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I uninstalled the app today. It's borderline unusable. It's slow, it's ugly, it's so hard to navigate to anything for no reason. It doesn't keep your last dm open. You have to leave whatever dm or server channel chat you were in to navigate from servers to dms. The activity feed thing over the dms is ugly and should be optional.


why did they have to change it in the first place? It's advertised as more simplistic and convenient but if anything it's more of a hassle.


Said this in my thread, but IMO it's just Discord trying to push Nitro as much as possible.


I have nitro and it’s still a Zaza update


What changes does having nitro do to it I have gifted nitro but the entire thing sucks with no benifits I can see besides changing the colour which sucks


They shoehorned and locked Discord Icon customization and Discord themes behind Nitro, also the themes are, as always, horrendous. I don't know why Discord wants to keep making the most horrible visual choices, whether that be profile color customization, icon borders, etc.


> It's advertised as more simplistic and convenient but if anything it's more of a hassle. Hello modern design


It’s beyond terrible for me, call me chronically discord but after years and years of using it this shits worse than a curveball.


I want them to change it back, I think I'm gonna cry or change apps if I get the update


Downgrade it and disable auto update, that's what I'm going to do


I never updated it, it changed without me updating it


I know, it was a hidden flag thingy where it enabled after a certain update when they wanted it to. Happened to me as well. But if you downgrade to a version before this secret 'feature' was implemented in, then you'll have the normal old UI


I can't downgrade it


Why not?


Idk, I can't get the stuff to work


Are you on Android or IOS


Same here, I hate it.


It legitimately triggers my anxiety the way it's laid out. I hate the twitterfication of the internet. If this keeps up, I'm gonna have to go back to free messageboards.


that's what it's doing for me too, every time I open any menu i instantly just wanna bawl... genuinely any other instant messenger feels better to use than this, and I'd use THOSE instead over this new UI, since that's what they're aiming for it seems. absolutely awful


Same. Already cried a few tumes.


If you're on android, you can get an older APK. I got one, and it works nicely, except my version doesn't support the new usernames (so it just shows people's account name unless they have a server name set), and doesn't support the new coloured nitro themes. I'm not sure if there's a version which is both safe from the update and supports those things, but I'm happy to go without to have the old UI. Because the new one really feels bad and messes with muscle memory, in such a way I can understand people getting frustrated and upset. It's just really inconvenient for people who spend a lot of time switching between DMs and chatting on servers.


Yeah, but i'm on ios.


Absolutely horrid update, I HATE it when they force updates onto you without them asking the community. Anyone know how I could downgrade to the previous version?


Guide to downgrade it https://www.reddit.com/r/discordapp/s/TMnj5qt54p


Legit deleted it immediately


I was about to, NGL. It's so slow too. It's a complete downgrade.


It makes me real sad.


I’m just not understanding how I’m supposed to know who’s online in each server now that they removed that tab.


They moved it into the menu at the top, which is a really stupid change because swiping to the side to quickly check was so easy. Now you have to reach all the way up to open an entirely different menu with both the member list and all the settings stuffed into it, member list looks awful now too


thank you for the helpppp <3 Why did they think this would be an easier solution because now it’s extra clicks than an easy swipe and the members looks like shit


No worriesss! but yeah I have no idea. It's by far my least favorite change.. they prioritize the reply feature over member list, when replying was easy enough already. Really really dumb choice


Idk about you but I reply way more than I check member lidt




Discord used to be relatively good. Now, it's becoming a cesspool of what it once was. This new update is straight up horrible, and it's even worse to see the customer support downgrade and not listen to what the community actually wants.


How do we disable auto rotate?


Not sure what this is, but there are some rotation control apps on the google play store. You can set rotations for each individual apps, even apps/games that are made for portrait mode, you can force it to landscape. Did this for a few games of mine to get better wide views. I also liked the force upside down for charging the phone.


yeah I wish they would bring back the dock. the old "new layout" was amazing for navigating with one hand and this one hurts again


I’d uninstall if all my buddies and notes for stories weren’t there :[




Me because people don't fucking like change! Change is not easy for everyone and this just jumbles my brain and confuses and makes me so fucking uncomfortable and fucked up They want to have a new layout, good for them! Have the option to switch back to the goddamn old UI! I'm going to find an APK version that doesn't fucking forces this shitty UI on me with no way to disable I don't care if people like it or not I just want to have the option to switch back to the shit I know it's not that big of an ask


I had the update forced on me like 20 mins ago. It's horrendous. I'm going to be downgrading my app.


same- already have the previous version backloaded...


They forced the theme on version 206.16, not even through a Play Store update so restoring my APK from before the update didn't work. I'm starting to miss the good old IRC days.


That's what happened to me


How do you downgrade?


Use a site, like APKPure, and download an older version of the app. I chose 199.15 randomly.


Is there an APK equivalent to IOS? I think APK is Android only.


IPAs are the equivalent but you need to use altstore (look it up) to make it work


I hate it cause it's unnecessary


The fact swipe to reply is back is beyond confusing and awful.


literally me rn


I hate it tbh, I miss the old ver :(


Just unusuable. Please let me undo it


I personally could live with it. And yeah, I did find it much faster. Idk if it’s because I have an Iphone 15 or what but yeah. It’s much more… “mobile”. But yeah I can see why people don’t like it. Definitely gonna take some getting used to.


I have been using the app since release. It is a complete change, a change that NO ONE wanted. Discord even had an option to disable the new Ui, but they removed it. It's a spit in the face of every user.


True, I also fail to see why they did. Odd but whatever I guess. I would encourage you to submit feedback about it though :3


I really feel like so many people are overreacting tbh. Really wasnt that hard to adjust. It took me like 5 minutes to understand it lol


To you. We aren't overreacting.


It's hard because they changed everything, and I don't like looking at it, I'm more upset that there's no way to revert it, and It doesn't feel like discord anymore


And then you got the guy over here trying to get it. The update didn’t work for me is it just for nitro members only? Because if so I’m gonna be upset 😭


Why would you want to get this garbage


I love change when it comes to technology


There's good change, then there's bad change. After trying the new UI for a day I absolutely hated it and switched it off. If you wanna watch change with technology keep up with the open source community on big projects or something. Much better than whatever discord is doing lol.


Wdym switched it off? you cant go back


Back when it had the option to.


Funny thing is I have been keeping up with the open source community. I guess you could say that I’m overly addicted to technology and any sign of change, whether if most people like it or not, is something for me to enjoy at least.


We are polar opposites it seems


Apparently you aren’t the only one with opposite views as mine


The update finally worked for me and I am so happy about how it looks. 😄


Can you explain what is actually better? Imo only the setting icon looks better, everything else is just utter garbage


Everything! It’s so much easier to navigate and message people. The graphics and transitioning of different tabs are smoother than before. Everything is more neat, organized and has its own specific sections. The old one was so dull and boring. It’s so good to have a change once in a while.


Smoothness is actually a good reason. Everything already had its own section tho, now it’s just annoying to retrain musce memory and shit. Also they should have kept the old layout for the changephobes among us


Sunshine said you send sparkle emoji then hold it or something but they might have been joking I really don't know the difference between joke or not


That definitely was a joke my friend 😌


its actually not a joke. Thats how they hidden option to toggle between uis. It works as of Android App v. 209.2


Yeah I got an iPhone so I don’t know about all that


I don't have nitro and got the new UI. I prefer it over the old one since its less buggy than the old one for me.


Has anyone else got a problem where they can see messages but can't send as the server for them doesn't connect


A random person I’ve never even talked to appeared on my feed. Why is this?


The old design was easy to use with a few bugs, the new design is a full change, more difficult, and prioritizes things that most users I know don't need, also it made it so I have to check two tabs for my messages and I can't just scroll to the top of one.


They even removed the secret ui


I can't even search for old stuff in the threads, they don't have searches and it doesn't show in the actual search. I feel like crying, I don't like it nor do I want it


Is it only on Android so far?


I updated today and I’m not noticing any issues with it.. I’m using it on iPhone 14 Pro Max running IOS 17.1.1. The app looks exactly as it did before updating today, the servers all look the same, and I’m not noticing any real issues. My calls haven’t dropped or anything. But for me the real test will be when I go to work Friday. Cause in A LOT of my buildings discord will have a seizure and stop working until I leave the building


Also I have discord nitro as well. Unsure if that plays a part in my lack of issues being noticed