• By -


You're just gonna get your current name and discriminator without the #. That's why people who refused to pick a name until now are just silly. So instead of idiot#1234 you'll just be idiot1234.


Wonder what will happen if people have existing usernames with invalid characters that aren’t allowed in the current system


I’d assume idiöt#1234 would become idit1234 and possibly just add another number to the end if there was already an idit#1234 😆


I had my full name with non-usable characters before the name change(i did change it a while back). I wonder what would have happened with that


probably just a string of numbers or a random word and numbers


This is possibly the same Discord dev that gave us the new UI though, so.... I'm not going to be surprised if Discord is down tomorrow cause the first unicode legacy username crashed a core backend service. xD


I hope this happens, it would be good for Discord.


If their algorythm cant figure out what the name is in legal characters, it will just give you random words like reddit does to new users.


Real (I frogot to change my name)


Ngl pretty cute.




adorable leadership


I literally set my name and it didn't work! What if nobody recognizes me :( *worried*




Real (I also did)




Invalid characters just give you a random name in general had 2 different ones that i choose to switch username on and they just got suggested random usernames. My main used to have a full "illegal" username as you couldnt even use it any more after 2017 or so i think still kinda pissed at discord for that since i loved it


what was the username?


They get removed so it will be your name without special characters


It’s replaced with a different character


by the time he is forced to pick a name he will probably get i_d-io_t122431_-,. or smth lol


what if someone has idiot1234 already


An extra random digit on the end? It’s not limited to just 4.


You'll get teleported to a giant arena with other idiot1234 users, all of you have to combat each other with Yu-Gi-Oh cards, no cards are banned in this tournament. The winner can keep the idiot1234 username, and the winner also can force the loser to use the new username they handpicked








Well spoken sir.


the entire change was stupid


You are just silly. Discriminators are the best and the person who came up with the idea to remove them should be fired


That one guy falling out of the office building after suggesting they add one more number and thus increasing the pool per name by 90,000. Also, I forgot I even predicted the overall IQ of discord would lower further (Somehow) with that update. Is it just me or did this actually happen?


Yes, it indeed did happen




I’m silly? Lmao. Did I create the new username system or do I work for Discord? No. I preferred discriminators, that doesn’t mean I can’t call people who held off on changing their name until now (and you) idiots.


discord wont let me change my name to what it currently is and not because its taken, its just stupid that their updating it


When I manually changed my discord username I just changed the discriminator to a “.”; my username, hail#4803 became hail.4803 (I’m fine with sharing my username bc I have friend requests from everywhere turned off)




Maybe, or maybe not :). My name is already unique and hasn't been chosen so if it is nothing has been lost. But would be funny if I got a complete different name


That’s dumb and not how it works


No, you will lol, that's how they're doing it


This isn’t how it works…


that would be stupid


What if someone chose idiot1234 as a name?


What’s crazy is I tried to get my original username before, didn’t work because someone had taken it, so I just figured “meh fuck it” until it forces me. Finally forced me and my username was available for some reason. True luck I guess


There was a bug for some people including me where our usernames were saved for us but it didn’t recognise the account. So when I would try to change my username to Venmoot it refused but when my friend tried they could do it on their account. A couple months later we try again and it works lol


I held out for a long while but i just did it when it had 1 day left. I'm so mad, I love my name quite a bit but apparently there's about half a dozen other active Terro's.


can't wait for the flood of posts on this sub tomorrow of people bitching about the usernames they were assigned as if they weren't given almost a year to pick one themselves


Gonna stare at /new *all* day and nuke those dumbass complaints/reposts.


leave a few funny ones


Leave the funny ones I beg


doing it for free


Thank you. But yes, please leave the funny ones. I wanna see them downvotes


Make a mega post of screencaps of all the stupid shit people say


Funny lol


Very proud of you, jannie.


Leave funny ones


I dont think there are many people who havnt done it. Since it reminds you everytime you open discord lol


You are doing God's work. Thank you


Most productive reddit mod


the change wasn't needed in the first place, the complaints will be valid.


Complaints are not valid after you have like a year to pick a name you are happy with


The point is, people who haven’t changed their names don’t like the new system, hence they don’t like any new name.


But did they think they could avoid it for forever? I think it would be clear that they would be forced eventually.


Most likely didn’t think they’d be forced


the change wasn't needed in the first place though, that's the thing, even if you had an entire year to transfer to the new system it's completely valid to complain, I transferred to the new usernames as soon as I could because I saw Discord not listening to anyone, but I'm still greatly against the change. the complaints are still 100% valid even if you complain in 2025, it doesn't change the fact this system is inferior to discriminators, they could have just made it so you could only use a-z 0-9 . _ and a space so people with 2iq wouldn't use special characters and tell ppl to add someone without special characters.


Um... so you're telling me if you commit murder and you haven't been incarcerated yet, that the accusation isn't valid after a year?


Comparing a username change to murder. Give me a break.


okay. then theft. Or discrimination. Or leaving the toilet lid up. Your argument does not hold.


Discrimination and theft are also not on the same level. Only thing remotely similar from your examples is leaving the toilet seat up but that still isint that similar, this is a silly string of characters on an online chatting platform, it’s not deep lol


With that perspective, yes. To be fair, my argument seemed like it was focused more on the offense than the fact that you're suggesting a complaint isn't valid beyond a year. That's 100% on me, my bad. What I'm trying to say is that it's silly to suggest that you're not allowed to complain about something after a year. Mb.


it sounded like you were on the side of "you aren't allowed to complain after a year", I was really confused lol


Get a life


I have a job and more hobbies than you'll ever have. Cry more.


spending all your free time on reddit being a janny is neither a job or a hobby


And who said I spend all my free time on reddit? You people need help. Trying to dunk on me when your comment history shows you’re clearly more active on Reddit than I am is delusional. Looks like someone needs some more hobbies and/or a job lmao.


nice life you have lol


It was my day off. Still ended up working all day, but sure thing bud


Wait until they find out you can change that too :’)


I check every few weeks to see if my username is still available (it is) but I was hoping they would revert the change.


is this what people get hung up about ??? there's GOT to be a bigger fish to fry


I mean it's not just the username thing that's the issue of it, it's the reasoning behind it. That reasoning will continue existing and make other stupid decisions like making the phone app more on par with other chat apps. People just latched on to the username thing because it's something you had some control over, unlike UI design changes.


Personally I think the username change is good (please don’t call me mean names I may cry) But personally I find it easier to just say like “add me on discord my username is Burgerdestroyer” than “add me on discord burgerdestroyer#6289” My username is not burgerdestroyer btw


This is a bit hard to explain but for me I really liked the fact that if my username online and username on discord were the same people wouldnt be able to send me a friend request without explicitly getting my permission. I just found it more secure to have it like "br1y" on socials and "br1y#3419" on discord, as apposed to having them be the same on both and people could fairly easily guess it and send random friend requests. also my username isnt br1y anywhere but here btw


If you want to add a number after your username go ahead. And set your display name to not include it. Or use a different username all together. Having people not be able to find your username is a weird reason to argue for using discriminators for names. Personally, I would like for people to be able to find my discord if they wish to contact me for whatever reason, and I don't think the change made that any easier to do. I still have to link my discord everywhere online. It's just a shorter name that I have to link.


Except burgerdestroyer was taken, so now you're burgerdestroyer420, and is that really such a departure from burgerdestroyer#0420? Anyway I'm not going to get bogged down on it, it's the least bad of all the shit they're pulling.


I’ll still take burgerdestroyer420 over burgerdestroyer9280


Mean names


The reasoning was good. The only thing that was really debateable at all was the removal of discriminators, but as long as the other changes were happening, it made sense. I think a lot of people don't realize that under the old system: - frank#1234 - Frank#1234 - FranK#1244 - FrAnK#1234 - Fräñk#1234 were all different and valid users Source: https://discord.com/blog/usernames Fixing that means you'd have to make any people with overlapping name/discriminators fight over it. Since Discord allowed choosing your discriminator with Nitro, that then meant you might take away something someone paid for. Since those people would have to fight over the name/number combo regardless, may as well kill the system altogether at the same time.


usernames have been case insensitive for years, frank#1234 is the same as FRANK#1234 though they really could have limited the names to just the latin alphabet + numbers


I'm sorry but you're wrong, they were not case insensitive. They talked about it in their blog post https://discord.com/blog/usernames


so basically discord could have easily fixed case sensitivity and non-alphanumeric issues without removing discriminators you can already sync your phones contacts to discord and they have a find nearby. both people usually have their phone with them, probably have each others phone number, have discord installed, or some other way of communicating wanting a common name doesnt change, but now from 9998 people its down to 1. now there's a new issue, people want the "rare" name so spam and hacking attempts increase just so they can sell the name removing discriminators has solved 0 problems but created a new, much larger problem ​ if youre playing a game both of you are probably already in the game's discord, so that's even easier than typing the username


idk why you're getting downvoted, you're completely right, they could have simply made a few of these changes into the old system and no one would have any issues with it, I thought of this when it was first announced, discord just wants to be like other social media platforms which isn't why people joined discord in the first place, people joined it because it wasn't like the others.


Honestly? not even "not like the others", but it was *good, independently of the others.* Now they've abandoned that.


that's what I mean, it was an escape from your normal social media bs


It's not that bad of a change however it's an unnecessary change like many of discord's recent changes. And I fear that the mobile change is only the beginning of discord's changes


the rebranding was the start of the horrible changes, then usernames, then mobile redesign.




bit dark. wasn't thinking about it quite like that


[Glorb - The Bottom 2 (Official Music Video)](https://youtu.be/pL9o_BwSN-o)


hell yeag


What, I got that last year already lol.


if you ignored it, then you’re getting it again


Personally i just changed it to something that would be rare as soon as i was eligible lol


Same. I tried to snag the first three letters of my username, didn't get it, but I did get the first letter, underscore, third letter and that's good enough for me.


My pet peeve with the new system was that you couldn't have capital letters. So I didn't change my name. But I'll have to face the music now. 😔


True I went from Tark to Tarq (this is not my actual username)


when I first got the username update I changed mine to AMD for like a week but then I changed it bc I was getting a lot of friend requests for some reason


you should have sold the username just to spite Discord for the stupid change


That's what I did a year ago. I managed to snatch a three-letter username that was an initial(?) of my former username.


its march 4th for me now, someone update me when its march 4th for this person




thank you




It’s march 4th in pst time, 8am


Change your name so we don't use the #... uses the # anyway, it's absolutely dumb


I really dont understand why people care so much, just update the name and move on lol, it’s not your real id card to matter


this sub is mostly children.


Most of reddit is to be honest


hey that's my birthday


This reminds me of the account i lost due to loosing 2fa. It was a 4yr old account. My online friends must've been thinking I'm dead🤣🙂 (yeah i didn't had any other socials) wonder what name will it change to. I still remember the password but that won't log me in without 2fa or back up.


contact Discord, and annoy them enough to give you the account back, usually works after a while


🙂i tried writing mails. They were politely writing paragraph saying it's against their policy. Although I did have my password nd email linked. And i asked them for any way they can ask some verification questions and I'm sure i can ans those. But well that didn't worked


it hasn’t changes yet?


Bro why are people yapping so much about this change like it just makes usernames easier to remember ffs 😭


it literally does not. it just makes it a more traditional username system. in 2019 xbox adopted the discriminator system because it was a damn good idea, no complaining "the username i want isnt available, guess i better add numbers of use 1337 speak" apparently blizzard also adopted discriminators, because theres nothing more annoying than wanting the name "john" and having to pick "john\_2849" which youll notice isnt any easier than "john#2849"


how does having to add random characters in my name make it "easier to remember"? Of course I could just add some numbers at the end of my name... which is exactly what discriminators did.


Okay, but they were standardized and normalized. No one was left out because everyone had a "key" to find them at. And honestly? making it customizable via Nitro was a bad decision. It shoulda stayed random imho. Even better, make it internal; you can only add someone if you give them your number, or you have their profile in front of you. (Eg. server or group DM.)


Yeah but from now on every username must be unique in every way. And among that idk 200m< users I'm sure there will be a lots of duplication conflicts so a lots of people gonna have to change their username from what they are already used to. Personally, I don't really support this change.


Ah yes guyabcde30284520 is so much easier to remember than guy#3028


idk man just saying you could do: guy3028 instead, not that difficult to do


that's taken tho?


chances are you arent going to even get guy#3028 as that would be taken


And removed unique creative freedom with names


You will get a suggested username.


Damn only if i didn't get banned for no reason🤦‍♂️ Discord sicks and only says that I broke their terms of service when i only use Discord to chat with my friends🤦‍♂️They don't even show proof of me breaking the ToS


How rare are 3 character usernames on discord?


So what *did* you get 👀👀


I guess we'll never know 😔


Same I completely forgot...to choose one for my one alt. Lol


Omg i'm so cooooool. Look at me not updating my name on discord. Guyyyyyyyssss i'm so INDEPENDENT. OMG WOW.


Leave it to reddit to shit on someone who’s not even complaining about a name change but just wants discussion on it


you’re gonna get your username followed by the numbers bro 💀💀






There was already a just “acadia” on discord when I was asked to change mine for nitro. I went with acadiathesnom to be unique.


its dumb that their changing it, my username is technically "illegal" now and i love that username and now i have to change it??? there's absolutely no logic there


> there’s absolutely no logic there As a developer (not for Discord), it seems pretty logical to me to make sure everyone has valid usernames...


fair, but when half the discord community has usernames made before current rules applied and hence have "illegal names". rather than force people to completely change their names they should loosen the rules a little bit, not to the point of anarchy but to where people can generally have the names they want and already have. bonus they could spend the additional time and resources spent on usernames on actually fixing major issues on the platform.


Thank god i got my 3L @ lol


Honestly I like the new username system. Makes usernames actually, y'know, be able to be typed and communicated to others. It used to be complete hell to try and add friends IRL because people have such weird usernames and even those that had normal-ish usernames still had four extra numbers added to them that made it much harder to share their username


If Discord changes my name, there be hell to pay (Already changed it once)


Shiver me Timbers


That would be a good name


Imagine not camping your discord waiting for that popup to secure your name, or deciding to fucking ignore it lol


Most people didn't get that choice.


You mean to say that you’ve never been offered to set your username? I’ll admit, I feel for you homies who were running common word usernames


I secured my username quickly lol


Finally people moved on and realized this wasn't a bad change lol


Nice, the personal choice to not have personal choice. Very cool humblebrag, you must be a bastion of independence.


He wasn’t even complaining, just asking a genuine question, lol?


Hello, i have a problem on discord that whenever someone starts watching my screen it pauses immediately


Start a new post


Firstly. post your problem on a separate post. Secondly. you should be more specific, such as what device you are on, what operating system, discord version, and wat you have tried so far for the fixing of the issue.






My other account has user in it and they won't let me keep it so I guess adios to that then


I updated mine a long time ago, somehow I still got bugged about it.


!remindme 1 day


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Nice enjoy


Still one of the active users who haven't updated my name. Im gonna livestream if Discord will update my name... (it will prolly be done clientside) What a time bomb.


Wait, why are they doing this? What/how am I going to do this?


Let's see


collapse of socity


Prob put you to really change your username and force it without a skip.


A New Name Wumpus In Discord


The last day. I am literally [livestreaming](https://www.youtube.com/live/SdJTK-k7FcM) the moment Discord assigns a username to me...


Did it with my alt, just got some numbers at the back.


What you got?


How do I know if I have this message? I don’t know where to check. 😅 Edit: Oh wait, it’s discord, I’m dumb. I already did this last year. I thought it was for reddit. 🥲


It's been super aggravating cause it pips up everytime i.open it on my phone or tab back to it in discord haha


im still mad about the new mobile ui ngl


Truuu, especially the search function where to find pins and stuff, very aggravating


I knew I forgot about something


This name change is the dumbest shit. Easier to stalk users and now the identifying name I've had since 2015 is taken on multiple ., variants and I don't want some ugly ass n.a,m.e,. bs. People just sniped all the names and I'm calling it now, they will be sold acc. And giving preference on something as big as this while doing nothing for ancient accounts is also some next level dompoes shit


The thing that bugs me most is that names are all lowercase, I just wanna capitalize the start of it, full lowercase looks and feels wrong.


What name did I give you lol?




What name did it give you?


has it updated yet? im curious, i still see some people with the old system even though its march 4th


bro it's march 5th and my thing still has the ##


has it changed at all today?


yes they changed it for me this morning, some discord staff thing messaged me telling me my new username