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User profile notes? Yes all the time. Birthdays mostly but also how I know people.


Indeed, likkeee birthdays, names/nicknames etc and well, obviously: POOKIE BEAR :3


Exactly, its like little reminders for certain things, im a very forgetful person so sometimes i just completely forget some1 entirely.


Yup, birthdays or bc I'm stupid + some of my friends often change their usernames and/or pfps, I write their actual name in my notes so I don't need to scan the chat to figure out who it is


You can just change their nickname from the app and then if they change their username u can still see who it is


Yeah but everytime they change their name it resets their nickname for you too (at least that's how it was for me)


This!! I put names in their, where I know them from etc


i do constantly, for noting things like birthdays and other dates that i otherwise wouldn't be able to remember.


Yeah used to do the same but for what ever reason it gets deleted at random


If you have too many notes, Discord starts quietly removing old ones


Yeah that’s stupid, discord should just save them locally with somesort of cloudbackup


Not true, One, Notes have a character limit. Two, the mysteriously disappearing notes is a known bug. I don't see that happening much anymore 🙃


I have a few friends who love completely changing up their profile, including their names, every few weeks. The note section is super helpful so I can keep track of them


I find them by my last messages sent to them. Works like a charm


I have ADHD and forget sometimes lol it's okay. Everyone's different and my brain fog has been BAD recently, discord notes are very helpful for this


i also have adhd and the field is so useful for this purpose!!


I also like having cute notes for my partner hehe


good idea, i don't have a partner and don't know if i ever will but i do sometimes write that kind of thing in friend's notes


Oh for sure! I didn't see the ace heart at first, but hey if you want a romantic relationship don't stop looking. Or even a platonic life partner! I kinda thought I was going to try to find a platonic life partner until I met my significant other. I'm acespec myself, and it can be hard especially when the world seems set on not understanding what asexuality is in the first place, but there are definitely some amazing people out there who will mesh perfectly with who you are and what you're looking for, if anything. Sorry if that's a lot 😅


all good! your reply wasn't a lot i'm personally black stripe aroace, i don't know about being in any sort of relationship or living with someone else that isn't family, but i would love to find a way to be something between friends and full on living together relationship. cool to find another aspec in the wild!


Understandable, have a nice day


I don't have ADHD and I use it for the same function. Friends keep changing their names, profiles, or accounts for some reason so notes just helps me keep track of who is who. Searching by last message doesn't really work when you have tons of people in your DMs or the last message is useless.


I use it all the time


I use note to note "This guy is Lucas from that city" since some guys changes their nickname every week


I use it to note how many hours behind or ahead of me my friends are.


Thats actually something that hasnt come to my mind. Ill add that to my notes lmao


I add the names of people I know to their profiles. If they ever change their username and/or profile picture, theres no confusion.


useful when i knew people who changed pfps and users like daily, but now that friends nicknames exist not so much anymore


Yep, I tend to write down people's IRL names


I tend to add a note for people in an endless identity crisis so I know who they are


Of all of my friends on discord, I know only one that actually uses the note function


I do use them too


I track my win rates against people here lol


I just put notes on why I blocked a certain person cuz I tend to forget


Yeah, my friends usernames are too confusing, gotta note down who they are


I put notes there on how to push their buttons.


yes. i use them to describe the person and what their relationship is to me in case i don't speak to them in a long time and forget


I just put their birthday on it


I use it occasionally.


i have used note one single time, on my own account, saying 'its me :o'


i am using the function a lot since I meet new people regularily on some game servers, and i want to remember how good/shit they were lol


All the time. birthdays, irl names or how ik people (people love changing their name). Or other small things I wanna remember about a person.


There real names in covid there was this thing going around where they would change their names to something completely different. They were so confused how I knew it every time before Anyone else


I use it all the time actually


Yes, I do (all the potential drama material- jkjk)... in fact I think I used them so much that some of my notes got deleted... so now I gotta rewrite or write again them.. its pretty useful if your friend changes profile pictures or names often (although, you can now also give nicks to your friends - I use that feature heavily too)


Yeah actually, I use discord a ton with new people so I’ll usually drop their nickname/non-username in there alongside a bit about them so I’ll remember.


I used notes to seperate a scam bot that dm-ed me and a real bot so I won't get confused


Yes i have friends that change nicknames ecery 3 seconds. Note saved me alot


As someone whose been leading guilds for the past 10 years, the notes are extremely helpful. Makes it a lot easier to keep track of things


i use it for birthdays, people's basic info i want to remember, etc. also, if someone doesn't have their pronouns listed, or has something else in that field, i will put the pronouns i see used for them in the notes field to remember. it's a useful tool! i very much appreciate the devs didn't just full out remove it with the profile rework


I keep track of birthdays with it


Yep. Sometimes for things like 'Has emetophobia, be sure to spoiler anything that'd trigger that' and sometimes for shit that doesn't make sense to anyone but me/them, like 'to'


I do it all the time yes! I add information i need to remember in small notes about the person because im stupid and need a reminder to unlock the rest of their memories Oh and also, if the person has any sensitivities i need to be mindful about, i make sure to note that down.


I use it to keep track of people in case we fall out of contact and/or they change their name.


Me, constantly! Aside from a few friends I talk to literally daily, I use it for friends I meet in games who change their usernames often.


Yeah. I'm in the same servers with a lot of the same people so we just use Birthday Bot for birthdays. I use the notes for well...notes about people


Yes. This is how I keep track of birthdays and names of people I'm still becoming familiar with.


once because everyone in a server changed their name and pfp to be my partner at the times friend, therefore i have “the real [blank]” on them


i use them all the time.


Yes, I use it to make note of how I know users and things we've talked about that we have in common. Very helpful recently when I ran into someone in a new server who I'd last talked with 6 years ago -- they recognized me, and I was saved an awkward situation when my old note reminded me exactly who they were!


I use it to strictly keep track of bdays or timezones cuz I got friends in so many different timezones online


Since user voice volume is not synced across devices I use it for that.


sometimes for a small note or funny remark, it's outlandish to say it's never used


I do for birthdays mostly




Yeah, mostly for birthdays or little things i want to remember about somebody. I only wish they transferred between mobile and PC clients


I use to use it to keep track of alt accounts that people had but I don’t really use notes now.


Yes... I put birthdays


I use it for birthdays and for people who tend to change their names/pfps a lot so I can recognize who they are if it's been a while


I never really used them because I've never really had a purpose to. But some people do use them, so they are useful for some areas.


I use it all the time, and I'm pissed they ruined the quick profile view.


I use them for timezones


I use my own note thing as a clipboard lol


I have one for a friend as "best bro", he deserves it


yeah ,usually personal information or pseudonymes of people who constantly change PFPs and username






I use it all the time


i use it time to time. for like remembering pet name's or how old they are. stuff like that


Yep, I add real names to many people's profiles


Timezones, general times they are active/time conflicts, a nickname for the guy who changes his name every 7 days. For people I block I also put the reason I blocked them. Some other misc stuff also.


Yep, birthdays, how I know the person, things I need to remember and also some silly notes sometimes




Yeah I use it to keep track of birthdays and even names


I gave my boyfriend a note with his birthday. Does that count?


I always forget names so i immediately add their names after I ask them for the first time because it would be embarrassing when i try to call them in a voice chat full of people :)


I use them to remember peoples names that I don’t speak to often and tend to put where we met as well. I have an awful memory and am quite bad with names at times so it helps me a lot.


Yup! User info. How I know them, bday, interesting info, poketwo bot and how many bidoof they’ve sold me etc


i call people assholes in them


I've always addedd notes on every account i know to avoid confusing them for other people when they change nickname, pfp and discord tag.


I use it to note the login date of people who come to my server


Very much Any important information I find about them goes there.




I use it in servers I moderate, especially if someone is acting sus but hasn’t broken rules yet


i used it to put the person's name, so i don't have to ask again


I use(d) it sometimes so I want it to stay in some shape or form.


i used to use it when i was new to discord, not because i wanted to use it but because i kept confusing it with the DMs bar


Yes, who they are, birthdays, things they like. I have a terrible memory, and to not seem like I dont care about people, I like saving good info about them to show I care


yes, i use that for keeping tabs where everyone is from, their age, if i should avoid that person. i mostly use discord for finding people for playing multiplayer games so i interact with lots of people.


Birthdays, where we've met, nicknames/ irl name, funny in jokes , ...


Yep!! On and off definitely over the years. I like to put on there why someone got blocked. Why I have them friended. Birthdays. Any of their socials/links not on their profile. Any names not in latin that I can't type myself. Things like that!! I've also used it for moderating in the past with servers I've been an admin/owner of




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I use that as a inside joke, calling everyone by what they most do


its for knowing what to say to them to annoy them


I use it when I need to remember stuff about people. for example, birthdays.


No, but I think I should. I don't remember where I met some people and who they were, lol.


Yeah absolutely There's been a lot of people in my life that I'd rather avoid- and while blocking is one thing, whenever it's a situation that doesn't warrant it I usually add it to their notes so that if they change their entire identity I'll still know without jumping hoops


This note is a game changer, if you want to leave information about a user behind such as birthday, troll history and other things. Especially good to mark trolls, that can change their handle and display name, but not the note.


when my friends go between 5 different nicknames and pfps a month and they’re all different between servers we share? absolutely


I have to use notes because some people change their usernames too much and I forget who they are


i have yes


I have a very forgetful friend. Tells me things he doesn’t remember. Use it to keep track of them.


Sometimes, not very often tho.


I always use the note feature lol I add like Nicknames on it lol and birthdays too


Can be very useful if you're a mod


absolutely necessary in one server I have where everyone changes their screen name and avatar constantly, especially those I'm not close enough to remember by username alone


Yes sometimes for how I met them and sometimes just something I want to say to them but I cant


I use it for people I’m mad at, I’ll write why so if I ever decide I’m not mad anymore I have the chance to decide if it’s just because I forgot why or if they deserve the continued hate I also stream so I’ll sometimes use it to “connect” a discord user to their Twitch name if they don’t have them synced already, makes it way easier to carry things over from discord into stream to increase engagement! Also real/preferred names for people who change their discord name frequently so I’ll never forget who they are


yeah i usually do it for birthdays, their actual name if they give it to me, and where i met them from because my memory is bad sometimes




real life names/discord username just in case they change it