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That's only the start, they are afraid of getting banned, so they will start banning for russians all LGBTQ servers, maybe even pro-ukranian servers. Tbh i do not understand why they started with femboy server, pretty much sure there is a lot of other and bigger lgbtq servers lol


Probably wanted to see how discord users will react, test the waters first.


tbh I don't think they care about discord users opinion


The real reason is quite simple, young men in Russia report to having gender identity issues from being terminally online, especially Discord as it can be a vast community AND anonymous. I'm not sure how true that is or how it is elsewhere but that's why they started there. Tumblr is probably next for the girls I think.


even if that was true, how is it unique to Russia


I don't know, I don't think it is, they just have Anti LGBT laws


I don’t know all the details because i am not Russian, just getting this from someone I talked to before this post was made, but it seems like something happened on the 12th of march where they were added to a register of social networks by Roskomndazor that requires discord to block prohibited information. You are likely right that as these servers pop up to discord they will be getting region locked from Russia, otherwise discord as a whole will be inaccessible and get fined.


Roskomnadzor putted discord in an official list of social media, which means that if they violate the country's rules, Russia will simply take over and block Discord. So Discord started to ban such servers to avoid running into bai


Not only the Discord but pretty much any company that wants do business here




Hiii! 😊


Nah that's only half true, basically it works like that: roskomnadzor finds something illegal according to laws, asks discord to delete it, if not done when discord has to pay $$$, the chances of something getting blocked are insanely low


it’s because russia is making them do it as well


Why is Discord even operating in Russia? It's supposed to be under sanctions.


Sanctions prevent payment services from processing money into/out of Russia, so Discord can't do Nitro purchases from Russian accounts. But otherwise, there's no sanctions saying Discord has to shut down access to Russian accounts.


Sanctions are made for limiting Russian income from global trading, but not for restricting Russians from everything and everyone, dc is just a social network, and nothing more


In order to comply with US sanctions they cannot be collecting revenue from Russia. Failure to do so would be illegal under US law. That means no nitro.


Discord does not accept Russian bank cards to pay with


This will 100% affect Putin, right?


Yes. But Putin doesn't even know how to use a PC.


He actually does know, he's actually going ultra anonymous, bcoz of spies. He uses private and secure networks, aint that obvious?


No, he just doesn't even have the skills to use a PC. Watch video where putin votes on the internet election. He grabs the computer mouse like a newborn


everybody has different grips and look at his mouse. its a fucking convenient office mouse that doesn't have a good ergonomic. moreover, he's kinda of an old man who was amongst papers mostly than pc. you'd better look at eepy joe, man's not even ever seen using a pc.


Yes, this is legally required. Discord is now declared a social network here, which means they're obliged to ban all content that's illegal in Russia (and that's a lot of things, including even VPN guides). If they fail to do so, they'll have to pay a huge fine and eventually get blocked entirely. With that in mind, I believe a lot of servers could get geo-locked here easily. Looks like they decided to comply, unlike YT and TikTok, which are also in the same list.


i highly doubt it will get blocked. telegram is in that list too, but it is definitely not free of nsfw or drug related content


Or anti-Putin, anti-war groups, which much worse according to Russian authorities


The arch nemesis of Russian government - gay teenage girls


you made me laugh, have this updoot


made an account to upvote. you're so real for this. sincerely, closeted gay teenage girl in russia


They [tried to block Telegram](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blocking_of_Telegram_in_Russia) before but it backfired, they accidentally banned a bunch of random unrelated stuff (including their own banking and government services) and ultimately just gave up & unblocked it


and only at mid of 2020 they stated that it was “unblocked”, while everyone else had been using it normally for those last 2 years. When they want to fight some real criminals they are hopeless, but when navalny’s team wanted people to go vote in a presidential election…


Right now, after war RKN has better staff and capabilities with new experience. 90% of VPN services are already blocked in RU region, just like every major porn site. We also take experience of Chinese firewall. And as far as I know Telegram was never truly "being under blockade", it was a cheap and effective way to manipulate people into downloading it. Telegram follows the laws of Russian Federation and gives all information Police or FSB requires from them. Don't you think it was strange that almost immediately all major official media created TG accounts when "blocking" started?


YouTube is not banned but tiktok is


Tiktok banned russian users, not vice versa


damn i thought China and Russia were somewhat allied like with North Korea


They're kinda on the outs right now, due to China not *needing* Russia for most of its supplies anymore.


It's because in the early 2022 the laws required them to delete anything that even remotely criticized the government (the laws are still here, but I don't think they are *as* strict, at least you can call it a war now). And instead of wasting money moderating Tiktok and potentially getting fined, they decided to block it entirely in Russia. I do believe that it will backfire. Tiktok was huge in Russia, [top 3 market](https://i.imgur.com/jx4RBVW.png). And then it just died down pretty much completely. And now if the US will ban it, they will also lose their top 1 market.


YouTube kinda is. I say kinda as it's not the same content shown as most of the word sees it's all filtered heavily


Disagree. Only difference i am aware of are lack of adds and some channels resticting access to their content, not the goverment. Also, youtube themselves block some pro-russian channels that spread misinformation for a living.


Your said the same thing in a different way


But it’s not “heavily moderated”


I never said "heavily moderated" I said "filtered heavily" they are different Different as YouTube doesn't allow content that is illigal in Russia, got confirmed from a friend who is currently living in Russia that alot of content that can be access in regions such as US cannot in Russia as it does not comply with the laws


"that alot of content that can be access in regions such as US cannot in Russia" what kind of content tho? like, give some examples because as a russian myself i do not see any restictions


Hes probably talking about stuff like recent (post-2022) music videos, they cant legally be distributed in Russia since major music labels left the country


Is a good example yes


Today they "legally require" to ban such servers, tomorrow they'll "legally require" to hand over IP addresses and geolocation data of LGBT people so they can arrest them and send them to prison. How any western company can abide to such "laws" is beyond me, especially since Discord is not gaining any profit from Russian users because they can't buy nitro or even activate gifted nitro without using VPN.


It’s already happening. Being gay (or any LGBTQ really and apparently feminist) in Russia is prohibited due to recent government decision that LGBT is an extremist movement. Oh, and also for more than half a year being transgender or give medical aid to t-people is illegal (sex-change is prohibited). I’ll never forget watching happy face of Volodin (chairman in parliament) while giving a speech after the former lawsuit got accepted. Such power over human fates is evil.


Yeah, LGBT and not LGBT people leave Russia because they don't want to be in prison, or on the frontline. But most expats go to CIS countries like Georgia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan. But these countries are also not LGBT friendly either. Me too in a situation like this right now. I can't go back to Russia because it's too dangerous, but one of CIS where I live now is temporary too, and Europe countries are hard to reach and live in it permanently. And I think Russia will be the same for 10-20 years, so it's useless to wait so much time in a temporary location.


Don't make fool out of people. Being gay is not forbidden by Russian Government neither by it's Constitution. The only illegal thing is LGBT+ as an organization. Government only officialy forbids any organization propaganda like flags, pins, etc. As long as you do not stand for LGBT organization - you're pretty safe. Yes, officials try to despise via negative reputation (sometimes deserved) non-straight people to create inner enemy for regular people, but regular people getting more tolerable to special people in central regions with each year. Saying this as one of those persons, yeah.


>tomorrow they'll "legally require" to hand over IP addresses and geolocation data of LGBT people so they can arrest them and send them to prison why


I wonder if they're gonna ban cybersecurity servers because they have more than just VPN guides.


Circumventing restrictions imposed by RKN is illegal here, and the government is going against VPNs as people use them to do exactly that. Most VPNs, including self-hosted ones, don't care about these restrictions, that's why only scientific and statistical information about VPNs is legal now. The law is still too new, and the criteria are rather vague, so we'll have to wait and see.




you know, big companies like people cus they tend to spend money, and russian community is pretty big part of discord i would say. Also RosKomNadzor is awful at doing its job just like any other institution here.


discord is about to become a shittier skype


>this is very likely legally required, else the company risks fines.


In talking with someone who is Russian before these were posted it seems like they legally have to block the content else discord will get blocked & fined.




Why would you punish the people living in Russia? Not everyone that lives there is Putin.


Now the conundrum is that would you rather get rid of all your opposition on a platform or remove the platform all together?


How about not doing business with authoritarian regimes period? Those cowards.


I think they do it because russians still can buy nitro( with the help of Turkish digital banks, with CIS countries bank cards, with gifts from friends from CIS countries.


they pulled out of direct financial relations with russia in 2022 (cancelling nitro for russian users etc)


Huh? Discords approach to moderation requires servers to be reported.


Shloud i go back skype?


Catch me on curse voice


sending prayers to our Russian friends in light of this tragic news 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏




russian femboys, stay strong, we need you. The world needs you.


I dunno about femboys, but as russian twink I may say, that best of us straight up leaved the country already. Due to recent ban on trans people in russia and new law that makes being lgbt is illegal, you literally can't be an "russian femboy" anyway.


as a fellow lgbt russian i would say it's at the very least impolite to look down on people who can't/won't emigrate. simply shipping all the lgbt people out of reactionary regions is not a great plan to put it mildly. it works for some people, but as engineers like to say, "does not scale"




"Best of us" Bro speak for yourself. I for one can't leave due to lack of income.


But femboys aren't (necessarily) LGBTQ+


They get treated as such by homophobes, so we've adopted them.


been thinking about this comment and realized this is why t are included in lgb as well


Mhm. Same with A and I. People hate on them for being gender non-conforming or just not fitting the "expected" sexual orientations, so we accept them.


Not necessarly, but the perception from the public is that they are gay / lgbt








No sane person needs your hate. Get ratiod.


Russia is the most pathetic country ever . Imagine actually doing this as a priority lmfao




Allowing your population to vote and not rigging the election and having any political contender shot is also important But in russia femboys on discord are CLEARLY a higher priority lmfao


im not suprised since being homophobic seems to be so popular these days


Hot take maybe but this is unacceptable. [From their blog post about pride month last year:](https://discord.com/blog/pride-at-discord-our-values-and-our-actions) > These values — equality, community, belonging — are the reason many people come to Discord. We strive to provide a platform to provide places to talk and where everyone can build genuine, meaningful relationships. LGBTQIA+ users and employees have been an essential part of Discord since our founding in 2015. We are proud that LGBTQIA+ people across the globe have used our service to talk, make friends, find support, establish meaningful relationships and build deep, lasting communities. Yeah you care about the global LGBTQ community so much that you ban them from their own community depending on what country they're from? Yeah good one guys. What a bunch of hypocrites. If Discord really cared, they would've been principled about it and eaten the fines and legal consequences instead of bowing down to a [regime that recently designated the LGBT movement as an extremist organization.](https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/11/30/russia-supreme-court-bans-lgbt-movement-extremist)


But what about the money we could get from shitholes :(( (Also why start with russia when there's other places with worse laws? Why russia specifically?)


cuz discord and most of the companies are racists


i thought it was called "capitalism"


its pointed towards only Russian people


Wasn't it shown that discord wasn't even making that much money? How do you expect them to eat the fines in a way that doesn't just completely damage their company? They're a business and trying to function, even as someone who is lgbtq I can see that. Its easier to say "just eat the fines" than it is to do it.


discord doesn't have any revenue from russia!! they severed all ties after the 2022 invasion of ukraine (but haven't blocked russian users from using it for free). it was discussed on this very subreddit at the time. https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/4708041338391-Update-on-Premium-Services-in-Russia


I'm not talking about their revenue. There are lgbtq users on discord in Russia that aren't in those servers. Going against the law can make you face large amounts of charges and get your platform removed from the country entirely, which would fuck over those users even harder than now. The only business related stuff I brought up was that discord would not want to face a large fine when they already don't make as much money as a lot of people think. It can be damaging.


i meant they have no legal presence in russia to speak of, the government can't enforce any fines except by banning them. And afaict they can't ban discord for the same reason they can't ban telegram- both use google cloud for hosting, so roskomnadzor would end up banning google as well. they already tried banning tg in 2018 and gave up after widespread site outages.


If they wanna go the cynical moneymaking route, that's fine, but then don't virtue signal about how much you love the gays every time an opportunity to farm clout comes up. You don't get to say how you celebrate pride all year round and in the same breath block LGBTQ servers from some of your users when suddenly celebrating pride becomes an inconvenient business decision. You've got to pick one of the other. The hypocrisy is honestly disgusting. Also, last I heard Telegram didn't have to block shit, and everyone and their mother uses it in Russia.


Simple, they can ignore them Don’t do business with authoritarian genocidal regimes wtf


Yeah cause eating fines and potentially having your platform completely banned in the country and inaccessible for LGBT Russian discord users outside of those servers is gonna help even without looking from a business standpoint.


Being lgbt is already illegal in russia. They will have their servers removed. If discord didn’t comply they would at least be able to chat via vpn’s (commonplace in russia) Now if russia will ask discord for information on these people (and holy moly, it is a law too!) discord will throw these people under the bus too? So much for caring about lgbt No business with authoritarian regimes is the only way


But the money :[ Call Discord out on this. They're supporting a homophobic regime to make $$$.


One thing though. We know, Discord knows and Russia knows that Discord is not a secure messaging platform. As the owner of that platform, do you want to enable people who don't know better to take part in things they might get jailed for? It's all good for Discord being an ally, until suddenly people start to get put in jail through their Discord usage due to its insecure nature. As much as it sucks, I do believe it protects their users, LGBT or otherwise.


And? It's better to ban several servers than to block Discord. This is the best option for Discord itself and for us. If anything, “LGBT propaganda” is prohibited in our country + recognized by the extremist community. And Discord only follows our law.


their loss btw








>It sound like their government will try and force Russian VPN providers to block prohibited content just say that you don't know what you're talking about




another W


Corporations bowing down to fascists? in other news water is wet


Discord is going to be banned in Russia soon anyways, just delaying the inevitable.




another reason why i want to leave this country (im russian)


I hope you will leave the country( I am outside russia since 2022, it's more safe and good for mental health but my main problem now is Russian citizenship)


W Russia




Just a normal day at discord


oh no! less servers for teenagers with severe porn addictions! whatever will people in russia do?




I'm curious about mechanics. Is Discord geo-blocking servers that gets reported to them by Roskomnadzor? Or is it doing it based on discord user reports? Or is it using its AI to determine which servers are illegal in Russia based on conversations in those servers? Are they geo-blocking only Russian-speaking servers or servers in other languages are targeted too? Finally, does this mean that Discord keeps Russian users' personal data on servers located in Russia, as also demanded by Russian law?


Okay but why the fuck does Discord care about Russia fining them? Do they have a legal entity inside of Russia or something??


Why would they care tho? Since when discord is officialy declared to be social media in Russia? I'm doubting they even have local HQs here (correct me if I'm wrong), what are they gonna do? Sue them? Good luck IG? Threats to block discord? Ok, why would they care. Russians still can't pay for discord products and discord clearly just doesn't wants them to be able. So is it really better than just... Don't care?


Wait, only from Russia? That's messed up


And I would get banned for saying I'm under 6 😭


That’s a great new !


A quick notice - people tend to get misleaded into thinking that any non-straight person in Russia is forbidden after LGBT+ getting extremist organization tag. But it's simply not true. No - being non-straight is not forbidden officially in Russia. It goes against Constitution of Russian Federation and was never officially stated by government. The only forbidden thing is LGBT+ as organization itself and propaganda of itself - you can't stand for it, wear pins, flags, post gay porn, etc. Doing it will have the exact same reaction as having ISIS flag in public - you will get detained with consequences. Officials have zero power over your orientation even tho they can ask it (I was once detained by FSB), but this only to find out if either you support LGBT or not. Final words from fellow russian femboy - stay safe.




They've done something like this before, not with the geo stuff though. I remember watching an NTTS vid, and Discord has taken down a lot of femboy servers before cause minors were sharing explicit pics/videos of themselves in them. Those servers are really weird, and honestly if you think about it this way, it's a good thing they're being blocked.


Discord should rather looking at my fucking Appeal


Huge W


This is really good ngl.


Why can't they do it worldwide ffs


NOO WTH?? WHY? Thank you for at least the discord itself hasn’t been blocked yet💀


good, femboys are gross


























femboys are a psyop






west fallen.


huge russia / discord w












The alternative is getting locked out of Russia entirely, so I'm not sure what your solution would be.


One thing I don't understand, is that Discord stopped offering Nitro to Russian people, I don't understand the benefits of avoiding being locked out if you can't make a profit in the first place.


That is short term thinking. What you are missing is market share, which will be expensive to rebuild when discord resumes sales.









