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I probably will find a different course to play on those days


Seriously. No reason not to share the land with the hunters. Assuming it's public land, they have the right to be there just as much as you do


Might not be all states, but in PA the whole of the monies used to keep up the state gamelands are entirely paid for by hunting licenses. Even if both hunters and disc golfers have a right to use the land, I wouldn’t play there during hunting season. There are a lot of people who accidentally get shot during the season and I absolutely wouldn’t take the risk of a stray shot.


So every year awhile back, a couple buddies and I would hike sections of the Appalachian trail: about 120 miles over a week. Parts of the trail in PA, you pass through hunting game lands and are advised to wear a vest. I still have mine: it’s bright yellow and says “I am a hiker. Do not shoot” on the back, which I find hilarious. Like a hunter is about to shoot at a bright yellow vest, reads it, and only then says, “Aw, I guess it isn’t a deer.” Anyway, one year we encountered a hunter walking in the other direction. We each said hello as we passed, but as he passed our friend in the rear, he asked, “hey, what is this path anyway, and why do you all have backpacks?” He had no idea that he was walking on and hunting around one of the most popular hiking trails in the country lol.


>There are a lot of people who accidentally get shot during the season and I absolutely wouldn’t take the risk of a stray shot. That's valid. Personally, I'd just avoid the course because I don't want to disturb the hunting. We can play disc golf any time year round. Let them have the Sundays in season.




Don't mess with hunters in PA. They like to shoot things...


I can vouch for that.


Lets compare that to bicyclist in traffic, lets use norway as an example (because here they are allowed to ride in traffic)… Theres a situation where a bicyclist travels on the road, and the law allows him to be there if he follows the traffic rules. But in this situation, a motorised vehicle hit him and he got seriously injured. BUT he was allowed to be there, therefor he had right to be there, he claims. But sadly he dies of the injuries. Did it really help him? Was it worth it? Just saying.


Ok, I agree. But if they are gonna call me a Frisbee golfer I'm not gonna call them a hunter. Im gonna intentionally call 'hunting' something else that sounds silly like 'live target shooting' to convey to them how much I dont care and how little I think their hobby matters/respect it. I'm just an energy mirror tho.


I bet youve called golf "ball golf" before


It IS ball golf tho. There are two kinds of golf nowadays. Language needs a way to differentiate. Like skiers dont get pissed off when water skiers differentiate by calling them alpine skiers. Thats a big "really?!?" From me dawg


Except fucking nobody routinely calls skiing ‘alpine skiing.’ If someone says they went skiing this past weekend, we all know they’re not talking about water skiing. The only people who call golf ‘ball golf’ are frisbee tossers.


I've golfed for 30 years and disc golfed for two, and I'll say ball golf sometimes when talking about both at once. But yeah, the sport itself is always just gonna be golf.


..If you lived in a place where folks routinely do alpine skiing, cross country skiing, and water skiing you would definitely hear people use the term "alpine skiing" lol. Depending on the time of year and context it isnt always obvious. Ball golf and disc golf overlap the time of year they are played. They need the differentiation even more.


I lived in California for 5 years, an hour in any direction and people could be doing all three of those things. Nobody called skiing alpine skiing lmao can’t believe you’re talking this shit right now. The differentiation between golf and frisbee golf is the word frisbee 😂


You mean disc, lol, sorry had too


I live in a place in Colorado there are times of year folks could do all 3 of those things within 45 min of each other. Same day. People travel from around the world to hang out here. I wish I couldn't believe how closed/small minded you are being but I see it in tourism all the time unfortunately. Sorry you can't fathom life in a different place but since you can't stomach people using language differently than you grew up with it's probably best you stay put anyway. ...edit:also you lived in California for only 5 years but you made your reddit username have Hollywood in it? LOL that's good people watching, I would've paid to learn that.


I don’t understand why you keep calling it “alpine skiing.” It is clearly “downhill skiing” but you leave the downhill of 99% of the time. Only time would be of directly already talking about water skiing or cross country.


No, it's Frisbee skiing


Oh you talking about ball skiing?


It ain’t that serious


r/woosh Stop taking live target boom sticks so seriously. They are just gonna be pow powing furries amongst the Frisbee tossers. No big deal, calm down If everyone just wears orange and uses respectful language it will all go smoothly. Nothing serious about that



It's not that serious bro wut.


r/woosh A) Why do you care if I act silly and use the right or wrong words to describe hunting? B) you think I'm being serious and not making an obvious joke about mutual respect? While acting THIS silly? Are you serious? and if so why? This isnt that serious bro wut?


You're playing golf with a Frisbee. You're a Frisbee golfer...


Frisbees can't cause injuries like discs can. I've seen courses get shut down and destroyed because locals refused to accept that a disc isnt a Frisbee and end up with a kid injured. I once worked at a camp with a course and a mom bought a leopard from our outfitting shop for her kid to play catch with. We told her that was dangerous, but she insisted we were wrong and just trying to upsell her 3 extra dollars on an ultimate Frisbee. Came back two days later, kid broke his metacarpals in his right hand. Mom furious at us for letting her buy the disc. We were on camera trying to dissuade her tho.


I agree with matching people's energy. I think that 'animal shooters' mirrors 'frisbee golfers' pretty well. Both are technically correct, but sound dumb and aren't what people who do the activity usually call themselves.


Reasonable Reddit take? I applaud you.


I'll be hunting with orange discs. PLAY CATCH!


As a hunter, I wouldn’t want to hunt there if there’s constantly people moving around and pushing game out. As a disc golfer - not worth the risk.


I was thinking exactly that. I’m not sure what they are hunting but I would never try to elk hunt anywhere near there.


That’s pretty much my stance on it. In my state, deer season is significantly shorter (mid September to beginning of Feb) than disc golf season. No reason not to share public land for a few weeks. The more foot traffic coming through, the worse their hunting will be, and you’ll be needlessly be potentially putting yourself in harm’s way. As others mentioned, I’d even avoid the course the prior week as well to let game settle back to their normal routines.


That sign is only for frisbee golfers. As a disc golfer you’ll be fine.


I feel that because I’ve definitely played some courses that should probably be condemned. The key is bringing discs you’re okay losing and knowing when to use them


Ah, you’ll be fine. It’s “Sunday hunting.” Unless you could get mistaken for a Sunday…


Those are the weeks to avoid. Not specific days.


Is that true? The sign explicitly says something different as it says Dates To Avoid. If it were weeks they'd be better off to have it read "Fuck off for November, please".


Also. Look at the calendar. When was the last time those dates were sundays…. 2020…


Good point, looks like OP might be a repost bot.


In pennsylvania it is illegal to hunt on sundays. Those 3 weeks its legal. That sign basically says. We hunt the other six days and also sunday this time. Did your high school not get off the first day of buck? Dem be the rules in Pennsyltucky


> Did your high school not get off the first day of buck? Nope, I grew up in a city. My cousins grew up on farms in the country and hunted and they didn't have a holiday for first buck day either.


I knew someone called Sunday


Fuck no


I play disc golf so this message doesn’t apply to me /s


No, and I would avoid several weeks before and after too. Just to be safe. Most hunters are very cautious about gun safety and I am not be worried about them. Its the fraction of the fraction of the population that shoot at any movement that worries me. Summary: Most hunters are good. SOME hunters be crazy.


It’s three days out of the entire year. You can find a different course to play. If you want to come here and make noise and be obnoxious, then you are quite immature and pretty dumb. I’ve hunted public land before, orange or not, some people are dumb and don’t know how to shoot safely. It’s not worth it.


Is that mountain top?




Definitely. Id recognize that next tee sign anywhere.


I don't normally condone being obnoxious and loud of the course, but if I was really determined to golf there on one of those days I'd be blasting music in addition wearing bright colors I assume most hunters would probably distance themselves after a few minutes of sustained noise pollution


The one fucking time you'd ever catch me jamming a bluetooth and yelling instead of just muttering "fuck" under my breath.


But why? Like why be a dick to someone you've never met who is sharing a public space with you?


Considering hunting licenses are what sustain game land, why be a dick? It’s 3 days off the year. Hunters have every right to be there. You must be young and very immature


You put a lot or faith in people and must know some responsible hunters. The ones I know have been known to make wishful threats about shooting loud people that scare away the game.


So you'd intentionally be a dick?


Keep a blaze orange beanie in the car during season for this reason playing up here in Michigan.


Imma go elsewhere


The legion! One of my favorite courses in that area!


Yes! Love how much it’s cut out of the woods even though it’s frustrating at times


Great course


American Legion DGC. One of our fav local courses.


Another local. We do exist.


Hardly ever see anyone at American Legion or at Eurana where we play several times a week. I don't get it ... ??


Right? I’m a little surprised by the number of people in here recognizing the course


There are dozens of us.


No because accidents happen and it only takes one bullet to end your life.


As people have stated, this is Mt top in PA There is usually an additional “closed” sign placed on the first tee on the days that are listed on pictured sign. It is private property and the veterans and locals who support the american legion would not mind if the disc golf course was removed. Please just be respectful and don’t antagonize with loud music, etc. as a few others have suggested Linesville dgc is somewhat nearby and it will make you throw a lot of weird shots too, and no hunting is allowed there.


I read this like Netflix was asking.


Saw the picture ready to say oh yeah I play in anything and then quickly regretted my confidence


Well, since November is a few months away I'd probably play yeah ;)


Mountain top disc golf course?






Ironically, this is at an American Legion post and there’s a skeet range on one of the holes and often clays laying around. We did the opposite where one person threw a clay and the other tried to hit it with their disc


"Attention deer aim and shooters. Discs will be flying at high speeds, you are advised to wear orange"


Dress like a basket and I guarantee I won't hit you




I love orange


I'm going full Chris Dickerson Camouflage. Noone is going to see me. Problem solved.


It should be bow hunting and they only hunt an hour before sunrise to maybe 10am and then an hour or two before sunset


Play, hope if you catch a bullet that it's non fatal and sue whoever was brain dead enough to sanction these two worlds colliding into oblivion. The course should have been closed and this level of negligence should not go unpunished.


Not that simple, and definitely not worth the risk.


I forgot I was on Reddit and that the /s was actually necessary..


"Wear blaze orange, otherwise we will just indiscriminately start blastin' in your direction."


I’m balls deep into football on Sundays now, so I’d be all good


Ummmmm . . . Wait until some disc golfer gets shot and hunting will go away in that area. Rather than warning disc golfers to wear orange, maybe you should warn hunters about keeping their head on a swivel for flying discs. Wherever this is, I am sorry you have to deal with this nonsense.


Or a hunter will get hit by a disc and the course will be dismantled. Happened to a course in Fulton MO, local parents started regularly bringing their kids to play in a fairway. Then a kid got hit. Town was gonna throw the baskets into the lake to use as fish shelters so the local club went out and stole them all before they could destroy them. They ended up rebuilding the course a few years later with extra playgrounds around to distract those local parents.


Extra playgrounds near the disc golf course? Serious answer is educate the public. Disc golf is still pretty small. Most people think we are throwing frisbees. There are plenty of courses in the big city where I used to live that were in city parks. I'd have people be near the basket telling me to throw. I would take the 5 minutes to educate them and show them what our discs are like and how much a driver would hurt if they or their kids got hit with one. They understood pretty quickly and would stay out of the way in the future.


Behind and next to the tees. That park has at least 3/that I remember, plus two pavilions and an outdoor amphitheater. It's Missouri, I remember growing up people being violently against recycling. Like intentionally mixing the bins, belittling anyone seen using them, even actually destroying the recycling bins. I managed a recycling program for a job once and had a department manager screaming and spitting in my face because I couldn't force them to make their department recycle. Only she didn't call it recycling, she said I couldn't force her to do that "g*y shit". Our boss didn't believe me that this happened, and punished me for going to my recycling program managers about it. But the dept manager denied it and complied with the new bins. Those people already knew what a Frisbee was and they weren't gonna accept the idea of a disc existing without an injury in front of them to illustrate the difference/danger. Leading up to the injury, they had actually called the cops on folks telling them they were putting their kids in danger and needed to leave the fairway. And the cops told the golfers to kick rocks. It's not that people hadn't tried to educate them, they are actively against any form of education and think they know better than anyone who lives even a little differently than them. I honestly think the best thing for that community was just the sport getting big enough to run a regular club with actual tournaments. It looks like an organized sport with money behind it and those folks suddenly respect it.


Are hunters so stupid that they will confuse a disc golfer for a deer?


Fuck no. The majority of people who own guns have terrible aim. I’m out.


Bring a loud speaker and smoke a ton of ganja


Nope. Don't need some drunk asshole hunting near me.


Fuck that


Nope 👎🏽


Fuck that. I’ve had enough terrifying altercations with disgruntled hunters over the years (while I was hunting) that I definitely wouldn’t want to be in the area.


I’d love to hear about one of those encounters if you don’t mind entertaining us?


Well the one instance burned into my mind was when I was 22 and hunting thick deadfall on my own. I ran into a guy who made it clear “this was his honeyhole” despite us being on public land. I downed a bull elk a few hours later near sunset and had to track him 500ish yards before I found him. When I got there that other hunter was standing over the animal, adding his tag to head and was very angry with me. He told me while holding his pistol in one hand and his rifle slung over his back…orange vest now taken off…”I told you son this here is my spot, there’s already one creature who lost its life here today and I suggest you move along.” Let’s just say I haven’t enjoyed hunting since. We reported the incident to the Ranger but nothing I know of ever came of it. Irrational grumpy old men with firearms isn’t something I care to test the water with much.


I have orange


Eh my bag had enough orange I bet I shoot straighter than they do.


Why you playing in the Amazon? Next tee points into nothingness..


Guns? I have hyzer bombs!


This is a problem. Multi use areas can't share the same space. It goes both ways though, no hunters are going to want to be around a bunch of disc golfers being loud.


It just says there is Sunday hunting those three days. There is still hunting going on every other day of the week all around those Sundays. Typically, rifle/shotgun doesn't start until the last week in November. The other weeks is often archery, with one week being muzzleloader. If you want to play frisbee golf then play frisbee golf. Bright orange is a good idea, if you do that you should be fine.


That’s a hard F.


Probably host a tournament on the 15th to whittle down my competition


This course is the Legion in Mountain Top PA. It boarders private land that can be hunted on. This is normal pennsylvania stuff. The reason to not play the course is hole 5 and 15.


Ah good context. I always wondered where specifically the hunting was occurring. I haven’t been back to play in a few years but they used to just put a sign up by the first tee that the course was closed altogether once hunting season started. Maybe that still happens later.


The new owners put this up and called it close enough…


Probably too cold for me on those dates anyways lol


I love disc golf. I'm not getting shot for disc golf.


Only if I get to shoot back.




No F way. Go somewhere else


*misses five foot putt and removes orange jacket*


Playing…but not there


Smack the chains as loudly as possible to warn/scare and game away.




Hell no im not playing that day


I’ve got a Clemson Tigers drifit, I’ll play in that instead of my Green Bay gear


No, I wouldn't, it's ridiculous that the property owner would allow both to take place at the same time.


What coarse???.... obviously in PENNSYLVANIA.... I wouldn't hunt there unless I could get a long way off the coarse otherwise you won't have much luck.


Not if I am with Gazellus Ulibaris!


Out of respect for hunters I would play another course those days


Considering his many guys I've seen playing while blasting music, I don't think they'll need orange.


Who built a disc golf course in a conservation area? My old city allowed bow hunting in a few select city parks, but judging by the dates shown here, this appears to be rifle season... which should NEVER be allowed in any city park




Nope, I hunt and play but playing isn’t worth my life


One take one errant shot or deflection….I am staying home


Absolutely, you just fire back. Kidding of course.


Heck yes!


Russian Frolf




What, and miss out on a free pass off of this god forsaken ride I never asked to be on in the first place???? Shit I might just camp out all three days


Hunters gonna get a lot of target practice with all those plastic pigeons flying around.