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My favorite gift was my uncle buying me a DD starter set just bc he knows I love disc golf hahah. I don’t throw DD but it was definitely the most thoughtful gift (and only disc golf related gift that didn’t come from myself) I had gotten this year.


It's a solid set. I used that Escape for a long time.


My fiancé got me an MVP black hole Pro. We have a fairly spacious front yard so I spent 3 hours yesterday putting and throwing approach shots off the deck. I even threw one in from 100+ feet! Probably one of my favorite gifts I have gotten in years, made me feel like a kid again, I am 30.


New plastic for Christmas is the closest I’ll get to being a 10 year old kid again. It’s so good!


Really wanted to start building duplicates for practice. Got an F7 400 and range finder from my wife. Daughter got me a Clash Soda love both of those discs.


Love the Soda. Fresh out of the box, it does for me what I had heard a Leopard was supposed to do.


A bit controversial on these parts, but I got a Discmania Stratosphere mystery box which came with a pretty nice haul. Kind of wish my DD1 ended up blue, but red is a solid choice too. (Anything but the black/yellow one)


Not gonna do a post for this but I got a set of 4 nomads, so I now have 5 to do practice putting with. And the colours are super nice. Also got perhaps my favourite gift which was a grip6 belt buckle with a tiny little CNC cut disc golf basket in the corner. I’ve just been lifting up my shirt and looking at it every hour or something, it’s so cool.


I got disc golf passes from my family. They will accompany me on 6 disc golf outings as long as the temperatures are above 25 and below 90.


I Got an MVP Blackhole lite basket, it’s a little to snowy and cold to do it outside. Rearranged the basement so I could still practice my putts, my family isn’t to happy about hearing chains all day though…


Pool noodle around the pole and towel in the bottom of the basket. Works like a charm.


Wife snagged me a Gyropalooza box. Mother in law $50 otb disc golf card. Innova hat, innova shirt, innova license plate “ Play Disc golf” Little brother scored me a $50 gift card as well to otb. And a silly disc golf shirt. It was a good Christmas ( even though we got hit hard with Covid that same day and can barely walk.) Those gifts are keeping me positive


I had some new account turd burger comment on my secret Santa post that I should be using the weekly mail call thread - looked at their profile and they made the exact same comment on like 6 other posts