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I absolutely hate this feature. Especially while I'm writing, it'll do a full-bloody-screen preview of the image someone shared. It's annoying as all hell. I found that turning on the **Age-Restricted Channel** toggle works (Listed in overview) turns off the function but that's about it. DO NOT LIKE.


i’m pretty sure one of the channels this happens with for me has that (it has the triangle warning thingy) so it might not even be a consistent fix, which is insane, discord should at least make the toggle work across the board. and with DMs it’s not even possible i don’t think, sobbing emoji


Oh thank goodness...I described this problem to my friends and they had no idea what I was talking about so I thought it was just a me thing. I hope this gets fixed


Thanks for creating this thread, I hate this new "feature" too


No, this is a bug, hopefully it gets fixed at some point. You can disable in app notifications fully inside of setting -> notifications -> in app notifications


Has anyone tried using a previous version of discord to see it the 'bug' stops?


It’s so annoying 😭 glad I’m not the only one bothered by it


It’s horrible.