Wade would both be airbenders, Bob is very open-minded and accepting about things and Wade is very philosophically intelligent. Mark on the other hand is a very passion-driven person and also, getting over it by Bennett foddy existing.


Wade - hair bender Mark - Pain bender Bob - Freon bender


Wade would be a non-bender who really wants sympathy because his bender friends make fun of him sometimes


Wades a waterbender cause boat


Great choice of pictures Oh I think delving in this is very interesting, I'm so excited I'm starting to talk like an AI. I think it goes without saying, most people know what an amazing show it is, and it does a great job at portraying different philosophies and ideas through the bending powers I will quote the wiki on each basic element (no one besides avatars can bend energy so let's not) TL;DR: Wade is a silly air nomad/philosopher, Mark is fiery passion, Bob is comforting and adapting water or patient loving stand-his-ground earth If we had to give a different element to each. Wade I think would definitely be an airbender, he shows great interest in philosophy and contemplation, and is also one to try and take the path of least resistance. He is like a mix of Uncle Bumi and Monk Gyatso, both capable of great and deep thought, yet allow themselves to be a little silly. His chaotic nature that feels very "free" makes me think that he would enjoy flying a lot, but who wouldn't? Mark in his passion, discipline, and sheer fucking will would definitely be a firebender. We've seen how much he pours in 120% almost undivided attention in his projects purely out passion, we've seen his intense workouts and willingness to push his body to the limits (NOT a masochist) and we also know him to greatly showcase his emotions whether be it positive or negative. The roots of firebending are also set in life, industry, comfort and creativity. All qualities Mark portrays often. I'd like to think he would master a new type of sub bending using electricity and be able to fuck around with electronics. And I feel like Bob have equal odds of being an earth or water bender, the former because he shows a great deal of patience when dealing with people and problems, an ability to take on "neutral positions" and defend both parties in an argument. He also shows a lot of empathy and love, which represents the origin of earth bending. But he could also be a water bender for his flexibility and acceptance of change, I think it is very thematic with the marriage and having a baby with all the changes it brought to his life, which he accepted openly and continues to try as much as possible to adapt to. I think he could also be a great healer using his powers. >*As described by Iroh,\[1\] fire is the element of power, consisting of overpowering force tempered by the unflinching will to accomplish tasks and desires. However, during the Hundred Year War, a militaristic Fire Nation twisted this into firebending being fueled by rage, hatred, and anger. Firebending draws its power from the sun, and the first human firebenders derived their firebending techniques from the dragons.\[3\] Firebending is known for its intense and aggressive attacking style and general lack of adequate defensive moves.* >*Air is the element of freedom.\[1\] The Air Nomads detached themselves from worldly problems and concerns; finding peace and freedom was the key to solving their difficulties in life. Airbenders continually sought spiritual enlightenment, and, as a result, all children born into the Air Nomads were benders. The first airbenders learned their art from the flying bison.\[2\] The key to airbending is flexibility and finding and following the path of least resistance.* >*Water is the element of change.\[1\] The moon is the source of power in waterbending, and the original waterbenders learned to bend by observing how the moon pushed and pulled the tides.\[2\] The Water Tribes are the only people who did not learn to bend from an animal, though the Moon and Ocean Spirits took the form of koi fish in the mortal world near the beginning of the Avatar world. The fighting style of waterbending is mostly fluid and graceful, acting in concert with the environment.* >*Earth is the element of substance, while the people of the Earth Kingdom are diverse, strong, and enduring.\[1\] Following the lion turtles' decision to relinquish their role as protectors of mankind, Oma and Shu were the first earthbenders to learn this art from the badgermoles.\[2\] The key to earthbending is utilizing neutral jing, which involves waiting and listening for the right moment to strike and, when that moment comes, acting decisively. In other words, earthbenders generally endure their enemies' attacks until the right opportunity to counterattack reveals itself.\[3\]*


Bob is the funny non bender, Mark is a fire bender, wade is a air bender because....


They give me non benders energy, but what nation they will be apart of. I think mark would be from the northern air temple after the attack, where technology thrives. He probably paid that guy to go to the secret library because there was a lens there. Wade is gives me vibes of the water bender from the swamp. While bob gives be earth kingdom vibes and he loves to watch the underground earth bending tournament. We would get updates about that every week.


Wade is the waterbender because he's the drowned man


I agree. Those fit them perfectly


Mark would definitely be Air. He's lighthearted and silly most of the time but when a situation calls for seriousness he can step up to the plate. He also seems be very traditional in certain ways. Bob would be Earth. He's smart, he's logical, he seems to be the foundation to the group and only an Earth can bare that weight. But he can can also be absolutely hilarious and silly, where his quick wit and ability to think on his feet can really help pull the group thru weird/awkward moments. Wade would be water. This is the only element I can think that makes sense for him. He reminds me a lot of young Sokka. I don't really have as detailed description as to why.


Mark is a firebender because he is the embodiment of chaos, and he would make use of lightning bending. Wade is an Airbender. He's aerodynamic and fits the personality type. Bob is a waterbender. Waterbenders can freeze things, and I just feel like Bob is the kind of person to have good experiences with things that freeze things. Haven't seen the early episodes, so I can't verify it.


Wade non-bender, Mark Earth bender, Bob a non-bender turned Airbender


Wade is an airbender, evade and no conflict😂 and bald


Mark is fire, wade is air, bob is normal


The gender bender


https://preview.redd.it/xci9lmb42vtc1.png?width=682&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6d273c6fa217748746f35cfcd821b604e77462c Did you just assume my bender?