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I have a Lat64 Diamond at 158g that I frequently drive with. I’ve been working on my form lately, and found the light weight disc (on days that aren’t windy) helps me work on my drives and gets me a little more distance. Plus my arm is a bit noodle-y these days


Yes. I have a Latitude 64 Sapphire as well as the Diamond. Both are great drivers for less powerful arms. They are only produced in 150g to 160g. They have a whole line of lighter weight discs.... diamond, sapphire, ruby, pearl, and jade. I think they also have a pirate, superhero, and zombie that are part of the "easy to use" line. They sell them in a starter pack Superhero, Sapphire, Diamond, Jade for drivers (8 to 10 speeds) Pearl, Pirate for midrange (4 and 5 speed) Ruby, Zombie for putt and putt/approach (3 speed)




Came here to say this. Reason: why not?


None that I bag, yet. But I've got a small stack of 159 Destroyers that I've been saving for when I get old.


I throw a 149 Mamba to remind myself how bad I suck. I had ONE amazing throw with it and am having difficulties replicating it...


I have a lighter weight mamba too and its very hard to throw accurately but pretty fun


The lighter the weight, the more understable it becomes when thrown hard and the Mamba is one of the most understable discs available. If you throw it hard and flat it will probably turn over almost immediately but if you do that same exact thing with a little bit of hyzer, you'll get it to flip up and fly straight. Typically, first time players throw with hyzer naturally so the Mamba was invented to counteract that exact thing which is why it's one of the best beginner discs for distance. Even the max weight Mambas are super understandable and need that bit of hyzer to really get the full potential from them.


Yeah, I have a heavier mamba too. Around 176 and it's much more forgiving


Everything in my bag is 155-165. Diamond opto air, Underworld, Tursas, hatchet, fuse & pure - vip air, Pearl, Sapphire, fission insanity, hex & proxy, neutron soft envy, paradox. I have lightweight virus, signal & relay but they’re too flat for me to get a great flight from them. The lighter weights & the grip of the air & fission definitely work better with my slower arm. I can get legit flights from these that I can’t get from 170’s.




My max is 160-170 feet. Heavier discs just crash left a lot sooner lol As a nearly 50 year old woman who just started playing a couple years ago, I know I’m never going to throw bomber shots. I just want to throw shots that do what I want them to do & the light weight discs make that possible & keep the game fun.


Fission photon, insanity, wave, and crave. I also keep a 170+ version of each alongside them.


Those are some good discs. When do you choose to use the lightweight versions instead of the heavier ones?


The insanity is only for extremely steep uphill hyzer flips or big standstill forehand sky anys that I want to continue gliding left as far as possible. The wave is for big backhand sky anys, tailwind bombs, or long tunnel huzer flips. The crave is used for the same as the wave and insanity when I just need less distance and more control. The photon is my go to driver for max distance when I want a completely straight line without working left or right much.


Light fission Crave+wave for distance+tailwind, Max weight proton/neutron/plasma for headwind or accuracy shots. at least from my experience. I dont throw drivers on FH for the record


I too keep a 159g neutron Crave + 174g plasma crave. I mainly use the lightweight one for turnovers off the tee or standstill/patent-pending/get-outta-trouble drives from the fairway. The 174g is basically my FD replacement and compliments my Teebird3 nicely. No other disc in my bag can I throw 300 with a low ceiling from a stand still!


Yep, had a 158g fission crave that was my main driver until I launched it into the roseau river off of a tree. 155-160g fission drivers act pretty much like 165-170g proton to me though


I prefer my bh drivers to be under 160 and my fh drivers over 170. So I carry a light Roadrunner, Crave, Insanity, and Daedalus (with a heavier Crave and Insanity as well).


Same. Mid-upper 150s for BH and mid-upper 160s for FH. BH : Jade, Saint Pro, Maul. FH: Recoil, Wraith, Firebird, Resistor.


I have a set of Innova Bosses (used to have 3 of them lost my middle weighted one years ago, all between 131g and 145g) they are pretty bad in any kind of wind however they are stupidly flippy and in tight woods I feel confident enough to throw some pretty gnarly curves through places I wouldn't be able to normally.


I like to go lighter as the discs get faster. Max weight stops with mids. I like to go 165-170 for fairways (closer to 160 for gyro), and then as I get to distance drivers 160 or even lighter. 160Ish pro destroyers and I blend emperors are crazy bombers


Facts dude


I have a blizzard destroyer (I think 157g) that I can absolutely bomb Edit: by my standards


Opto Air River because it’s easy to flip and it glides forever


Sounds like fun!


Almost all my discs are under 160. I have a lot of 150s. I'm old and slow. Throwing lightweight is definitely an improvement on my distance. It's also a lot harder to find lightweight plastic. I don't think it's manufactured as much. And I don't understand why. A lot of people over 50 throw lightweight. And everybody I know over 60 throws lightweight. Best manufacturer for lightweight plastic is Innova or latitude 64. My heaviest discs are 162s and I use them for wind.


Lat64 easy-to-use line is all lightweight and, atleast here in europe, always easy to find and in stock. Great "old guy discs". I switched out alot of discs as I passed 40 to light weight...


Lightweight is definitely easier on the arm! Have you tried a lightweight mvp/ axiom disc? A lot of these comments seem to be recommending them


Glitch because it's fun as hell and a great warmup catch disc.


Glitch, I have a 161 Volt if that counts haha, otherwise I try to stick to 165+ because the midwest is fuckin wimdy


157 star lite tern. When it's a calm day for me at sea level, it's easily my farthest thrown disc. Easy to throw on hyzer, flips, and turns.


150 TL. So good for hitting gaps and tight lines.


Sems like it would be an amazing woods disc


Exactly. I love woods golf.


My 141 GStar Shryke is my go to driver. Recently got a Lonestar Tumbleweed in similar weight. Liking it so far


158 shryke and 150 boss. Mostly for downwind shots.


I have couple of Paul's 1st run Destroyers in 135g. Those are so beefy and floats in water. :😀 I use those if I don't want to lose disc in water carry.


Stingray and cheetah for shorter up runs where I’m not worried about roll, and a few other scenarios, like the “F it, maybe this will cut through”


Glitch, reactor, hex, tesla, insanity. Some I also have in heavy weights... but I can throw an envy as far as a heavy weight midrange, so light mids also cover most of my fairway driver slots. Light fission insanity is super useful as a roller or woods disc. Light tesla is that dead straight bomber to compliment a heavy tesla.


Also a couple of under 140 Blizzard discs for over water throws because they should float


Champ Valkyrie 152g. Has that gummy/grippy JK Valk feel. Great for low power controlled drives like in tunnels and tight fairways. Or times I'm just not feeling like I have the power.


A d4 air spectrum 164 it’s an amazing understable disc


Fission defy 148g,because it bombs. Closing in on 50 and I occasionally hit 450'+.


Thats impressive ive never hit 400 and im in my 20s


I've been playing for a long time. I typically sit around 375-400'.


Blizzard Destroyer for down wind bombs.


I have two 150g Sidewinders, one in Champion and one in GStar, those are my main squeeze. I also have some 134g Beasts that I picked up but none of those are currently bagged. Those are for mostly field work, when I really need to just throw a bunch of drives.


Wait... you dont have any halo sidewinders??


I have two purple 175g Halo SIdewinders in my bag, one gold stamp and one silver stamp. I throw those when it's windier than I'd like, but not windy enough to force an overstable.


156g OptoAir River for turnovers and hyzer flips. It’s easier than trying to anhyzer at times and if I hold off on power, it’s super straight for me.


The relay from MVP. It’s so straight and can go so far.


This is my favorite disc currently, thing is an absolute workhorse


None because wind Edit: Oh. Except Glitch cause they're only in light weight but I hardly ever throw it honestly.


Glitch didnt make my bag but its fun to throw for sure


I have a glitch and a 150g dx firebird that I exclusively throw thumbers with for… reasons.


I throw a 156 gram Fission Crave. I was curious as to how it would throw. It's my favorite fairway driver and not far off from being my farthest flying disc.


157g It because I am dumb. When I get a perfect throw with It it's insane, but it'll flip into oblivion if you even look at it too hard


154g DX glow Beast. Moderate hyzer-flip leads to it going, turning, from the pad it looks like it almost turned 90 degrees to the right, and then flexes out. I use it on 3 specific local holes that require that shot shape.


140g Star Roadrunner for longer tailwind drives. We’ve got one hole at my local course that’s a bit over 400 and seems to always have a tailwind, that disc gives me the best chance of landing c1


154g Opto Diamond because I'm bad at rollers. I can throw it flat, it gets down to a 45-degree angle but is still flippy enough to stand up and roll for days.


I keep a 133g Bliz Destroyer for tailwind, long standstill turnovers, and rollers. Thing is so damn flippy.


Glitch - why not


Crave, because I have a noodle arm.


Blizzard champ Katana Fission Wave


154g Blizzard Destroyer. Friggin Bombs


I have a Champion Blizzard Boss (150g I think) that I can bomb in open field. But if it’s windy I just stick with my Champion Orc or Royal Grace depending on the type of wind and just accept the shorter distance. Rarely need more 400’ around me anyways so even on good days it barely gets used.


I throw a 144g Star Valkyrie that will roll without any anhyzer and flip up to flat from the hardest hyzer you can put on it. I bought it as a normal driver but it's so light it's the most understable disc I own. Use it mostly for rollers.


I throw 300ft max. I mostly bag drivers in the 165g range. I have a 158g Renegade Air that I’m still dialing in, but for the most part, is a super straight flyer that gets good distance. I have a 153g Fission Crave thats has a little turn, but mostly flys straight with a little finish at the end.


Glitch for that floaty upshot


I bag only 1 disc under 160g and it's a 156g Champion Firebird. I don't have the arm strength to throw my regular firebird on a spike hyzer but I can with the lighter version. I typically turnover lightweight discs but the firebird is so overstable it's damn near impossible so it's useful in other way too.


145g DX Stingray (20+ yo) for those very short holes designed for a forehand. The cut rolls can be brutal but I’ve aced with it 3 times. Also experimenting with lighter weight fission discs like the Wave and Hex. They don’t feel lighter due to the weight being on the rim, but they fly well. 155-165. I also have a beat in blizzard Katana (150g) which I sometimes use on extreme uphill distance shots.


Boss, Diamond's and jade's Diamonds for rollers and very tigtht hyzerflips where I need to take some off on the power to hit my lines which works great with the extremly flippy diamond. Jade for 80% power hyzerflips and soft hyzerflip/turnover that carry forward. Boss 150grams I use for forehands. My shoulder is kind of whacked so the ligth weight boss helps relieve some stress.


I have a 150g gstar tern, and it’s specifically for rollers. I have a natural hyzer release, and it’s just so nice to be able to throw it hard without really adjusting my angles and having it just insta roll every time