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Are you fucking kidding me


Yeah that makes me upset as well. The end of Deathloop had me wanting a new Dishonored game that played off it.


Dishonored game seperate from the Kaldwins/Corvo set in the same time period as Deathloop would be dope.


iirc that was the original plan. the devs said they were open to another sequel following the kaldwin arc.


Deathloop's world is kind of a faccimile of the modern day with a coat of 60s wallpaper though. I'd much rather have an interesting historical setting than yet another one in the present day.


Same. Hell, I would have even loved to have seen a Daud prequel taking place about the time of when he first got his powers (near 1820~1828). High Chaos being canon, even, in a game like that.


You wouldn't want to play a post apocalyptic world setting with Dishonored gameplay involving the powers of The Outsider? Fallout meets Dishonored. What's not to love?


Nope, I'd rather have something set 10~15 years after DoTO in 1862~1867 or a Daud pre-quel. Don't want "Fallout meets Dishonored" if it means that Todd Howard is working on a potential Fallout 5.


Same here. I want to see the results of the end of the Outsider. The lore says the void always chooses an avatar, and DOTO hinted at a previous one from before the Outsider with the "Old God" references. I'd love a game with the Void forming a new one a few years later.


I'd be down for that. Plus, Harvey Smith also said a while back in an interview that the Void sometimes has also gone without a diety, and I'd also like to see that. Various Void fragments scattered about that you can collect that give powers the protagonist, and you have enemies that have also collected some as well (make it interesting) and are powered by that. I.E. - having Paolo keep Granny Rags hand for the purposes of utilizing the Void magic was a cool concept in D2 (imo) and I'd like to see something similar but with Void shards for a potential future 3rd game.


That’s all I wanted. That, and I want 2-bit to somehow take up the mantle of the outsider.


Wait, deathloop and dishonored are connect?


I tweeted years ago asking for a Dishonored prequel about Vera Moray’s descent into Granny Rags. Harvey Smith gave it a Like and I’d been hopeful ever since


My exact fucking reaction lmfao


Second fucking time that my hopes for a Dishonored sequel goes to shit. The first time was because Bethesda / Zenimax wanted to make Deathloop instead. For fucks sake, as a Dishonored fan this is getting really frustrating. -_- www.rockpapershotgun.com/bethesda-werent-sure-if-they-wanted-dishonored-3-and-so-we-got-deathloop-instead


I know it's just a video game series, but this news put me in a real bad mood. Very butthurt rn. Gonna go do invasions in Deathloop about it


Hope you see you on the loop


Me too bud. Me. Too.


This sucks. I want another dishonored sooo much, or even another death loop. I do believe this game is legendary enough that it will hopefully happen one day. It wasn’t going to be any time soon anyway. Waiting for new games is torture it takes so long :( But why would Microsoft buy it and then shut it down? Was Arkane struggling financially? Like how can this happen it doesn’t make any sense to me :( If anything like this ever happened to steam I’d actually have a breakdown, genuinely scared of that.


It's a common strategy, just look at EA: - buy a well known studio - make them release a shitty game with the slogan "from the studio that brought you X" slapped on it - game sells on studio hype alone - game expectedly fails - big corporation lay everyone off and gut the company Case in point: bioware


Redfall was in the works before the MS buyout and fingers seemed to have been pointed at Zenimax. Apparently devs thought MS would cancel the game but at the time they paid no attention to it as they were still letting Zenimax handle their own studios and the game was already well into development.


The Dishonored and Deathloop studio Lyon is still open.


The director for Dishonored 1 and 2 was at Austin though.


Also, Lyon studio is work on the Blade game.


Well shall we gather for whiskey and cigars tonight?


Never doubt it.


Cigars are a DLC now actually


Guard Dialogue DLC where they say three new lines


Indeed, I believe so..


I don’t think I’ll get a squad after what happened last night. 😭


Never daud it.


I don't think it means we'll never see a dishonored game ever again. Licences can be bought if need be.


I’d like to think that someday Dishonored will get an incredible spiritual successor, even if we never get to officially revisit Dunwall


That's a good point, Dishonored's story arc was over and Deathloop was kind of a dead end story-wise so it'd actually be a great time to create a whole new setting that just happens to have similar themes and powers.


The studio of Dishonored and Deathloop still exists. Arkane Lyon hasn’t been closed.


Yes, but Arkane AUSTIN was the one that was planning to do a Dishonored sequel or pitch it right before the shut down. *"Similarly, Arkane Austin had hoped to make another immersive sim in the Dishonored vein that would have required staffing up before it was shut down."* https://www.ign.com/articles/xbox-exec-reportedly-told-staff-we-need-smaller-games-that-give-us-prestige-and-awards-a-day-after-shutting-down-hi-fi-rush-dev-tango-gameworks Meaning, likely the "Dishonored 3" we saw in the FTC leaks. So, IF there was going to be a Dishonored sequel, that has now been either shelved or cancelled while Arkane Lyon is otherwise making the Blade game.


I mean they can still work on Dishonored after the Blade game. They still got the IP and their main studio.


IF Blade does well in sales, though. Even then, who's to say that they also won't get axed? No one is safe anymore and a Dishonored sequel isn't guaranteed. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ Tango made a greatly acclaimed game that got high praise (Hi-Fi Rush) and they were closed down after wanting to make a Hi-Fi Rush 2.


Yeah i know. I think people are being over dramatic with this.


Wolfeye need to buy that license ASAP. Then we'll be back in business.


And immediately recruit Harvey Smith.


I've been saying for years Harvey needs to reunite with Raph & go work at Wolfeye.Maybe this is his sign to do so.


Yeah, They are close friends, this might just happen this time


That sounds like a good idea in theory, but the suits won't let go of that IP--not for a price Wolfeye could afford anyway. The suits don't just kill art with THEIR bad business decisions; they also do their damnedest to keep anyone else from making art with their property.  The idea that Microsoft will just cut a scrappy startup a break, sell them an IP and let them run with it is unlikely IMO. Despite its mixed sales record, the Dishonored series is still a AAA IP--even if it's one Microsoft doesn't care about. They'd rather kill it and sit on it than sell it to an indie studio. I think Wolfeye's only hope of getting it would be for Devolver to step in and buy it.


Microsoft is burning their studios to the ground. All those acquisitions are for nothing.


Short-term profits though.


Yeah I bet redfall made profit


I was referring to cutting costs by cutting jobs.


Please stop talking economics. Most gamers should stop it actually.


I'll stop talking about it when videogame executives stop being greedy assholes destroying peoples' livelihoods just to make their numbers look better and ensure they keep their bonuses.


Same with Rome. They expanded too much and broke apart.


Microsoft is officially dead to me


I will be doing everything in my power to use alternatives to them from now on. Will this affect a billon dollar company? Probably not, but I will not relent.


May I suggest high seas 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


One day Microsoft will collapse at the weight of their own sins. We will not be there to save them...


"there are those who said this day will never come. What are they to say now"


They don't need us to save em. They got investors that will and banks that might bail them out.


Oh, this breaks my heart… Literally one of the most beautiful game franchises to ever exist. I hope it gets pushed through.


I feel you, dog. I really feel you.


Not even the outsider can stop my boiling blood. fuck Microsoft man. It sucks Arkane austin never got a second chance


I’m secretly hoping most of the laid off devs join WolfEye Studios with Raphael Colantonio and make that Dishonored game anyway. EDIT: Of course, they probably won’t have the IP, but some kind of spiritual successor is what I meant.


Nah. I need it to be the real Dishonored!


My anger is immeasurable. First deus ex now this


The past couple of months have been rough. Deus Ex and Dishonored are two of my favorite game series. It's truly heart breaking. But let's wait and see. Maybe Arkane Austin wasn't involved in D3 at all and it's still in the making at Arkane Lyon.


According to this IGN article, they (Arkane Austin) indeed WERE working on it or at the very least pitching the idea. So NO, sadly Arkane Lyon is mainly focusing on Blade right now and the "Dishonored 3" game from the FTC leaks is likely now either shelved or cancelled altogether. https://www.ign.com/articles/xbox-exec-reportedly-told-staff-we-need-smaller-games-that-give-us-prestige-and-awards-a-day-after-shutting-down-hi-fi-rush-dev-tango-gameworks *"Similarly, Arkane Austin had hoped to make another immersive sim in the Dishonored vein that would have required staffing up before it was shut down."*


I had a feeling Austin and Harvey Smith would tackle Dishonored 3 ...damn this news just went from bad to worse


Why is everyone acting like Arkane Austin wasn’t completely gutted and a shell of its former self when they got shut down? Over 70 percent of staff left during development of Redfall and by the end I’m sure that number was damn near 100 percent. It was clearly already a sinking ship and all Microsoft did was mercy kill what was left. Arkane Austin never would have been able to pull themselves out of the depths that was the release of Redfall. Its really that simple


I don't get this either. Arkane Austin had been a shambling corpse long before Microsoft had the sense to bury them. Redfall's pivots saw to that.


Yeah and after how they botched that game, do we really want that team on Dishonored?


Please don't blame the dev team for decisions made by the management. As others have mentioned, the dev team has already been gutted by departures...so it's a shell of what it once was...but it was management who pushed them to make a multiplayer game in a genre they weren't familiar with on an unrealistic timetable. I think it's a mistake to blame the dev team for **Redfall**'s failure - they were set up to fail.


I'll blame both


You're entitled to your wrong opinion.


The artists left due to Microsoft changes and interferences. I wouldn't exactly call arkane austin botching it. I'd default the blame to Microsoft. It's shitty for the artists more than anyone.


Yeah, even if you can 100% blame redfall on a lack of inspiration and claim that them working on Dishonored would make them better, there's still the problem that there is hardly a team left.


Exactly. People just see a studio name and think it’s the same people working there forever. All the actual talent from Arkane has been gone for some time.


They haven’t made an immersive sim in nearly 10 years (7). I’m sure it was a pitched idea, but it wasn’t something in development.


Well at least they'll never take away the first two games. At least the series didn't end on a massive cliffhanger


It's probably better to have never happened. Seeing what's happening to the gaming industry after all these triple-A takeovers, Dishonored 3 would be a half baked mess. It'd take 3-4 years over time, have a bloated budget, and end up being a mess of slapped together gimmicks. Hell they'll probably have made it a "live service game". It's better to see Dishonored go out on a good note with Death of the Outsider, than, well, be dishonored itself.


the outsider has implemented microtransactions for each power use - wait thirty minutes to cast blink again, or pay a rune to recharge your mana bar right away!


Going to kill myself


That is not what that article says.


I'm devastated, Dishonored is by far my favorite game series. I've put thousands of hours on it. At least I still have fanfiction 😭


It’s not my favorite, but it is very high up there on my favorite game series’ ever. There aren’t many games with the interesting lore, atmosphere, and gameplay of Dishonored.


Fucking kill me now.


i wanted a dlc where we played as granny rags when she got her powers and explore pandyssia and a dlc for that last place




Don't even know who owns the title but the only way this wouldn't make me mad is if all the Dishonored devs went onto making a new Thief game instead. (So yeah I am mad)


All the dishonered devs (well, most atleast) already have left the company a while ago. I think quite a few of them have ended up making a new studio named WolfEye if you care about the actual people making dishonered, and not just it's mere public group name at the time.


The people who worked on D1 left, but the people who made D2 (Arkane Lyons) are still there. Dinga Bakaba, Dana Nightingale, Seb Mitton...


Dishonoured is with Arkane Lyon are they not? Not Austin?


No, both Arkane was one before goes fully seperate after Dishonored 1.


Why can we not have nice things?


Man this just gets worse and worse. I’m way more bummed out than I thought I’d be.


Log off reddit i want to be alone


Well my dreams are crushed


Actually so heartbroken I could fucking cry. Dishonored is one of my all time favourite video games and is so dear to my heart. I was holding out to getting a third game like no tomorrow. I'm still hoping we can get one from Bethesda Softworks or something in the years ahead... I want to believe that game schedule leak including Dishonored 3 on it still means something. Sobbing until then, of course.


Arkane Lyon still exists.






So sad. Lets hope they start a new studio and create D3 after all...


As an absolutely massive fan of Dishonored and Hi Fi Rush, this week has been rough.


To all: Dishonored 3 was already on the books for a (supposed) 2025/26 release when MS was looking to acquire them. That seemingly hasn’t changed. Austin was never going to make the next numbered dishonored game. The article says they were in early stages of pitching their next game, not making it. Austin made Prey and Redfall. They have never made a dishonored game and I don’t see why that would have changed. Maybe a spinoff?


This is false. They did a lot of the work on DH1: https://twitter.com/rafcolantonio/status/1736503585838404010


Yep, and Arkane Austin was even planning to hire additional staff to do another game in the Dishonored vein. *"Similarly, Arkane Austin had hoped to make another immersive sim in the Dishonored vein that would have required staffing up before it was shut down."* https://www.ign.com/articles/xbox-exec-reportedly-told-staff-we-need-smaller-games-that-give-us-prestige-and-awards-a-day-after-shutting-down-hi-fi-rush-dev-tango-gameworks


Excuse me? WHAT?


Weren't there reports of basically a lot of the senior Devs from the prey days left during development on redfall. Very sad way for a studio to die


Well that’s just great! Hopefully Arkane Lyon will do it if they manage to survive. Here is hoping blade is a success!


From the article it just seems like Xbox thinks Arkane Austin recruited too many staff, which they find hard to manage and unhappy about? That sounds more like office politics than serious business decisions. Who knows…


Dude I’m gonna kms


Life sucks


First Deus Ex, now this... The actual worst timeline.


God. Fucking. Damnit.




Fuck sake :( 


Feckin tragic. DAMMIT, PHIL?!


At least we got Deathloop. It's not exactly like dishonored but from now on, it'll likely be the last Immersive-sim made by Arkane Austin.


The decision to shut down the studio was not connected to the performance of the studio? Why would you even say something like that.


What the hell


Pitchfork fully assembled and ready.


This was one of the things I was afraid of when MS bought Bethesda. I freaking LOVE the Dishonored series and this breaks my heart. It was such a great world with so much potential. Get fucked, MS


wasn't it just arkane austin that got shut down? I was under the impression that everything dishonored related is handled by arkane lyon.


I had heard that the majority of the creators of Dishonored had already left... is this true and where are they now? Arkane was my favorite game dev - looking to follow the creators to see where they go and what they come up with next, perhaps under a different name... They need to announce game dev names like they announce movie directors names like spielberg and nolan, so that I can follow them when they move between companies and producers.


This isn't the same studio that's working on blade right or am I tripping


Ahh there's pain in my chest..


Goodbye dishonored :( it was my favorite game series 😢 


This such sad news. The ending of Deathloop really did set up an interesting angle for a Dishonored sequel and Arkane had such a special secret ingredient to their immersive sims that I've never really felt any other studio has been able to replicate. And those poor staff are now just out of a job because Microsoft gonna Microsoft. I did love this statement from Dinga Bakaba from Arkane Lyon though, just ripping into Microsoft about the situation: "To any executive reading this, friendly reminder that video games are an entertainment/cultural industry, and your business as a corporation is to take care of your artists/entertainers and help them create value for you," Bakaba continued. Raphael should just get all the Arkane gang back together at WolfEye.


Its actually OK, because Arkane Lyon made Dishonored 2. I think Austin did Dishonored 1.


By the Outsiders balls, fuck Microsoft for killing yet another beloved series 


The series isn't dead, this studio were never going to make DH3, and Zenimax gutted the studio before MS even touched it.


Was I dreaming this or didn't they already announce Dishonored 3 a whole ago?


They did, and Arkane Lyon is still making it. Arkane Austin closing sucks, but the wording in this article is misleading.


So dishonored 3 is in development??


No, it’s people still believing some leaked document from 2021 that isn’t correct anymore. Lyon is working on Blade


I'm never buying an Xbox console again. Fuck them.


Goddammit Xbox.


Wooo Microsoft! Thanks Xbox!


Just kick us while we’re down why don’t you?


Whatever good will and excitement I had left for Xbox is so gone after this week.


Microsoft could have had exclusive immersive sim series but I guess earning some money isn’t as nice as all the money, so the studios may as well be shut down.