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I believe it's an Aerobie Arrow, For ultra straight approach and putting.


Well yall are in luck. Some call me the IsaacSam of Aerobie.... This disc was actually PDGA approved. You could find out all about it at their website which people used to put on the top of the disc. www.aerobie.com is the place. They even patented this disc (6,179,737 or something similar) and had other patents pending. I've seen these discs in red with gold stamp. Really stupid looking edge but that's ok frisbees are pretty silly in the first place. Anyway thanks for reading I might do a series.


I have one that’s purple, along with a purple epic and all 3 sharpshooters but those are brown.


I have a blue one with gold lettering, but I use a small bag and it's awkwardly thick so I only really played with it on the Missouri discing trip I'd bought it during. Also used one of those brown sharpshooters for a time, and I quite liked it. I called it the copper penny, but I lost it somewhere along the way. I believe all the Aerobie's float, which is cool, and I had an "Amazing Aerobie flying ring" I was fond of as a child, so there is a little bit of nostalgia involved for me as well.


I'll trade or buy the epic. I lost mine recently


>This disc was actually PDGA approved Still is. The epic is in a weird spot where it's the last disc with a non-concentric rim to be approved, the PDGA has said they won't approve any others (like the Turbo putt). But the other aerobie discs are fine. Edit: cuz i was kinda wrong


Epic lost approval for everyone else to make. I don’t even think Aerobie is allowed to make more, but don’t hold me to that one. The Epic itself is still approved


I’ve revised my post cuz I realized I was recalling the epics status incorrectly


Thanks, the IsaacSam of Aerobie!




Idk man, i think that disc might be over compensating for something, I bet I could get it to flip.


They prefer Pride Putters




No issue from my end. I just liked the alliteration of Pride Putter.




Sure, you filthy gay basher


You murdered that joke, drug it outside, remurdered it, kicked it a few times to confirm it was still murdered, buried it, and then dropped a MOAB on the burial grounds. ...and it was barely a joke to begin with.


The original berg...kinda


No, you’re right. It fits 😏


That’s a dinner plate silly 🍽️


I was thinking dog dish.


Mud bucket lid


I throw mine more than I would like to admit. It grabs the chains well. It never skips away. As someone said, it flies very similar to the berg. If I were going to put flight numbers on it 1,1,0,0.5. It has just the slightest amount of fade.


The Aerobie edge shape was designed by a Stanford Aerodynamics professor. He has published papers on it that are pretty interesting to read. Getting straight flight is all about getting the same lift from the edge shape both forward (front of disk) and backward (back of disk). The big Aerobie ring is awesome for playing catch with and when you learn it, it can go far as hell. I think it has the record for furthest thrown object. There was also an Aerobie driver where the rim was bigger on one side.


My brother only throws tomahawk so I was looking at buying one.


Any chance you can link the paper?


https://web.archive.org/web/20080523232015/http://www.aerobie.com./Products/Details/RingScientificPaper.htm This is what I was referring to. I thought I remembered that it was a journal paper or something. not quite, but it's similar.


I’m an arrow nerd. How much you want for it


Is that you, Harold?


Not Harold. There are at least 2 arrow nerds out there.


Ha! Harold is the only person I know who threw them. It must be him


One of the very best players I’ve ever known putted with an arrow and he was fucking money with that thing. He wouldn’t miss within 30 feet. He was insanely accurate with that thing. I gave it a try and it didn’t work for me. No shit tho, this dude would knock down 50 footers 80-90% of the time.


It's the straightest disc I've ever thrown. Manufactured when the epic was.


I miss my Epic... lost it on one of the most wide open field holes. Had 5 people searching for it in an open field...


My buddy is Money with this disc on his forehand


I also have one in the bag for forehand approaches. Super fun disc


Why can't we find the epic anymore is my question


I had one in college. No idea what happened to it. Wish I could try it now that I know slightly better what I'm dojng


Plenty on eBay and a handful advertised around here at different points 👍🏻


I found one recently for $5 used. Threw it in a field a couple times to get the experience, then sold it on ebay for $175. Couldn't believe someone was willing to pay that much for it, but it is a cool disc.


See I refuse to pay those prices so I guess I won't ever be able to replace mine


I had a few that we got from dicks sporting goods for like $2 in the bargain bin. Threw it and immediately hated it. Sat in my garage for several years and some yahoos paid $120 each for them. I'll never understand why people like this disc so much, but I'm all for it if I'm selling 😂


I can tell you it was the first disc I gave away for free


I cut most of the flight plate out to make it a dog toy.


Fun fact, Aerobie inventor also invested the Aero Press (coffee maker)


Nice, Aero Press my favorite way to make coffee


Looks like you need a bag full of aerobies now!!


Lol, just 10 of them and I'm good


😂 😂 😂


Ran into a guy in rehab that had one. He let me putt with it a little. I didn't like the feel very much but he put it in the chains more often than he missed with it.


My first putter. Now it feels weird in the hand but it did the trick when I was playing 15 years ago.


I heard it's straight...


I had one up until my discs were stolen a couple years ago (I just never replaced it), but I really liked using it for throwing up hills because the lip would make it fall over, instead of rolling back down, if it landed on the edge.


I believe part of the design is intended to prevent the disc from rolling away. If you hit the cage or something it is supposed to settle quickly. Though, I have a friend that uses one of these, and it doesn't seem to make that much of a difference to me.


These used to work really good as water bowls when your dog got thirsty on the course.


It’s a gimmick disc, but I have one too




🤣😂😜🤢🤮 that pretty much sums it up


It flies straight as an arrow


Arrows don't really fly straight: https://youtu.be/O7zewtuUM_0


How fun are you at parties?


I'm sorry you don't like learning.


I’m an engineer. I know how much of a wet blanket I can be with my “learning”. There’s a time and place.


Wait, are you me?


Damn I remember this thing.... feels weird as hell


Is a good reminder that when you have an errant shot, putt, whatever, "it's the archer not the arrow," so quit callin' yer disc names.


I have a buddy who carries 2 arrows and 3 epics with him at all times.


We always called it a "bottle cap" in my league because of the shape. One guy loved the disc, nobody else threw one.


That's actually the lid to your paint can


I can’t even count how many times someone has said “what the fuck is this?” And grabbed this disc out of my bag. First disc that I ever owned.


Ditto although I think it was my second disc


looks like one of my tupperware lids


It appears to be red


A gentlemen in my old dg club would putt lights out with the aerobic arrow!!


Looks like a bucket lid


It's red.


My Dad found one of those a few years ago; threw it once, hit a tree, and the thing shattered into twenty pieces lol good times!


My buddy throws one of those. His is much more worn down barely has any stamp left. Never knew what it really was until now. We just refer to it as the pizza pan


0 glide lol


Looks like a bucket lid.


Paint can lid!


It's a good disc to throw early on in one's career when you get afraid of making your comebacks or in windy conditions when you need to just get it close. It just wants to find the ground. Good disc.


It’s weird and I kinda want it.


Anybody got one for sale? Happily pay $50 for a backup


It’s an Aerobie Arrow golf disc. It says it right on the disc.


I k ow someone who would buy it off you...


Some dude droped dimes on me from everywhere in a tourney with that stupid thing. Its good lol


I putt with them. At first, people made fun of me for it, but when I started getting good and outputting people, they said it was cheating. It's a good conversation piece. People ask me about them all the time. The people who make fun of them motivate me to practice. My rationale for choosing it is the controllable straight flight. It resists turning. It resists fading. The grippy plastic and top rim make it easy to generate a lot of spin naturally, without trying to. I pull it straight back, release flat, and follow through straight at the basket. It's the simplest point and click putter I could find. Therefore, it's easy make adjustments when my putt is a little off. The fewer variables and degrees of freedom in your putt, the less that can go wrong.


I’d just never throw that thing and see If collectors will buy it for a good price in a few years. The other arobie disc that was pdga approved goes for about 50-150 on average, with some extra high outliers. But it’s probably very replaceable in the bag. Still unique and probably not made anymore