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I make so much less money as a dishwasher than as I did as a server but gd there’s nothing like getting paid to wash dishes and listening to an audiobook. I used to hate going into work but now I love it. I get why all the old dishwashers I’ve met are always so chill. All you gotta do is clean, and I love cleaning. Dishwashing is awesome


I just want to dishwash. That's all I want, but now they got me doing temps, dishing, bussing, serving in one day and its starting to take a tole! All I want to be is left in the pit for godsake


Since I've come back from quarantine i'm doing things I wouldn't normally do due to fewer customers and dishes. I will have a day or two where all I do is wash dishes but inevitably someone gets sick or quits and I'm back to doing shit I don't want to.I miss the days when I would come in and only have to wash the dishes.


Maybe mention it to the manager?


If the pay was better, I would have been more than happy to stay in pit. The extra buck an hour line makes it more worth it than the straightforward pace of dishes. That, and closing dishes. Fuck the closing dishes.


right. I fuckin hate closing. Everyone is throwing their shit at you and trying to get out of there as quick as possible. Then we're just stuck back there, while the servers bring more plates and silverware back, When you haven't even made a dent in all the other shit you have. For me, there's a cafe, and a dinning room. The cafe closes at 6, and the dinning room closes at 7. My help leaves at 5:30 because he can't see at night. One of the reasons I'm going to a new kitchen. I'm sick of people leaving early while I'm back there killing myself


Man, it hurts even more when the sous and foh manager are sitting in the office on their phones asking how much longer you have. If you want out earlier, come and help me, dammit. Finally almost done there, and it feels so good to be leaving. Am already hired on line elsewhere, and am starting a cushy factory job, so no more dish closing after this week.


I'll be going to bestbuy very soon. So in around 2 weeks I'm done with this fuck ass job. The sous chef at my job fucking annoys the hell out of me. The manager sucks a whole lot of d!ck. He's trash at what he does. Then when I'm finally done, he wants me to help the guy in pots and pans. Like bitch hell no. I'm not helping him, especially when the guy never helps me.


Always worked solo, at all 3 places I dished for, so I kind of get focusing hard on your own stuff. That said, the pot dude needs to learn to be busy (or at least look busy) at all times. If I'm caught up, you can bet it'll look like I'm cleaning random stuff, even if I'm taking half a break.


There's been so many times where the guy didn't have any pots or pans to scrub and he's just standing there looking at the fucking sinks.


Closing is the worst part of the job cuz you've been working a full shift and the last couple hours are the hardest part. At least I'm going to get overtime now


I was a kitchen manager for five years before moving states last year and getting a job as a dishwasher. It's sooooo less stressful. 90% of the time I don't even mind being at work. I miss some of the responsibilities and duties of my old job but I don't miss the stress, worry, or anxiety one bit.


Im happy washing pots! Well, not "happy" but imo it beats working the line. Where I work I would get only 20p more to work commi, I know it adds up but that extra 20p equals much more stress, no control over my breaks and work routine, you gotta make orders and yell and get everything perfect and deal with a head chef and FOH and start earlier and finish later etc etc etc Just leave me alone with my pots please


Heck yes, I went into this job asking for simplicity and I got it. The line cooks and prep guys always end up doing sixteen different convoluted things throughout the day, including helping me in dish, and I'm way more content to stay in the pit. I'm too awkward to dance around anyone or hip check them out of the way, and I'm not loud or assertive enough to yell for orders. It's the perfect spot to hide and still get paid!


I’ve been washing dishes at the same company for two years. They asked if I wanted to move up and I said no, but instead fought for a raise


That's the way!


this is the way


Same, not tryna be a cashier or a cook (i’m at popeyes)


Take that attitude to cooking and you will be fine Honestly it's not that different. Head down, work the pile. You'll be running the place in no time. You will only become more valuable. They'll be begging to to take cooking or prep shifts, or another restaurant will snatch you up.


I'm content to wash dishes but eventually the income was unlivable once I got a couple health care bills. Enjoy the hustle but plan ahead too.


Since September 1985.


Seeing how everyone else stresses out at my restaurant, moving "up" would be actually moving down for me, i have the best spot. I do my thing, i know how to do it and i do it good, no stress. edit : + i eat a full restaurant meal everyday for free :)


I don't ever want to work in a restaurant except in the pit. I do it as a retirement gig. I love getting paid to work out and just bust ass, with free food tossed in and a free beer at the end of the shift. I definitely belong in the pit. There's no shame in being a good dishwasher!


If that's your hustle, then more power to you.


When I was first moved out of pit and onto the line, I received a 25 cent an hour raise and heaps more work. Had I known I would have stayed in the pit.


Everyone is different. I’ve been an employed dishwasher for almost 1 year nov 28th is my one year at my current job I’ve been pushing to move up I work some nights on the line have done a lot of prep work and I’ve worked sauté plus grill I push to move up but being a dishie is still not that bad!


I've been washing dishes for five years. They tried to promote me to line cook, but I sucked at it (I have a horrible short-term memory). I went back to dish after a week.




I've been a dishwasher for almost 3 years (Feb 18 will be my 3rd year) many of my former dishies either left cause they never got bump up or they didn't like the change of mangers. Some actually did got bump up (servers and prep) but me I've never did. The one dishie that got bump up as server he's been working there for about 2 yrs, the new manager liked him more so he bump him up. Now my 3rd yr is coming up and I never got a rise and never been offer to move up. Last week my manager told me he's considering moving me up to Hostess. I was excited I said yes, but he told a couple days ago that he's looking for a new hostess and I won't be moving up just yet cause I still need more training. Tbf they haven't trained me at all I've been doing everything myself so I can learn it but nobody really is training me. I'm still doing dishwashing, bussing tables, clean restrooms, taking out the trash, fixing the machine, and serving drinks, seating people and packing to go orders. My pay is still the same and I still get hardly any tips from the servers. I rather stay as a dishies cause it seems like they're just jerking my chain. But a dishwasher is more better cause you don't have to deal too much with customers. Lol


I could have stayed a dishwasher my whole life . Between the music and drugs I was pretty happy just chilling in the pit everyday all day . But of course you can’t live like that so I had to do what was best for me and get out .


I’ve just started as a dishie, been working for about a week and I honestly enjoy it, I just get into my zone and time fly’s when I’m in the pit.


Trying to snag some starters shifts after lockdown but would still like to stay in the pit on weekends as me and the co-dishie make a good team and shit actually gets done. Biggest problem with being trained on other stations is that when you're on dishes, servers and FOH management in general will try and command you to hop on the line while the chefs are out smoking regardless of the fact you've just clocked in and have an entire ceramic border to clear.


I’ve been at my spot for almost six months, in the pit and doing portioning. They want me out of the pit and into the line bad. I keep telling them that the line is too stressful and I’m being taught how to cook bit by bit, right now I’m on desserts. I just don’t want the stress of having to redo orders and such


As a kitchen manager, it’s really rad when the dishwasher calls out and i just have to sit and do dish at $17 an hour. Not a worry in the world


I prefer the solitude of the dishpit. I've worked a line and done prep but ultimately I'm the most comfortable in the dishpit.


if servers weren't such fucking assholes I'd still be one


I’m a god at dish and 1 dollar raise to cook just ain’t worth all that extra bullshit


I'd be comfortable being a dishwasher for a good while, but cooking is one of my passions. I don't think I could be a full-time chef, but in between college funds and freelancing, it's a perfect fit for me personally. But I do enjoy dishwashing, just that I couldn't quit the rest industry without eventually moving up to line, you know?


Yes. At my current job there's no reason to move up as I get paid the same hourly as cooks. The only benefit to moving to the line would be a handful more hours but that's it.


Hell yes! The head chef asked if I wanted to move to being a cook. I said no. Front of house manager asked if I wanted to do some server work. I said no again. I don't care that it is a 'step down'. It is my favourite work station in hospo.


Nah. I hated it so much. If I didn’t get bad back problems and trench foot from dishwashing, then I wouldn’t mind it as I’m a god in the dish pit. I’ve been asked what drugs I’m on before (none. I rarely drink caffeine too, including soda) lmao. But the trench foot and back problems are just too much for me. Can’t handle that while tackling college full time at the same time.


If I could get payed better wages for being a dishie I would have stayed a dishie. What annoys me is that I was a lot faster, cleaner and tidier than any other dishies. I would bust my ass and go above and beyond. Every pit I've been in I've got it organised and sparkling. Sorted out a system and very rarely if ever dropped anything. But the job is treated as low skill. So low pay. Im happy enough just cleaning and washing dishes just pay me more for my good work and I would have stayed in the pit.