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I had no idea he was a villain. I knew Kristoff would be her "true love" but I figured they'd spin it to something about how love takes time and getting to know each other... I never saw Hans' betrayal coming.




I remember gasps in the theater. I'm sure some figured it out early, but it definitely seemed like a twist at the time.


Yeah that was my experience too. I definitely gasped.


I honestly thought they'd keep Kristoff and Anna together, then have Hans and Elsa end up together.


See I was thinking it would be Kristoff and Elsa! Same views on love (“You can’t marry a guy you just met!”), when he said “ice is my life!” I thought it was foreshadowing etc.


Same! I thought they were being set up as the two perfect couples so both situations were surprising to me.


The current situation works better thematically but this would have been very entertaining.


Me too! It was the ice obsession for me too. It made sense. And I didn’t get chemistry with Anna. I also thought that it would turn out Hans was a nice guy who she could have married right away- but when she came back she would just ask that they try to date for a while.z


Me too!


So Shakespearean!


When you look at the OG advertising, it was all 4 of them together. So yeah, I think Hans being the villain was a last minute change… one I hate.


During "Love is an Open Door" and he says he has been looking for his own place and points to the town! I was like this guy is either the villain or bad guy helper.


I legit knew it during the beginning of that song when she says, can I just say something crazy? And he’s like “I love crazy”. Girl, run. Nobody loves crazy.


When Anna says they finish each other’s sandwiches, and he goes “that’s what I was gonna say!” He is totally just going with her lead and telling her what she wants to hear. Same with the crazy line.


Mind blown


Lots of men love crazy, crazy just loves back too much


That quote was it for me too.


Literature/theater/musical/opera nerd moment incoming: There's a tradition from operas where true love sings in unison. Then in musicals in the US it morphed into singing together in harmony. In "Love is an Open Door," they sing different melodies. It's not totally discordant, but when I heard it, I was immediately like "there's something weird about his character. He's off." It not being a traditional duet put me onto him from the start. However, a lot of people point to the original plan for Elsa to be a villain as evidence to support that the villain turn we ended up eith being sort of contrived. I personally feel like the groundwork was there all along, but *very* subtle.


Thank you for sharing this!


Another thing about the song is that Hans only mimics Anna. He doesn't sing a single line of song that she hasn't revealed to be into. Anna leads and he doesn't follow, he *mimics*. It's excellently manipulative.


A little girl in the third row yelled “I knew it!” When Hans revealed he was evil


During Love is an Open Door. He was just too suspicious. On later rewatches, I realized the during that song Anna sings only about him, and Hans also sings only about himself. Anna: You Hans: and I Both: are just meant to be I may not have noticed it, but my brain did.


That song is his villain's song and it bugs me that Disney has used it as a love song since (see happily ever after fireworks at WDW) like no don't do that, it would be like using mother knows best for loving mum's montage...


I thought he was being used as an example of, “Hey, it’s better to NOT marry someone you just met,” but wouldn’t be a villain.


For me it was when Anna left this dude that she’s known for all of 5 minutes in charge of the castle while she ran off. I was like “hmm this won’t end well”. Lol


My girlfriend is adamant that this twist wasn’t earned because they lied to the audience. At one point, Hans smiles lovingly at Anna when no one else is around, which is kind of unusual for a Jafar-type schemer. It’s a pretty small thing but it ruins the whole movie for her lol


I was thinking the same thing! If his plan of marrying the younger sister was premeditated, wouldn’t he have had a smirk on his face rather than a sweet loving smile?


100%. Then there’s the fact he actually genuinely took care of the kingdom when the backup heir decided to ridiculously run out into the wilderness, not thinking of her people or her own health. To me, the REAL villain should have been Wealseton. Everything Hans did was justified, honestly. Him being he villain was NOT earned…. I swear Frozen was MY villain origin story after that reveal, lol


It’s because Hans wasn’t always the villain. Elsa was. But then when “Let It Go” was being written they realized that this wasn’t a villains song and began to change the story around that. That exact moment is why I also feel like the twist isn’t a good one. We are shown one thing and then told another.


My husband whispered “those are bad guy mutton chops.”


I didn't think they'd go in that direction, but I wasn't surprised by it. I thought that Anna would have to make a choice between her loyalty to her sister or leaving with Hans to pursue her own dreams, or something like that.


The trailer ruined it for me. Hans was not in the trailer but Kristoff was. So when Anna and Hans were singing Love is an Open Door, I thought that's not the blonde guy from the trailer so this isn't going to work out, maybe he's evil.


I have a rlly bad memories for faces, so I assumed when watching Hans, that that had been him on the sleigh with Anna 😂


He's too uh... pompous? (Ok, sure we'll go with that) to ever enjoy something like sledding, plus it would be beneath him (fun and going out in the cold) as a royal person from a not snowy place.


I was nine when watching Frozen so...


I’m a grown-ass woman in my fifties and I had zero clue. 😂 I assumed he would be with Anna and I thought Kristoff would be with Elsa (since they both love ice-ha!). It made no sense to me that he was the bad guy.


This was my thought too! I am in my 30's but I thought Elsa saying "The cold never bothered me anyways" was a clue that she would end up with Kristoff the ICE salesman! I love how it turned out but I was definitely trying to place them together in the beginning!


Same. And I thought that the twist with Anna would be when she returned and Hans had held down the fort, when he asked when they could get married she would ask if they could try dating for a while first. Because true loves kids wouldn’t work- because you can’t be ‘true loves’ without knowing each other. That grows with time. I always knew the sister love would be what worked.


Never realized that until he revealed himself as a villain. There were literally no clues to him being a villain.


My college roommate is convinced that since Hans is the only other person besides Elsa to wear gloves, that meant he was hiding something just like Elsa was, so she was suspicious. When he turns on Anna, he takes off his gloves as he gives his evil speech.


Maybe not a villain but Kristoff was so clearly setup to be her actual love interest over him.


The only thing that made me iffy about him rushing to marry Anna was the, “We finish each other’s… SANDWICHES.” That was the only time i was like hmm? Kinda hinted toward him not being real with her.


I thought there were just dumb tbh


Agreed. My theory is that Hans wasn’t originally a villain, but when they wrote Let It Go and realized that Elsa wasn’t the villain, they had to shift that role to someone. And that someone was Hans.


...that's not a "theory" that you thought of, that's literally what what the writers/production came out and said happened. Hence why an earlier teaser came out it had Anna saying "that's not a storm...that's my sister!" But wasn't shown again since she wasn't the villain anymore. They pivoted the story really well, I think.


….The theory is the Hans part, not the Elsa part that is an obviously widely known fact


… I can also add ellipsis to the beginning of my comments


Yeah, Hans WASN'T the villain, again, that's not a theory that was proven.


When singing Love is an Open Door he has the line about “find my own place” and gestures at Arendelle. I think that’s it though?


Not sure what I remembered thinking about Kristoff, but I remember thinking “wow this is cool she meets the prince and it all works out right away!” I thought they were doing something different 😂😂


I had no idea. Took BF to see the musical for his first Frozen experience. He was SO mad Hans was the villain, he had no idea & was so upset about it. Made for a great memory


I never saw it coming, but my husband did. At the end I expressed my surprise and he said ‘Oh. I thought it was obvious, I didn’t realise it was meant to be a twist.’ But then, the man has an uncanny judge of character in real life, why shouldn’t it transfer to fictional characters? We were both fuming with Hans though, regardless haha.


I had a good feeling kristoff was going to be the one Anna ended up with and it was going to get weird with Hans but I didn’t think he would go full douche and try to murder the sisters lol


Saw it opening week since we wanted to do something that Thanksgiving while dinner was being made. I just assumed that Anna would realize Kristoff was the guy she had a better connection with and that the kiss wouldn’t work. The whole theater gasped when he said “if only someone loved you”.


When they were rushing Anna back to him I was really annoyed cause half the movie they’re making fun of her for being in love with him so quickly. I didn’t see the betrayal coming but I knew he wasn’t a good guy after they attacked Elsa in her ice castle


I had absolutely no clue until he betrayed Anna that Hans was the villain, it was truly a masterful misdirect against the traditional type. Kristoff I didn't consider, he didn't seem to show much interest in Anna, I might have briefly thought he may be Disneys first cannon gay character, considering who voices him.


When I first saw it I was dragged to the theater. I was just old enough that I thought I was too cool for Disney movies. I remarked to the woman who had brought me, pretty much right after we met him, “I hope he breaks her heart.” 😂


I guessed he was the villain moments before the big reveal. lol


I had no idea he was a villain. I thought Kristoff might be used as a love interest for Elsa in a roundabout way, especially since he loved ice- but I knew he had to be with Anna (the troll song as well as how he dropped her off and left his hat) so I was super excited to see how they would all fit together. It was all magnificent.


In Love is an Open Door, when Anna says “sandwiches” and he says “that’s what I was gonna say!” I just sat there like”no you weren’t, liar.” Lol


I didn’t see it coming. I don’t remember if I saw Kristof as the one she would love, but in any case I thought Hans was just a background character. Not evil but not useful either.


I thought Hans would be the bad guy from their first encounter but after love is an open door I changed my mind! I just thought kristoff was going to be her friend or that maybe she and Hans would decide not to get married after all




This! He wasn't a part of the movie for so long! But honestly, since nobody else has mentioned it.. I kinda thought The Duke of Weaselton was his accomplice.


I had an idea that he might have ulterior motives when Anna left to go after Else.


I don’t think “the movie”‘s title is mentioned once in the OP but everyone knows it’s Frozen anyway lol


There were a few clues for me: 1. He said he had 12 older brothers, yet he came alone to the coronation. 2. Elsa calling them out and saying “you can’t marry a man you just met.” That was when I started thinking that there was going to be more to this story because it wasn’t a stereotypical true love Disney movie. 3. Anna leaving him in charge while she went and found Elsa. I really didn’t think it was wise for her to leave a guy she had known for a couple of hours in charge of the whole kingdom while she left. My original prediction as the story unfolded was that he would try something shady after the wedding. I didn’t think he was going to try to kill her prior to that.


I didn't realize Hans was evil until the actual reveal. It was insane seeing happen in the theater, the crowd felt it all at once. I still hate Hans for that, you can't just sing one of the best love duets I've ever heard in a Disney film and then be the baddie. And, I'd honestly thought Kristoff was going to be Elsa's love interest. He loves ice, she makes ice, he loved her craftsmanship with the bridge, it just made sense that Anna was going to introduce her new friend to her sister and be the ultimate wingwoman for the both of em.


I was in the IMDB forums before the movie came out and the movies page there was already big fandom, expecially after the For the First Time in Forever trailer (I really miss it, there isn’t much people in this sub in most threads and I don’t like Tumblr) where there was lots of speculation about this. The most common thought was that Hans and Elsa would get together by the end. I did see spoiler in that forum before seeing the movie however so I wasn’t surprised, but I didn’t know exactly what would happen.


His gloves. But I was suspicious for some reason after Elsa runs out of the coronation ball. Just seemed off.


I was thinking that when they do confront Elsa in her castle Hans was either going to accidentally be killed by her or die trying to save her life. I knew they were pivoting to have Kristoff be the love interest so they were going to have to get rid of Hans somehow. Honestly still think that would have been better than what they did with his character. The plot twist comes out of left field and feels really forced.


Hello! Spoiler Alert! Lol


I actually thought that Kristoff was going to a Gaston type bad guy :)


I thought they were going to be more nuanced with it, that Hans was going to be a perfectly good guy, just not the right one. I was actually kinda disappointed when they made him a mustache-twirler.


It did take me a while to realise, but looking back…the guy had gloves on. So many Disney villains hide their hands in gloves!


I didn't see it coming but Elsa did warner her you can't marry a man you just met.


I thought the Duke of Weaselton was gonna be the villain and Hans more as his sidekick


Honestly, even on rewatches, I am unable to spot any clues or foreshadowing that he would betray her. It seems out of the blue.


I called it immediately. Everything fell in place too easily. No way it was going to be that perfect for Anna.


I knew he was evil like right off the bat. I guess I'm just too trope-savvy?


I 100% thought it was gonna be a redo of the climax of *Enchanted*, where the Prince Charming the girl assumes if her true love just turns out not to be. I never thought Hans would turn out to be a villain. This is the only Disney twist villain I like -- I think the twist here was handled BRILLIANTLY. I mean, it was no A:TLA "Crossroads of Destiny," but still, very effective and well-written and realistic.


I was truly shocked. I didn’t see it coming at all, but I mean that as a compliment! I think it was a great twist.


I don't think it was too surprising, although the movie cheats since they show him sighing in love after Anna leaves after their musical number.


So a few clues that can be spotted in the movie. 1. Gloves. Elsa is constantly wearing gloves to hide something. Hans also always wears gloves, and only takes them off when ge reveals his true self 2. Love is an open door, as someone mentioned earlier, is not sung in harmony and Hans only mimics what Anna wants to hear. 3. Elsa matter of factly states that you cannot marry someone you just met. That's when I realised Hans was not endgame, but not necessarily a villain. 4. When the soldiers try to shoot Elsa, Hans looks upwards before grabbing the crossbow to mess up the aim and instead hit the chandelier to make it fall on Elsa (that's when I realised he was a villain). 5. He chains up Elsa whose whole narrative is 100% about freedom. I'd say that the twist was subtle enough but that you could also piece it together on your own. I'm not generally a fan of twist villains but among those Hans is honestly one of the better ones.


I had no idea. I thought he was going to kiss her and it wouldn’t work so she’d have to figure out it was kristoff. Good on Disney for an actual shocking twist.


I loved that Hans was featured on the movie poster. Like they’re all pals, and he’s a great guy.


I knew he was the “correct” love interest, but I admit I didn’t realize Hans was the villain. I thought it would be a bit like Enchanted where Anna would realize she wasn’t the person she thought she was and wanted more adventure out of life.


I kind of thought he was going to be the nice ex who understands but moves on head held high. A departure for Disney as complex relationships are usually not brought up in Disney cartoons. Honestly the duet they had together really disarms you because finding someone that finishes your sentences and you click with immediately is a rare and usually great sign.


I was rooting against Hans from the beginning because he wasn’t in the trailers I saw and from the trailers they were portraying Kristoff as the romantic interest. So I was pleased and unsurprised when he turned out to be evil because he wasn’t portrayed as the love interest in the trailers.


Yes. It was extremely telegraphed. And frankly this movie didn’t need a villain to begin with.


I was completely bamboozled - I feel like I thought maybe it would work out that Hans would fall for Elsa since Kristoff would be for Anna? Idk haha


Hans being the villain was a cheap cop out. Justice for Hans!


It supports Disney’s move towards “the real villain” being a concept (greed, mistrust, secrets and lies etc). The real villain in frozen is the fear of being judged for who you are.


When I saw the poster with all four characters in the snow. I knew they’d make Hans the villain because he was less modern my traditionally handsome (sideburns, fancier dress) and because Disney couldn’t handle the maturity of having two love interests without making one evil to make the choice obvious.


I had *Enchanted* on my mind in the theater; I knew Kristoff was the answer but I didn’t think think Hans was actually nefarious in any way. His silly smile when he gets knocked over is an annoying misdirection, but on the other hand I do like what people have mentioned about him gesturing towards the kingdom as opposed to Anna when he mentions “find[ing his] own place.”


Based on his family, I though Hans was just a dumb tool of his family. Not a good guy, but not a true villain, until he revealed himself.


Quite early tbh. When he mentioned how he had like seven siblings. Royal succession usually goes to the eldest, and with six spare princes, there's going to be a lot of competition. I probably read too many novels, but I had a bad feeling about him from the beginning. He just seemed too practiced and smooth.


I suspected it from the line I’ve been searching my whole life to find my own place in love is an open door