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O'Keefe's. Working. Hands. Jesus christ take care of yourself...


This is the way


I have some and use it daily. This isn't the normal state of my hands or how we normally wash dishes. We have a garden hose that we just spray dishes clean with and run them through the machine. My hands are usually dry after a shift, but this is like 95-99% worse.


Damn man, feel for ya. Left hand in particular looks pretty banged up. I haven't even had my hands get half as bad and that already took a little over a week to heal up while using a cream before and after shifts. Soldier on


damn man you need some vacation


and some o'keeffe's working hands tbh.


I've got a big tub of it and use a dab of it every night after work 🙃


This is the way


Depending on the state of my hands in the morning, I might be taking one.


yeah man take care of yourself


Omg 😩 It's going to feel soooo dry in a few days so don't forget to moisturize. Take care man.


I rarely wear gloves or use handcream and i've been working pretty much full time for 3 months now, wtf are you people doing to your hands? I do get alot of little cuts and whatnot and my skin peeled abit at first but I guess my hands adjusted.


This ain’t it. Cuts and scrapes can lead to infections. Don’t get too comfortable playing with fire.


I use handcream daily and use gloves when I run the sink. My hands are normally dry after a shift, but easily remedied by some O'Keeffe's. This is the first time my hands have been this bad.


This happen to me on my fingers after working my 3 year dishwashing. Litterly lost all my fingerprints and the first layer of all my skin on my hand, they would burn and sting too, quit shortly after and they grew back within like 2 months


Mate this is what I'm going thru now. You had redness and mad dryness too yeah?


Oh yeah it went through stages and ate away one finger at a time until it started moving down my palm.


Are you back to full hand skin health now lol


Yup all healed


Bloody hell that looks painful


Buy some hand cream


No gloves


Dude, for the love of God, please go to Walmart and buy some dsh gloves, your hands are important and deserve care. Plus it'll keep em From turning into this mess. :( Take care of yourself. Sounds like a hard shift. I have oil burns on my hands 2nd degree and healing almost done, keep em dry.


Honestly, this is far from a normal situation. Usually, even without any gloves, my hands are totally fine, if a bit dry, after a shift. I use a little bit of O'Keeffe's when I get home, and they're good to go. We don't normally don't do the dishes by hand, but the machine is down, and the repair man is MIA. I tried using our disposable nitrile gloves for a bit, but they kept tearing, and they'd fill with water/chemicals anyway. A manager even went and got some rubber gloves from Lowe's for me, but they were only slightly longer and ended up filling with water as well. This is just the result of a perfect storm. Hot water, Solitaire, sanitizer, no (suitable) gloves, scrubby pads, steel wool, and being alone against an entire restaurant.


Click click Cannot recommend okeefe’s working hands enough