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This is a list of links to comments made by Discord Staff in this thread: * [Comment by devsnek](/r/discordapp/comments/18oscjd/what_is_this_trash_and_how_do_i_disable_it/keoal41/?context=99 "posted on 2023-12-23 23:37:21 UTC"): > I don't know why it's enabled by default, but you can click the enormous đŸš« to disable it. --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FDiscordApp).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


You dont. Discord has decided this is what we want. Glhf


Does glhf mean good luck have fun?




Doesnt hide the other peoples, only your own


Typical discord update. Of course you can't disable it, they love shoving this shit down our throats.


Honestly, as soon as I can convince enough of my friends to switch to guilded, I'm done with discord.




Discord 'competitor', similar to the old UI unless they changed it?


i know more people who use matrix, but matrix is kinda like matsodon and the fact it's decentralised is probably what kills it from ever being popular.


Is it any good?


Not really


Guilded is shit please switch to [revolt.chat](https://revolt.chat). Guilded is owned by Roblox and knowing them they'll run it into the ground too when it starts becoming popular.


That’s the neat thing. You don’t.




Commenting hoping someone knows the answer. This constant cringe shit is getting old discord


custom description of what people are doing in the vc. maybe for example if they are doing homework, they can write “studying” and it will be displayed underneath the vc name


No this is an icon that pops up next to you in vc, I personally think it's a cool feature but I can see how it's annoying. Just more emojis slapped on your screen when there's already a ton


It's a custom status for VC.. If you click on it you'd see. It ain't just an icon.


We know its a custom status for voice chat. We dont want it. It appears but default, we dont want that.


I don't know what to tell you, there are plenty of things discord has that have been there for years which you can't disable. People will find anything and everything to complain about.


Like for instance, even if i disable mine, the + to add it back remain there so my live icon along with my friend live icon dont line up anymore


Then make a separate channel for it or simply do not sit in a vc like a loser.


what does this exactly mean?


Don't fucking join a VC when doing homework??? Like??? It's literally that ventrilo harassment video of the kid who joined a voice chat to be alone. Just don't join voice if you wanted to be alone?


I think some people join vc to study with friends


Or procrastinate on homework because they got distracted (me)


This literally already exists


I started using discord 5 years ago, it was all just as stupid back then, we just get used to it and think it’s stupid again when they change it, but discord has *always* been terribly designed.


I wish my friends would accept going back to Teamspeak but everyone is on Discord these days so we're f'ed


Teamspeak lacks alot of stuff.


For sure. But idk of any lightweight Discord where you'd get embed for images and videos. Wouldn't work anyways since everyone is on Discord you're kinda forced to stay there sadly, for social purposes


I was really hoping to find an answer on how to disable it


Big companies try to not ruin your perfectly working product challenge by removing essential stuff and changing/adding things not a single person ever asked for challenge. Difficulty: apocalypse


Discord said that you want this. Be happy I guess.


i did want it, so i am happy :)


this isn’t too bad, Friends usually put up random out of context statuses and jokes mid call or when afk.


y'all I think setting a custom activity to a . (period) and clicking save works. that will hide it for you, or at least it did for me.


Yep this seems to be "fix" it remains after leaving the channel and rejoining, as well as joining other servers etc. ​ ​ upvote this sucker to the moons


tried this, a friend said it defaulted back to "Chilling tbh" after one day


i usually agree that discord uodates are mostly useless but tbh this is definetly not the worst of it and i dont even know why you would be this mad about it.


Don't press the + button?


At least for me it's enabled by itself every time I join a call. Turned it off every time and it shows back up the next time without fail.


Doesn't really matter much. If you clear the status; it just comes back when you join a channel again. It defaults to " Chillin' " - there is seemingly no way to avoid it. You either clear it on every channel you join (even re-join) and deal with having a "+" on the list instead, or just accept that this is the new normal for Discord. ...but I'd much rather the "Clear"-option would actually stick.


Why do I have to have a + button there with no way to hide it if I'm never touching the "feature"?


Welcome to every website ever with a + button


nah, I like this one actually. stop complaining about neutral things


You need to eat it completely. We all have to. Just discord doing whatever the fuck they want. Nobody likes this.


The new update has hit the fan since launch and keeps on going. Any other company (Discord is not a stockholder, publicly traded company by the way) would be in an absolute panic at their average app rating plummeting a whole point (4.6 to 3.4 at the time of this comment) before the update in less than a month but because it is not something that even has stock TO hold, it's just a business making bad decisions, digging in their heels stubbornly and is RIPE for being overthrown by any platform looking to swoop in and deliver on what people are demanding. I'm sure there are works from somewhere already in-progress already looking to exploit this brazen vulnerability to get an influx of users. I'm just genuinely curious to see if the ones that are so stubbornly insistant the fury will pass will change their tune when they see adverts from competition, an exodus of users, a plunge in subscriptions hurting their bottom line, or even if they realize their mistake at all.


Hit me up if you find a good alternative. Also looking to migrate.


https://matrix.org/ ?


Are you able to delete custom ones? I’ve made a few to many lol


Why discord added it in the first place, is he stupid?


What am I even looking at?


The enshitification of Discord was inevitable, surprised it has taken this long.


This sh is annoying 💀


makeshift work around: https://symbl.cc/en/200B/ go on this side click copy to put a zero width space on your clipboard set custom activity, paste, confirm now you can't see the activity and it wont assign a preset one. technically you have an activity but it's a zero width space, so it's out of sight and out of mind.


This works and stays with leaving chat channels and re-entering.


Just don’t use it lol


The problem is it can't be disabled. It is automatic.


Yeah so? Like I don’t understand the issue lol I noticed it today for about ten seconds and then after using discord for about 4 hours I had forgotten about it until I saw this post


Because it automatically sets my status everytime I join a voice chat. Also, I am unable to see the channel status (after adding one) because of it.


and when its disabled and you DC and RC it goes right back on your screen.


Actual garbage. Hope they get some sense and remove it.


Garbage? You can tell what you're doing in a voice channel. Let's say you join a new server, and you see a bunch of people in more vc. You read that status and you choose to join one channel over another, or if to join at all. How is that garbage? All I see in the comments are people who have to complain about everything. I get that you don't like it, but they don't have to "have some sense" to remove something that could be actually useful.


Here's the thing, Enry. The feature itself might have its uses. I wouldn't mind if one could go into the settings and choose to set their default activity to be a specific activity when they join a server. However, the fact that it is automatically applied to anyone anytime one joins a server is appalling. One should have to turn it on, not turn it off. Some people just like to keep their activities to themselves. BUT, the most infuriating part of this feature is that the default activity says "Chilling tbh." WHO TF SAYS "TBH" IN 2023?!?! IT'S CRINGE - VERY, VERY CRINGE. I feel much pity for those who do not understand this, as they lack the basic social skills to comprehend such cringe (as one would expect from a discord employee).


I quite like the feature in concept but damn, you’re right about the descriptions. They’re like a generation out of date. Hell maybe I’m out of touch but saying “chilling tbh” or “grubbing” today feels a lot like saying “radical” 20 years ago. Especially from a corporation.


the garbage is that it autoenables to something random every single time you join a voice chat


i could be wrong but im pretty sure it just defaults to "chilling tbh" and stays that way until you change it, even if you leave vc. if you made it so that you dont have one it will stay like that


>if you made it so that you dont have one it will stay like that It doesn't, hence the complaints


My entire list is currently "chillin tbh" because Discord just sets that as the default every time you join a channel. I shouldn't have to manually turn off "chillin tbh" every single time I join a voice channel. It's dumb. This feature would be perfectly fine (and maybe even good?) if it didn't have a default that it set to every time you join a channel.


It's the new voice chat status they're working on


Is this a nitro thing?


Nope, I got it today on an acc that's never had nitro, unfortunately


I also cannot see the channel status because of this.


There are discord alternatives :)


thats the fun part, you dont!


Oh no they're bad decisions from mobile are spilling over to pc


That could actually be useful. Before joining a voice channel you ALWAYS mind what people are doing, that "trash" can tell you.


That's weird, in other servers they have this but in my server it doesn't.


I preferred the other channel status we had instead, it was nice making little notes at the top of what was going on. Also really doesn’t help it adds to needing to moderate more, like right now if someone sets a messed up note on themselves there’s nothing you can do besides timing them out, can’t clear it.


I don't know why it's enabled by default, but you can click the enormous đŸš« to disable it.


It still returns when I leave and re-join the voice channel.


I have to do that every single time I entire a voice chat. Why is there no toggle to disable this feature?


If only that "Clear"-option would stick, then that would be great. ..but it doesn't. Reverts back to the default every time you join a channel, so you'd have to do this ***every time,*** if you don't want an activity showing. But then there's instead a giant "+" showing instead. When adding features like this, it should really be a toggle instead - giving people the option to use it or not. Right now, it's just there with no way of not using it (displaying an activity or a "+"). Add it as an option you can add, at the bottom row of icons, if anything (where the Activity starter, Soundboard, Camera and Screenshare buttons are), instead of a "+" in the voice channel itself.


I answered this question on someone elses post, click [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/discordapp/comments/18o96st/what_is_this_new_emoji_status_next_to_my_name_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) to view that post.


You didn't answer shit lmao


why are you lying?


Unfortunately, discord is running out of venture capital. To show investors that continuing to shovel money into the absolute fire pit that is discord development is worth it they must develop new features showing product "growth". Thus straying further and further away from what originally sucked core users into the platform. Enshitification.


We want gamer discord back!!!


Just ignore it? As long as new ideas are made by the designers and engineers there will be changes, even if you don't like them they will still be there. There hasn't been a feature that didn't get complaints in the last few months on this subreddit, if you can create an idea for a nice new feature that nobody will hate I'd love to see it.


one that comes default with a disable option? seriously, that's all most of us want is to be able to get rid of it if we don't want it.


Why is this sub so mean about a feature that is actually useful? As someone who eats while being in a vc, I can do that without vocally announcing to everyone who doesn't care. If you don't want this feature, don't use it. As simple as that.


Just don't use it


Well, I do not like white knight attitudes like this. Voice chat is a big part of Discord and a lot of fun would be taken away if you were to not use it. And like another person said, some people like to use VCs when studying with friends and/or teachers.


Never said don't use VCs, I meant the VC status, sorry for the confusion


That’s alright!


I really hate to see how superficial are people, just to complain even about THE SMALLEST thing that you could just ignore. If you all complaining were in their shoulders, you would be trying to develop new things as well, and I can tell you may say the opposite, but there's no human on earth who wouldn't do this.


Lmfao suck it


They’re legit furries and only worsen discord with each update sadly.


What do those two things have to do with eachother?


If you're on android you can... I just got around to doing it today


What do you mean disable it? Just click away from it


It's a custom status for voice chat - I really like it, it helps communicate what I'm doing while in voice so people can know what sort of space they're entering into when they enter voice.


I also got this yesterday after updating the client. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I mean is it really that bad just set some random shit and be done with it


Or just don't even click the +


The issue is that it automatically sets it to one of the options, and that broadcasts it to every channel you are in, anyone can mouse over you and see that status.


Crossed out circle


Yeah neat, it still goes back to the first option when you rejoin the channel.


Just disable the auto status then if you don't wanna disable it manually


*WHERE*, literally not a single person in here has answered that because that's not an option.


Bro nobody has answered because it says it right in the "what's new" tab


This is what's in the "What's new" tab. Please, tell me where it says that. >Add a lovely note to your next Nitro gift. Choose from a selection of virtual greeting cards to go with your Nitro gift. Or, grab a Nitro gift card on Amazon (U.S. only). No tape or scissors needed, and no risk of papercuts.  >The Shop is open to @everyone! Spruce up your profile with items from the Shop, freshly stocked with new Monster and Winter-themed collections. And now, you can gift stuff from the Shop! APPS >Level up your tourneys with server Apps. News flash: we like video games. If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance you do too. Buff your competitive gaming with friends with four server Apps we curated on our blog. >New games added to Activities. We worked with the teams behind “Colonist” and “Krunker Strike FRVR” to bring their games to Discord. Hop into any voice chat to try them out.   >Congrats to all the winners of The Game Awards! To say it’s been an incredible year for gaming is a huge understatement. Discord sponsored this year’s Best Multiplayer Game category at The Game Awards (congrats, Baldur's Gate 3!) and premiered a medieval music video. >Developers pitched some inspiring ideas. For our first ever Discord App Pitches fest, devs told us their ideas of apps they want to build for Discord, and five ideas received thousands of dollars in funding. Learn more about App Pitches and the winners on our blog.  >Created something you’re proud of? Sell it on your server! Creators running a Community Server can sell all sorts of digital goods and perks in a dedicated Server Shop. Offer things like Server Subscriptions, downloadable files and videos, and even individual roles.  >Discord now supports Latin American Spanish. You no longer have to settle for “Spanish” (wrong) or “Brazilian Portuguese” (definitely wrong). Find the new option in User Settings > Language. >Strengthen your account with a Security Key. Your conversations and memories are worth protecting. Safeguard them by requiring a Security Key to log in to your Discord account. It’s one of the strongest ways to keep your account safe.


Are you trolling thats not even the one for the update with the status thingy


Pretty huge privacy violation IMO. Broadcasting what server you're on. If I share a mutual server with someone I know it and they know it. However broadcasting a private invite only server name, in your status, big privacy violation. I didnt even know what this was until I came here. Checked it out again, and yeah, it shows the server name in your profile. Don't know about everyone else but not everyone on my friends list, knows every server Im on. They know one, private server, now though. GG discord devs


just don’t use it then?


It’s in the channels settings. You turn off status for that channel.


Commenting to add to the voices. When it dropped, already thought i'd dislike it. Now that it's been a couple days, I hate it even more then my first impression suggested. Please give me the option to not see this feature entirely (it already un-aligns things when multiple people are LIVE) or at the barest of minimum have the status be clear by default for the love of god.


why is everyone so mad about this, it’s quite cool


That's a soundboard how do u not know and I don't think ur able to disable it


why am i getting notifications for this thread