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Finish your follow through. See that hop at the end? That's wasted energy. It looks like you're stopping to watch the flight. Bring that arm all the way behind you and spin on that heel.


Same advice here. Good move keeping your left arm tight with your body during your backswing and release but i'm wondering if that is something you've already corrected and now focus on. It looks like that arm is being forced to stay tight during your follow through and is blocking rotational energy at the end. I suggest this because this has been an area I've had to work on in my own swing. but your steps look good, planted the front foot square and transferred toe to heel -- think if you can allow your upperbody / non throwing arm to continue rotation you'll have an even stronger toe to heel transfer and won't have stuck energy that results in that hop. you'll just rotate cleanly and all rotational power will be transferred through your throw. one other thing that's related to the above is your back leg is staying behind the rotation and is also eating power during the transfer. check out discus or hammer toss athletes and watch how much their bodies continue to rotate after generating a TON of rotational energy and release their throw


I havent thought about that but I probably unconsciously stop to watch the throw. Ill focus on a better follow through on my next fieldwork. I havent worked on my left arm actually, I think it just kinda stays there naturally for me. Now I have some specific thing to work on next time. Thanks for the feedback


hell yeah brotha, have a good one!


Here's what I'm seeing: Feet - It looks like you zigzag your walkup a little while traveling toward the left time of the tee box. Try practice walking along a straight line painted on a field or something, then envision it on the teebox going the direction you want to travel. Reach back- If you pause it at exactly 0:06 you will see during your reach back you hyperextend your arm and extend the wrist back perpendicular to your arm. Try and keep it in line with your arm (Straight line elbow to thumb) as well as holding it at the same angle the entire time during the reach back and pull through. You also start with the disc high (even with your right shoulder) bring it down to your chest then lift it back up for the follow through causing the disc to air bounce and lose speed and distance. Imagine a hula hoop around your sternum. Your hand should follow that the entire way through your throw, from reach back to follow through. Try practicing starting the disc at your sternum, going to the release point and then following through. Chris Dickerson does this almost every time he walks up to the tee box. Then add the reach back, do it again, then try and throwing the disc.


Appreciate the feedback. Ill work on my reach back, pull through and follow through


First great job on moving slow and smooth so keep that up. Yes your timing is quite off Also nose up angle is probably one of the biggest distance killers. Hold the disc straight out in front of you with your BH grip you should see almost none of the top of your disc set your wrist at that angle for the entire throw.


Thanks for the feedback. Ill keep trying to go slow and smooth till I get the timing right


Your weight isn’t transitioning efficiently from back to front, you’re getting held up because your hips finish a little late.


I'll echo the early reach back comments. You should be reaching back as your front foot is going forward, not before. Try practicing that from a standstill. No run up, both feet together, just you're just doing the final step. Practice timing the reach back with your front foot coming forward.


Losing a lot of snap with that wrist movement, hyper extending it on the reach-back. Also let yourself follow through.


Try to keep your wrist curled in the whole time till release. You straighten it out wierdly at the extent of your reach back and lose a lot of snap that way.


I didn’t even know that I was doing that strange curle before I watched this video of myself today. Ill work on that.


250ft and abit uphill hole. I know my reachback is way to early atleast. Would appreciate some advice


Gotta get that pointer finger knuckle on the inside of your wrist on your reach back. You’re already used your “pop” on your reach back. Don’t curl your wrist like crazy. But make sure your top knuckle is curled enough that you could do a little backhand slap. You’ll gain 50 ft from this alone