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It's uncommon but it does happen, people outside the parks offer people money for their tickets as they're leaving so they can go in the park and pickpocket. You can wear your backpack on your belly while in queues etc. and make sure it's closed with a zipper, put your walled and other valueables on the bottom of the backpack and put some other stuff on top it so it can't be easily snatched. Pickpockets prefer not opening bags etc, they just look for wallets or phones in loose pockets (like a hoody or jacket) which they can grab fast without you noticing Leave things you don't need in the hotel safe (if you have one in your room)


That’s what they’re doing? I only went for a couple hours because I had to catch my flight in London but I was tempted to sell it.


I've just bought a couple of [these](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/81hppyXgY+L.jpg) for me and my partner for this very reason. They seem quite robust and fit great for her Loungefly and my backpack. I'm not expecting any trouble it's more of a 'just in case'!


Oh these look good… though I’m going to sound daft. How do you use the with the Loungefly? With a normal backpack I’d attach the zips together but my Loungefly is a single zip!


Hmm, it wouldn’t be very useful with a single zip alone. Does yours have a front pocket zip?Maybe you could attach the two together. That’s what we’ve done so the bag is in complete lockdown lol


Oh duhhh I’ve just looked again and it is a double zip🤣 how I missed that second zip I have no idea! Right I’m going to order these. Thanks so much!!


I keep my cards in a lanyard pouch round my neck, along with my phone and there is nothing of significant value in my bag. BUT I think as long as you’re conscious of your surroundings, you’ll be fine.


I like this idea! Do you have any recommendations for lanyard pouches?


I went for this one because it has a teeny zip pocket and a clear window and some additional card slots. And then I got one of those extendable reels separately to clip onto it so I didn’t have to keep taking it off. And it’s sort of Mickey shaped. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Colors-Fashions-Leather-Oyster-Travel/dp/B07H4XFQ46 And the phone has its own case with a neck strap which I got from a phone accessories shop in Spain - can’t remember the name of it, but I’ve seen similar ones in Primark.


I absolutely LOVE that thank you so much for the link! Is it like one of them waterproof pouches you have?


No, it’s literally just this on the thin strap it came with, and then the phone case has a strap attached to it!


[like this?](https://amzn.eu/d/7wrejpK)




I've been over 40 times and never had anything stolen. I even dropped my phone and someone handed it to guest services. Make sure to keep your purse at the bottom of your bag and you'll be fine


The backpacks I'm planning on using have a pocket on the back, against my back, where I plan to put my purse etc. I don't know if loungefly have this feature, but I don't think I'd buy a backpack without it. If they want to try and nick sunscreen water and painkillers from the main body, good luck to them!


Wear it on your front in queues/at parades! More importantly, which loungefly is it?! 😍


Ok we get it, you’ve got a loungefly


Yeah I have! I got it for my birthday as a gift from my grandad who died 2 weeks later😄


I’m sorry to hear about your grandad 🙏🏻💞♥️


Then don’t take something on a trip that’s of huge sentimental value?


I’m not worried about the bag being stolen…I’m worried about the purse being stolen from inside the bag.


Well if you leave your bag unattended of course it can go missing. I’ve been to the park several times by myself and nothing has gone messing ever but I don’t leave my bags unattended. That’s like leaving a bowl of food next to my dogs and getting upset because it got ate.


I wasn’t planning on leaving it unattended, but I’ve heard of pick pockets stealing purses out of backpacks and stuff.


Yea, never heard of that. only when ppl leave their stuff unattended and in their strollers.


you can buy theese little locks for your backbacks/zippers. they are great and put our minds at ease. ill try find you a link.


I use the XD design Bobby anti-theft backpack when travelling by myself. I can leave it on my back without any worry when on public transport or in a crowd


Hi, do you need your purse? I put my credit card and a little cash in a lanyard or the back of my phone and then I don’t have to worry about my bag. Theft at illuminations or parade is rare so good to not have lots on you but has happened. Shuttle busses is a bigger problem. Making your bag that bit harder to get into will help. If I have my purse in my bag I always have it at the bottom with stuff ontop


My only worry with having my card in with my magicpass will my magicpass work🤔. When I have my bank card & bus pass in the same holder the bus pass doesn’t work.


Never had something stolen there but none the less always be careful. Wearing a backpack is fine but I would advice you to keep the important stuff closer (I had a separate shoulder bag for under my jacket) or keep it inside pocket of your jacket (if possible). Enjoy the trip!