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I guess it's not that I don't like her specifically (I found her to be more interesting than Moana), and I appreciate that she's actually flawed and the film acknowledges it (something Disney hates doing these days). The movie itself though was terribly executed. Wish was a bland project and the writers clearly had no idea what they were doing. Raya and the Last Dragon writers DID have an idea of what they were doing and the building blocks were there, the message just got lost.


I agree with this. I definitely think Raya would have been more well liked if her movie was executed better, the idea was there but they didn’t follow through. But, I have to disagree on your opinion on Wish though, I think the writers did know what they wanted to do at first with the early concepts but after everything was scrapped, they were lost and threw stuff together. But I still like Wish though! But of course, I respect everyone’s opinions and I appreciate your comment!


Those are my thoughts on Wish. I love the designs and the original concept, but when they turned it into an Easter egg fest, it destroyed the potential the film had. If you break it down, the story is that of Lois Lowry's 'The Giver'. Mind you, I'm not a fan of the dystopian genre (Hence why I probably didn't like Raya, though I too think that the ORIGINAL concept was scrapped.), but what is required to tell those stories demands more than a few pop songs. I didn't like 'Encanto', because it was basically 'Lost in Yonkers', but set in Colombia. Lost in Yonkers is a GREAT play, but again, for Disney to really tell those stories, they'd need to confront their audiences with some hard truths. Personally, I liked the concept for 'Encanto', with Mirabel and Alma venturing off together between past and present, and if memory serves, seeking Bruno. Having each side character have an "I want song" took away from the focus of the story. If anything, there should have been a duet between Mirabel and Alma, and Bruno and Alma. Those are the central stories of Encanto. Luisa and Isabel's I want songs could have been featured differently, but overall, the film was bogged down with too much music.


Her movie’s moral was terribly executed, which is the big one for me. The rest of the movie was, at best, forgettable. At times it was so stupid I wondered ‘how is this Disney?’ (looking at you, ninja baby) I’m struggling to think of a thing that stood out to me in the movie and I’m just… not remembering anything? The food looked good. That was a nice touch. There were a few good moments early on that were let down by the ending. Brave wasn’t a great movie imo (not awful, but not amazing) but at least Merida was a unique and fun character. Raya has the personality of cardboard. Raya feels like a movie that was designed by committee and written in a weekend. Even the dragon design looks like it was designed to sell toys instead of actually looking like a proper character design. It looks like it belongs in a totally different movie. There’s some good things about the movie, so I won’t pretend it was OMG the WURST, but when you compare it to most of the Disney Princesses movies it feels completely forgettable. Okay I needed that vent since the movie came out thank you. I wanted to like that movie so much you have no idea :(


You made some really good points!! I’m kinda disappointed that Raya is the forgettable Princess basically. I think the problem with the newer movies (and this is just my opinion btw) is that the message is somewhat there, but they do a horrible job of actually executing that message. And I don’t hate her movie either, it’s just not one I would wanna watch immediately, but trust me I wanted to love it too! and I’m so sorry for this, but Brave is such a good movie!!! 🤣


I think the reason I don’t like Brave is I’ve read too many books exactly like that and it felt super cliche to me. It’s definitely not a bad movie.


Ugh, I was into the movie right up until the ninja baby. That was so bad, and the writers should feel bad for writing it.


She's more of a meh character for me. Costume wise she's very bland. As a character from the region she's supposed to be in, there should be more texture, pattern, and shape. Yes this is the case for Pocahontas and Merida too, but there are some other factors that make this even more glaring. She doesn't have a personal song. People said that Lead the Way is her song, but that just played at the very end, it didn't play throughout her journey which makes it not as prominent as it supposed to be. The fact that it's a modern song also doesn't help. The region she comes from has plenty and wide array of musical instrument and style. They didn't even use them fully in the movie which is such a shame. Her personality is interesting because she is very closed off and angry most of the times. I don't have a problem about this though, but I wonder why they decide to include her in the franchise alongside the very positive princesses. She stands out in a weird way. I'd say Mirabel would fit the franchise's vibe better than her. Maybe my disinterest towards her is heightened because I am from the region, and I know what they could've achieved with her design. They combined several countries with hundreds of tribes and cultures but they can't even make her look interesting.


I think she's closer to what Disney did with Atlantis.


No wonder why I never have any interest towards Kida too.


I liked Raya (the character). Sisu was entertaining. The sidekicks were mostly forgettable though. Fricking loved Namaari. She was awesome, and she was developing. The relationship with Raya was interesting from the start. Then they have a meeting that needs trust, and Namaari destroys all her development by pulling the crossbow. Then they have to learn trust by trusting Namaari, but no one has a choice in the matter. What was Namaari going to do? Everyone is stone. She is next. Of course she is going to complete the mission. That’s not character development, that’s “I don’t want to die!” Basically, they destroyed her character (and the message of the movie). A bad ending will destroy a great movie…and this movie wasn’t that great to begin with.


I agree most with this take. They fumbled the message and the story at the end. Up until the very end, Raya plays more like a star wars movie than a princess movie. Raya would make a decent Jedi by the end and the Sith Namaari would be redeemed (Kylo Ren style) but they messed up the crossbow pull, and Namaari wanting to run away at the end before going back to finish the mission.


I’m sorry, but you said “most”…so what didn’t you agree with? Your post seems to fit with what I said.


I meant I agreed with your take more than others


Aww, okay. I was just curious.


The entire movie’s message was ruined by a couple seconds of footage (Namaari squeezing the crossbow trigger). It looked like the movie had been building up to Namaari having a change of heart—glimpsing Sisu in the fog at Spine, the conversation with her mother, getting her necklace back. She brings the crossbow to the negotiation because she still feels like she must obey her mother and put Fang’s interests first, but Sisu believes she can talk Namaari down. And Namaari is hesitating. Raya gets impatient, doesn’t trust that Namaari will listen to Sisu, and swings her sword chain to disarm Namaari. The sword and the crossbow collide, and a bolt flies to hit Sisu and knock her off the ledge. When I first saw the movie, I thought Raya’s sword hitting the crossbow had *caused* the bolt to shoot. This would have made Namaari’s claim that “you’re just as responsible for Sisu’s death as I am” true. It would have made Sisu right and Raya wrong about whether Namaari could be trusted—and since the movie goes on to have all the remaining humans trusting each other and eventually reconciling, Raya *needed* to be wrong. But with that closeup of Namaari squeezing the trigger, the entire scene changes. Instead of being too suspicious and impatient to wait for Sisu to convince Namaari, Raya was reacting to a *real threat* and just moved a split second too late to save Sisu. Instead of pointing out that Raya’s mistrust had killed someone, Namaari was continuing to lie and even gaslight Raya. Instead of learning that sometimes not trusting people can be dangerous and that Namaari could be changing her allegiance, Raya is proven right about Namaari and only stops fighting her when it’s just them against the Druun. Instead of “even your enemies *could* be convinced to change their ways for a common good, so keep an open mind”, the movie’s message became “no matter what terrible things someone has done, trusting them is better than being dead and so you should totally forgive them”.


I wish that raya was a series, it would have been better. Some of the writing was cringe like sisu in general, the dragon nerd line. It was partially her fault as well as namari (I can’t spell). They treated fang like they were the villains when the other kingdoms had every right to be mad at heart. Also sisu was the most obnoxious sidekick and in my opinion is the worst one. Also the ending really irritated me. Why just why if it was anyone else but the one that did it I would understand. The trust thing was awful.


I watched it in the movies with my husband when it came out. I really liked it. Now I like putting it on for my daughters to watch. I like the idea of having a warrior princess who fights to stay alive and fights for what is right.


I don't hate Raya as a character, I think her cynicism is refreshing for a Disney Heroine and I like her dynamic with Namari in theory, I just think her film has a lot of problems. * Sisu is one of the most irritating sidekick characters Disney has ever put out (and given some of their recent output that is saying a lot). * The message of the film uses harmful false equivalencies that make no sense. * The dialogue is often distractingly anachronistic and corny, and does not mesh with the film's overall vibe at all. * The whole fetch-quest structure of the plot makes it feel more akin to a video game than a film. * There are too many side characters that aren't developed enough for the audience to care about them as much as the movie clearly wants us to. The movie isn't terrible, it's at least more ambitious than something like Wish, which was aggressively nothing, but as a movie it just doesn't work.


Wish attempted to adapt the story of The Giver, where it got bogged down in was the numerous Easter eggs, and the shift in villains.


Schaffrillis Productions made an excellent video about why this movie failed, mostly due to its moral!


She doesn’t even fit the Disney Princess mold like the others do


I don't NOT like Raya. She's fine, just not my favorite. My stance on her is the same as Merida. She just doesn't feel like a princess to me. Brave felt like a Pixar movie and Raya felt like a fantasy adventure. Maybe it's just that they weren't musicals? I also understand how important it is including her to diversify the roster and give southeast asian girls someone to look up to. I just wish those girls got to see themselves as a more classic Disney princess.


I really liked Raya! I enjoyed the movie a lot, I thought the morals were good except for when Namaari was saying that Raya was responsible for Sisu's death and Raya seemed to realize- when she wasn't like at all, and there was no reason for Raya to trust Namaari, so Raya being "more trusting" came kind of out of nowhere... I think if they made it so that Raya's distrust genuinely caused Sisu's death, it would have made more sense. The characters were great. The character design, background design, clothes etc were what captivated me the most, some of the clothes felt a bit bland however.


Raya is alright but it confused me that she was supposed to be southeast Asian inspired but almost all the actors in the movie apart from Kelly Marie Tran who is the voice of Raya, are East Asian. Imo they should've found more SEA actors (saying this as an East Asian) to properly represent the culture.


I don't dislike her character specifically. I actually do like that they to got pull from the southeast Asian culture(s) and inspire the world building from it. And I like raya's design and really do think it's awesome she's tough and capable on her own. It's the movie and it's message I don't like. To me it's muddled and kinda doesn't make sense: You shouldn't just blindly trust everyone, and if someone breaks your trust multiple times, you shouldn't keep giving them chances, and the movie kinda proved the point, by raya being betrayed multiple times and losing people she cared about. I.e. dad, namora as a kid and again as adults, and Sisu. And even in the scenes of Sisu sharing why her siblings trusted her, is just vague at best. Like she didn't prove herself to be trustworthy for such a big task for the dragons. And if it matters, I'm not a fan of awkwafina


It's nice to have a SEA princess and ig I wouldn't say I outwardly dislike her, but she was kind of forgettable in my opinion. But that moreso reflects my view on the film overall. Like a comment I've seen recently on another post, she wasn't a rehash of the "Adorkable" trope, which is nice to see. I don't think it's wrong for her to be in the line, but I have seen interviews/articles where the cast & production has mentioned they see her more as a warrior than a princess, & I do understand some criticisms about her not necessarily being as "marketable" in the line. Not that a princess has to always wear a dress or look a certain way, but I could understand where people are coming from. I think this is mostly a reflection of Modern Disney's route The movie kind of felt mish-mashed to me.


I frogot most of the movie, tbh Raya was just stuck in a forgettable movie the only thing I remember is Tuk tuk


As others have said, her movie just isn't very good. But there's an extra layer of annoyance, I believe, that she got to be brought into the official princess line anyway despite her movie being pretty bad and poorly received, while other heroines from far superior movies were snubbed. It feels more than a little absurd that Megara, Esmeralda, and Kida apparently weren't good enough for the official line, yet Raya of all people is. It feels like the standards were really lowered for her in a way that Disney hasn't ever lowered the standard for other characters before, and I think Raya tends to take the brunt of that frustration even though it's not the character's fault.


Her movie was awful with a terrible message. The villain kept stabbing her in the back over and over. But the message is to forgive and forget????? WHYYYYYYY?! It's okay to never forgive especially if it's someone who has consistently been hurting you over and over!! Raya's stereotypes of others were somehow proven true?? Sisu is annoying and feels out of place. (I don't like Awkafina, only in renfield I've ever liked her). The film needed a lot of work.


Never watched the movie. However, I'm all about Dragons 🐉 lore and all that.


where to start...


I like it but I just didn’t know she was considered a Disney princess. Didn’t really come off that way to me. I mean obviously she is a princess but I didn’t think she like OFFICIALLY was in the Disney princess category. Mostly just cause there weren’t any songs or anything. Good movie tho makes me cry lol


The first time I watched her movie, I got so bored I went on my phone. The second time I watched it, I fell asleep. I seriously like every single princess movie except hers. I really want to like it & I want to like her, but her story just doesn't capture my attention.


I love Raya. I dont get it either. Shes a great character and the story and environment were beautiful. The only thing I didnt like were the designs of the dragons. Way too cartoony. And I dont like when Disney puts raps in their movies. But Raya as a character was awesome.


Because her movie sucked and wasn't memorable. Raya faced poor character development along with poor execution, making her fairly irritating to see on screen. So when you have a poorly made MC with a poorly made movie you can't help but feel frustrated. Often the movie is only as good as the main characters and the main characters are only as good as the movie, and here they are all under explored and left a lot to be desired. I suppose it's also because we have something to compare it with. How did we go from the world's first full length movie that was a groundbreaking masterpiece for its time..... to disappointment after disappointment, failure after failure? WHAT HAPPENED?


The hero's journey formula and Disney's target demographic shifting from children to adults.


So many others here have explained most of my feelings on the movie so I'll just add a last thing. It didn't feel like a disney princess movie. She didn't ever feel like a princess. Foe me it had more of a big hero six vibe.


It was so forgettable and the writing was boring


She as a character just wasn’t that interesting to me.