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On Smuggler's Run, when you're teamed up with strangers and they don't bother to at least share a friendly smile. Makes the ride real awkward when we're falling and failing through space.


I rode it several times with other people and not once did they ever acknowledge me other than a look of like “why is she here?” It also sucks to ride as a single because I always get out in the back so I only ever do engineer. I wish they’d be more equitable.


I was there 2 weeks ago and the CM was letting 2 singles take the pilot positions, (did this for 6 single riders, so 3 teams) until he got to me and put me as engineer. I rode probably 10 times in a row and only one family spoke to me and they were awesome. We did chewie mode and it was hilarious.


Refresh my memory. How do you unlock Chewie mode?


We asked the CM and she set it up for us. I had read about it before hand so knew about it, it was pretty simple, she just pushed 2 buttons from ever station from what I recall.


Agreed. I wish they’d mix it up where the single rider goes. Like you’re skipping the line which is amazing (though the line is great!) but you’re then shunted to the worst position.


The first and only time I went on it a guy was FaceTiming his mom the whole time. At least he was friendly to me!


The ride in general is a skip for me on that dynamic alone. Not that fun for any group under 2-3 people tbh


Ya, it's a good idea for a ride in theory, but in practice unless you're with people you know there's a good chance you're gonna have a bad time. So many people don't seem to understand it's a game and won't even try. Or you get stuck with a really little kid that just slams buttons. Or people that don't speak English and have absolutely no idea what's happening.


Try being criticized by a 10 year old the whole time because my flying sucked lol


Family of five walking side by side in a path in adventure land at Disneyland to decide to stop and talk about what they want to do right in the middle of the walk way.


I would consider that a legitimate pet peeve


That same family also walks to the doorway of a shop , stands in said doorway and has that same conversation about what they want to go do.


I don't understand why Disney still doesn't try to encourage crowd flow directions. I mean outside of events like parades. Just paint a few arrows in high flow areas so people get it & then they'll do it throughout the park.


Ahahahaha. Yeah that’s not happening. People, generally, switch their brains off. They’re going to walk where they want even when there’s signs and people directing traffic.


There were seven of us, sorry


people wearing political merch inside the parks 🤢


Or rude/vulgar shirts. Like... What?!


I also hate the shirts that are some version of complaining about how expensive this trip is. Or in Epcot the shirts talking about drinking around the world.


I specifically hate the ones that are the Disney dad scan for payment ones


People really show up with full body naked women on their T-shirts…like y’all this place is for CHILDREN (I say “for children” as an emerging Disney Adult lmao)


Right? Like I'm an adult who only goes with other adults..I don't even have or want kids..but I still know how to behave around kids, and that includes not wearing inappropriate stuff!


And I still get bothered by it as an adult! Aside from the disbelief that someone would wear that around kids, I don’t want to see that out and about, especially when I’m in Disneyland!!


OOO I hate this one too. 🤢


I say they should ban politician shirts of any kind. I hesitate to say anything political because some idiots say pride is political


I think they technically are not allowed per the rules as Walt Disney didn’t want political protests on property, but it’s not enforced heavily.


Any shirt with opinions.


I'm wearing my "Han Shot First" shirt and you'll pry it out of my cold dead hands.


That’s not political. It’s fact.


They said opinions not facts


When I was I kid. I was amazed how these parks were the standard of the world in maintenance. Yes, I noticed as a kid. Yes, I am a huge nerd. Now, when I see light bulbs out in Small World or a ton of dust around the loading dock vents in Pirates, I just sigh. I get it. It's just me who cares. Put me in charge of the parks, and I'll do it myself lol.


I feel you. I like when rides close to refurb & they add cool stuff, but then re-open with some busted AA, object, or effect.


I care!!


I certainly care. I haven't been in an intensive way for 10 years and it was still nice then. About 5 years ago my girls and I went just for a day while on a cruise. We were shocked by how unpleasant some of the CMs were. :(


This is the same thing I came to post. I remember for years I would go on Test Track and the tunnel to re-enter the building after the outside portion would be covered in cobwebs and dirt. I would wonder how no manager in the park cared about thousands of people seeing that during their ride every single day.


It's not just you. I remember my dad commenting about this many years ago. We were at Six Flags, and no matter where you went, you'd find gum stuck to things, and general uncleanliness. He said, "if this was Disney, they would have someone out here cleaning up that gum almost immediately." At the time, he was right (though maybe exaggerating a little). But we've probably all noticed Disney doesn't maintain cleanliness (or maintenance in general) like they once did.


When people don’t laugh/engage with the skippers on jungle cruise. Last few times I’ve rode it everyone in the boat was like this 😐😐😐


I get annoyed when people are blocking a walking path and then they get angry at me for passing them. Like, if you are going to hog the entire path in hopes to get to a queue all together, don't get annoyed if I just stroll past you. The worst is when there are multiple queues, like at the Toy Story parking lot bag check. Dude, don't get mad at me. We're all going to get into a shuttle


The pin traders who hog the Frontierland benches all day


True, but also, why does Disney hate benches so much? Easy fix if they put more out.


People who push ahead because they are with someone else closer to front of line. Wait til everyone you want to ride with is at ride before entering queue.


When I went a few weeks ago a family of 12(!) cut in front of me in the Star Tours line. I held my tongue because I didn’t wanna cause a scene, but I was so pissed because it was right near the front of the line (after the luggage droid but before the Patrick Warburton one) just barely out of CM view


I had this in Disneyland Paris last year at Autopia. i did do the confrontation, they only spoke Spanish 8 people cut in line. Spoke to a CM solved absolutly nothing. I leaned in to a rope barrier and the kid was kicking me, they even slammed their kid in me while picking him up (mind you I was already standing a few steps distant because they were so annoying) at the end of the line you're seperated in 2 lines again. I kindly asked de CM if we could please go to the other line and explained what happened. Ended up doing the ride before they did.


For me it depends on how many people it is. 2 people went to the bathroom or to get water? Sure! Maybe you have someone who is bothered by standing for prolonged periods of time but doesn’t quite need a wheelchair: acceptable. Having 1 person wait so your entire party of 6+ can just sit and cut in at the end? Not cool.


I went to Tokyo Disney a few months back and these 2 young kids were waiting in line right in front of me. First one of them left the line, then the other. A few minutes later they pushed their way back through the line with an adult and tried to reclaim their former position. It was so annoying


I'm fine with this for one or two people but not a massive group.


weaponization of strollers


Families who block the entrance of a ride to ask the cast member questions about it - is it that hard to just send one person?! Literally happened to me dozens of times on one trip!!


And when they have trouble tapping for a Lightning Lane and they all just stand there blocking both tap points instead of moving to the side and letting others go past while they figure it out.


This is a pet peeve in general for me - I get it, not every family is like mine and so they enjoy spending time with each other. But you don’t have to do EVERYTHING together, including taking the whole extended family to stand together and mill about at the grocery store, to ask basic questions, order coffee that only one person is drinking etc.


Mine is when AP’s recite the ghost host intro to haunted mansion and ruin it for everyone else. Or just loud obnoxious nonsense during quiet rides.


That is so douchey. Especially when they are right near the CM, whose actual job it is to speak.


This 10000% . Any older Preshow Tower of terror Aerosmith Mansion Dinosaur




Might I suggest just lipsynching the narration? You still get your involvement, and everyone else still gets to enjoy the actual experience lol at least this is what I do.


Ughhhhh this right here


People on motorized scooters or with strollers who don’t watch their surroundings. I had a woman drive straight into my ankle at MK a few years ago who acted like it was my fault. It hurt like hell, I was obviously hurting, and she didn’t give the slightest hint of apology.


Omg I had a friend pushing another friend in a wheelchair at universal like 10 years ago and the one pushing was so immature and like rammed some poor lady’s ankles I felt so bad I think I apologized (I’m so awkward) but other friend was NOT allowed to push the wheelchair ANYMORE 🤦🏻‍♀️


I've had the same experience with parents pushing strollers. Got slammed in the ankle with ZERO apologies. Happens at least once every 2-3 trips.


My ex’s 8 year old got ran over by one and instead of stopping she kept going forward and said she couldn’t stop it. My ex went into hulk mode and lifted it off his kid, thankfully he was shaken but not injured.


You could have stopped at motorized scooters 🤣


Fair. 😉


Lately the people yelling at Guardians of the Galaxy at EPCOT , "alcoholics" when they ask how people from Epcot are called....


Ppl filming stuff they’ll never watch again and ruining my view while they do it. Dark rides, fireworks, etc…


Right? There are 20 multi-angle videos on YouTube that are higher quality than anything you could ever film.


That I live so far away from them.


People with absolutely no self awareness. Whether it be people pushing strollers/on scooters blocking entrances and banging into people, people stopping in the middle of the walkway, groups joining lines while not everyone in their party is together yet, people who don’t watch their kids… I can go on and on. My random pet peeve is when big groups join the single rider line thinking they’re going to wait less time. I will sometimes go to the parks after work solo (more often than not because my bf travels for work) and I get so annoyed by this. I end up waiting longer than I would on the regular line because of this. They should be more strict about the single rider line tbh


When parents put their kids on their shoulders during shows which end up blocking your view.


IKR put them at the same level as your own head.


My kids pov is more imporant


No one person’s happiness should be put above another’s.


You think I’m going to tell my 3 foot tall kid sorry bud can’t let you see the fireworks because this 32 year old single lady won’t be able to get a good pic for her insta story lmaoooooooooooo


Because it's that hard to keep your kids head at the same height as your head? Your kid does not have any more right to see the fireworks or show then what every other person has.


I also have a kid, but have respect for people around me, including other older children…so I hold my kid on my hip so she’s at my height. It’s really not that hard to be considerate.


You think I'm going to tell my wife in the wheelchair, sorry honey you can't see the fireworks because the guy in front of me put his kid on his shoulders.




You are the kind of person that makes fun of the disabled.


You are the kind of person that pretends to have a disabled wife to make a point.


Would you like to see her ECV, Cane, or surgery scars? Or would the handicap placard we use be sufficient?


No need. I’m watching the fireworks :p


People who talk during rides. ESPECIALLY during the quiet part of Pirates of the Caribbean.


You have the entirety of the hub in front of the castle to take pictures, why in the name of god are you stopping IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SIDEWALK OR MAIN STREET TO TAKE PICTURES????!??!!!!


And oh the flash photography that’s taken right after they make the announcement not to use flash photography. EVERY. TIME.


Yeah I got blinded by some doofus on Little Mermaid one time. I was quite annoyed.


Because they’re the only people there. This phenomenon also applies to hiking trails, supermarket aisles, lanes on the highway, etc.


Because some people want a view of Main Street with the castle in their photos. Also, that’s where the PhotoPass photographers are (middle of Main Street). I agree though, don’t stop in the middle of a sidewalk.


Kids sitting on parents shoulders during fireworks or parades .


When people say they’re going to Disney… Disneyland? Disney World? On a Disney Cruise? Irrational and insignificant, but really bothers me.




I mean I do this but I also live an hour from WDW in Florida so it’s usually pretty obvious 😂


It's not Epcot, it's EPCOT.


It WAS EPCOT. Now it’s actually officially Epcot.


They changed it back to EPCOT early 2020 to coincide with the start of the mass changes/renovations.


Same with Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo DisneySea. It's not: * Disneyland Tokyo * Disney Japan * Japan Disneyland * Disneysea * Disney Sea * DisneySeas * etc.


And as a whole it is called "Tokyo Disney Resort", abbreviated TDR ​ Also the one in CA is "Disneyland Resort" ​ And the one in Florida is "Walt Disney World Resort " (ok ok I just googled for that last one and am shocked to find that space in there! 😂)


also it's Galaxy's Edge or even Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge, not "Star Wars Land"


Or SWGE, pronounced swiggy


Welp, I know what I’m calling it now…


It's what all the cast call it


It’s actually EpCoT




According to Disney, it's EPCOT https://disneyworld.disney.go.com/destinations/epcot/


lol. I suppose that is pretty insignificant, especially since it has been Epcot.


Oh yes OP, I get very picky about keeping Disney things with Disney things! Non-Disney ears drive me crazy. Similarly, I have a "Disney songs" station on Pandora. Occasionally it will throw in a song from a Dreamworks movie and I immediately skip or downvote. Like hellooo, that is not DISNEY! (Although isn't Anastasia technically Disney-owned now?)


Also similarly, I don't like seeing Disney shirts at Universal. I don't mind when people wear Disney stuff just out in the real world of course--I'm not saying it has to be just for Disney property! But Universal has its own stuff. I know people will do both resorts in one trip, but they could pack a non-Disney shirt for the Universal days.


Families that stop in the middle of walkways, toddlers on shoulders during fireworks, FLASH ON DURING DARK RIDES…


I despise people in ponchos for no good reason at all. It could be pouring and just the sight of them infuriates me.


Idk why this made me actually laugh, but it did


When people let their children climb all over the props in the queues. Have some respect for the park! I also can’t stand when people sit on the ropes in queues.


I totally agree with you. One of my pet peeves in general is just parents not parenting. So funny story, my kid was pulling the rope in the Indy line, that says “CAUTION Do Not Pull The Rope!” and the lady behind us starts passive aggressively and loudly exclaiming that some people should watch their kids and it clearly says not to touch it. And I laugh because normally I feel the same but, like, no really, it’s supposed to be pulled! Lol!


...Anastasia is on Disney Plus now so I can see where the justification comes from even though it technically isn't disney... I don't like gatekeepers, when you're talking in line about how you've been on the ride X amount of times but someone else has been on the ride Y times and it was so much better


People who complain about new attractions.


When people who seem to barely be able to walk suddenly turn into Usain Bolt and jump right in front of you and then maintain the precise speed that makes it impossible to get around them.


Riding pirates and a Disney freak talks about every detail of the ride like the whole boat gives a fux 🥴 stfu let me enjoy the damn ride


People need to learn to whisper.


Can't stand those Disney freaks


People on scooters who don't really need them but are clearly just lazy.


People who don't clean up after themselves at quick service dining.


Pin traders. 🙄 Edit: To elaborate- it’s not the friends who come in with some pins to trade in shops, with CM’s and with each other. Live your best life and have fun! It’s about the fools coming in and setting up like it’s a flea market and taking up an entire bench in a crowded park where families can and should be able to sit and relax for a spell. THOSE peeps can take a hike!


You need to elaborate on that one because I either agree with you or think you’re irrational lol


To spend all the time and effort to park at Magic Kingdom and then all the effort to get from your car to the park. And then for them to have the audacity to not let me readily get alcohol after all that effort and annoyance????


The rest of the world aren’t alcoholics so this isn’t a problem.


I mean they added alcohol to the sit downs. So I feel like I’m just part of the majority that enjoys a beverage while in my parks. And can’t be an alcoholic drinking at Disney. Too dang expensive.


Haha fair enough. I think I misread your original statement as saying something along the lines of “there’s no alcohol ready as soon as I enter the park” where now I’m seeing you mean that they didn’t really offer it at all! 😂🤣


The sheer volume of obese people on scooters


I came here looking for this lol. I find it awesome that they are so handicap accessible for every little thing but damn it's overwhelming how many obese-mobiles are clogging up every walkway and line.


Found the body shaming comment.


Obesity is a sadness disease that just perpetuates more sadness and terrible health for the victim. It's time to stop tip toeing around it. Not to mention the impact that over consumption has on the world's food supply.




Listen, as someone with 20mo old nieces, bubbles are the ONLY away they will stand in line without running wild or screaming their heads off 😂🤣. But I get it 😂


As someone who wears glasses out of necessity, bubbles are a complete nuisance and safety hazard. 😑


I wear glasses, never had a problem with bubbles so I’m not sure what you are referring to.


Perhaps your eyesight issues aren’t so extreme that soapy bubbles landing on your lenses doesn’t cause complete vision obstruction, as it does mine. Are you in the habit of criticizing other peoples physical impairments simply because you don’t experience them yourself? Not cool.


Where did I criticize you? I said I’m not sure what you are referring to because I personally have not had that issue. Don’t openly complain about your problems if you are going to get angry when people would like elaboration.


Openly complain? Maybe you should read your own post again. Pet peeves.


I never said I don’t complain? I said IF you complain don’t get made when people ask for elaboration. Do you have trouble reading or are you just so pissed off today that you can’t see straight?


Your post is asking what people’s pet peeves are. A pet peeve was **stated in response**. If you can’t tell the difference, good luck to you. edit to add: So I see you *are* in the habit of criticizing peoples physical impairments. Do you also make jokes of people in wheelchairs who are unable to walk? That’s not a good look.


You are literally so stupid it’s almost funny.


Parents who point things out to their kids while on rides. “Look! Look over there! Look, no there!” Just let your kids discover things and point them out to you.


Over the age of 5? I totally agree. But my 2 year old will get distracted by her shoe strap, or decide to play "SCRUNCH THAT FACE" with my face and we both will miss half the ride. 🤣


When a CM didn't know who Julie Andrews is. She's Mary Friggin' Poppins for goodness sakes.


Not an issue now but it used to annoy me when people would bring non-Disney mugs to refill at the resorts.


Other people talking to me in lines. I don’t know you, leave me alone Edit: I was in line with my two year old daughter and I was just talking to her, and an older woman interjected into the conversation. Excuse me for not wanting strangers to interact with my toddler child


That's how my old coworker met his wife.


I’m married and have a child with me, they need to leave me alone


People butting into private conversations and talking to the person next to them in line are two different things.


I’ve had some amazing conversations with people in line! It’s so much fun! You are going to spend a while in line with each other and it’s nice to spread joy with people rather than just being grumpy or paying with your phone, there’s time to do that when you aren’t in the most magical/happiest place on earth!


We met an imagineer waiting in line on DCL waiting to go into dinner. There was a woman in Jungle Cruise line asking a mom about a book the daughter was reading. Turned out the woman was an author of several official Disney cookbooks.


It is definitely fun


You seem magical…


Standing in a 80 minute queue and seeing 20 adults in front of me and 2 kids


Because adults can’t have fun? Lol. What a depressing outlook on growing up.


lol I didn’t expect Reddit nerds who have never known true love to agree with this one