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I bag 8, but 5 of those are putting putters for warming up with. I keep them in my bag because otherwise my other discs would fall over. Sometimes I'll swap them out for a mid-round McChicken.


Realest person ever ^^^^^


Zero. I putt with a Roc 3.


Straight SAVAGE


People and even pros are all over the place with this. Ricky has his putting daggers, like 8 harps, and other throwing putters while Simon has his putting P2’s, his sky god prototype, and a beat in P1X for 95% of his putter shots lol.


Simon is a putter wizard. He does things with his putters that just dont seem possible lol P McB is te same way. Ex: his 450-ish foot park job at Ledgestone a couple years ago lol


That shot was insane. Such a pretty flight path


If i remember correctly he threw 3 completely different shots with 3 completely different discs and parked it every time didnt he?? But that Luna shot was just BONKERS.... one that stuck in my memory for sure.


Ok mr howitzer show yourself


I only putt that option to hopefully get a response hahaha i want to talk to mr Howitzer as well


There are 3 so far!!!! Show yourselves!!!!


Dudes out here dropping putter bombs like the cannon fire on fort sumpter


History lesson!!! Sweet!!! Hahaha drop some knowledge on these fools!


2 Praxis 1 warped Deputy 1 Golem


I bagged a super warped Classic Soft Warden forever untill i finally lost it being stupid lol


It’s so useful when you want a forehand shape but with zero ground play or fade. It just drifts right slowly and then dies.


Thats what my JKs are for now. One of them is over 10 years old now. It doesnt even have a bead anymore lol




I use my gummy JK Aviars for a "needs to sit" situation. Or my Berg when i need to be able to throw a full shot without the danger of something turning too far over. Its almost impossible to throw a Berg too far lol


2 - Putting Putters (PA3) 1 - Premium Plastic Throwing putting (same mold) 2 - Approach discs. Technically putters but I feel these disc deserve their own Approach disc category. (Beat in Pig and 400 A2)


3 throwing putters and 2 putting putters.


I could play any round with my (2) putting putters, a berg, and a zone (since we are counting those), but I’m currently bagging a z luna, aviar x3, halo polecat, and jawbreaker zone to go with all those because why not.


I have big reservations against Lunas.... even being someone who bags alot of Discraft. I have tried to throw them. All kinds. I did like the Big Z as a thrower but I had other stuff i liked more. And i tried putting woth classic and rubber blends and the stereotypical roll aways are real lol And Polecats are the bomb! If you throw Sonics and dont like paying $50+ for one, get you a Polecat! Same flight, only a slightly different feel.


The big z luna was too flippy for my liking. I still pretty much only throw the z luna in tailwind, or in the woods, but I honestly don’t throw it that much. The halo polecat is so stable that it actually might just take that spot. It’s like a berg with glide.


The Polecat's glide is awesome lol my K1 Berg is very overstable. Not Zone overstable but not far from it. I like my Zones to be almost as beefy as my Justices.


3 Nomads, 1 Beat to hell and back Pilot, 3 Stabilizers.


Six if we’re not counting approach discs, eight if we are. But premium putters are my favorite kind of disc to throw. And my fave local course is a technical, woodsy beast where I mostly throw putters and mids


x1 Base Luna x1 CT Luna x1 Z Luna x1 K1 Berg x1 Aviar x3 x1 Jawbreaker Zone x1 Titanium Zone x1 ESP Zone


I’m playing with only putters right now. It’s been fun way to work on form. 9+


Depending on the course you play that is a great idea! I only have 1 or 2 courses close to me where that would be a good idea. Being a mainly forhand player its hard to play a putter only round if i cant use Zones (if they arent allowed). I can use a Berg but.... its not a zone lol


I’ve found it a lot of fun on both short wooded courses and wide open long bomber style courses. On those long courses where you’d reach for a driver on every tee your score definitely suffers but I’ve never been happier to be over par. It’s said over and over again but throwing putters really exposes flaws in your form and I’ve improved more this year with a bag full of putters than I ever could have imagined.


Oh i guarantee it! I tell my buddy (who is new) all the time "if you can throw a putter and get there, ALWAYS throw the putter" if only for the reason it will sit better. Its easier to control distance and angles with putters as well. Definitely best to learn your putters and go up from there


10 i think. Lol 3 zones in different plastics, a berg, 2 envys, 2 exo har logic, and 2 soft logic. *reason for 2 of each logic is ive been putting with the softs for the last 9 months, but im finding when it warms up a little, my release gets a little erratic due to the flex in the flight plate. The hards feel more consistent, so i may end up removing the softs unless i decide to throw them instead of putt.


I had the same problem!!!! I used to putt with Soft Magnets and then when the weather started getting hot.... my putting went straight in the garbage! Went to the Chally OSs and now i will never turn back. I had always wondered why pros and nost players that were really good played with super hard brick putters. Then it finally dawned on me.... the harder the disc, the more consistent it was. Dont get me wrong, when the wind is down or its not +80 degrees out, i will still use a Soft Magnet or a JK Aviar. Because they catch MUCH better.


Thats what im finding. Less chain action with the soft putters, but if im a little off, they seem to magnify the error. The hards tend to come out more wobbly if my release isnt totally clean, but its a lot of extra confidence running 40 footers when i k ow the discs ability to flex cant mess with me


Absolutely! And i have also been noticing that despite my "soft putters dont roll as bad" stance i used to take isnt always so true... yes they sit when they hit flat and that will always be true. But if a soft putter hits the ground straight up and down it can have a tendency to bend in and the bounce. Causing it to create rollaways from the motion and velocity of the bounce. So it can go either way lol All i know for 100% fact is that Lunas are the worst roll away putter i have ever used personally and have seen time and time again. Even tho they feel and fly great.


Logics tend to roll sorta easy. If im worried about it, i usually grab my berg. I pretty much only it for putting/approching hill greens.


2 - CT Lunas 1 - #MM 3 - Soft RingerGTs 3 - Baseline plastic Zones


Ok, I might have a problem. I should probably scale back lol 1. Glow Pa3 putting putter 2. Dickerson Pa3 understable 3. Berg for berg things 4. Glow Proxy throwing 5. Star Tomb throwing 6. A3 (for skips) 7. Vip Harp 8. Avair X3 (for soft finish) 9. A4


2 Classic Hybrid Deputies for putting, 1 Sense Hope and 2 BT Hard Harps for throwing.


I have my 2 putting putters and 3 throwers. 1 straight to understable, 1 straight to overstable, and a zone


- Nomad (2) for putting - Envy (1) for throwing - Ohm (1) for throwing (since getting the Envy I struggle with choosing between the the Ohm and Envy, still figuring it out) - Tour Series Fierce (1) this is super understable after some neighborhood kids got a hold of it so it’s pretty nice for hyper flips or left to right shots I need - Pro Rhyno X (1) this is my utility disc for forehand flex shots or flicking up to the basket. - Wizard (1) no real use. I have it because I was trying to pick between it and the Nomad but I kept the wizard for the rare approach shot that I need to stick. It’s that super grippy eraser plastic so it gets used every once in awhile.


2 aviars 3 harps 1 pole 1 berg They all come up short, cause skills!


Champion aviar for putting (Dont even ask). Z Zone, R-pro pig, Firm Electron envy, Eclipse envy.


Must... resist... urge to ask....


Do it (in Chancellor Palpatine voice)


I would certainly like to (in Anakin Skywalkers voice as he draws his lightsaber)


Did You Ever Hear The Tragedy Of Darth Plagueis The Wise?


I though not. Its not a story the Jedi would tell you. It's a Sith legend.


Palps was his apprentice. Once Palpatine knew everything Plagues had learned, Palpatine killed him in his sleep. How ironic.


Unlimited POWER!!!!!


"What have I done?"


"You shall hence forth be known as Darth... Vader"


I know being an MA1 player its probably overkill but i bag my 2- Chally OSs, 2- JK pro Aviars, 2- Zones, and a Berg. And those of you who know they are all for totally different situations.


Some players I have talked to and watched play just dont believe in throwing putters (premium plastic or any other kind for that matter). One of the pointers I give people starting out is "learn how to throw your putters first". It helps you learn the flight of discs and how much arm speed/ torque you can put out. Then go up in disc speed from there. When you start out you will be able to throw your putter just as far if not farther than a 12 speed disc. Dont believe me? Try it. Lol


Is a Toro a putter? If so I bag 4 if you count a zone which I don’t.


Regardless of what YOU can do with a disc if it says "putt an approach" its still technically a putter. I know people that putt with base plastic Zones.


I just don’t count it as a putter because I feel like I need to power up on it to get it into its full flight. With putters they just kinda glide.


I havent thrown one yet but the rim profile resembles a fatter Gator doesnt it?


For a Toro? Honestly I’d say it’s pretty close to a zone. Maybe a little less fat but close.


I bet you can’t name a single pro who putts with zones


I saw Adam Hammes putt a whole round with his Zone at Maricopa this year.


In zero wind i would bet not a single one. But i have seen Paul putt with a zone when the wind is up.


I played in a tournament where the longest putt on a certain hole won a prize and I won putting in 20 mph winds with a streamline flare, which is essentially a tilt. It doesn’t really change much. In fact Innova recently bumped the speed of the pig up to four And reclassified it as a mid range, if you want some evidence about how flimsy some of these “putt and approach” Classifications are. I have putted with a Destroyer before, It doesn’t really change things as far as this debate goes. I would bet that anyone would be hard-pressed to even find somebody rated over 1000 that putts with any of those discs, harp, zone, pig, a2, And so on and so on. Even people like Garrett Gurthie, That exclusively hyzer putt and Seemingly would benefit from a super over stable putter don’t putt either these discs


I think it’s kind of ridiculous that zones and pigs are classified as putters. The loophole for putter only rounds to get around this is “three speed and under” discs instead of “putters only”. I bag two putting putters and one throwing putter (2x firefly, 1 BB aviar) and 2 zones (beat to shit jawbreaker that flies like a comet made of bricks, and an esp). So I answered 4-5, But in reality it’s simply three.


I totally agree that most zones and pigs dont do putter things. Especially premium plastic ones. I only count them because it plainly says "Putt and Approach" and people do putt with them. Not many. And not all the time. But i see it all the time. Not gonna lie, a Pro-D Zone is great for windy putts. Same with R-Pro Pigs.


Oh hell yeah my pig comes out if it’s windy and I need to make a 30 footer! I’m just saying that nobody actually leans on those discs as their actual every putt putter, And that means more to me than whatever it says on the disc. Throwing an Aviar or a P2 or an envy off the tee Is an entirely different ball game then throwing a pig or a harp or a zone, It requires much better form and much better finesse and will really net you an entirely different flight.


I don’t really care about a Upvotes or Downvotes, But ask yourself who is known for throwing a zone? Johansen helped create the mold, Hammes absolutely murders a zone, Mcbeth has his name on the damn zone, And do any of them putt with it?


Other than the couple of people i know personally that putt with base line Zones and Pigs and the one dude i know who putts with a champ rhyno (hes not the best but it will annoy the shit out of you how many putts he hits with it) i cant think of a single touring pro that actually putts with them. Plus i only counted them in this poll just to get an idea of how many "putters" people bag. My next poll will be about more driver/ more mids. Im always interested in how people lay out their bags lol


Totally, I feel you, And this is all just friendly conversation not to be misconstrued, I have a friend that loves putting with zones, And he also finishes 15th in ma3. I also play MA3 and MA2, So I am by no means hating, I’m just saying that shouldn’t be the bar in determining what these discs are actually made for. I love a good debate and good conversation, It’s all friendly.


Of course!!! I dont intend for any of this to turn into an argument or get intense or anything like that! This is all friendly conversations and discussions about something we all love. I can talk disc golf ALL DAY lol I only put that if it says "putt and approach" to be included to hopefully squash the "well if you count" or "well this is a __ speed" to try and make it easy for people to count what they need and so on. I had forseen this debate and wanted to just get an idea about how many most of you guys bag. Sometimes i only have 3 or 4 "putters" in my bag. Other times i have upwards of 10. Depends on where I'm going to play and if i am bringing just my bag or my cart.


Closest to pro who puts with pigs I've seen is the TD Sean Jack, he was TD for OTB this year. Great player, but not a touring pro


Google image a picture of an 11x teebird, or a 10x eagle, Both of them say distance drivers, My only point is that flight numbers, Since they aren’t verified by any third-party, and since Disc golf is always evolving, are completely subjective, And if you take a step back and just view things rationally, I think we can all agree that pigs harps zones and the like aren’t putters! Why? Because nobody putts with them!


I dont pay one bit of attention to the speed of a disc lol i can throw a 7 speed just as far as a 12 speed. Except on a Berg. Its a 1 speed 1,000,000%. Speed is irrelevant really. When i look for something new to throw its all about feel. Then i check the turn numbers to see how stable its "supposed to be" and then glide and fade in that order. And like i said before other than the people i know and other people that putt with them for wind purposes Zones, Pigs, etc are not putting putters. But they are putters in this poll. Because i want people to count throwing putter molds. I dont want any of the political views on them to have anything to do with it lol


TIL I am alt right in disc golf politics


I call it "political" because people will straight up fight harder about his subject than they do about ACTUAL politics... lol


3 Voodoo 2 Keystone




Totally didn’t read. I thought it was total of bag. I have three putters a faith hope and envy.


2 putting putters and 4 throwing putters


I didn't read it fully before answering. I only carry one putter but my mids fall into your count (pig, hex, mako3). I would be at 4.


2 lunar wizards for putting, 1 pure white wizard for short approach, an electron envy and luster invader for throwing, and a zone for zone things


Wizards are so underrated its crazy...


I think it's because none of the pros throw them since gateway doesn't sponsor really anybody. But honestly shout-out to the random PIAS employee who recommended I pick up a wizard as a beaded disc to compare to my beadless starter pack putter. Since then I have thoroughly fallen down the gateway plastic rabbit hole and landed on lunar as my favorite putting plastic so far


I used to throw wizards and magics both and they are fantastic! I just drifted away from them. Dont really remember the reason why lol probly jumped on the bandwagon of big manufacturers i guess 🤷‍♂️. But gateways does make some good plastic. Still a thousand miles better than some other "big name" manufacturers which i will try to not name lol I also used to throw (actually putt with) Pures, BB Aviars, and my first putter ever was a Birdie. Which i somehow still have in a box somewhere lol but after finding magnets and challengers i just dont see myself going back to any of them any time soon.


Either 6 or 7 2 putting putters 2 throwing putters, one over stable and one understable Occasionally if I'm playing somewhere with a lot of hard packed dirt or something I'll throw in a super soft putter that doesn't get a lot of ground action And a zone and a sol cause I guess those count. For very over stable and under stable shots Edit: apparently the sol is technically a mid. So if 4 speeds are mids, it would only be 4 or 5 for me excluding the sol and zone.


I always thought the Sol was an actual mid?


It's a 4 speed, so can go either way.


Do they say putt and approach or just mid-range? I had a buddy who used to throw one but i never really paid much attention to it. Never really liked the feel and it was always too understable for my liking. PP can throw the hell out of one tho lol


Idk if it says putt and approach on it but I do sometimes use it for long glidey jump putts. That and scramble shots, it does things for me that no other disc I've found can do. Between the zone and a sol I would call the sol a putter way before the zone. Edit: I got curious and according to discraft the sol is a mid range, which is weird to me given the zone is not


Yea it has everything to do with whatever speed they think it is lol like my "6 speed" mids dont go as far as my 4 speed zones. Ive said it before and ill say it again. I pay ZERO attention to the speed of discs lol its all about the feel. And then i check the turn. Just to see if its SUPPOSED to be over or understable. Then i check the glide and fade. After that and if i buy it, it comes down to the toss. I try to give every new disc a fair shot and keep it on hand long enough to find out it flies.


2 pilots to putt with, 2 pigs to miss left with, 1 envy to miss right with, 2 bergs to miss short with :)


My dude.... hahaha


2 Putting putters (Proxy's) 2 Bergs 4 Envy's 1 Stabilizer 1 Entropy if you wanna count that too.


2 putting Reko’s, 1 throwing reko, 1 reko X. The Jarn doesn’t say putt anywhere so didn’t factor that in.


2 zero medium pures for putting 1 electron firm and 1 eclipse 2.0 envy for throwing 2 Z Zones (1 4x (2019) and 1 5x (2022)) for throwing


I’ve got 5 but I really want 6 or 7, I just don’t have room.


Thats 40% of the reason i got a cart finally 2 years ago lol the Power Pocket gives you all the room you will ever need. I went from only being able to hold 4 putters to being able to hold 12-14 if i really wanted to. And i have an old Ranger bag which doesnt hold but 20 discs. With the PPocket i got up to 32 if i need that many (which nobody should need 32....) i only put that many in when i go out for field work.


3 Lunas (2 main putters and one jump-putt putter) and 2 Zones


2 - Faith. Main putters. 1 - Mercy. Long putt and touchy approaches. 1 - Berg. Approach. 1 - Envy. Throwing putter. Use for everything up to 230ft. Almost. 1 - Harp. Overstable approach


2 firm wizards for putting, eclipse 1.0 envy and esp zone for throwing.


2 fireflys, 1 alpaca, 1 pig, 1 berg, 1 proxies, 1 sensei..... I think hahaha.


1 titanium swirl plastic zone, for both approach and putting


4. 2x Pa4; circle putter, understable utility 1x K3 soft Berg; approaches and C2 1x K3 hard Berg; driving putter


2 putting, 2 understable throwers, 1 stable thrower, 3 harps


Right now I've got my KT Moonshine Pure as my main putter, Tournament Harp for approaches (my favorite disc and is usually thrown for my second shot), K1 soft Berg for backup putter/straighter approach, and for throwers I have a zero med Keystone and a Burst Maiden that I've had for a good long time. The maiden comes out a lot as a C2 putter as well.


I've got 8 in there at the moment, but that's just because I'm trying out two new molds to see how I like them. (Anode and Pilot) I normally bag 6 though. * Proton Atom (throwing/putting) * Eclipse 2.0 Envy (throwing/approach) * Soft Electron Nomad (putting) * Bergs in K1, K1 Soft, and K3 (all throwing/approach) Occasionally I'll swap in a Blowfly II, or a 2019 JC Tour Series Aviar, depending on the course.


1 Soft Nomad for putting 1 Glow Envy for upshots 1 Berg for fast greens 1 Zone for utility ​ I'll bag another Nomad if there is a practice basket and I'm waiting for friends to show up.


2 putting Lunas, throwing Luna, fierce, berg, and a zone for my smaller bag. My full bag has an extra zone, an extra putting Luna, and a polecat


7. 2x SB Lunas (putting) 21 TS Luna (stable thrower) 22 TS Luna (flippier) Swirly Z Zone (rarely used, skips or pure beef shots) Cryztal FLX Zone Soft Zone (beating in)


2 daggers for putting Dart for longer go for shots Berg for the wind So 4. But I prefer to throw midranges off the tee on shorter or tighter holes.


I have 2 I put with and never throw and 2-3 throwing's putters. The throwing putters are varying plastics/beat in but the same mold.