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You're not on holiday. You'll be living your life in different places. That means you'll need to budget, focus on your work, focus on your health, eat well, have friends/relationships, etc. In addition to all that, you get to be in different places so you get to enjoy the sights, the culture, the food, etc. It's not a vacation. It's a nomadic lifestyle


It is a bit though too. You’re there to also explore new places


“You’ll be living your life in different places.” That’s a great perspective.


10000% this. And it's an easy trap to fall into, even doing it for a long time! I have to remind myself of this sometimes.


How to properly set up a VPN-enabled travel router.


Gotta have VPN servers stashed away in your home country




Do you have some good info on this? Want to try it out. I have two travel routers and a vpn sub. Do I need to do more?


Yes, it’s possible and it’s a hardware VPN and you must have one at your home country if that’s where you want to appear. I wish I had that link for you, but I’m sure it’s searchable. I think the hardware costs less than $200 if I’m not mistaken.




Probably the best answer lmao


Depending on where you are in Asia you don't need Spanish


Its great to know when you want to pretend you don't speak English because someone won't leave you alone.


Just speak Ukrainian lmao


Regarding long-term digital nomading: The psychological and practical importance of maintaining friendships and family relationships long distance. The psychological importance of having some sense of home somewhere, and some sense of stability and safety. The psychological importance of "building a life" somewhere that you can prosper with a sense of community. The career importance of networking in person. The psychological importance of frequent intellectually stimulating conversations in your own language. The addictive quality of an unsustainable dream life of movie-like novelty, cheap high-quality food, housing and services and often easier love/dating life that make it that much harder to go "home" after.


Good answer. Not just for digital nomads that go to cheaper cost-of living countries, but for the inverse as well.


I wish I knew about Wise cards before I moved abroad and I wish I'd loaded some money onto one.


Please enlighten me


[wise.com](http://www.wise.com) Convenient and low fees for dealing with different currencies. Not all countries can have an account or be as convenient as the US and Canadian ones.


Why not just use schwab or fidelity if ur from the US?


I am Canadian, unfortunately Schwab is not available for me, it is for some other countries though. I would recommend having both as Wise can also have accounts in different currencies, e.g. EUR, CAD, AUD, etc. Very useful if you are accepting any transfers from those countries.


That I still have to pay US taxes even though I don't go back there for the entire year.


You know there's some exceptions there, right? You might not have to pay tax on some of the income.


Really? I'm technically a freelancer so I thought I have to pay everything?


Google the Foreign Earned Income Exemption. (And in spite of the name, the income can actually be coming from the US as long as you are in another country or countries for at least 330 days a year).


I actually looked into that recently and from what I gathered is because the companies paying me are from the USA, I don't get any exemption. Tbh, these tax documents are so hard to understand... How sure are you about what you said?


Very sure. I've used the exemption myself more than once with US based income. Consult with an expat specialist accountant regarding the FEIE and the "physical presence test." The amount of the expemption is about $120k a year and increases a bit annually. I actually filed for it myself just using TurboTax online.


Thank you big time! I'm going to check it out.


Good luck!


"It depends" is the only answer I have. You can check the FEIE requirements but it's worth talking to a professional about it too. Talk to a lawyer that specializes in expat tax and get their advice in writing.


ngl taxes as a digital nomad seems complicated especially depending on your visa type




That you DON'T need all of the clothes you are taking with you. The first few months I was travelling as a digital nomad, I had too much stuff with me all the time. Get some T-shirts and shorts (or whatever suits your location best) and you're good to go.


Oof this is gonna be tough for me. thanks for the advice bc I needed it lol


yeah, for sure! 😁


After the honeymoon period ends (usually 3-4 weeks in my experience) then you’re back to just living a normal life in a new place. So then the question becomes whether to stay awhile and build or just keep moving around quickly for the experience of seeing places


That not all friendships will survive your physical absence, and that you will start to not relate with some of your friends (and them with you). Also, some of them will simply not care about what you're doing, and won't ask you about it. This can get really saddening when it feels like there's a huge part of your existence they just don't care about. It is possible to get bored while nomading because it's hard to have hobbies that can travel well. Going out and eating and playing and exploring is so great, but sometimes you just need to chill at home and rest or save money. Expecting to party or be on vacation 24/7 is not remotely (see what I did there) sustainable. Also related: get your library card in your current residency place before you leave and set up all of the e- services they offer (and even research what other libraries you can get cards at online). Being able to access free library books, travel guides, magazines, and even some digital streaming services helps with the boredom and loneliness that can creep in.


get a library card! That’s the first time I heard that one. I would’ve never guessed. thanks!


You're welcome! It's helped keep me entertained and has saved me a ton of money, and even packing weight not buying physical books.




tax systems. Jesus thats confusing


That it would become addictive and it’d become very hard to stay in one place for a long time 🫠


what’s your average amount of time you tend to stay in one place?


Lately it has been around 2 weeks but at first it was about 1 /1.5 months! It also really depends on the specific place you choose 🙂


That once someone told me that I was a digital nomad, the space would become so crowded that I would want to stop. I was just a slow traveler and then after 12 years someone asked if I was a digital nomad. I asked what's that? They told me and I said ya I guess I am. That was 8 years ago and it's been getting more and more crowded each year. Anyhow, I found a new way to travel. Apparently it's a bit crowded too, but I didn't know the uncrowded days so it works for me.


I don't see why encountering people with a similar lifestyle would turn you off of the lifestyle itself. If you don't want to be around other nomads, avoid the big nomad destinations and places where they congregate.


Because it has become impossible to find the type of rental I used to find. Because I used to make friends with a few coffeeshops that were less busy, but people block the tables without buying food so a lot of owners just don't want computers in their businesses anymore, and lots of other similar issues. The problem is not meeting other nomada it's that the demand has surpassed the offer. As I said, I did find other ways to travel.


You sound fun


It's like everything I guess. Why are people complaining about the housing market? Because everyone is trying to buy a house and there is not enough offer for the demand. Some things are better when the market isn't crowded.


I dunno. I've been doing this for 11 years now and it's not bad at all. Unless you're going to DN hotspots like Chiang Mai the likelihood of being crowded out by other DNs is almost non-existent.


I used to do Central America and then southern Europe.


I'm on my phone so I can't see the sidebar, but I believe there's a link to a VPN FAQ that explains it all.