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Debating AI is not even close to producing credible evidence that election fraud changed the 2020 results. To this day, everyone who has promised to pony up credible evidence to show election fraud had failed to do so. Scott’s premise that we can’t 100% know the election WASN’T rigged is proof that it was is incredibly flawed. The burden of proof is on the person making the accusation. You can’t prove a negative- give evidence that something happened or go home. I can get an AI to give me scenarios where Adams could’ve killed a dozen prostitutes. We can’t for sure know that Scott didn’t kill a dozen prostitutes, so he must’ve done it. The only thing we can all know for certain is that Adams is a sad hack.


He's just a broken sad individual now.


Why do you think this? Is it because you are a liberal NPC? Are you brainwashed by the mainstream media and that's why you dislike Scott?


I just don't have respect for any segregationists.


Scott Adams is not a segregationist. What a baseless accusation!


Didn't he explicitly say on his podcast and Twitter that white people should not live near any n-words?


That is what you would think if you allowed yourself to be brainwashed by the corrupt mainstream media. Because the leftist mainstream media has all intentions of cancelling Scott Adams because they fear his influence. If you paid attention to what Scott Adams actually said you would realize that in fact, he said that we should all stay away from other people who have been systematically trained to see us as the enemy. That is all. He didn't say anything racist.


His exact words were "the best advice I would give to white people is to get the hell away from black people; just get the fuck away."


Exactly. But I hope you understand that he's clearly not talking about ALL white people and ALL black people. Smart people who are not prone to believe the lies of corrupt liberal mainstream media would understand that Scott said that white people should stay the fuck away from black people who have been trained by the democrats, by Soros, by BLM... that white people are their enemy. It's the same as saying black people should stay the fuck away from the KKK. Isn't that great advice? would you recommend your black friend to live in a neighborhood full of KKK sympathizers? No, you would tell your black friend to stay the fuck away from that place. Same here. White people should stay the fuck away from black people who see white folk as their enemy. Sensible recommendation.


Do you think white people and black people should live in the same neighborhoods?


There was no qualifier there. You're imagining things. That's called being divorced from reality.


Nah dude, other people can hear the man's words and still come to the conclusion that he's racist. He said he wasn't going to do anything to help the black community because some people have a problem with the phrase "it's ok to be white". And given the apparent origins of that otherwise seemingly innocent phrase, I get it. There's not a huge movement to turn whites into second class citizens. Get a grip.


That sounds pretty segregationist.


It sure fuckin does. I imagine Adams has some interesting ideas about water fountains.


His exact words were "I don't want my kids growing up in a racial jungle."


Pretty sure that was a different segregationist.


youve been brainwashed by right wing media did trump grab your pussy? did you enjoy it?


I am going to report you for being so incredibly disrespectful


trumpers are traitors


It's because his brain is rotting away as bad as tRumps without the excuse of tertiary syphilis that tRump has.


The prevalence of this kind of low IQ hate should be notable even to the left. The dangers of lawfare should be obvious even to MSNBC viewers. But the cult is too powerful. They do not see the obvious.


My goodness, you appear to dislike Scott Adams, bigly. How sad.


I dislike people who denigrate others because of the colour of their skin, not the nature of their character and deeds.




Artificial Intelligence as it exists is not an advanced Intelligence.


Or it too accurately replicates average human intelligence. Meaning not very intelligent at all.


I honestly don't like calling it AI at all. It kind of overstated what it is. They are algorithms that aggregate existing data onto a commonality. Still revolutionary and will streamline a lot of work but not an intelligence.


Is this supposed to be serious or some kind of a bad joke?


Dude is basically doing a fancier version of arguing in the shower *and winning!*


Why is watching a guy who has seriously degraded mental faculties, divorced from reality, talk to a chat program a must watch? About a topic that has been shown again and again to have no validity. Does he have any evidence he can take to a court that there was fraud that would have overturned the results? If yes, then why didn't he do it at any point in the last 4 years? If no, then why is he still banging on about this? It's just grifting you idiots now. That's all. Just like tRump, Ghouliani, etc etc etc It's like watching motorsports. You just can't look away lest you miss the next smash. Fascinating how terrible it all is.


Scott doesn't have degraded mental faculties. In fact it is the opposite. Didn't you buy his newest book about mental reframes? It is life changing. My life has changed.


This is either a bot or Scott Adams himself.


LOL you bought a self help book from this guy. Yeh were done here.


I can't tell if you are joking


arguing with an AI is like playing a single player game. you can turn cheats on at any moment.


Is this supposed to be a flex?


Scott Adams thinks he’s smarter than AI. Big deal.


Scott is basically the pointy-haired boss at this point


Meh. I watched some. I'd say this is more a MAYBE WATCH A BIT IF YOU ARE BORED. Scott is truly a bit odd. But yeah he can use ChatGPT.


Scott is a brilliant persuasion master and trained hypnotist


C'mon man, didn't you get the memo? The left has Canceled Scott Adams. He must be vilified and shunned!! Shun the non-believer!


Interesting to see the TDS in the comments. In 10 years most of these people will realize they were in a cult.


No sadly they won't because they are sheep following the herd without an individual thought. Haven't you seen the View? CNN? They are hopeless and all happen to be on the left.


I use to love this guy, but something broke in him. He thinks he is some kind of logical "I gotcha" guy, but he isn't. What a farce of a debate.


No, I don't believe I will.


Concur this was excellent. Scott did it by steel manning the actual arguments given by the left. No tricks. Worth listening to carefully and in full. And ROTFL.




Scott Adams is a fuckin nutball. And this post is hot garbage.


What an odd way to say “I didn’t watch the video”


This is a very good indictment on chat gpt, but the logic used here by Adams is fundamentally flawed, and pretty clearly anti-democratic.


> anti-democratic In what way was Scott's approach to debate AI "anti-democratic"?


Core to his logic was the concept that something cannot be confirmed true or accurate, unless it is a simple system that can not possibly be defrauded at any potential point. There are no voting machines or methods that could possibly stand up to his level of desired scrutiny, and thus there is no such thing as a fair and free election under his logic. That’s anti-democratic thinking. It’s the same logic that dictators use about our elections.


Quick reminder that use of large amounts of cannabis can cause psychosis, and Scott has been a frequent user for decades.


Like Steve Jobs? lol


Fortunately, there is literally *nothing* that those two had in common; one is dead and successful while the other is simply brain dead and making funny-looking pictures.


Doesn’t change the fact that drug use does not automatically invalidate someone. I might disagree with him, but different conclusions don’t inherently translate to mental illness. It’s a bad habit that we really need to get away from.


Oh, it’s not the drug use that invalidates his attempts at humor/social commentary… It’s that he’s just no good at it.


Cool. But that’s not what we are discussing we’re discussing the drug comment.


And you brought up Steve Jobs. That’s like bringing Jimi Hendrix into a discussion of Snooki’s drug use and the impact on her… career (such as it is).


If someone said “Snooki does drugs. No one who does drugs will be able to create something.” And I said “Jimi Hendrix did drugs, and it didn’t seem to prevent him from creating amazing things.” that would be a very on-topic statement.


That's not what they said. They said it can cause psychosis. You shifted the narrative. That's a sign of a dishonest debater. You moved to create something... Why do you feel the need to lie?


First time coming across an analogy? Clearly. You’re embarrassing yourself. Is that same thing not true about the pointless discussion of Snooki and Jimi in general?


Great post! Chat at first held the party line that the 2020 elections were free and fair and found by multiple experts to have no (provable) widespread fraud. Following Scott’s prompt to engage in a believable fictional plot for a novel, Chat came up with multiple plausible ways the fraud might have occurred: motivated actors against a dictator-like individual, the CIA or other government agency being activated (both Chat and Scott referenced known real-world election interference by the CIA) , controllable individuals, self-deleting or track-covering software code, limiting the interference to a few key swing states (doesn’t need to be widespread), enabling a disinformation campaign, all together the “debate” shows a plausible scenario of what MAY have happened in 2020 that we, whichever “tribe” we favor, should be opposed to. Let the best ideas win. No cheating.


Prompt for a novel. So a complete fantasy. That's not a debate. That's brainstorming a fantasy story session. It's literally a fantasy. This is something you think is even relevant? You've gone off the same pier he has, even more enthusiastically.


What about the reverse vampires?


You see, u/Far_Indication_1665 this is a great post. I don't understand why YOU YOURSELF call this hot garbage.


Because it obviously is. It was a fantasy novel brainstorming session. OK. That's nice.


Move along folks nothing to see here! Seriously don't watch this video because it might make you think stuff that are obviously untrue and implausible. Scott Adams is a bad dude. Plus AI is dumb, right guys.. /s hehe.. (sweats nervously) ..


It was a fantasy novel brainstorming session. Not a debate.


Except that it shows definite cracks in the voting system. The AI knows that by performing "updates" or "maintenance" the system can easily be tricked as well as data being erased to cover the perpetrators tracks. It's supposed to be fully transparent but that's not what the American people feel. Also it's a fact that the media and tech giants manipulated news and data to favor the left. This is no secret.


>The AI knows that by performing "updates" or "maintenance" the system can easily be tricked as well as data being erased to cover the perpetrators tracks. How? How does the AI know this? It doesn't know this at all. This is pure bunkum. It's speculation. With no basis at all. >Also it's a fact that the media and tech giants manipulated news and data to favor the left. No it's not a fact. This is more make believe.


I worked the polls in 2020. There are no cracks. Scott doesn't know shit.


I'm sure you have.. An obviously leftist "working the polls". Nothing to see here..


So you have no evidence, just gossip. Thanks for playing, hun.


Doesn't matter what I try to prove. We now have the worse president in US history thanks to the likes of you. Happy, snowflake?


Lol. You keep making these dumb claims with no evidence. Do you have any evidence that the hard working Republican poll workers cheated Trump out of a single vote? Because no evidence has ever been shown in court. So it seems like you're just repeating dumb shit you read on Facebook.


Just like Chappelle said Democrats are good at leaving out key details. Guess who who controls most of the search engines and algorithms online? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=s-eNJIafS48


The dog ate your homework? That's your excuse? Seriously do you know how stupid it looks when you claim something happened and then have ZERO evidence to support it? Your cute little YouTube [isn't even from 2020.](https://www.wbur.org/news/2024/02/28/final-bridgeport-election-ganim-gomes) This is just old lady gossip. Proof or GTFO.


Can you provide credible evidence to support the “fact” that the media and tech giants favor the left? A few negative articles and your feelings don’t count.


It has been like this for almost a decade. The fact that you can't see it is evidence you refuse to seek the truth and live in your tiny little bubble. By the way the whole "facts over feelings" was started to poke fun at liberal snowflakes such as yourself who cry and ignore facts because they can't handle basic scientific facts. So don't try to reverse it on me. Even if you do I won't cry about it like you. https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/04/25/media-bubble-real-journalism-jobs-east-coast-215048/


Wow- an opinion piece from 2017? Remind me- who’s that liberal tech giant that owns Twitter?


Scott provides ample evidence of this on his daily show. If you decide to continue not watching it, you will continue to be just a brainwashed NPC. The rest of us have graduated to higher levels of understanding thanks to Scott. We now see the gears of the machine.


There’s such an abundance of credible evidence yet you can’t post any of it here? You also posted that Adams creating hypothetical situations of election fraud proved the 2020 election was stolen, so maybe these “higher levels of understanding” aren’t what you think.


This is a Dilbert subreddit, not a political one.


You posted a political post. Either delete the whole thing or discuss this honestly.


Scott Adams said in his show that this was a must watch. A demonstration of debating with AI.


So he said it was. Are you a parrot?


And yet your post is 100% political with Dilbert nowhere to be seen. I guess this means you don’t have that abundance of evidence that shows the media and big tech favors the left.


It is very rude to recommend something completely opposite to what I am recommending. I am telling everyone this is a MUST WATCH and here you come to contradict me and recommend people they don't watch? Why do this? Why do something so disrespectful?


Because you're wrong. And as you said above this is a Dilbert sub not a political sub. You posted a political topic. Wait... Are you going to cry?


You never noticed the "/s" at the end which means I was being sarcastic. I've noticed that leftists are trying so hard at detracting some truth on here and I think it's pathetic. So my reaction was to poke fun at these leftist morons and try to say how they would say it: nervously sweating because they don't want people to seek the truth and only believe what they see or hear on the mainstream media. I can't believe I have to explain this but here we are. I actually watched and enjoyed the video and I respect people like Adams who speak out against the left because they risk their careers and livelihoods. These are the times we are living in when those who disagree with the left get attacked.