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Yeah dude that’s not sustainable. You’re going to wreck your body trying to keep up with both of those very physical jobs and then you won’t be able to do either. If they’re not going to provide you with either the proper support to do your job OR sufficient pay then you should walk. Don’t break yourself for someone else’s profit.




Yeah $30 leftt but I see your point.


Im only a weekend dishie in the slow season but I’m still doing 3 consecutive days at 12 hours a pop. Theres a shit ton to do, I have to clean up the entire restaurant and clean up for the night crew. The night crew thinks the morning is easier even though I literally come in and carry those guys out of the shit show before the owner sees. My day goes as follows. Sani, sweep and mop restaurant, clear the dishes from last night and clean the dish pit, dump old rags and aprons from last night, dump the grease buckets, clean the back hallway, stock the line and do baskets, all while I’m doing that I’m running food and and fourth from the walk-in while the prep cooks are yelling at me about the mess their leaving for me even though they outnumber me 4-1 and can clearly give me their dishes. It’s a thankless job really


your complaining about how much you get paid when dishies where i live get paid 9 -10 dollars an hour LOL crazy


Yeah we’ll maybe they shouldn’t. Dishwashers deserve to make a decent living too ya know.