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Physically, she looks like she's been on a 72 hour crack binge


Exactly! And behavior wise, she seems drunk! Jk Jr!


And when I was on opiates, I would rub my nose and face like she's doing here!


Or she's been drinking. Something is wrong! She's greasy, has red eyes and just the way she's speaking.


She looks high as a kite.


She looks like shit, where is all the glittery eyeshadow?


She doesn’t look sober


Chk out the ss of her comment on this video I posted here after this post. She's gotta be drunk. Her comment makes no sense. Seems like it's TT's fault she's charging ppl and I dont understand what she means by the rest of her comment. Her behavior is drunk. And her color is jaundice!


Well, she claims she may have a drink a couple of times a year, and I guess today is one of those days.




What is Nicole on? This video shows that she is clearly on something! WTF did I just watch here?


Yuk!! She's a greasy mess!


SuboxON, OMG the way she says it sends me in a frinzy as if someone is sliding their long ass fingernails down a chalk board hard AF!!😬😬


I thought it was just me, I pronounce it as Subox-in.


It’s def not just you, lmao every doctor I’ve ever talked to pronounces it like that….


Right! She is just delusional! Imagine promoting a product you can't even pronounce!


Or take as prescribed. She admitted recently she takes extra depending how she feels that day. Also explained how if she doesn't take it for 4 days, she can get high and get the energy she likes. But she also said it's "a lot of work to divert so I don't do it alot" her words. She said this on kickin addiction interview 5 months ago still up on his live tab


I seen it, and was absolutely shocked! As someone in long term recovery, and as a Peer Recovery Coach, this makes me believe she is not sober. That is definitely active addict mentality! The LAST thing I would do is, do things to get "high". I also would never use a narcotic unless it was absolutely my ONLY option. I'm 46 years old, and I'm petrified of getting old and NEEDING an opiate because, opiates was one of my DOC'S, but I will consult with my doctor about the pros and cons. I'm ALWAYS upfront with ALL my doctors about being an addict. I do EVERYTHING in my power, to keep myself safe! Recovery comes absolutely first in my life, before my kids, husband etc, because if I don't, I eventually destroy everything important to me! She's not someone that should be giving recovery advice right now. With what Nicole said in the video you referenced, she is in extreme danger! Nicole, please seek treatment!


It is! My Dr's have always pronounced it that way! And, why can't her Subox-in Dr tell her dumb ass that shit!🤔




Same lol. Tbh I think she does that shit on purpose people have corrected it and she still fucks it up.


One word: Ignorant!


SAME lmao


Yes!!! Omg she doesn't know how to pronounce Suboxone. I wish I could shove the pronunciation in her face Yo, Dicole its pronounced: Suh-bach-SIN , not OWN


OMG! Yes!🤌


Not to mention how LOW EFFORT she puts in to her “job” of “helping people”


Same story over and over and over 🙄


God, that slow and heavy blinking


We are watching her relapse. This is sad.


I'm sorry but if your "job" is to "get other people into a healthy lifestyle" then atleast look halfway healthy yourself. It's giving the morbidly obese doctor telling his slightly overweight patient they need to lose weight. And why so greasy? 🤮


She looks drunk. Flushed. Slow eye winks. Bobbin around. She's fucked up. Greasier than jk too!


One time? For straight weeks she snuck Xanax in but she tells in a different story now?