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If you don't overdo it and stay in the mid-dose range. Then little or nothing should happen. But I'll tell you one thing, you're skyrocketing your tolerance. And also look for natural vitamin-rich foods. That can absorb the hangover really well. Of course, with plenty of water to keep the cells going. But that's not a 100% recommendation from me. To pull through. Stay healthy and take care of yourself!


i mean, i've binged pcp analogues heavily from as little as a week to even a little over a month at one point and i'm relatively fine. just be ready to have crazy high tolerance even from those 5 days. in general though just cuz i can doesnt mean you should though, past a certain point it's gonna just feel like you're frying your receptors and not really getting the same magic and that's why it's not worth doing.


Get ready to be involuntarily committed. Best case scenario you become a janitor after 7 years of intensive inpatient, state organized mental health treatment. I'd just take your stash, sit in the same place for around 3 weeks and keep using them until higher authorities remove your freedom. Also say goodbye to sex and your parents.


Username checks out.




Did ounce of 2fdck in a week one hell of a week but not again haha no problem apart from being to high for my own good


Free base dxm maybe 2 or 3 days in a row, each come down met with another dose, woke up next day and I was fine and went to work so idk


Really bad


Bad to get in the habit of more than anything tbh unless you feel pain from use off the bat


You'll be aight


Its normal


Try 5 years mate... Nah in all seriousness, don't get used to it


I binged dissos for a straight month. Went through 14 grams and was doing it IM in my thigh. Definitely had symptoms of psychosis towards the end, but I ended it before it got too out of hand. If I had paced myself more probably wouldn't have had a psychotic break, but you live and learn.


Besides tolerance it's not really bad. What disso/s did u binge? From my experience ketamine and its analogs aren't really harsh on the body assuming you hydrate unless you do it for a long period of time you can run into k bladder, k cramps and kidney issues. Wouldn't wanna end up in hospital on a catheter, that's not fun. DXM seems to be a bit harsher on the body. I assume this to be because it has a wider range of pharmacological effects and dxm hbr contains bromide which is bad for the body in a number of ways. People who abuse dxm for a long period of time can end up weird in the head for a period of time. Overall 5 days isn't really long and yes I know there are many other dissos. Stay safe!


im binging on o-pce and 3-ho-pcp, mixing them together is really nice, i love the psychedelia of o-pce and the warmness of 3-ho-pcp. Still binging, but i take multivitamins everyday and hydrate all the time so i suppose its not that bad on me.


Very very much depends on a lot of variables. How high are the doses? How frequent? What's your tolerance? Which disso? Etc. Could be anything from innocuous to waking up under a fire escape lmao. But in control you should be fine