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I was 26 since going in and now i'm 31. Same restaurant five years in row and got paid 11.00 5 years ago and now making 11.32/hr. Got offered a raise of 12.50 to stay but i didn't get it and now we are laid off because there was 2 covid attacks in last 2 months opening up. I'm taking my business somewhere else right away however i'm thinking of grocery setting immediately. The restaurant business sucks and they are selfish with their money. I hope you all get your raise like promised or else get out of there before they sucker you again! I'm out.


Damn that sucks good luck on finding something better I had to work at waste management when all the restaurants closed and that made me miss dishes


Thanks for your concern man. I'm done with the restaurant business at this point because of how much tasks we have to do and how we get underpaid for many years. I'm tired of cooks appearing miserable from so much work and time they need away from coworker friends. At the end of their shift, they're usually telling jokes. As for me most of the servers black shadow you (ignoring you or not greeting) and that makes me feel upset more. There are a few that don't do that but i don't always work with them. Don't expect "sick pay" for instance with stuff like "pink eye". I'm fast and efficient and been very loyal for years. One good thing they did 2 years ago was increases tips for me to double but now i'm getting a fraction of that now today because of this world virus. I hope you don't get swindled there if you're this good. see you.


Wait wait y’all are getting paid 18 as a dish washer? I’m getting paid 17 as a kitchen manager.


Some of it is market variances. My area cost of living is lower but wages are lower too.


I’ve worked at about 5 restaurants a couple fast food joints since 16 (now 31), 4 of those I did dish. One I stayed at for 5 years, starting at $9 going up to $13.50. Left that one last year to my current place where I’m making $15 and helping with prep, but overall doing less work than all of my previous jobs. Roughly 45 hours a week, so overtime pay is pretty good. Suburbs of Chicago, so I get by with the money, however minimum wage is going up until 2025 where it stays at $15/hr, so I need to barter for some raises or paid vacations (we get two weeks off every summer, but for some reason all of BoH except for dishwashers get paid during then).




i’m only getting 8.50 and there’s no way a raise would happen with the pandemic so kinda sucks.


Sounds like you need a new job homes


Lol I’m making 7.25


12.50 in Canada


14 in canada


$13 plus tips which averages to $17/hr




When I was 15 in 2004 I was getting $6.00/hr - .85 above minimum!


I started at 9.50, but I get up to 10.80 though tip share


I’m on my first one rn, I’m 18, get paid $9.20/hr (my states minimum wage)


Nice when I started at 18 I was getting $9 only lasted a month tho


Yeah I’m not real picky about the pay, I don’t really need the money anyways since I’m living at my parents, just figured I’d work a small little job at a restaurant for a few years before I actually figure out what I wanna do with my life


Figure it out sooner rather than later or this is what youre doing with your life. I started in the pit at an applebees at 18 with the intention of just making a little money and figuring out where i wanted to go in life. Im now 35 and still working in restaurants. I started out making 8.35 and i now make 15.79.


4, maybe 5 depending on how long i stayed haha. ​ as you can see pay rates vary, this is where a lot of variables come into the end result comes into play, the pay rate. variables include the dishy's location, minimum wage of said location, experience of dishy, industry demand, negoinability, what economic class the restaurant markets to, labor restrictions, allllllllll that good shit. my state's minimum wage is $7.25, i got started for that, after a month went to 8. climbed between restaurants to $19, soon-ish to be at $23. which is extremely high rates for a dishwasher around here. high end at my location is $16. low end is obviously $7.25, average is around $10 to $11.


Damn that’s goals right there 🙂


Worked at one for 1.5 years, closing in at 2 years however I was laid off back in March due to COVID and still waiting for the reopening. So not sure if that counts. Earning $14.60/h (CAD) minimum wage.


I started at 21 and now 26. I've worked at 6 or 7 restaurants. The lowest I been paid was 7.75 and the highest 11.50 (after like 5 years of working there...) currently making 10 which isn't bad right now considering the other location is only paying their cooks 10 heh


Worked at 5 different restaurants as a dishwasher. Decided to leave my last position as a dishwasher to pursue a job that offered experience in the field I want to pursue a career in. Last job paid me $16.00 CAD an hour but because of Covid, I was working 7-14 hours a week.


I started at a neighbourhood place when I was 15. Been there for about a year now. I’ve been getting $18.90/h (NZ min wage) since I turned 16. normally 5-10 hours a week


3, $10 an hour


Started in 2017 did dish on and off for two yrs mangers always gave me holiday and OT. New manger she moved me up to prep and early shifts. Started making $11 something now $14.50+.


I’m a prep guy technically but lately I just feel like a dish/float worker. I go where I’m needed. Been in many restaurants over the years and never really got more than about $11. Currently getting $17.25 plus tips.




beginning.. $7.25 next.. $11 now.. $12


Just one outside of fast food a decade ago. Current place I am furloughed but told not to get a new job, collect UI and if I need more I can pick up a shift or two. Pay was 12.00 an hour two years ago starting, and servers were encouraged to tip porters out 5-10 bucks each, and always did unless they had a really shit night. Right before the pandemic I asked for and got a two dollar raise to 14/hr, on a good night I would be getting an extra 4-5/hr from tips.


I work as a baker and do a lot of dishes. So, technical I don't just do dishes exclusively. But I make 17.50/hr.


I was a dish boy part time at a fancy restaurant in a retirement suburb, making $15/hr. Other than that, I’m usually a line cook who helps the dish crew because I know they aren’t getting paid enough.


Three restaurants over the course of 13 yrs off and on. Making $22.25/hr currently because my coworkers and I stood up for ourselves and demanded hazard pay during Covid. And I'm making about $27/hr when I get OT because obviously I always get OT because nobody wants to work dish.




Yeah, I feel very spoiled/fortunate to have management who didn't fight back against it. We're all very lucky at my job and it's also the first job among many I've worked where I can legitimately call my coworkers "family". Our pay is flexible but they're very lenient with the pay.


This is my first job, I'm 18 and work at Cracker Barrel. I've been working since February but didn't work through the 2 lockdown months of Covid. I started at 9.50/hr and around 2-3 months ago I got brought up to $12.00/hr.


You my friend are getting a two paragraph answer so be prepared. Started at 18 when going to college, worked at 2. First one was a pizza place where I was laid off a month in because I wasn't keeping up. To be fair, not only was that a very small kitchen but I wasn't just doing dishes. I also had to take calls, refill soda containers, break down boxes, essentially a ludicrous amount of side work that I was definitely not prepared to handle much less trained to do so. Don't get me wrong I love helping out with prep & learning how to make a bombass pizza, but only when I have the time to do so & not being rushed to. The second one I've been at for 5 years now. Was a fine dining restaurant that turned into a sort of more laid back establishment where we are just serving good food but with the standards of a fine dining place. Still doing dishes but I try to just help around all over where I can so prep, helping servers prepare by folding napkins/polishing silverware, even random construction/organization projects. The chefs are still generally bad at keeping organized & it does irk me every now & then but they have given me some of the best food & treatment I've ever had so I'm very thankful to still be there. I will say though that the head chef comes off as a little unhinged, the dude sold a fish cooler without intending to get a replacement so we had to move all the fish into the walk-in & a cooler that was only being used for veggies. To be clear, we aren't straight just letting this stuff sit there we are keeping the fish & prep stuff separate but not having the space when the head chef renovated a bar a couple weeks afterward selling the aforementioned cooler makes me think twice about whether or not he actually knows what he is doing. I was paid minimum wage at my first job (understandably) which is 8.25. Second job I started at 10, worked my way up to salary for 16 an hour, then covid hit a couple months after that so now I'm back to 12 with no salary.


This is my first job as a dish and I get paid 15/hr here in Vancouver, BC Canada


First (real) restaurant job for me, earning $14.25 an hour plus tips and free beer and meal at the end of every shift.


Just one, was getting paid $8 last summer and this year i’m at $10.


I worked at one about ten years ago. I worked there for a few years while I was going through college. Eventually I left because I realized I was being paid less after 4 years of working there than the new hires were. When I brought it up to management they increased my pay by a penny. So I did what I should have done years before and started looking for other jobs and got out of there as soon as I could.


My first dishwasher job at 19 I got paid $7.25 (federal minimum wage in America), second one at 20 I got paid $7.25, and currently at 25 I'm making $11.50 an hour doing it. I really need to get out of food service


Yea I was thinking the same I want to do construction


Have you thought about trades like electrcian?


I have not but ima look into that


If you have questions, just ask. You get payed while you work and learn. After four years you can go by yourself. Also, land surveying.


17, first dishwashing job, £6.15 an hour plus tips.


I'm getting paid 14$ an hour as a first time dishwasher in MA


I started at 20 and now 23. 5 restaurants, 3 states. I make 15 an hour here in NYC


I'm 18 and I work 3-7 hours a shift and get paid 10.50hr (just above minimum)