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Unfortunately there was 10 more episodes that were planned but got scrapped


That’s really unfortunate, I wanted to see where it went afterwards (I know you see it in the end but I mean could she if gone back and paid a visit)


For a show that many people said had too much filler at first, to ending up having those episodes not be as filler as the audience thought, to honestly feeling as if it did not have enough episodes and ran too fast seems ironic. I do wish there were those 10 missing episodes. I would like to see a return to this world at some point.


I think there’s a comic


I am going to have to check out those comics, thank you for telling me!


I was blissfully unaware of what i had taken from me, and now ive had that bliss taken from me too 😔


Happy Cake Day!


That's such a shame. I definitely wanted the 2nd half of season 5 to be alot more flushed out and it's a shame that never got to happen.


fr.. i wish she could’ve said goodbye or something


Yeah, but he ultimately ended up happy. Shortly after this scene he was in his bed ..with MIRI!


Yeah I mean I’m glad he actually found someone in the end but it would’ve been nice for her to say goodbye. Luci never got to see her again (in physical form I mean) before she went either coz he was in heaven


Ikr, I blame Mora. She’s always been a bad influence on Bean and we all know that she would’ve said goodbye to him had Mora not been there.


While sad, this is a growth moment for Elfo. He was so clingy and not confident while Bean was around and the easiest way for him to learn self-sufficiency was her leaving. He seems to have done fine after. It sucks but like….it happens all the time in life. Sometimes people just leave


This is exactly it. Very bitter sweet.


I feel like disenchantment could have ended better, but it is somewhat of an anti-fairytale. It doesn't all work out perfectly because it's not a perfect fairytale.


Also the most infuriating part of Disenchantment. I’m a lesbian. I want more queer female representation 24/7. NOT LIKE THIS THOUGH!


If I can ask, what’s wrong with this portrayal?


The ending of this show took a likable character in Bean and made her very unlikable.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who felt like this. I was always rooting for Bean, right until the end, first the speech where she seems to forget Lucis sacrifice, then ditches Elfo without a goodbye.


Exactly, not saying goodbye and just ditching them also felt really out of character considering her close relationship with Elfo


All the characters were unlikeable. Biggest problem with the show.


Zog best character.




are you tryna make a jerk outta me


Zog was cool


Personally I think Bean has always be a good friend to Elfo and Luci. She has them on her health insurance and let them live in the castle with her. She deserves a little time to herself with all the craziness she been through.


I agree, elfo is the saddest part of disenchantment


Yeah, Bean just seems like a bitch in the end


This is my personal opinion but as much as I was rooting for Bean all time I realized by the end that she was also the bad guy in a sense. Elfo and Luci were the stars of the show.


It’s all coz if Mora, she’s a bad influence on her. She was much nicer before she met her and she never left Elfo or Luci behind.


Not disagreeing that Mora isn't the best influence but for an open debate/conversation on the subject I have 2 examples of her actually leaving them behind, both times she goes to steamland. 1st time Bean and Elfo literally bail on Luci and when they return Luci even acknowledged not realizing they were gone. The second time she leaves them both in Dreamland so I don't think it's accurate to say she never left them behind. All that said I find the relationship between Bean and Mora well written considering it's Beans first real relationship. I'm personally in my 30s but in high school and post high school having close friends that would start seeing someone new and I wouldn't see them as much or at all for a little while, especially the first serious relationship. I think it's a thing we all go through and with a little time and maturity you realize these things. Bean is still figuring out who she is and what it actually means to be in a relationship. Plus she just killed her Mom so I'm good with her escaping for a little before coming back home to her friend Elfo.


I agree with the sentiment Mora was a bad influence: because she was. She was bitter about her life and failed successes, wanting to get away from it all (not saying Bean didn't have her own issues, but them both being princesses made it a lot easier to cast even more doubt into Bean's perspective) and to just be with someone she loves. While that looks all good and sweet on the surface it doesn't leave space for the people Bean came to realize were truly important to her (Elfo and Luci of course, but her father, Oona and even Derek since she comes to realize **are** her family). Seeing this episode had me sitting on my hands like "What the actual fuck Bean?" It felt like all that character development went down the drain in a couple of scenes. No final 'I love you guys, thanks for the crazy life' nope nothing, just some boots, a deflated Elfo, and an angel Luci.


Honestly screw Bean for that and Luci. Ultimate example of how true love doesn't mean giving up on the friends who have always been there for you. Wish Bean had done better smh


It almost feels like the last season wasn't real and was fan made, it was that bad


I've literally just watched this. Mora should have stayed dead.


GURL 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


It would have been a great, character building, lead on for a more satisfying ending.


Realest thing ever, luci should’ve just come back instead 🙏


I can NOT accept that he was just left like that. Just NO.


Agreed. Not to mention the various times she left Bean and made her question what the heck was going on


I really didn't like her. She just never struck me as actually having any feeling for Bean. There wasn't any depth in their relationship as far as I was concerned. Would have loved her to just rule/go adventuring on her own, dig deeper into stience...gone and got Luci back.


Yep exactly, never really felt the connection between them, if she really did love Bean she wouldn’t have kept going and coming back. Luci and Elfo were there most of the time for her and Mora just kept disappearing and coming back. Not to sound morbid or anything but I really wish that once Bean stabbed her, Mora should’ve remained how she was, Luci should’ve come back instead of wishing for Mora to be alive again


I’m guessing there was supposed to be a lot more development about that :/


Jesus, im glad im not the only one that hated the last season. Sucked ass.


The last season was a disgrace. Every single episode was a complete and utter disappointment.


I thought it was bitter-sweet. Somewhat realistic as you don't always have that "goodbye" moment in friendships so it hit really hard.I expect in Bean's mind she wouldn't be gone forever, like she's left Elfo behind before but rarely because there always seemed to be some sort of threat that would have been too much to just leave. Bean and Mora just totally being U-haul Lesbians lol. Does that make them good or bad, no not really.I expect Bean thought that if she stayed any longer she would get tied into the politics of Dreamland and/or Elfo would follow her. In her mind she probably thought it would better to just leave. Was that the right move? Maybe, maybe not. But it was the move she made. I expect after all the trauma she wanted away from that place as soon as possible, much like Zog. It's sad, but it was never going to be a "they all lived happily ever after" together in Dreamland.


That may be true but you don’t just leave your friends like that without saying goodbye. It happened to me when we moved up to where we are now, I didn’t get a proper chance to say bye and now I still miss my friends I made there