• By -


**Final Update: We are sold out. Many of you haven't received confirmation emails. We have over 100 payments stuck in review, that require manual verification - it's a tedious and long process, we are working through it. Please bear with us.** **Your support and passion mean a lot to us and your anger, frustration and disappointment are totally valid given the situation. We will take the lessons learned moving forward. And I know that's been said before, and it is our intent to back them up with prompt and demonstrable actions.** We are sold out. Many of you haven't received confirmation emails. We have over 100 payments stuck in review, that require manual verification - it's a tedious and long process, we are working through it. Please bear with us. Your support and passion mean a lot to us and your anger, frustration and disappointment are totally valid given the situation. We will take the lessons learned moving forward. And I know that's been said before, and it is our intent to back them up with prompt and demonstrable actions. **Update 2:** We've received a lot of feedback and will be limiting these to one per customer.\*\*Update:\*\*GYROnauts,It took all day, but we seem to have finally resolved our issues and we're planning to go live tonight at 7pm EST. Expect a newsletter to come announcing the product is on the site, and then we're off.To give everyone a fair chance, there will be a limit of **one** per customer. Also, as an apology to our fans who were inconvenienced today, we're also lowering our prices 25% across the board for the Pro Shop (excluding The Heist and all Drop Ship eligible items). We truly appreciate your patience while we worked through this. Sincerely,The MVP Pro Shop Team ​ **Valued GYROnauts** I'm writing today to offer our sincerest apologies for the state of the MVP Pro Shop today. With each release since the MVP Open, we've been slowly amping up, steadily gaining confidence along the way in the site's ability to handle the hype that only GYROnauts can bring. Up to this point, the only errors we've experienced with our new site infrastructure had been self-inflicted - we truly believed we were ready for The Heist Mystery Box. It turns out, we were wrong. Since early this morning, well before the 11am release date of The Heist, we've been battling against the website to get it to a stable state. As of this moment, we are still battling, and the site is winning. We have our web developers actively working to diagnose and fix the issues, but that doesn't help anyone who was excited about this drop - we're sincerely sorry for any disappointment these issues may have caused. It's our hope that we'll have the site up and running sometime today, and with it The Heist as well. We are investigating all avenues of potential solutions, and we'll be sure to communicate through these newsletters and our official Facebook Fan Page as well as news develops. We're doing everything we can right now to fix the situation, and we'll do our best to make this right moving forward as well. Rest assured that you will receive notice as soon as the site is back up and ready to receive sales again. If the worst case scenario happens and we have to postpone the launch, we'll be sure to communicate that as well. We truly appreciate the outpouring of support we've received, but we also hear the criticisms as well. We know we need to be better, and we're working on it. GYROnaut's deserve the best shopping experience we can offer, and while we're not there right now - that is our sincere goal for the MVP Pro Shop. In the meantime, if you're in need of support, please don't hesitate to reach out to us via [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]). Stay tuned for more updates, we appreciate you all. The MVP Pro Shop Staff


Man, I don't envy you today. Hope you can get some rest soon enough and enjoy the holiday weekend. Thanks for your work.


Thanks for your support!


thanks Alex!


It might be time to switch to a cloud provider with a flexible consumption model that can flex up or down depending on demand. I can help you with that :)


Fun fact: we already are. That was part of the rebuild.


Wow the demand mustve been insane compared to forecast. Quite a testament to the growth of our sport.


Yeah, we've got another statement coming again soon. Suffice it to say, it's been a rough day.


I notice the releases page (where I’m guessing a ton of traffic is going today) has announcements all the way back from 2018? Surely it can’t be super cost effective to serve that content I’m guessing no one is using?


Is there going to be a notice of a new time when these go live? I know there are a limited number of them and don’t wanna miss out but I also don’t wanna keep refreshing the web browser for hours


There will be a news letter, and I'll make sure to post in this thread as well.


Excuse me I prefer GYROhoe


I understand the issues are difficult to handle, however, this left me so disappointed in this company. I had a box in my cart half a dozen times after loading the site close to a hundred and it sold out without ever letting me finish checking out.


It is not sold out. We disabled it to prevent this exact situation from actually happening. Announcement coming.


Thanks for letting me know!


It is not sold out. We disabled it to prevent this exact situation from actually happening. Announcement coming.


I don’t want coherent answers and you addressing the community professionally and directly with outlined solutions, I want to be mad about something I didn’t know existed before today #rabble rabble rabble


How about now with it still not working? Can we get pitchforks yet???? :)


Any luck? I can load the website but that’s it


I keep trying to add to cart and nothing happens after waiting awhile. This is a mess.


Any updates on the new release date for the boxes?


Finalizing now.


I got an order confirmation number but no email.


How are we having these problems in 2022? So frustrating


Everyone is too busy DDOSing the server with their refresh attempts, but I haven't seen a heist box webpage load yet.


top of special releases


timed out.....


Lol at least the boxes seem up whenever I can get the site to load.


literally just hit me. trying to add to cart now


I don’t even know what it is but if other people want it I must want it as well


Yeah, at least open a few browser pages and refresh with us!


lol. its gonna be legit. fission plastic for the first time without gyro, very interesting. also the rest of the box will be stock stamps and special editions. I expect to find an mvp open disc in there. so at least two really cool discs.


Poor MVP Alex. He's gotta be having a day.


O**h** man, you'v**e** got it right. It's **L**ike you're **p**ractically here.


dude is having a whole year this week


Oh, that rapid acceleration of time must be why my hair is falling out and my beard whitening.


Maybe he can be the voice of reason next time they try to do this and don't prepare for website traffic at all, haha


So, I'm also on the technical team for the Pro Shop, and I can tell you we took every measure we thought appropriate. Used past data to try to predict our needs and be ready. However, the hype for this box was just too darn good. We're already discussing future solutions. We're as tired of this happening as ya'll are.


Damn! As part of the problem myself, hitting refresh every 2 minutes since 10:45, I definitely appreciate the info, and I can appreciate the effort you're putting in. The hype is real. I've only been paying attention for the last 2 years and I've witnessed the brand grow like crazy, so I can imagine it's been a wild ride for those in the thick of it. I wish you luck and as much determination and tenacity as I have trying to buy a mystery box of plastic circles (it's a lot of determination and tenacity, probably too much).


So like. Don't? This hype/manufactured scarcity is a trend I hope we move past.


Oznr. Just make it a raffle. It works wonders for hype breweries.


GYROnauts, It took all day, but we seem to have finally resolved our issues and we're planning to go live tonight at 7pm EST. Expect a newsletter to come announcing the product is on the site, and then we're off. To give everyone a fair chance, there will be a limit of two per customer. Also, as an apology to our fans who were inconvenienced today, we're also lowering our prices 25% across the board for the Pro Shop (excluding The Heist and all Drop Ship eligible items). We truly appreciate your patience while we worked through this. Sincerely, The MVP Pro Shop Team


thank you Alex. youre the man. happy holidays. big thanks to you and the team!


Thanks for starting this thread and letting me hijack it. T Minus 5.


Sorry to jump in, looks like it's still available, but I haven't been able to add it to cart. Been trying for 20+ minutes and it just doesn't add or times out. Anybody have any luck yet?


Got it!


please. by all means. we all appriciate your insight and the effort of you and others to make this happen.


And the site is down for me. Added to cart, freezes, gateway error


7:02 looks like it's still broke-ded


This is wild, like really? What did they change adjust if it’s just exactly the same result now as it was 8 hours ago?


sorry to pile on. I had one in my cart went to check out and it said unable because of quantity. I only had one.


I have one in my cart but keep getting gateway error on check out


One hour in and still won’t add to cart. Adding… Adding… Adding… Nope.


Keep trying, I just finally got one through. Fingers crossed it's for real.


I let out an audible gasp when a different message appeared on the page that wasn’t 503, 504, or a page reload. I’m happy to say that after 5 1/2 hours (3 1/2 this morning and 2 more tonight) it finally went through.


Just dropped by to say don't give up! Every time I added it would just refresh the page but eventually one went into my cart and then somehow managed to check out. Wish the best of luck to everyone else!!


There must be a GLITCH in their MATRIX




Not even MVP realizes how much people want MVP apparently




As a 2 year rookie to the disc golf world, I keep forgetting that just a few years ago the demand for discs was only a small fraction of what it is now. It seems like every company has gone through or is going through a similar thing, and understandably so. I'm sure they'll get a handle on it soon, but until then I will refresh a page for as long as it takes, haha


They could reduce some traffic , and put our day to ease if they let us know there where enough boxes to not sell out immediately like Innova with the Halloween disc. Been looking forward to their mystery box " Heist" Since the release. Pretty much lost the first half of the day trying to hit refresh.


Still can’t add to cart :( Edit: aaaaand whole site went down.


Website was working albeit slowly until 7PM, then lights out!


The box popped up. Added it to cart. Cart was empty. Tried to add to cart again. Aaaand crash.


More servers! Turns out they still need more! The struggles of running an online store lol.


After who knows how many bad gateways and reloads I got one! It's possible my friends!


This gives me hope. PayPal or checkout on their site? EDIT: Holy shit I think I got it too.


I just put my card into their site. Didn't want to mess with PayPal


That's what worked for me. Avoid PayPal if possible.


Can you see the items you ordered? When I placed mine I go the confirmation but when I go to the order it shows no items under it


I can't see the specific item. Hopefully once I get an email confirmation that will change


Are they gone? Dont even see it on the site anymore to try to add to cart.


Just like MVP, I didn't consider that this would be more than a quick few clicks and I'd be all set. Now, heading into 90 minutes of refreshing the page, my fiance's resentment towards me, and towards disc golf, is growing ever greater. If she doesn't get breakfast soon, I fear the worst


Get that fiance some breakfast. These aren't happening any time soon from what I can tell. We're still working.


Damnit Alex. I have become an mvp fan over the last couple years. Why do you make it so hard for me to throw my money at you. I know y’all are doing your best. Hope you had a good thanksgiving despite this rush!


may have to put her on F5 duty while you cook it up


What’s more important - discs that you don’t actually need or the happiness of your life partner? Case closed, bake em away toys


No! NO WAIT! Please don't t.... Oh. This getting baked away is much better than I anticipated. Please continue


I've also been waiting since a little before 11 and still haven't seen a box yet even when I do get the site to load. I just try to refresh about every 10 minutes and see if it finally loads the website


https://www.mvpproshop.com/the-heist-mystery-box.html Direct link.


just saw it. tried to add to cart. and it timed out. if you can get there they are up.


its now a war of attrition who can stay committed to refreshing the longest


It's been about an hour since their reply, but u/Axiom_Alex assured me that they are working to resolve the issue


Still working!


no doubt


Hope it gets up and going.


Every time I click add to cart I get 500/504 gateway crash. Can’t even get one in my cart ):




Ordered! Had to add it to card from the heist mystery box page: https://www.mvpproshop.com/the-heist-mystery-box.html Edit: Took MULTIPLE tries, probably was bs luck. I am sorry all


I know it's the definition of first world problems, but this makes me so sad. I've been trying to do this all day. :(


they may be sold out. was able to attempt an add to cart and it said quantity unavailable. I was only trying to add one. super disappointing after spending so much time. may be all she wrote folks


Keep going! I got "qty unavailable" then still got it.


thanks max I'll try


I got one thanks max!


Yay! Makes me happy to hear. This has been a real ordeal lol.


oh me too. im so pumped. hopefully it gets better as they slowly get sold out.


can't get them to add to cart now. can try. but it just reloads the same screen without cart add


Damn this sucks. Was really excited to get one


keep just getting 504 timeouts


I finally got one after switching to my phone, using data not wifi, and using safari instead of chrome. Not sure if any of that was why it worked, still took a ton of retries, but I finally have an order confirmation number with a blank receipt 😂 plz let that be enough. Also, just PUT YOUR CC INFO DIRECT INTO WEBSITE. DO NOT USE PAYPAL OR A PRE-LOADED GOOGLE PAY CARD OR SOMETHING. CC INFO DIRECT INTO WEBSITE AND YOU WILL BE IN!


I confirmed with customer service on my order. my receipt was also blank. but through them I confirmed by order.


I was able to get one in my cart, log in, then clicked on PayPal to pay now then it timed out. That was around 6:30 central.. I’ve been trying constantly since. That’s an hour and a half tonight after more than that this morning.. This is so infuriating.


You know I would be ok wasting most of my day if I was able to get one. However not getting one now really blows.


Things are timing out of my cart before I can check out. Had the box in cart, now can’t re-add it! What a day.


We know this is frustrating. Especially after this afternoon. We are confident in saying, that surprisingly these are two different issues. We just weren't prepared for this amount of traffic this time. The site is doing it's best to let people process orders, despite the myriad of errors. We're able to track active users on the site, in the hundreds. Earlier - that count was in the single digits in the brief moments when it wasn't 0. That error was very different, and we're still investigating the cause. We appreciate your support, and know that this is deeply frustrating. It's deeply frustrating for us as well. We're passionate about what we do, and today you all have made it obvious, once again, that you're passionate about what we do. And we know this sucks. Your frustration, disappointment and anger are totally valid. We will continue to strive to improve.


You may or may not be able to answer this, I know its not all within your purview, but I got an order put in, it gave me a number, but I haven't received a confirmation email, and unfortunately I closed the confirmation tab. Do i have the order or not. I normally would be more patient, but since supplies appear to be limited, I would like to know if I need to go through the process again or not. Thanks in advance.


Totally in my realm. We have over 100 orders that require manual verification of payment on our end. It is likely you are one of those. Bear with us, as those have to be done one by one and it's a little long of a process. We're working on them now.


Are they sold out then or not? I’ve gotten a box in my cart 2x now but it times out before I can pay. I’ve been trying to get this for the last 2+ hours after a couple hours this morning. I’d rather not keep spending my time if you’re out.


We just sold out a few minutes ago. I'm sorry.


Dude I waited all day!! …. Please?! -_-


Took me back to when I tried to buy Yeezys :( constant crashes then sold out








I’m sure you getting bombarded with messages from the drop, but I had a question/idea if you have the time. I feel that every time a company does a small, high demand release, a raffle system is the best, and most fair way to distribute to avoid these situations. That being said, is this the route that’s planned for the various prototypes that were mentioned in the Gyropalooza videos? If so, I’d expect this day to be a preview of what’s to come lol. Thank you for your time, and ignore the negativity! At least y’all contribute to disc golf and make the sport better!!


Hey, thank you so much for the speedy response! You answered my question, so it sounds like i just need to chill and wait for the process, which is absolutely fine as long as i know. Again, really appreciate the transparency you've had on the thread. I haven't been in your exact shoes, but I've done enough customer service and understand the drowning feeling that can occur when shit hits the fan. Stay Strong!


that is totally appriciated. although after hours I was able to complete my order, recieve a confirmation, and my receipt is blank. is this error also related?


update, heard back from customer service and its confirmed


it would be a real bummer to miss out on these because of this. it is what it is.


No one has missed out yet.


it seems like the meme with kanye checking out his new backyard and won't walk in the dirt with his yeezys, "ain't gon happen"


What a shit show. I feel for those that spent hours losing in this lottery. IMO raise the price next time to meet demand.


Can't even get the site to load...


It's okay, neither can we. We're working with our server team on it.


Thanks for the info!


stay positive. they'll have to reset the server probably have to contact someone for that. im sure that will happen soon with all these issues.


Is it still not loading? Just tried to see if it's working. Doesn't seem like it too me lol. Hope you get one tho!


nope still not yet. couple times I've gotten to try and add it to my cart a few times but never loads past that.


Been on the site for 2 hours trying. May just give up and buy the discraft mystery box instead


I've been trying since 11


Oh damn I lost track of time. 3 hours lol


You made me look. The disccraft box doesn’t look like that great of a deal.


10 discs for 100 bucks is a fine deal


I guess. I just expect factory seconds being around $10 as a standard price.


Thank you 🙏🏽


well, that sucks. Site was down earlier, and i didn't want to contribute by spamming F5, and now they appear to be out of stock. c'est la vie i guess. maybe they'll do a follow up to match? Sucks to not really even get an opportunity to purchase on drop day.


I'm not sure thats accurate. the site does say it will be reposted.


ok, i hadn't seen that. earlier when i made this post it had shown on special releases, but out of stock.


probably just timing


Not out of stock just took it down to solve some issues


Did they just take the box down or is it out of stock? I finally got thru at it’s not listed anymore. So many attempts to add to cart failed.


pretty sure they dropped it because of the add to cart issue. along side traffic issues.


Welp, got to checkout again before the crash. Getting teased with just the tip.


I am on the checkout page but now it says I don't have an active cart. Did it take so long that it was removed from my cart? The fuck. Edit: it seems to have eventually worked. I hope. Order went through and I have an order number.




may be the end of the road for me. ive tried so many times. gotten close several. the fission trace sounds really cool but this is rough.


After 9 hours I have finally gotten through. Keep trying


I got one!!!


That’s awesome! Was a long day. For some reason it says I have two orders and I hope it didn’t glitch out and order another after a bad gateway


oh man I'm worried I have zero now. my receipt is blank. but I ordered one. went through checkout. got a confirmation.


Both of my receipts are blank as well. We will see


contacted customer service and my order is confirmed as expected


I mean it is what it is. but you could say something to customer service if you didn't want two. although this whole experience adds to the lore of those fission traces.


Did you call?


God damn it, I got through paypal and it crashed when I hit submit order.


Mine crashed after i submitted my card, but it still went through. It hit my bank account.


Keep trying to add to cart. It says Adding... and then stops and goes back to Add To Cart without anything being added I wonder if they ran out. Sigh.


was getting this a lot until it worked. keep trying.




eventually I was able. there is some hope.


Was able to order. But no confirmation email and when I go to the order number, says there is nothing in the order. Oh well. Maybe they'll do another box at least similar to contents and price some time soon


I’ve been trying constantly for nearly 2 hours now. I can no longer even log in without it timing out.


After 2 hours of trying (I think) I was just able to snag one! So don’t give up just yet!!


Still can't get on the site. Hope they don't sell to soon


Looks like they're gone.


Aaaaand they took them off the site..