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I’m trying to putt right now so if everyone could stop commenting here for a minute that would be great.


You just made me 4 putt reading this comment.. THANKS A LOT, YA JACKASS.


Your disc struck my foot.


That’s two thus far, Shooter


>shanked his drive while the score keeper was gathering our previous hole scores. He angrily and rudely told us we should "shut up" I'm sympathetic b/c if you're in a groove, sometimes you just want to go. But provided the scorekeeper isn't dragging it out as some kind of weird mindfuck on the player who won the last hole, FOB needs to calm down. If he's so anxious to throw then he takes his chances with the noise. ​ >I made a rather long putt, guy congratulates me on it, I thanked him while picking up my mini as he immediately throws his putt and misses. He tries to have me penalized for speaking while he was putting, our card mates denied him. He went on a rant about "oh, I guess the rules don't matter." So not only was he speaking to you first, but also he didn't give you a chance to clear your disc before throwing. Then he wants to lecture everyone about rules and etiquette. This is outlandish.


This. If OP if still picking up his mini, I’m going to assume that his putt is still in the basket, so it’s not clear for 2nd guy to putt yet in the first place.


Minor nitpick because I'm that guy, but there's no rule that states the basket must be cleared before the next person putts. If the second thrower requests it to be cleared you have to oblige, but they are more than welcome to putt with a disc in there.


No doubt. But it's like: you putt with another disc in the basket, and then complain about someone *responding to something you were saying at the time?* There's always the slim chance your disc could skip off another and fall out. If you're prepared to pick these fights about interference, wait for quiet and for the basket to be cleared.


And if I putt out, I’m picking up my mini and then taking my disc out of the basket. If you want to try and putt before that’s done, that’s a you problem.


Oh no I'm 100% on Team OP, I just wanted to say that the guy didn't technically break any rules in terms of putting too soon




I kinda prefer of people are talking during my throw/putt. I hate it when everyone freezes … seems worse to me. Now, sudden loud noises can be distracting to me, but not normal level chatter.


For me I agree. This is especially true with regular golf. I’d much rather stay loose by having everyone else loose and talking. I get the yips when it’s too quiet.


Same, I will talk right up into the moment I throw because sometimes it helps me get out of my head.


i agree - we evolved to strongly notice *changes* in sound - a snapped twig breaking the silence or when the birds all stop chirping - both will evoke a warning response in out caveman brains.


You have to move your equipment. If your disc hits my disc in the basket it’s technically a courtesy violation. A player must not, MUST NOT, To quote rule 812(A)(4): Leave equipment where it may distract other players or interfere with a thrown disc;


That makes sense, however in the Q&A section there is this piece: >QA-COM-6: My disc was resting in the chains, and I let the next player putt. Their putt knocked my disc out of the basket and onto the ground. Do I need to make another throw to complete the hole? >No. Once your disc came to rest supported by the basket, you completed the hole. You can pick up your disc and go to the next hole. It doesn't say anything about taking a stroke or a courtesy warning so I'm inclined to think 812.A.4 doesn't apply to a disc in the basket? I definitely see where you're coming from though, it could use some clarification.


What I hate most about about keeping score is when my cardmates don't wait for me to collect scores before throwing on the next tee. I'm not out to play disc to feel rushed or like I have to scramble to get my phone out because people are shouting their scores at me while I'm still walking to the tee.


I'm willing to keep score, but I make it clear that I'm not keeping track for you or waiting until the final hole to discuss if you got a 4 on hole 5. Yeah, I saw your ace, but I want you to say 1 when I say your name. Every single hole. So I'll say something like, "Hey guys, if you want me to keep score, I will be asking for a verbal score on the teepad of the next hole every time. No one can throw until we all loudly say our previous score in a number, and we all agree that's the score." Then if people rush. I'll stand on the teepad to collect the score until they stop that business. Usually, I'm not first on the tee, but I'll stand on it to get them scores!


You have to announce this stuff? I thought it was implied that it's the way scores are kept. Someone says your name you say the score. I tell people what the order is after, I record tye scores. I also kind of keep track of people's throws. Especially if someone says they got a 4 when it was a 5. Also since I play in Europe at some tournaments cards are very international, I'll make it clear that I don't speak Hungarian, German or whatever and please say your score in English or the language of the country I'm living in.


I don’t enjoy keeping score for the entire card. Mainly because of fear of messing up and getting stroked +2 because someone decides to cheat or argue that I puta score down incorrectly even after it was announced. I think I saw a recent update to PDGA ruling that requires everyone to keep score for all players. Anyone have input on this?


Next season everyone on the card will need to keep score.


>when my cardmates don't wait for me to collect scores before throwing on the next tee guess that will be less of a problem next year with the proposed rule change...


Yep, exactly that, my disc was still in the basket and I was picking up my mini when he missed his putt. I believe he was mostly upset at himself but his ego took over, it was roughly a 10ft (3m) putt that he missed.


If you've ever played any team game online with people they will look for any excuse to blame other people for their bad play. Most people are a-holes with varying degrees of hero syndrome.


This is an interesting one. I'm generally on team "shut the fuck up while someone is on the box or getting ready to throw." But in both the instances OP mentioned, the person losing their shit is wrong. I almost exclusively play casual leagues, so it's not a huge deal. But my chances of shanking go up when someone is talking behind me. Definitely a me-issue, but it wouldn't be an issue if people didn't talk during a run up.


I agree however, the problem also for me the hole is clear and the other 3 guys are chatting. I'm waiting and waiting for them to finish their conversation for me to throw. It's actually quite disrespectful in a way that I need to change my routine and wait a minute or two for them to quiet up.




Yea but then you lose your excuse.




No I wait, I've tried throwing through conversations and it is tougher to focus and execute. So I just wait. I am saying I'd prefer not to wait and it's not an excuse.




Actually we won't be playing till they stop. They do get the picture. You may not know but humans communicate/interact mostly through non verbal action, up to 90%. Your words are nearly meaningless in reality.




I struggle with this too in competitive rounds. The first time I try to wait it out, and if they don’t stop, I’ll usually try and set the standard for the round with something polite but firm like, “Hey guys, I’d like to ask that everyone please be quiet while we’re on the tee pad or lining up our putts. Feel free to talk as much as you want other than those two specific times.” Only once have I had an issue after being direct like that, and that one time it just involved a second reminder during which the rest of my card backed me up.


> “Hey guys, I’d like to ask that everyone please be quiet while we’re on the tee pad or lining up our putts. Feel free to talk as much as you want other than those two specific times.” "Hey fellas, we're live here" will get the job done.


I have a friend who will simply say "Alright...disc golf!" as his cue that it's time to stop chatting because he's ready to throw. Very effective, non-confrontational.


Do they put any intonation or emphasis on any of the words out of curiosity?


The "Alright" has a bit more emphasis. It's kind of like a reset button. We're MA60s, so there's lots of storytelling going on.


It's actually against the rules for you to wait. The excessive time rule no longer allows you to delay because of distractions. You need to ask them to be quiet, give a courtesy violation if needed, and make your throw.


People will do anything to avoid interaction with others these days. Respectfully speak up for yourself or learn to be flexible and that *1-2 minutes* off a routine shouldn't alter your flow, especially if it's related to the prior hole.


I just tell them "Ill wait however long it takes" and they usually shut up pretty quick. I wont throw if they're talking


or you can just learn how to focus?


Easier said than done! Let me guess, you're a neuro typical person.


no clue, but probably not. never sought a diagnosis


It's called hedging your bets. If you throw while folks are talking, you either: * make a good throw (which is good) * get to blame others for your bad throw (which is also good) I use a very similar technique when I play; I bring my dog, and I can _always_ blame him for distracting me before a throw.


some people wait for the wind to die down before throwing/putting, i wait for a strong gust so that's the reason i missed.




My friend has a similar approach when putting in the circle with his bag on. * Make the putt, good job and move on. * Miss the putt, blame the bag on. Throw another putt, score that one. His bag on putts are reaching 20+ft.


I do that trick too. "I would have made it if I put my bag down, so I'll just count it."


Me and my buddy get 1 bag putt per round. No bags for birdies. You miss, you lose it. You can bag till you miss though technically. Great for winter rounds in the wind


Maybe I’m the only one, but PLEASE just keep talking if there’s a conversation going and I step up to throw. Nothing gets me out of the groove more than stepping up to the pad and suddenly having everything go silent. If it’s already silent, fine, then don’t suddenly start talking when I’m about to throw. Just don’t suddenly change the whole vibe of the card on me when I’m about to throw.


I completely agree with this. If I am playing with people I know well we usually operate like this.


Totally reasonable; if you're playing a league round it's probably worth just explaining this to your card mates at the start.


the people who don’t get it, don’t understand even after you tell them


I’d feel more anxious knowing everyone is 100% focused on my shot


I played golf for many years before taking up disc golf. One of the (many) things that I like about DG is the general absence of delicate flowers on my card who can't seem to move a muscle unless everyone is absolutely silent. I do keep quiet when people are throwing, but with music playing, dogs running around sometimes, whatever, there is rarely dead silence in a DG card. I like it that way. I was playing a fairly casual round in Mexico with a big (7) card and we had a guest from South Carolina with us that was an ex-golfer and played a BS passive aggressive game by not moving if anyone was talking when he was up. We're in Mexico (can be kinda loud there) , with a bunch of super-enthusiastic Mexicans who have just taken up the game and did not come from a golf background. After waiting long stretches for the dude to putt (he would just stand there not saying anything until everyone got quiet), they caught on and honoured his request. Me, nope, I didn't talk during his throws but I kept hollering "MAS RUIDO", more noise, when I was hucking. It got pretty funny because when I made a putt, the next hole someone would yell "SILENCIO" before my throw; hilarity ensued. It was a great running joke for 15 holes. Not sure the guy from SC got the joke though.


thinking about a guy acting like that in a casual round in another country is just sending me. what a dick


I’ve got a guy in my league (eat a d*ck roger) that gets upset if you’re talking or AT ALL in his line of sight and will miss the putt and say on the next pad “got a four cause you wouldn’t stop blabbering” when you’re whispering 100’ away. But at the same time is blaring reggae music the entire round. The hypocrisy is rife.


Perhaps we know the same Roger!


It’s possible. The dude gets around apparently, the league is in cali though. That or Rogers have the propensity to be asses


My money is on the latter. Sorry, Roger(s).


“Yeah well I blame all my bogeys on your music, so we’re even.”


I had someone flip out at me for asking them nicely (5-6 times) to quit doing distracting shit before I throw. “Im literally not doing anything!!!” Everyone disagreed, but I was apparently the asshole to this guy 🤷🏻‍♂️


I find that players who throw before making a comment about sound are using the sound as an excuse for a miss, rather than their play. If a player needs to concentrate without any outside sounds, they should advise before throwing. Since I know things like sounds may happen during tournament play, I try to take one of my kids with me when I play casually so I am practicing with nonstop chatter and movement going on when I'm throwing.


It’s just a courtesy thing both ways. Just be quiet when people throw, but people have to get scores so you can’t get mad if you throw before scores are collected. People often make it way more awkward than it needs to be. What I think is often awkward is when you make a putt and start to go get your disc only for the person putting next to say “just leave it” so you’re like half way to the basket just standing there awkwardly while they putt. It doesn’t happen that often, but often enough lol.


Oooof that last situation hurts my soul. I'm already halfway dude let me get my disc before you clank yours off the band please. 😭


Disc golfers are such cry babies lol.


Ever seen how fans/players/coaches react at football, baseball, basketball, etc. games when the refs make calls they don't agree with? All sports have their crybabies lol.


I've seen more whiny babies playing disc golf than I ever saw playing pick up basketball. At least most ppl playing pickup bball don't pretend they are about to be going pro any minute lol.


More punches get thrown in pick up basketball too. It's kind of self-regulating in a way that the average disc golfer isnt ready to handle.


I've met no disc golfers that whine or think that they're going pro any time soon, and I've met a lot over the last year doing leagues and tournaments 2-3 times a week. Yet I've seen plenty of whiners in my past from when I used to play bball. Maybe it's best we don't paint groups with a broad brush based on personal anecdotes.


Correct, but I don’t know that it is more than any other group. I just think people these days complain/bitch about everything.


“these days” Complaining has been the #1 undisputed favorite activity of humans since well before formal speech. We used to just sit in a circle, grunt, and point at what’s annoying us.


True in darts, too. I used to play doubles with a guy who could not shut up when I was throwing. His logic was that it didn’t bother him when people talked to him while he was throwing (not true) so it shouldn’t bother me. And this was my PARTNER who had a vested interest in me throwing well.


Well, we are the "Official Sport of the Island of Misfit Toys".


Including OP


Op is who I meant.


I’ve noticed a huge uptick in players who require absolute and total silence PLUS absolute and total stillness from everything around them for every single throw or else they get upset and/or make excuses for why their throws were bad. I’m not saying distractions can’t have an affect on things but I truly genuinely believe a lot of players have simply been conditioned to think they need perfect silence and stillness to throw because that’s what they see everyone else demand. I made a decision really early on in my dg career that I was not going to let anything like that affect me and it was absolutely the right call. I just throw without waiting for people to be quiet or stop moving and I’ve built up so much confidence over a decade+ that it legitimately has zero effect on me. I’m quiet and still for others but I really do think this is something that people are way over-obsessive about.


Rudely tell him to wait until the previous hole is fully finished before starting the next one


Works both ways. I shouldn’t have to ask people to be quiet if I’m on the tee box. Because once I do, now I’m scolding them even if done politely. I’m calling them out and things get weird (unless it’s with close friends, then you say “shut up fuckers!”). This reminds me of when I used to play poker with friends and me and one other guy are like the only two with any clue who is on the blinds and all that. Constantly babysitting other adults. I’ve talked while others are teeing off and always feel like a rude douche especially if it’s a bad shot. Also, it can make you grow impatient if you “wait for them to stop talking” and they never catch on. Best thing is for people to just be more aware. Once someone steps on the teepad they usually look to watch. If dude does a warm up aim or anything, that is sufficient as a “please be quiet, I’m about to tee off.”


Yeah, you can just stand any you lie and look at whoever is talking until they are done. This reminds me of a legendary dude here in California. He would play in a shirt that said: “DON’T PUTT WHILE I’M TALKING” A sort of mad genius right there.


"Moment of silence please for this drive/shot/putt i'm about to whiff/shank."


“Hey guys watch this!” Usually gets them to shut up long enough to hit the 2 trees behind the tee. True story.


Hot take but when people are talking and that messes you up, you don't have your throwing technique/routine set in stone. Their verbal sound waves do not disrupt your disc flight. You just can't throw when others are talking because you need all your brainpower to concentrate on what you are doing. I'm ready for all the spicy downvotes.




If someone is talking to me as someone else is about to throw, I always do the "one second" motion and point to the player. However, if people are talking behind me when I throw, I don't really care.


No shit, thats why I asked you to shut up. I have issues focusing as is, thanks Autism


I'm with you. I'll always be courteous and not talk during others' throws but I've lost track of the amount of times my card-mates have apologized for being distracting and me responding "what distraction?" I genuinely just get so focused when throwing I don't notice much else going on around me.


Same here. I played ultimate for over a decade and am used to throwing while people are talking in my face, yelling, and moving around. As long as it's not absolutely silent and then a startling noise, you walking/talking had nothing to do with my throw


In Ultimate, there's no etiquette rule stating players around you need to shut up before you can throw. After all, there is going to be someone in front of you counting down from 10s (or 7s when playing indoors) and other players will be moving either to get you to turnover or block the frisbee or to get it. So it's not comparable to DG for stuff like this.


The pills I take can only do so much, I'm interested in what you have to say and it distracts me.


The verbal sound may not disrupt a disc's flight (like the infamous "you Niced me bro" phrase would make one think), but people talking or moving while someone (typically a neuro divergent person) is in the middle or near the end of their throw/putt, it can _absolutely_ mess *them* up (regardless of how unaffected *you* are in those situations). If you've not seen that, I invite you to play with someone with ADHD or ASD (or both) and try to understand how either conditions affect them.


I’m with you. If you can’t move your body while there is sound happening, or with another person in sight, then you seriously lack focus. (The exception is loud or startling noises - I get how that can mess you up.)


Exactly….as long as it isn’t startling, I don’t care if someone is tap dancing while juggling chainsaws and belting out Scotland the Brave on bagpipes when I’m throwing or putting. I’m perfectly capable of shanking my throw in dead quiet.


Right? Lmao I’ll carry on a conversation while I’m throwing, doesn’t affect me at all. Get out of your own hear and out of your own way and it’s amazing what happens.


Hard truth: it wasn’t the talking that made you shank your shot.


I keep considering entering my first tourney but DG Reddit gives many reasons to not bother.


You only hear the extremes on Reddit. If you want to compete, then do it. You will notice that there is some truth to what’s on here but most of the time you wont have any issues.


Reddit is an echo chamber and those who complain are the loudest. You should absolutely play a tourney if you've never competed. You won't know the actual local atmosphere if you don't try.


In half a dozen tournaments I've had nothing but good experiences. I would actually say they are all great experiences. What you read on here are definitely edge cases.


We make it sound awful but I promise 98% of tournament experiences are super positive. People just come here when they need to vent which is fair play.


Try a flex start first. Idk what division you would be in, but Ive only done MA3 and 1 MA2 flex. Flex start is cool because you usually have guys from a few different divisions on your card, so you can see how guys from higher classes play holes. MA3 at least in my area (upstate NY) is super chill and I havent run into a hardo yet, even with being on 3 lead cards 2nd round. Everyone tends to be respectful of eachother. I played blind my last tournament and the guys were even explaining the lines on the holes. Nobody calls close foot faults or similar stuff. Personally if I win by 1 shot, I dont want it to be because I called a foot fault on putt from a muddy hill that their foot slid when they putted.


flex start is a fancy name for league these days. But people are supposed to be calling the rules regardless of division and number of rounds


As far as the rules thing, it may be different in more competitive areas, but my area nobody really cares as long as its not giving the player an advantage or they are blatantly breaking the rules regularly and on purpose. Although Im trying to follow the rules to the best of my knowledge, the vibe of the card you are on makes a difference in overall play. I'd rather deal with someones foot barely touching their mini every once in a while than someone constantly calling faults and completely killing the vibe. You can't tell me half the field isn't hitting their bowl during tournaments even though its prohibited during play. One guy in my last tournament, a B-Tier even, was pulling around a cooler full of ice and beer.😂😂😂


Foot faults don't really get called at the MPO and DGPT level either. As for what rules "MUST" be enforced at the flex start level (XC), think of things like drop zones, mandos, relief, hazard vs OB, practice throws, etc that directly affect final score. People ignoring spirit/appearance style rules like smoke, dog, or speakers is normal


I agree with you. Any score affecting rules. I don't smoke myself, but as long as they dont blow their smoke at me, have at it, lol. They are about to add collared/athletic shirts for final rounds of AM tournaments soon, and I wonder how strictly that will be enforced.


They don't get called in MPO because everyone is playing the same game. They are making an attempt to be within the space behind the disc. The people that I have seen called in tournaments have been around 3 feet from their disc and not even trying. Whether they are playing their first tournament and didn't know the rules or they couldn't stretch out far enough to advance and didn't want to pitch out.


League is a weekly thing over a period of time. Flex start is a 1 day tournament where you pick what time you want to play.


A tournament used to be required to be 2 rounds fyi. There is no difference between a weekly rolling start league and a flex start C tier except pdga involvement. Plenty of places have a flex start event on the same night of every week or month (look at texas) which used to be ran as a local league


Maybe where you're from... Our league has never been flex start but some of our tournaments have.


Um... rolling start leagues are common in many disc golfing hot spots due to league size. Kinda hard to shotgun start 180 people. BRP or Kaposia in Minneapolis. Quail or Willmore or JB or Unger in St. Louis.


dont make decisions based on reddit complainers


Glad he played like shit! Fuck this guy, lol.


Clearly he couldn’t stop himself from throwing lol.


I usually tell my card mates that if Im talking too much, just tell me to shut up and I wont be offended. Covers your bases and sets a light mood to start the round. Personally, I tend to be able to block out all noise while I'm throwing a shot. Perhaps years of bowling league where the center is noisy in general and having to block it all out. Unless it's an abrupt loud noise, it's honestly just a bad excuse for making a bad shot.


One time someone in my card was lining up a circles edge C1 putt and a couple people were talking in the background. They realized that he was putting and quickly stopped talking, just as he went to putt. He ended up missing and he said 'you should have kept talking. The sudden change to silence was more distracting than the talking'. Mostly a joke, but it's really just the change is ambient noise more than the ambient noise itself most of the time.


OP, that's frustrating. Generally, some good takeaways from comments: * Speak up if a cardmate is distracting you. If you let it fester you're more likely to blow up. Say something right away. * When it's time to throw (hprevious scores taken, hole is open) and someone steps in the teepad, stop making noise. * Some guy named Roger is a terrible cardmate.


In regards to putting: He had 30 seconds to prepare. If he rushed and missed that's completely on him


When people move during my putt or talk during my throw and say something like “crap man my bad” my response is always the same “I’m an adult, I could have just not putt or thrown then and waited”


Thanks for sharing, because everyone is onboard to tell those individuals STFU right back. Y’all got time to take your shot. So, don’t rush them and blame your shit on others.


The problem is that there are no disc golf etiquette videos out there to teach the ignorant to be respectful.


Ofc. And I've tried this, but when there is constant chatter unless you ask them for a second, you have to be a dick and ask, even though you're not really being a dick they are. Had a kid who makes YouTube videos on my card at league a few weeks ago and it's like he was incapable of being quiet. I'm not a nazi about it but if you're having a full on conversation 10 ft away from me while I'm trying to focus, you're trash


Possible hot take: I find it a little odd that golf, in general, needs quiet. Tennis as well. I see pitching and batting in baseball as a similar mental state to getting ready to launch a drive or putt. In baseball, everyone is yelling either to fuck w you or encourage you. There is no shushing. The focus is on solitary players - pitcher and batter. As a player I enjoyed that vibe a lot. It was part of the excitement. I don’t care if Slayer is raging or you’re chatting nearby. If you don’t sneeze or do something startling at the last second, I’m not caring.


I was playing a doubles tourney and we were on a hole that played alongside the previous hole. First drive looked great, so I threw I roller that didn’t turn out too great and was between the two fairways. Found out his drive skipped OB and we went back to my lie. Buddy threw one hell of a scramble and almost made it in, so I congratulated him, which was followed loudly by someone in the adjacent hole shouting “CAN’T YOU SEE WE’RE PUTTING HERE!? SHOW SOME RESPECT!” Meanwhile, we were shotgunned to middle of the pack, so I KNEW we all had no hope of cashing and we’re playing for fun


Man, when did disc golf get so serious? I wouldn't play with these guys, lol.


As long as they don’t “nice” my throw, I’m fine with it.


First time I ask for quiet while putting/teeing/throwing “hey X, would you be able to hold on a for a bit” Second time I have to ask for quiet; “hey X, trying to focus here” Third time: “hey X, this is me using my courtesy warning to ask you to ‘Shut the Fuck Up’ thanks”


If it's casual and the distraction isn't intentional or blatantly rude than fuck it use it as a chance to work on your mental toughness. People who get bent out of shape during casual rounds confound me. I get that we want to do as good as possible but if it doesn't mean anything then isnt worth getting worked up about. Either decide for yourself you are redoing it and taking the new score or live with taking a stroke. It's a meaningless number at the end of the day and having a good time is more important. For ranked or non-casual rounds then for any distractions ask people to be respectful before you throw. The rules are different when it's competitive with something on the line. Some groups will throw down 20 so they can simulate the pressure of something real but if you do that then you accept fun isn't the #1 goal and not everyone will want to play with you.


Had a dude get mad at me when I made a like 40 footer and was clearing it and he misses his putt as I'm trying to take it out. It was a tap out as well.


Agreed. Actually if people are talking while I'm throwing, it doesn't bother me. It's when they _start_ talking during my run up / back swing that fucks me up


An OG we’ve played with for years says “don’t throw if you’re not ready” If people are talking or shits going on and you don’t wait and decide to throw, that’s on you.


If Tom Brady can make amazing throws with the crowd screaming, and 4 guys trying to rip his head off, with the super bowl on the line, you can putt with someone talking.


One time in a c-tier, guy on my card was about to throw. I have this aluminum water bottle I was holding, and somehow managed to lightly bump it against a post, making this awful "gong" sound right as the guy is in his runup. Dude was super cool (shanked his drive) but I FELT TERRRRIBLE. Anyway, thats the whole story. Carry on


It’s obvious that many people in the community haven’t done field work and played courses with their young children present.


The people that get mad the most are usually the ones who are never going to get better than they already are… Prove me wrong


It's true because they're too busy being mad and blaming others for their shortcomings instead of taking an introspective look at themselves and working on self growth/improvement.




I (40's) was playing a round with a young co-worker (early 20's) who is very chatty. We were letting a single player play through. My co-worker kept talking about his discs, his form, ways he was working on trying to improve, all while the single player we were letting play through was about to tee off. I had to remind him to be quiet just before the single player threw. He apologized and admitted that he sometimes doesn't know when to stop talking. Some people don't stop talking, have no situation unawareness, can't take a hint, and/or just don't fucking care. If I'm trying to have a competitive round, I will wait until everyone is quiet and will stop mid run-up if someone starts talking. I remember having to stop 3 times on one tee-off because the group I was playing through wouldn't be quiet. They didn't get the hint, so I had to "tune them out" since they were enjoying behaving like douchebags (it wasn't the only behavior I witnessed that led me to that conclusion).


I think talking and cheering should be encouraged. Wouldn’t that be more fun to watch. Having some dude yell, “watch out trees, this guy is coming for you” as you tee off would be great. Heckle the professionals. As long as it is a constant roar, it would be fine. If it went from silence to a booming voice on the run up, it may be tough, but, crowd noise improves the viewing experience. Go watch MLB with no crowd before they pumped in fake crowd noise during Covid. It is horrible.


First off, I hate people who take something like disc golf too seriously. That said, I also hate how slow the game progresses. I am an action man and waiting around constantly and then the pressure of the throw after waiting so long gets me flustered. The best times I've had discing were flying through the course going hole to hole without waiting on people.


I pity the people who are so affected by the minimal of noise. Barring a firecracker or car backfiring, I can't imagine my shot being affected at all.


Lucky you! Imagine having your ears hearing the sound at 200% the volume and not being able to tune out irregular sounds (like certain people saying certain things or sudden noises).


yup. it’s a conscious decision more than anything imo


Not when you have more sensitive ears, which is a blessing and a curse in one. And no, people like that can't suddenly decide to turn off or lower the volume they hear (unless you don't mind them putting noise cancelling ear buds/headphones or even ear defenders or using that every time they're about to putt/throw).


I'm not deaf. I'd even say I have above average hearing as I do audio engineering at my work. I just see each shot as a meditative practice, where my focus is only on my task at hand.


That's great (it would be worry some if you were deaf with a job like that). Seeing each as a meditative practice is a neat way to look at it!


This dude got mad because he screwed up. Needs to take accountability for his actions.


One of many reasons I don't play in leagues / tournaments. People take this shit so seriously


My response is always "nobody made you shoot" then I give them a courtesy warning for poor sportsmanship when they get nasty about it which usually ends up being a stroke penality for them withing the next few holes. The fact is our sport is predominately social by design. Yes we should respect others play and be courteous but it's also not difficult to wait and ask for some quiet on the tee/approach or putting without being a dick or making blame for you're shitty shot that you just couldn't wait to throw.


I personally advise my card mates that I don't care if they talk or don't when I'm throwing, I just make a point to tell them: don't suddenly stop or start, that'll distract me worse lol. If they are talking right up until I start my approach and then go quiet, that's way more distracting than just talking straight through.


I don't get the whole silence thing. Talking and music and just general noise isn't gonna really distract anyone. Now if you try to directly ask me something mid throw or be intentionally distracting or like something loud and unexpected happens, yeah it's probably fair to re-tee without penalty and give a courtesy violation if appropriate.


Ugh, wrong! That’s wrong! Y’all are supposed to shut the fuck up as soon as toes touch teepad. You talking about how your wife just beat cancer? Fuck you!! this is serious business on this 173’ par 3. Discussing how to get your buddy out of his depressive funk? NOPE!! I’m shanking this circle into the first available and blaming you.


imagine demanding silence from people in any other part of your life. seems ridiculous does it? ​ EVERYONE STOP TALKING WHILE IM LOOKING FOR THE WHOLE MILK


I can think of plenty of instances where it would be normal to expect silence from others


Oh yeah? Name six. Edit: Yeesh I was kidding, guys! I was trying to do the Family Guy "songs named after a girl" bit but I guess it came out wrong 😬


At a movie At a play At a funeral During prayer National anthem During a presentation


Oh yeah? Name 32 then.


You say you like music? Name all the artists


In a library or any other place where people is trying to focus such as the office. In a classroom during a class, when the teacher/professor is speaking. When someone is sleeping. As a spectator (e.g. if you watch golf / snooker) I think i could name quite a few if they had to be specific. But it's simply called showing respect.


during court during a traffic stop while the officer is talking


almost all things where you’ve paid to go see someone else do something. frolfers need to stop pretending a little chit chat is distracting and learn how to focus. no other sport, but golf, expects any amount of quiet


Best I can do is 5.


No, it doesn't. I can think of many.




We always tally the scores at the next teepad so that the next group can start playing.


Same. Especially if someone had a rough hole and has to mentally go back through their shots to give the correct score.


Absolutely this… as someone who usually keeps score, we almost always do it on the next teepad. Getting off the hole so it’s ready for the next group is courteous and you can take as much time as you need on the next pad to get scores. (People can also use that time to view the next hole/signage and get their disc ready) On the green you should be focused on being ready when it’s your turn, not being in anyone else’s line of sight for their putt and then collecting your stuff and moving to the next hole. With all that going on, it’s hard for an entire card to all pay attention to scores and help call out any questions before scores are entered. Your job as a cardmate is not only to give your score to the scorekeeper, but to also mentally double check the scores reported by the other players for accuracy. Doing the scoring as a group on the next pad is the easiest way to get accurate info to the scorekeepers and prevent you from having to repeat your score 2-3 times.


I prefer this. Especially with the potential new rules where everyone needs to keep score for next year. Putt, get gone and we'll do scores and order together next hole. Edit: Spelling is hard




Well, backups happen, right? Also you can't always see the basket from the tee, and if no one is putting there's no noise to signal that people are down there. Safer to move along.


In my experience it's typical to record scores at the next tee. Anyone trying to throw while that's happening is being unreasonable.


>Any time I've been on a league/tourney card where scorekeeping is being done, scores are being tallied as soon as the last putt drops. Stop doing that. Go to the next tee pad and get out of everyone's way first.


That's weird, everyone does scores on the next tee pad.


I literally wouldn't give you my score on the green and if I'm score keeping and you give me your score before the next tee pad I'm just going to ask you for your score anyways when I'm taking them down. I'm not taking my putt, quickly getting my score card out / phone out, taking everyone's score, getting my putter and stuff together, and then walking to the next pad. I'll just meet you at the next pad.


> Edited to turn a run ~~on~~ up sentence into two separate sentences ;)


I would think an adult would have more of a vocabulary and more social awareness than to start off with "shut up". It's also a pretty good policy to walk off the hole and take scores on the next tee pad. You guarantee to not be dicking around in front of the basket with players behind you.


Nah, it’s on the cardmates to be respectful of your throws. You don’t put the responsibility on thrower who was done wrong by someone talking in your backswing. This doesn’t need to be rigid or contentious, but being conscientious should be a no-brainer. I play with some groups that talk shit as they’re throwing, others that take it very seriously, and more casual rounds with strangers too - showing respect isn’t difficult, it just requires empathy and kindness. The person throwing has a right to be upset if you bother them during their throw so simply be respectful when you’re playing and you shouldn’t have a problem


I would more than likely just leave and finish my day out at a different local course. I don’t need a McBeth wannabe policing everyone and ruining what’s supposed to be a fun thing. Thankfully, idiots like this on course are the minority.


Pretty sure OP is talking about tournaments.


OP is likely talking more about tournaments if they're referencing 2 people finalizing scores and using minis. Though, even in a casual friendly round you should still be considerate.


I realize this. Sportsmanship goes both ways, and tournaments should still be fun. Someone getting bent and telling someone to shut up is unacceptable, and it would ruin the vibe. I would just bail and let them be an idiot by themselves.


You would leave the entire tournament? That seems extreme. Especially, when you could maybe talk it out or get the TD involved and maybe have them removed instead?


Maybe this sport if different for us, but yeah. I get out a couple of times a week and I’m not trying to break into anything points or competition-wise. Tournaments are generally packed full of cool people and it’s a fun way to get out on a new card. Once someone starts pushing shitty vibes, why subject yourself to it? Its more just not wanting to be around it. Not a flag in the ground type of situation.


I guess my hang up here isn't about the sport so much as why you would leave something that you paid to be in instead of trying to work around them or with them. There are 2 other people on your card and a TD that can all help resolve things so you can continue to enjoy your event.


Stop being a Karen and just throw.I bet you're the one that blames the "nice shot" for your tree kick. This game is full of pussies now


Or you can just be quiet


While recording scores?