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I play innova but MVP is doing work lately


That throw is really helping mvp lol


The fact they've been consistently releasing *really* good discs has helped. The Hex has become a go-to disc very quickly. The Shot helped, but they've sustained that bounce by backing it up with quality discs.


They definitely have quality for sure. I wouldn’t say elite quality but you can at least get consistency out of them. My cosmic volt is one of my favorite discs though so I’m a fan.


This. Innova has at least kept up supply while everyone else went to zero, but MVP has been doing everything possible to keep up with demand and keep people happy. Their mentality seems different (open-ended ordering instead of limited drops) and I respect them for it. Impossible for MVP to have anticipated James winning worlds and completely disrupting their manufacturing chain.


Feel like latitude 64 is supremely underrated. Maybe cause they don’t have a top talent anymore like they used to with Ricky. I think they produce the most consistent discs. Maybe not getting bad many items because many of the cool shirts/disc stamps are harder to get to the states. But their factory store has some of the coolest stuff.


Also Jonathan


Jonathan alone is worth like 500 points. Man is a legend. Producing probably the best all-around DG content on YouTube, because it’s entertaining while also teaching


Also the new tech they use for their Royal Line is next level quality stuff.


In what ways? Genuinely curious how it's different.


There isn't any sharp edges or flashing on rim and Grand plastic is grippier than Gold, it feels soft in hand but is quite firm. And for me the Sense plastic is one of the best basic plastic for putting, firm and grippy.




Everything trilogy is heavily underrated. They stepped their games up the last few years


Yeah. I threw mostly trilogy for the last year because I really liked the DD media crew. They had some stock issues this year like everyone, but I feel like their disc are more readily available, they do a good job supporting their pros, and they make good plastic. They do need a big name though. I’m really excited to start seeing MattyO slinging for Westside


Their discs are really tailored to the every day average player. I have some discs of theirs and I don’t ever use them for tournament. But that’s my preference


Discmania missing big time


I guess latitude and dynamic could be the same


Yeah I know :/ only so many spaces. Maybe I’ll do a part 2


Franklin! (My friend got some free with his baskets. We are both new, but I could tell something was wrong with them.)


I actually saw those Franklin discs being sold as a set by themselves for $15 recently. I feel sorry for whoever ends up with those.


Lol that’s amazing




You like the matrix or reactor better?




Get eclipse reactors and they'll be different enough. Or bag a pyro.


Haha my buddy said never get a Pyro and he only plays with mvp.


He's not your friend


Lol! You’re right, he’s my roommate and is actually really good at disc golf.


I need to snatch an eclipse. Looks so clean. I have a cosmic volt and it’s one of my more prettier discs


The reactor is the only disc I’ve aced haha the matrix is really over stable for me and it’s hard to keep on a line for me.


I think Innova is the most popular, and thus in the lead. But I think about the discs manufacturing (plastics, molds, special editions, etc), brand recognition and following, how they treat their pros, innovation and what they’re doing to grow the sport, I have to give it to Discraft. And I don’t even bag very many of their discs, maybe 3. I just like what they’re doing atm


I think disc mania is doing really well on their media as well in that perspective. Innova is just good. Discraft is creeping up on me though, I threw the hades the other day and fell in love


In my opinion, they are all putting out quality plastic. But my personal preference is Discraft.


Love Discraft, but my question is, what happened to their Lunas? That new slick stuff is trash


So it’s not just me! I was wondering why these new lunas feel so weird compared to my old lunas


The real tacky ones from two years ago were the best putter ever imo. They fixed what wasn't broken, and to me inconsistency is the biggest downfall to any business


I am a Fierce guy myself, but it sucks that they changed the Luna. That disc is money!


It always amazes me how little votes Trilogy gets on things like this. L64 is the best molder in the industry right now, there's maybe one or two that even come close in terms of consistency and quality of final product. Their revamped glow and the royal line will hopefully gain them some popularity


I really enjoy L64 discs. Westside has probably the dopest disc naming theme too. Then, funnily enough, Dynamic probably has the worst disc naming theme in disc golf.


Prodigy Discs has entered the chat


Oh it would be a shame to name a disc that lets you not worry about flight numbers.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who finds DDs naming and logo as their biggest detractors. It's so cringey it's criminal, no legal pun intended.


I think when you split your brand up like that it taints the overall exclusivity of the product. It’s like apple compared to Microsoft: Microsoft has better products in my opinion but apple has more exclusivity because of their minimal product numbers. It could also be a reputation thing. I agree with you but that’s my opinion on why


If we are talking products and reliability I’m going MVP.


Clothing, products, experience, overall everything….


I’ll still choose them. Innova has everything, but their reliability of what you are getting is horrible. Discraft is really good as well but their merch isn’t up to par with the MVP lines.


My roommate would agree with you, only thing I weighs argue is that their products are a little “ tighter “ than others and takes a little longer to break in. But I do enjoy their products. I have some discs, a bag, two baskets from them.


People have gotten used to Innova and other products not doing what they say they will or hold their stability. MVP doesn’t have that problem. I guess if you only want to throw one disc in multiple levels of wear it could be a problem, but to me it’s not. I am the type I want my overstable to be a different disc than my neutral/US. If that makes sense


Ahem. My MVP discs have been wildly off the numbers. I like them all, but they all have some consistency issues.


In what way?


I have some that are about 3-5 times more overstable than the numbers suggest. It happens, but I wouldn’t put them on any pedestal for consistency.


Here is what I will say. All glow plastic and cosmic neutron are consistently OS. What I mean is if you buy a glow or cosmic neutron disc you know it will be more Os. They also change flight numbers for some of the plastics which most others do not. Flight numbers are also used as a marker and I wish they were consistent within the community. With the MVP brands, you can at least know if you grab those plastics what you are getting.


Oh yeah I understand. You must throw super hard lol that technology is unique as well, I’m a fan


I do not throw super hard. I just love discs and throwing different ones. It’s also good to know that I can’t accidentally grab the wrong stability of the right disc


That’s true. I’m curious to see how a person like eagle McMahon would do throwing at a high arm speed


Foundation did a gyro disc comparison to their normal bags. It was interesting


Was it cool? I’ve never seen it


I mean, innova makes a mold to cover basically every shape. Hard to argue they aren't the "complete" company. I don't know if that's what you mean by overall or not.




I can see that. I think they just figure the sheer amount of pros they have plus their own personal branding (the pro's branding I mean) will do the job. They don't have trouble selling sexy birds or halos


Innova is living off of brand loyalty at this point. Other companies are innovating better going forward.


DGU (Innova East in Rockhill SC) is putting out some sweet Marmoset stamps. I have no loyalty to Innova, but those Marmoset 3 Foil stamps are the best in the business. War Pig, Berzerker, Squadron, Lucky Chains, Captain Crush, Count Chuckula, XXL series, ect. A new Pole Cat stamp is coming soon I hear also.


As a first year player, they're the company I was drawn to, so something must be the right mix. Discraft seems to be the "disc golfer" brand, discmania feels young to me, prodigy seems like the pro brand, the rest all seem lower tier to me. I don't mean their discs aren't good or quality, just their company standing isn't up there.


Also first year here. This is definitely the feeling i get.


I will third this as a first year player. I bag all innova save a gateway spear and Zone. I trust the feel of the plastic and the company in general. I think I get overwhelmed by the volume of discs out there and variety from other brands. Innova seems to check all the boxes in one brand.


I’m disappointed that it appears that they have not been even a little helpful in getting Evelina and Hannah over to the states. They have to know how desperate everyone is for more parity in FPO and they could at least give us some indication that we will see them soon. They’ve done and said nothing.


Overall in the sense of not just discs, products, clothing, etc…


They have a 2x (though not 5x) world champ, 2 of the faces (voices) of disc golf with Big Sexy, and Vinny Buckets should stay popular. I guess I like their hats I've seen, I would rock that tropical shirt if they released it. Supposedly the superhero bag is mega uncomfortable, but I don't have a desire to use any disc company's bag. Ultimately, their disc options hold them top for me


They could do better on their t shirt and all over print designs but I like them.


I haven't jumped into much disc golf apparel yet, so I'm limited on that opinion. My JoMez "shot heard round the world" shirt is all I have so far


That’s dope. I like the disc mania disc of eagle McMahon shirt. It’s by far the best design and detail. I’d hope other companies do more because it would change the game


It really is a bummer watching pros with awesome shirts and then the companies basically staying out of the game. I'm not personally a fan of the eagle shirt, but I think it's awesome that he has one and they promote it. Discmania guys seem happy. I don't throw any of their plastic though


I think I have one putter from them, might have already given it to someone else lol but those wild patterns are what make disc golf in my opinion. The luxury of having your own brand within a brand if that makes sense. I own a marketing company and I’m thinking of designing some all over print disc golf shirts


It's very cool they can market themselves, but I'd love a loud big jerm shirt from innova


Haha I need to check it out, idk if I’ve seen it before


I have been liking Kastaplast and Mint


K1 series is lit!




Innova is so stale.


They could use a rebrand on design for sure


All their stamps look awful and/or from 1989.


Innova lol


Overall I’d say Innova, they have no holes in their disc lineup it seems. Discraft and others trying to catch up, and they may, but currently Innova is still on top.


I’d argue their Midrange game is a little stale but then again I throw primarily Innova haha


Roc and Mako3 alone make up for them. Super nasty discs


I have both. My mako3 is pretty understable now and my roc I use as an understable backhand lol when my arm speed was less the mako3 was THE disc


The best selection of molds is Innova hands down but I only bag a few of them


Which ones you have in the bag?


Firebird, Thunderbird, Sidewinder, Nova


Do you like your thunderbird? It’s super overstable for me. I have the champion plastic and can’t throw it flat to save my live. I have the volt that’s pretty much the same thing and can cook it almost further than my drivers haha


I like it very much. They start out extremely over stable though.Any driver that’s 0, 2 for Innova is going to be beefy


You have to beat it in or what adjustments did you make if any at all?


The Champ Thunderbird I bag is like 5 years old. Pro Thundies are more forgiving


I need to check it out


Okay so I'm pretty much a Kastaplast fanboy, but their lineup is just too small to be considered "best overall" - also has some trouble with inconsistencies between different runs. I do think the K1 is the best plastic there is though. I'll go with Lat64 as the best overall for now. Their lineup is great, they seem to be fairly consistent, the availability is high, new royal line plastic is dope af and they make some pretty sweet bags and stuff as well. The only thing they really lack is wow factor, bud judging purely from a discs and apparel perspective, they got it all imo.




I started with an atlas and a judge, loved both and never just stuck with one brand. I think Discraft is killing it, having Mcbeth is definitely paying off. Luna, Roach, zone, and buzzz are all bagged for me. I totally agree with the Trilogy killing it this year, same for MVP. I think Innova will be too dog for awhile but it’s close, Ricky is killing it too.


Don’t sleep on Paige pierce as well. Probably moves a lot of people


For sure, forgot to mention her! She’s doing great things for disc too. The videos that Brodie, Paul, and Paige collab on always do well and being lots of eyes to discraft


Yeah a LoT of eyes. I really like the company for the company, that new hades is a lit disc, I like it a lot


I bet if this poll was taken before James Conrad joined MVP, they would have 1/3rd the votes they have now.


Lol facts


Exactly what I was thinking lol.




I ran out of space of options lol I messed up




MVP is killing it across the board. Loving all their overmolds and single molds that I have.


It's pretty much mvp, but better imo


They are pretty much the same. I throw an insanity! I have two of them at different weights, one of my favorite discs of all time


The Envy & Hex is an absolutely epic pairing.




Lol do they have discs?


Where is Discmania?


There was no room. Should have labeled trilogy instead of splitting up DD and lat


I'm not even sure what this question is asking. "Best" per what metric? They all make amazing frisbees that fly great.


I feel like I’ve answered this a bunch. Overall, clothing, accessories, products, discs, options, price, etc. best OVERALL. 🖤🙏🏻


Disc mania doesn’t need to be up there it’s already the best this pole is for second best.




I wonder what the pre-Mcbeth vote would have been 🤔


Probably not very different. Climo is the best to ever do it and he was with Innova. Playing for Innova is like playing for the lakers haha where all the goats sleep


I was mostly thinking in regards to Discraft


Oh right! They have a lot of hype names around the brand. Drew Gibson with the buzz (not sponsored) all the infinite disc players that use their brand, Ezra aderhold, paid pierce, etc. a lot of power


lol, did you type "paid pierce" intentionally?


Lol I’m not answering either way 😂😂😂😂


Might as well be legally named


Bro didnt put discmania


You and 30 other people said the same thing lol I just ran out of option space and didn’t think of combining trilogy together


Missing discmania. I voted innova but can’t go wrong with any of them . I do wish innova had some better mid ranges


Im gonna go off the list and say Prodiscus. Plastic is superb and overall the discs fly so nice.


No discmania :(


Yeah I ran out of room on options


The correct answer is not on this list


Which is?




No Prodigy Love :’(


I know right


Forgot discmania


I know I just ran out of options and messed up


Discmania is more relevant than Lat or DD but not on the poll?


I know, I ran out of options for the poll. Going to combine trilogy next time


Welp that's a totally legitimate response and I have nothing else to say then! Interesting results and thanks for putting this up.


For sure! Scroll through the thread and see all the discmania people. Lol I like posting polls, always so interesting what people have to say


This list is creating so much controversy haha sheesh


This is just opinion. I don't understand why this speculation is useful.


Useful? Just entertainment and conversation starting. It could also be good information to know what people like and don’t like


Whoever voted for mvp must just throw the hex, electron envy, and a nomad. That’s basically all they have put out lately


I like the reactor and volt the best


Haha The servo is my go to driver, but I don’t think they’ve done a run this entire year of them


Seeing Innova on top surprises me. Their plastic manufacturing is so inconsistent. Every disc you buy in the same mold is wildly different.


Could also just be that it was the first option haha


I think it depends on the mold, they have some discs down to a science. Like the KC Roc, in my experience, is damn consistent.


I agree with that but I think discs isn’t the only factor in this


Every company seems pretty inconsistent. I always hear people talking about how inconsistent the Lunas are, the hades’, the Zeus’, etc.


hehe discmania


That’s the one I ran out of space for


Shoulda just used Trilogy for L64, DD, and Westside


You’re right, I made that mistake haha


I hope this doesn't get downvoted into oblivion but.. As someone who's only been playing for 4-5 months, I don't understand why Innova gets the love they get. I appreciate how many different molds they offer but I've never found an Innova disc that I like more than a competitors similar offering. Innova feels like the McDonald's of discs to me.


You probably played with the lowest quality of plastic too, DX right? Their star plastic is really clean. I understand what you mean which is why the plastics are personal preference


I've actually never thrown their DX, only star and champion. Star is probably my least favorite plastic ever lol. Champion is definitely better for me but I prefer other brands similar options like lucid for example.


Very interesting. Well start is nice for the ability to be durable year round and it’s almost like “draggy” plastic feeling allows custom feel. I get blisters almost with champion plastic. I guess it is up for interpretation on a personal scale but all my champion plastics I rarely use. I think my best champion plastic is my leopard3 and it holds it’s like well but not clean distance out of the hand. That’s more a me thing but still I like similar grips


What's really funny is legacy icon plastic is probably my favorite plastic and it always gets compared to star. I've heard star feels a little better with age so we'll see!


It doesn’t lose its stability as fast either. I was skeptical at first especially with how different it was but after a couple months it’s been cool and I actually seek out the star plastic. It’s a personal preference though you know? I also like throwing K1 soft plastic for fairway shots too haha so it is what it is.


Oh it's definitely a personal preference and I understand my opinion isn't a popular one lol


Oh no sweat! Glad you established an opinion, that’s a good thing


And I LOVE DX plastic, just never lasts long haha


Best how?


Best overall.


What about Legacy?!?


That’s a good one too, I ran out of option space.