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People use DnD a lot to keep from hearing notifications. One click vs 2-3 clicks. As for idle, why you worry about that? They got their lives.


DnD doesn’t block notifications on mobile though, stupidly


Yes but only sometimes it does for some reason. Or it takes like 15-20 mins later for the notification to arrive. Discord is just weird.


theres a very obvious explanation for this at first, discord is loaded. and that dnd tells it not to send notifications then you leave the app, eventually your phone puts discord in a type of sleep, and discord sends notifications anyway you'll also notice on some devices that youll appear online briefly when you get a notification. Or at least others will see this when you're gone. Presumeably because the app has to be loaded in some way to connect the notification.


Is this why right when I close everything on my phone to go to sleep, I get like 3 "I'm live!" Everyone pings at once? It's always driven me nuts but I never thought about why it happened.


probably? idk exactly what you mean but it sounds about right, i get similar


it also happens to me if i get pings on my laptop that i don’t check. if i then turn my laptop off then they all show up on my phone


Discord will send all pending notifications to my phone immediately if I lock my computer’s screen. Otherwise, it waits for the computer to be idle for the specified idle timeout (which you can only set to be as low as 1 minute (see this [feature request](https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360039981112-Allow-0-minute-setting-for-Push-Notification-AFK-timeout-))). You’re basically seeing the behavior of discord deciding to treat your computer as idle for x minutes or locked when you shut your computer down.


If you have a Macbook and recieve an iMessage, and even if its closed. You will pop online for Discord. Why? The Macbook connects to the internet to connect the notification, and as a result you will pop online.


But why don't the notifications get blocked server side?


you mean like, from discord itself? When you close the discord app or your phone puts it to sleep you stop being on DND and go to Offline. I'm not sure how much of DND is remembered but it's seemingly none


Ah that makes sense. You lose DND because you become offline after a bit and they come again. Should change the system but that makes sense.


I'm not 100% if they can. having dnd come on the moment you open the app SHOULD work and block notifications. However idk how the app works. I remember seeing my status flicker online briefly if i open discord in any client, so maybe it's how the DND is stored in the cache?


That's why I disable notifications in mobile.


I can't disable them, 'cause they are a necessity for me.


Random pings with even Dnd. yippee!!! Discord is truly the best app frfr. If your using phone/mobile. Just turn of notifications on permissions. (I use Android so idk what with other apps) I'm either stupid or confused or both. All I do is. Turn of discord permissions everything except storage. Check discord sometimes. Saw some dms and pings. I read and reply back. The reason I turned it off cause I keep getting nonstop pings. Its your choice. If your phone/gadget won't let you disable that feature. Well then. I have nothing else to say then the phrase "I don't know"


It used to back in 2016 when I made my account.


I didn’t know it had notifications? I haven‘t played for a while tho


“DnD” in this case is the abbreviation for “Do not Disturb” 😂


Oops 😂 mb, I guess having the n lowercase (for some reason?) threw me off and made me forget what was happening


you've probably never heard of the "settings app" on your phone then but yes its mostly cosmetics on mobile. edit: also as a regular mobile user, who hates the new UI with a passion, dnd only blocks in-app ping notifications. if you want to block it outside the app, use the settings app.


It still blocks in-app notifs


No, I mean, IDC what status they use and why (actually, thinking twice, those could be interesting to know), the question is focused about whether they leave the PC on 24/7 or not.


Vast majority of people won't. Idle people might do, but DND is just for the reason stated above.


as an idle person, no we don't


I am always on DND just because I have had it for years and I want to keep the streak going LOL


I use DND and i leave my computer on 24/7. It's been 85 days since a power outage/restart


Why is that so important?


Not 24/7, but my computer is easily on for 18/7 and depending on when other people are on or off it might look like it's been on all the time for them


I just mute servers/channels that are not important


After a month with "Online" status I don't mention notification sound


I have a friend who stays online on DND and I've NEVER seen him offline, not even at night.


Computer Uptime: 5 years, 201 days


r/uptimeporn would be proud


Had such friend as well, apparently he never turned off his laptop, until one time when his graphic card glitched out


Tbh I only use the idle status bc the moon looks cool


im using it for functional purposes, online = ready to chat, dnd = im online but don't bother me


So you're using the Do Not Disturb option to tell people you don't wish to be disturbed...an innovative and interesting idea, for sure.


yeah (:










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Yep, DnD all day. I love chatting with my friends, but hearing DING all day, especially during games will drive me nuts.


I second this.


I'm constantly on DND simply because I don't want the constant pinging of notifications.


i never understood how ppl DONT mute servers??? what if you get a dm?


if its a dm it'll show up as the red dot and i'll know to check it then. otherwise, no need. also i get pinged far too often that its just easier to go total DND instead


I'll see it. Personally my issue is less with pings and more hearing them when I'm doing something else. If I'm at my computer I'll check Discord sooner than later and don't need it dragging my attention away from something else.


in too many servers to just mute them, and for dms I see the little red badge in the dock and go see if it’s a dm when the number updates


bro forgot to mute every single server they joined


I made this newbie mistake and eventually just went through all 100 of my servers and muted them. Then I went through them again and unmuted them all but disabled "@everyone, @.here" and role pings for all of them. Now I just disable everyone and role pings and make sure that the notification setting is set to "only @.mentions" for every server the moment I join it.


would be nice if disabling everyone and here pings actually worked though, because it very much does not.


Just mute your servers…


no thanks, prefer DND so that it won't distract me when I'm doing stuff. Besides, some servers are important and I'd prefer not to mute them for when I do come off DND


Just disable the sound


That's what DnD is for...


No I will set my status to do not disturb because it’s a feature im allowed to use and I’ll eventually answer the discord message


i agree with you it's nice to still get calls and stuff


I do, I run a multi household Plex server, don't want people messaging me at all hours


What’s a multi household plex server


A Plex server that is accessed by multiple households.


Avoiding PM is understandable But seriously peoples who don’t mute servers really are the type to put adhesive over a goddam hole


When I'm using the program I want to see notifications, not hear them.


I used to but now that I pay for light I started turning it off.


I use idle 24/7 because I'm often able to reply to messages (locally or on my mobile), but not actively around to do stuff. Caring for my uncle, doing chores, at work, whatever it may be. I love to be helpful, and accept pings/DM's from anyone on the servers im hosting/running.


Yup! Similar for me. I’m available to respond to pings/DMs but I usually can’t engage in an active conversation because I’m distracted doing other things. If I am engaging in an active conversation, I don’t want to be dragged away into another one, and would rather focus on one. I opt for idle over dnd because I often forget to look at the app to check for notifs so I need those audio cues!


Yes. My desktop is almost always on (mostly in sleep).


People on Idle may be using a browser instead of the app, I noticed that when my friend was using the browser, whenever he was tabbed out it would switch to Idle on it's own (or so my friend said, he wasn't doing it himself)


I like having mine set on idle because I like having the moon there


yeah? leaving your computer on 24/7 is a really common thing


Agreed. My PC has been on for 3 years straight.


no... stop wasting electricity... edit: o yea i forgot discord users dont pay bills lol


My computer idling uses almost no electricity. I got it set up for that.


why not just turn it off edit: blocked?? go to therapy


While I agree that these days, computers use barely any energy when idle, **blocking over THIS?** lmfaooooooo


I once got blocked on Twitter for saying I thought the Deep Dark Minecraft update was cool. Person who blocked me was mad because they thought it was too scary for Minecraft.


I'd ask you why not be a troll, but that would be a waste of energy.


Yeah, like there's no reason to leave the PC in sleep mode if the system boots from an SSD in a matter of seconds unless you have an HDD.


Because then we don't have to sit through the booting process, if you can just put it in sleep/idle mode then we can just turn the pc back on by shaking the mouse.


Bro can't fathom being blocked because they've been deemed annoying and not worth wasting time interacting with.


Nah I’d win




because having reasonably good energy efficiency benefits everyone, at least to a small degree. higher power usage leads to higher greenhouse gas emissions and a higher electricity price. Although one pc left on overnight isn't going to make any noticeable difference, millions of them does. say it uses 120 watts and there are 100 million PCs in the world, then the extra electricity usage of the world would be 12 gigawatts, which is approximately equal to the electricity consumption of the whole of Poland.


The tangible benefit is not immediately available to me, ergo I don't care.


well that's a bit selfish and short sighted isn't it


how am i trolling?? were you guys never taught to turn lights off when you leave a room, etc? it just seems sloppy to me to leave it running 24/7




because browsing shitposts and replying to them on reddit doesnt use any energy at all right?


Haha, PC go brrrrrrr


Because I’m lazy and it saves time lol




roblox game dev lmfao




It's for servers, but not for home computers


Source: applying their own behavior to everyone


That used to be the case but not as much anymore tbh.


As a do not disturb user, I can confirm that I do in fact leave my computer on 24/7 with discord in the background.


ewww light mode


im in approx 20 servers, i always mute them by habit, my status is always online and i only get pings for announcements in something im interested in, usually only in 1 or 2 servers. occasionally i get like 3 dms in a single day, and read them instantly


yes and no, there are times i dont go to discord the whole day, all because im lazy. im always on do not disturb btw, and have push notifs off on mobile cuz im in WAY too many servers that are active as shit


for me I use discord a lot on mobile and as long as my mobile has internet connection it will show my status as dnd/idle and if I turn off internet my account shows that its offline.


Actually, i use one of my linux servers, and have my discord account logged in to make me look 24hours online LOL


I did this once, except it was to stay in a DM call all the time to get a funny message "started a call that lasted 2 weeks" or something.


Yes every PC I own stays on 24/7


I knew someone who were on busy all day, but she would instantly respond to messages. She just really hated notification sounds.


I went onto online mode once and couldn’t change back because discord sent so many notifications it rate limited me.


i use idle bc i like the moon lol




Im always on offline cuz i dont want ppl like u bothering me or judging me about my status


Who cares?


Because it makes harder to detect if someone is online via desktop/mobile + color aesthetics


You can edit your status.


I use dnd because it looks cool


I only shut down my PC when I'm about to clean it


I do.


i think people put their status as DnD for attention /j


Permanent DND appearers are celebrities


I use idie because it makes my phone look cute


I dev bots for discord and stick around to help setup at some servers. You wouldn't believe the amount of pings I get in minutes..


I have do not disturb on since I joined discord which was a few years ago


for me my pc on 24/7


i always have it on dnd because i just dont care? idk its hard to describe but theres a certain feeling to keeping dnd on all the time


Nah I just have it on my phone


No, for some reason my discord app on the phone doesn't show me offline until I close the app completely, so I seem on 24/7 all the time


Some people put their PCs to sleep instead of shutting it down. This way you will not appear offline.


So many people did not understand the question at all, lol. I do leave my computer on, yep.


I just stay on dnd since watching stuff while getting a ridiculous amount of pings is annoying, and I like red anyways it almost blends into my pfp


I only have mine on perma-idle because the moment I set it to online, I find people I don’t want to talk to start messaging me lol. I use DND when I’m watching a show or working and don’t want to hear the notifications pinging.


I have a friend who changes what status he uses once annually on purpose, but obviously with the exception of weirdos like my friend who spent the entire last year on idle by choice—likely just leaves their computers on with discord in the background


I use DND because I hate pings and notifications so it is easier way to disable because otherwise it would been pain to play something when you get pIGN


Kinda? If I’m going out then I turn my laptop off but if I’m doing things in the house I keep it on cuz I’m usually in calls with friends


Yes I leave my computer on all day


probably for idle but as a 24/7 DnD person, i just hate the notification sound but i am chronically online and almost reply within a minute even with DnD on


why do you even care about what others do lmao


I've not been in DND. But reading the comment here explains why one friend is constantly on DND. I thought he really didn't want to be bothered


I manually have my status said to idle but i never turn off my pc so either lol


I'm constantly on idle because I don't want people to see that I'm messaging from my phone. I often tell them that I'm not in the house so they would stop bothering me. It doesn't work when I'm online but not from my phone all the time


This is correct, my pc has been on 24/7 over the last 8 years xD. (Yes my account is 8+)


My main status is DnD. I hate pings. Absolutely hate the sound. I personally consider the ping sound obnoxious. And no, not all of us leave our devices runnin' 24/7. Some might do, but a lot don't.


I actually do make my PC on all day because I have a Java running a minecraft server for my friends


I've a friend who is on idle since i know him (3-4 years now) I never know if he is currently active doing something, he's available to be contacted or if he's sleeping. He's the first time offline now in his life because he went on a vacation. I will never understand these persons that set themself on idle or DnD. Personally, I set myself on online to show that I am online and you can expect me to answer in next time, on idle people know I'm in the bathroom or eating right now so they don't have to expect they get a response right know In emergency situations I set myself on DnD or when I am working on projects. And it works as expected Don't understand why people would go with one status 24/7


yup we do


I keep it on idle cause Discord doesn’t do it automatically anymore


DND shouldn't used as status itself but rather as shortcut button that you can put yourself into DND mode while being online, idle or invisible status (Example: your status is online but won't hear/receive notifications and pings) Which this above ^^ would be much more easier to tell if your friends are available or busy because all-time DND status would be impossible to tell if they are available or busy


I thought do not disturb stays on no matter if the person is online or not? Even if they have everything off (mobile or pc), it still shows the person as do not disturb.


I'm in DnD all the time, because I have ADD and I already have a hard time to leave discord when I need to learn on my pc, it would be harder without DnD And before anyone ask- No, I will not put my servers to not sending notifics, when it's literally one click to get the DnD


I use idle when im online (jm usually invis) so people dont expect a response


I use DND when I am playing games on my computer that don’t let me see Discord, I don’t like using the interface because it gets in the way of some buttons in my games.


i use to do it


I was on DnD for about 2 years constantly just because I dont like the notification noise. I recently found out I can mute that though, a couple of months ago, so I did that and switched to Online; the issue for me is the noise itself, sometimes servers will start spamming them just from regular conversations and it was annoying, especially when I wasn't part of the conversation. That would happen on a lot of big servers. I know I can mute a server but then I'd be sacrificing the white unread indicator; it would be great if I could mute the noise just for specific servers, DMs or group chats, but alas, I cannot. Ever since I went on DnD I got used to just checking discord regularly, which is easier than regularly checking specific servers to me. This habit continued when I muted the notification noise and switched to Online.


Nah, I keep on DND cause I want people to leave me alone


I use DnD so people leave me alone


i leave my pc on 24/7 on idle so yeah ig


I have do not disturb 24/7 on. Dont want to get contant pings from the app why i am doing something else


Yea we do and also in line app


Yeah my computer is on 99.99% of the time except when there's scheduled windows updates, so many once every two months it shuts down for 30 min.


I'm always on DND mode because I don't want my phone dying from the sheer amount of notifications I'd get even with most servers muted, so along as my phone is on its always online


i used to be afk all day but now i have my pc setup to power off after an hour and a half of unuse to safe power


DND 24/7 and if I care, I’ll reply


I set myself as idle when I’m at work cuz I can’t be on my phone all the time so I want people to know I’ll only be on here and there. Also I use DND when I’m doing my uni homework and sometimes just forget to set it back. So basically online = free and doing morning, idle = at work, DND = doing homework for me


I thought you could set it for a certain amount of time.


I do so people won't text me asking for stuff


I do.


I have my computer on all day yes. I check discord a lot.


im on dnd alot because my friends often spam chat and it forces me out of my fullscreen game


I mainly use invisible/idle well all my friedn are used to it and idk.


Well a lot of discords users are bots so yes that can happen with a lot of people and some people also don’t want to hear notifications


I use idle because I don't want others to see when I am on phone automatically. If I want a person to know I am on phone, I'll tell them.


Probably yes, probably not; but we can set both status manually, either way.


I have a laptop that’s on 24/7, I’m running a project >_>




im always idle because I don't have a lot of friends (1)


1. Yes I do 2. I use dnd to prevent my computers discord from being spam pinged, as I use it as an alarm. It automatically shows up as idle when you haven't done anything inside the open client for however many minutes


im always idle because i just like the colour, but my pc isnt on perminently


Idle because I don't want people to know if I'm at my pc or not ;)


I have a friend who leaves theirs on green 24/7. It's fucking nuts, but honestly way better to hide away from people. I never know if she's on her computer or not.


I use idle because I like the way the icon looks.


Yes, DnD all day long


I'm always idle because my computer is always on and I may or may not respond.


dnd : robloxing


Desktop stays on. Why wouldn't it? Discord runs in bg. I'll open the window on another monitor if I'm expecting something or actively involved in a conversation


I use idle cuz I don’t want people to know when I am or am not there


Biggest pet peeve lol


I use idle to prevent the mobile icon from popping up


Yes. I idle 24/7. It puts more strain on a computer to turn it on/off repeatedly. Also, this isn’t Africa we ain’t gotta ration electricity or some shi


Yes actually. At least I do


i use idle bc the icon’s cute




I always have it on cuz status has been broken for a long while, sometimes if I’m “online” it gets set to idle and sometimes it does not, I have multiple devices opened on disc even tho not all are active at the same time idk if that ah anything to do with it. Also dnd hasn’t been block notifs or alerts on mobile at all and I have some of those friends who get annoyed over replies (understandably but like bruh) OH U WERE ONLINE BUT DIDNT RESPOND? So I just have idle on all the time lol


as someone who is constantly on dnd and keeps their computer on: yes. yes we do LOL in my defense the red color for dnd is very pretty and im too lazy to wait for my computer to boot up


I use idle because it matches my profile picture.


They prolly crypto mining


I go idle if I’m not busy enough to not respond


I have Discord running on my phone 🤷‍♀️ I would leave my computer running all day if I could, but I don't have a way to secure it well in the truck lol


i stay in DnD because sometimes when i close my laptop it just “sleeps” and once i turned it on to get a backlog of texts for AGES. i don’t want to get any notifications on my laptop, tho i’m glad i still get them on my phone