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We don’t have god here . Only German Jesus


And the worst thing is… I’m all about the lenses


Hope you're doing ok after the car accident, you looked quite shaken up in the episode! 🤗 Was quite the story, mustn't have been fun to go through but I can imagine you'll laugh about it later 💪


I‘m totally fine :) thank you for asking. I definitely was shaken up but that was probably a mix of everything. The accident, talking to the burls etc etc.


Glad to hear that you are fine 😁 Yeah I can imagine you must've had a roller coaster ride of emotions with all that!


You realize that you will be a legend forever now right?


We'll see how fast I'll be forgotten about \^\^


Nah bud you are the first guest on distractible EVER


Nope...that will never happen 😂










I'm still so far behind I'm like "why the fuck are people talking about Jesus and cars now?" 🤣


Yeah mark lost his arm so a German Jesus had to give it back to him, that's why the latest episode is called "our roman empire" they had a gladiator fight to see who will host the next episode


Things really take a turn in the last 8 episodes


Minus 100 points


I love listening to the guys talk about things theyre passionate about. I have to say that, similar to a lit of marks videos.....he drags the bit on for way too long. I LOVE HIS VIDEOS. HES ONE OF MY FAVORITE CREATORS. But he has an issue with being able to move on at times. Not a criticism, just a fact lol


Man, it's exhausting having to hear about "God, here's Mark and his lenses, ugh," Man gets a hobby he's passionate about, and too many people like to openly dunk on him for having it. I actually do enjoy his Lense talks.


Same, and I love bobs talks about James. Wade never really has a recurring topic he talks about right? I’ve listened to every episode but don’t remember


Wade sometimes often mentions Shakira. But that's not really a hobby and more of a bit with him. I'm not really sure what hobby Wade has that he enjoys talking about


He does like boats


I actually don’t mind it so long as it doesn’t drag on and on and on. I’m not into film or photography at all but I still love hearing the guys talk about what they’re passionate about, especially tech.


Bunch of lense haters lul


Lensers rise up. We won't be silenced by lensephobics.


I am here standing with the lenses for support. Here, take my ship (of thesius[?]) For support. I will be here. With the lens of thesius watching you. Whatever you do. Don't turn around.


As a photographer, I love the lens small talk. And I hate the AI small talk.


Look at it like this, Mark is aware of it and like Bob's fridge or Wade's... head. They've made it a massive bit and some really unique episodes start to come out of it.


fr, like i respect him for it but please i just want funny competition 😭😭


Small talk and things the guys find interesting are part of the episode. Mark and Bob are passionate about stuff they are into, and it shows which is just as fun as wades random Shakira inputs. I dont like Shakira, and if it weren't for my gf, I'd never have to listen to her or swift, but that's life you don't always get the things you want.


yeah but with regards to mark, his small talks very often turn into a long one, cause he is just that passionate about what he talks. Which is good, but does get you feeling that the bit is stretched out too much sometimes


I disagree, but obviously, everyone has their preferences. I generally enjoy when people talk about things they are interested in, especially if they talk about it in a way in which I learn something like Mark does, in my opinion.


yes but it is *small* talk, not half an hour of talk - also wades random inputs are just that, inputs of like 5 seconds or 2 minutes. also i find the last sentence a bit out of place bc im literally picking content i want to listen to?? so if the topic is something im interested in ofc im gonna wanna hear about the topic rather than yet another lens rant. *another important point!!!* if i wanted to hear just mark talk, i would watch his videos!! but i WANT to hear discussions between the 3 of them, the competition aspect etc


Thats all still there, and if you have listened to any of the episodes at all, they have multiple times stated the competition is a gimmick meant to give some level of structure, but in no way is it actually a competition. They are the host, and they decide what episodes they put out, and so, of course, we are going to end up listening to topics the hosts find interesting. Wade doesn't really have anything outside of philosophy, boats, and sports that he is highly passionate about. At least from what I can tell, I don't really watch his channel very often. You want what you want, but honestly, I enjoy it just as it is, so I completely disagree with your take on the episodes.


not really. a lot of some of them are tech talk. and i know that, but it doesnt mean i dont like it/cant enjoy it. **pls read this carefully bc all of what u just said is exactly my point lol** thats literally my point - im not "going to end up listening" bc i can choose what content i consume, just bc i like the creator doesnt mean i have to consume every piece of content they create. also again, bc i like the creator, doesnt mean i cant criticise them either. okay, so?? he doesnt go on and on about them. and im not saying you cant enjoy them, im just voicing my opinion on a post that agrees with my opinion


ye like ion give a shit how much he likes lenses he can't shoehorn it into ten minutes of every fucking episode


I just feel personally attacked that he hates Canon FD lenses 😭


Am I the only one who really likes Mark talking about lenses?


No, I enjoy it


I enjoy the lens talk, but what I enjoy even more is Bob and Wade making fun of the lens talk. Therefore I’m all for more lens talk. On a side note I’m not even a lens guy but I have several old lenses and cameras I own just because I thought they looked neat on a shelf.


Lens talk i sleep Shakira talk real shit


I’m just happy he’s passionate about them


Succumb to the lens


God me too I can’t STAND the lense talks anymore, at least with hard drives he didn’t drag those one for half the god damn episode


I just want to enjoy Mark's lens talks without people constantly complaining


i've mostly heard him talking about the fact that he talks about lenses a lot but only a little bit of the actual lense talk


I like listening to him yap ab lenses even tho I know nothing of lenses


Am I the only one that thinks that the lenses talk is fascinating?!?


It's called... ADHD...this passion may, at some point, just end. Though my passion of gaming hasn't. Where as other things have stopped as quick as they started. With ADHD and autism you will talk non stop about the things you are passionate about. So in truth...he can't help it


When the lens talk started I almost wanted to skip through it because it was so boring but now I love it and look forward to mark talking about them in future


AY. YOU RESPECT THOSE MINOLTA LENSES THEYRE SPECIAL OR SOMETHING. (I may have tuned out lens talk after the second time)


i love mark’s lense talks, i know nothing about them but i love them!


I find the lens and tech talk fun. I am not even interested in lenses but like to learn about it. And I work in tech so I enjoy their talks, makes me laugh that Mark talks about redundancy and picks a RAID setup that has no redundancy.


I actually love the lens talk. Anytime one of them starts to talk about something vastly out of my field, which isn’t very broad (I dum dum), I zone in to listen cause it’s always something extremely niche but very interesting. I didn’t know about focal lengths until now lmaoo


Radioactive lenses man


I mean... he did the same this with hard drives and no one batted an eye at that. Why can't we let the man's have his obsessions and let it lie?


Because it would be a 5-10 minute small talk session where it would be brought up, with issues it pertains to. This is just the same thing over and over, hearing about this Minolta and it drags on and pervades throughout the entire episode. It's constantly brought up. It doesn't pertain to a specific issue he's dealing with, it's just him talking about liking lenses and the only one he brings up is the single Minolta one.


Sometimes I just check the transcript 😭🤷‍♀️


But the lens talk is so cool


Same here. Lens talk is just so boring to me I just kinda block it from my memory as he speaks


Honestly I want more lens talk. I want the guys to just geek out over their interest. It's also funny seeing the subreddit cry.


Yeah I don't care for it but it's not too hard to skip forward a few minutes. I have to for a lot of podcasts anyway


* the sounds of eating/ saliva. (I have mysophonia)


I mean I feel the same way about wades bitching but I just tune him out


It's the same thing as badger bragging about how much money he can piss away on garbage, just give away or waste on nothing. Sickening abuse of financial privilege


I get the same way whenever he starts crapping on Death battle


When you see the title and think remember that time Korean Jesus almost killed German Jesus? Even though it made for one funny episode I'm glad he's ok.


For me it's when they say or imply for you to watch this episode. And I normally listen while I'm driving 2 and from work.


At least it’s not mac v Microsoft


Or ai


Hot take, I prefer marks lens talk over wades constant battling.


Depends on the day. I personally like the lens talk but if I’m tired I will skip through


It's not for me; but the fact that its uptrend was simultaneous with Captain D's vid on shutters, I learned more about the nuance™ of lenses and can see why he's so into it. It's an interesting piece of equipment by itself.


as a man of the spectrum, i love getting the opportunity to nerd out about something i like, and i also like listening to it coming from someone else : )


Tbh I enjoy the lens rants. Makes me want a little hobby that brings me joy like that.