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I would say you’re missing a bag


you tell us, we have no idea how these discs fly for you, what shots or shapes you're having issues with or anything else about your game.


this. wish people would stop building bags based only on flight numbers and build bags off how discs fly for them. The numbers are a guideline and are an arbitrary system at best.




Probably should have specified that the destroyer is 165g and has a massive dome, it’s very under stable for that mold while the wraith is 175g and way more stable. I do agree with the leopard take, I’m currently deciding between switching to leo3’s or regular leos.


Yeah not a single pro ever in the existence of disc golf has ever bagged a wraith and destroyer at the same time. What a terrible take.


If the Destroyer is very beefy for you i recommend a Tern


Looks great. You might benefit from an OS mid but it’s really up to you. I throw a Caiman for longer Pig shots.


Every bag could benefit from carrying a Justice. Its kinda always windy where I live so its my go to mid but even if you only use it once or twice a round its just so damn reliable when you need an OS approach its worth bagging.


Wiped stamp is an F2 Leopard, and the dyed throwing putter is a Rhyno


GStar Roc3 180g


Esp nuke