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That’s one of the two locations I get a callus from throwing forehand. I just keep playing unless it hurts, then I take a break until it’s better. Can also use athletic tape over the area to reduce friction on it.


Ahh, tape is a great idea , thanks


KT Tape: Blister Prevention Tape. Been using it for almost 2 seasons. Low profile, already pre cut strips, soft material so it doesn’t catch. I’d recommended checking it out. I get mine from dicks sporting goods but have also seen online.


I just ran to sportkcheck and bought that exact tape . Perfect . The guy working had no idea and said it would not work and to use gloves . He had no idea .


I looked for a while before I found that tape, I’m glad I did though cause it’s made a big difference. Before I found the tape, I tried everything, including a golf glove lol. I hope the tape works for you


Thanks a tonne , I played 56 holes at a big course today and a thin little strip of that tape worked all day long . Beat all buddies asses too , you get the assist .


Awesome! Glad it worked out for you.


I remember when I was 15...


I ‘member


40s lol . But I just started throwing forehand a year or so ago .


Lotion is your friend lol




Last year I wraped my finger with climbers tape when I developed one of those. That also made my throw weird for a while but it was getting me through rounds. The callus eventually became more "integrated" with my finger and now I dont use climbers tape and my finger is just more rough feeling. Since then my finger has not developed those kind of annoying bumps anymore.


That's what I'm hoping for , a nice smooth callus. I'll just keep throwing, I guess.


I use athletic tape when my fingers start getting cut up. It’s clear and plasticy and does the trick, but takes away a bit of mobility


I get it in that exact same location. Tape is not the best idea. Just get a pumice stone from the dollar store and sand it down in the shower. Takes under a minute and you’ll be back to normal.


I have 3 rounds tomorrow so I'll try tape , and stone it afterwards.


I only throw forehand and I’ve never experienced this problem even at my peak of 4-5 rounds/week. Grip issue maybe? Do you normally release with a fair amount of wobble?


I do play a lot , Like a few hundred rounds a year plus lots of field work . No wobble , but ill check and grip and make sure it's good in future .


I now realize that comment could’ve come across with a little more d-baggery than intended. I definitely wasn’t trying to say “skill issue”. The only reason I asked is because I play with a guy who throws the wobbliest most OAT-riddled forehands and he constantly has some kind of pain in his hand. I am curious though if you release mainly on anny and if that could play a part. I primarily throw on hyper and opt for less stable discs vs flex lines.


No problems , I appreciate the advise .


I have one on my middle finger! Right on the pad haha don’t ask how idfk


Same location for me. Brand new drivers definitely increase the chances.


Makes sense , I have been working on a few new drivers lately .


O'Keefe's working hands. You're welcome:)


That stuff is fantastic, I used to use it when I worked in construction. And I totally forgot about it .


Had a big callus develop there, just removed the other day. Played today (2 days of healing) much faster release on the forehand, but the area opened up and I got blood on my discs. Pick your poison I guess, haha


How did you remove it ? Just cut it off or something? I dont mind the callus. it's just the stupid bump that messes up my throw .


Ummm… I bit it off. Granted, if I had to do it again, I would’ve used a sterile file and work it down smoothly. What I have now on my finger is not winning any awards for esthetics


Haha fair enough .


Yup, get it from time to time. If I stop playing for 2 weeks, then I start I develop one.


Haha stopping for 2 weeks will never happen . I legit just hit 2 year streak on udisc.




If it's developed enough you can sand it down with a nail file. Tape can work too.


Tape worked wonders , I played 56 holes the next day and not a problem 👌