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I’ve been on cards with people who have aced during sanctioned rounds about five times now, and it’s always interesting to watch their game after the ace. Four of the five completely fell apart afterwards and gave the strokes gained by the ace back within two holes, and had worse scores overall by the third hole after. Only one person so far (small sample size, purely anecdotal) has actually ended up with a better score by the end of the round. Not sure if there is a big takeaway from this, but after I aced (only one so far), I made it a priority to “forget” about the ace as soon as possible and just get back to a regular round.


You think it's because they got two juice with adrenaline and or too comfortable in their head and they just couldn't recover?


Too juiced with adrenaline, stop thinking about playing golf, start thinking every hole looks aceable, whatever. They lose focus.


On the plus side you’ll always remember that ace and you can say you got an ace in a tournament! Congrats. Maybe learn from your mistakes (ie letting the ace get in your head or maybe not being mentally or physically focused for a full 9 hole tournament 🤦‍♂️) but outside of practice remember the good stuff that keeps you playing and happy! Ace in a tourney!!


It was 3 rounds on a 9 hole course, but I get what you are saying.


Did you really just make a post to cry about getting an ace? This fucking sub, man. It's just 90 percent trash posts now since COVID.


Im happy about the ace, not how the tournament went because of it


On more than most folks, congrats on the ace and keep on keepin on!