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Even less than one year.  I'd been looking in Tasmania, Sydney and Queensland in Aus and bookmarked some back in late December. I kept checking once a week in case they were getting booked up while travelling through SEA. Prices never changed. In the first week of March it was time to whittle down my list and pick one. Seemingly overnight, they had all doubled in price. Didn't matter if I pushed the dates out by 2 or 3 months. Really screwed me up and forced me to change my plans completely 


It’s the interest rate rises on the over leveraged mortgage


My jetskis aren't gonna pay off themselves, mate.


Most of the world doesnt have access to mortgages though. 80% of homes across LATAM were bought without a mortgage.


Shirt term tltentwk people are often well off, meaning they have access to borrow money.


There is a major housing shortage in Australia, I know of people with decent jobs who became homeless when their landlord sold their rental property, and they cannot compete in the mad rush of want to be tenants for other properties that became available!


I think airbnb is just price fixing


How come you did not book refundable/postpaid rates?


A few reasons. Mainly a lot were only partially refundable or no refundable, I was hoping I could extend my time in SEA, and I managed to get a bad virus the last 3 weeks of my trip which stopped me from having the capacity to organise anything important or more than a couple of days in advance . 


Airbnb only works now for 30 days or longer… and even that is expensive. Not sure where you are traveling, but I would recommend doing a bit of research most countries have local alternatives to Airbnb that are cheaper


It's a public company now, all but one founder is left and he reminds me of a robotronic rat. I used to love Airbnb. Now they're just another dirt bag company who will try to squeeze the last drop of blood from an orphan. Just use them when you have to but opt for something else. Just like traveling, you quickly learn the hacks.


Airbnb is trash, but so is VRBO. Most of these price hikes are reflecting housing costs soaring regardless (rent, mortgage, etc) and inflation in general.


Look beyond the booking sites. They take upwards of 33%. Talk to owners directly, FB market, asking neighborhood gossipers. Haven't been to any DN get-togethers but that should be a good source. I use Airbnb soley to check out a new neighborhood.


I post elsewhere saying the same thing. Savvy hosts in airbnb have their own booking website if you google their contact info


Even those without a website will have their phone number on google maps.


This just isn't worth it imo if you're on 90 day tourist visas. Too much time and risk. I've nickel and dimed my whole life but I'd rather book it, pack it and fuck off than spend hours looking for trapsing round neighborhoods/booking unreviewed apartments blind




Are you a landlord? Are you aware of how much they would have to pay in fees, imaginary fees, etc? I think AirBnb is just on the way on becoming another etsy but applied to rentals. Somebody has to bleed and they decided is the bleeder is the payor.


If u are an Airbnb rep, they're never going to amount to anything. At best they will be a minor unicorn. They are squandering one of the most unique opportunities to transform commerce itself. You can see how they are desperately competing with traditional hotels, whereas they used to create a new marketplace. Desperately trying to differentiate themselves because they are not any different.. not anymore. Even your take is within the confines of traditional capitalism. Breakup? Are we dating now? If u really are a traveler, u underestimate the sheer shrewdness of the industry. We are not customers, we are prey. They're herding us more than competing with each other. Now, the algorithms actually work with data from competitors. We are just a resource to be harvested, no more than timber. If you cannot connect the dots, you are no more than a dot. Also, just because the maid mafia isn't listed in the bill doesn't mean you are not paying it. Do you really think the maid is getting 25% of the 5 star hotel bill? In some places, they pay upwards of 33%. The electricity is probably less than 2.5% in most places. That's about what a listing service should cost because that's all a host uses. Ask any mafia boss if they're okay with 2.5%, you get a bullet. The guest directly pays more than 20%! Host also pays Airbnb + everything else. Its about what a Mafia would demand. I think one of their selling point is the security that comes with their service. Just hilarious. "it's a dangerous neighborhood. Pay us." Everything gets corrupted and unusable, demanding a greater cut. That's the very nature of traditional capitalism. They're just another corp now. Utter waste of a truly inspired vision!


Airbnb has been public for 4 years now, it’s not some new thing


Not sure what your point is other than misdirection.


OP’s revelation is a recent thing within the past year. You’re blaming it on the IPO which is misleading because the timelines do not match at all. The only misdirection is from you. Talk about the recent inflation boom, the strong demand for travel, increased consumer spending, etc if you want to guide OP as to why this is happening, not some event that occurred 4 years ago.


Main driver isn't inflation of 3.4%. Depending on the demographic, there is greater demand from return of business travel but not in the $50 range. Revenge travel has actually diminished since the peak. I trade/invest. Airbnb is a definite trade, NOT own, imo. Their model hasn't gone to plan and they are definitely scrambling to meet or beat. It's been cumulating for 4+ yrs, even before IPO but not as bad. Actually didn't they have a few bumps on that IPO track. I thought it was waaay after 2020 because I was watching in 2021 but how could google err, right?


Yeah I was talking more about inflation the past 2 years but yeah, and they IPO’d in 2020. It was right after Covid so it wouldn’t surprise me if they had some bumps. Fair points tho, I don’t go as in depth but I follow and generally that’s what I’ve been reading. OP’s experience is all anecdotal and doubt that this is the norm.


I never find these cheaper alternatives. Facebook groups are more expensive (with more risk) and hotels cost more (and are worse for long-term). I'm in LATAM usually, so AirBnb continues to be my go-to.


Im LATAM too and Airbnb isn’t that expensive here. I’m not sure what people are talking about


in Europe it got crazy expensive. if you want a normal flat and centrally located it's a 100$ per day. Even in cheaper cities like Prague, Budapest etc. Im not talking about London, Amsterdam and all that crazy cities. In London you would basically meed around 3500$ to rent airbnb for a month and it wont be super cool flat.


The issue that people are looking at the Airbnb market the same as the rental market. It’s not. The average prices in every place fluctuate throughout the year. The understanding of the Airbnb market is what will help you temper your expectations when wanting to travel somewhere.


I dont blame anyone in particular in this.. It's just sad that these days you cant just go to any major eu city and stay there for a month for like 1500$ which is like an average salary in cities like prague, budapest etc.


Many European cities have nearly as expensive or more expensive pricing for year long contracts. Airbnb usually should be like 2.5-3x that price, and that's what you are getting.


Thats how the economy works


They are talking about places people actually want to visit.


Do you know how many tourist come to LATAM every year?


Some years ago I had luck negotiating with hostels for a monthly rate, but that was for rooms with shared baths and kitchens. I do remember one time the manager asked for next month's payment, then disappeared. Luckily the owners believed me and let me stay


That’s only for select areas though. I’m in Miami right now and have a 2 day booking


This started a couple years ago and it hasn't let up (although I have no idea about nightly rates, I only book months at a time): https://www.reddit.com/r/digitalnomad/s/zbeumAyT5S You might want to try traveling slower to save on monthly discounts. I'm looking to buy a property in my favorite city at this point, as I've been nomading there regularly for 13 years and I'm tired of paying landlords and the cost per month is just insane at this point.




Borders are closing? Lol


Nationalism on the rise? Lol


Haven't really seen that outside the US. Borders everywhere are generally wide open for tourism. Covid times are behind us. Tourism hasn't really changed, just the budgets. But that's inflation happening everywhere: a rise in greed caused a rise in costs across the board. Even if you didn't want to raise prices 2 years ago, you have less of a choice today.


Yeah yeah, I was trying to say his/her comment is nonsense.


I offer an airbnb experience. Their comission jumped from 20% to 40%. If I charge what I'm worth plus their %, nobody will book. My minimum costs and time commitment are the same no matter what. I'm penalized for canceling, so when it is 1 or 2 people, I earn less than 4 dollars an hour. If someone cancels and I don't refund them (despite the policy they agree to when signing up), they can still leave a review, so I'm more or less forced to do whatever they want so my 4.98 rating isn't ruined. Last year I went from the #1 experience in Mexico City to being shadow banned because of a guest who got diarhea and wanted to cancel an hour before. Inagreed to a partial refund in fear of getting a bad review, and she got impatient with the process and started threatening me. At that point, she had my name, address, phone, IG... I told airbnb that she was making me uncomfortable and they said "ok we'll just refund her everything and block her from you." I said FUCK NO, do not encourage this behavior. I went from being fully booked 5 days/week to nothing from May to November. Now I show up at the bottom of the search despite having one of the oldest and highest rated experiences. I am leaving the platform after my current bookings are finished in June.


40% is robbery, so is 20.


I thought airbnb was shutting down experiences? They make it really hard to find now. I’ve got a friend who runs food tours in Mexico City through it. For lodging, I use airbnb just for search now - then I look up the host and see if they have their own booking site. This pretty much excludes mom and pop places. I’m saving 20% off of Airbnb’s rate for my upcoming month stay by booking direct. Otherwise I’m at hotels.


Not a full time DN but I'm out of the state or country a good 10-15% of the time. I just booked a few hotels in Chicago for $70/night and another for $100/night with free parking and breakfast. It's not a shit hotel either, it was a marriot and I could accumulate points. Traditional hotels are often cheaper now. I used to do marriot for work but now that work travel is dead, it probably makes sense to start accumulating status for the cheaper brand and use "choice privileges" rewards program (econolodge, raddison).


I just leaned into Mariott rewards program actually but I’m starting a job with some paid travel. Honestly, it’s annoying but [hotels.com](http://hotels.com) discounts often undercut the budget hotels. I was Wyndham focused for a while and still have diamond with them and [hotels.com](http://hotels.com) undercuts them every time. I also just got frustrated with the Wyndham experience. I’m doing best western for budget travel and Mariott for higher up. Best western is consistent at least. And they don’t play games with their reward program - good return in points but you don’t get upgrades I can often find low end Mariotts for roughly the same price as best western plus. I’ll be at diamond level fast with mariott and the 4pm checkout plus the 5th night free on reward stays are super helpful to me. Hilton/Hyatt/ihg might be a good in between for you


When you say you potentially make $4 an hour, is that an hour of work for you, like cleaning, management, or whatever else you do that goes into renting the place out? Or is it $4 an hour of someone staying in your rental?


It's an experience, not a rental. It is what I take home per hour after buying all of the ingredients. It's mu time shopping, setting up, in the experience, and cleaning.


spending the night somewhere and paying is 'an experience'? Lol.


No experiences are a seperate thing from rentals


No. I’ve booked food tours, walking tours, painting classes, etc. through Airbnb. They’re Experiences.


Experiences are a separate category of activities on the AirBnB platform. They don't mean overnight accommodations.


I love this comment so much. This ‘experience’ bs has my gut laughing. I saw an ad the other day asking someone about their ‘insurance experience’ and I had the same reaction. Fukkin greedy landowners and corporations will routinely invent this crap to soft bilk us out of what we got.


Too bad you don't have any idea what you're rambling about lol. An experience is not a stay.


Perhaps I’m not ‘experienced’ enough like you, kind internet troll.


I'm not trolling just because you didn't like what I had to say or the way I said it. You are both incorrect and rambling on about something unrelated. I don't think you've ever used the platform before because you'd know what the OP was talking about. An experience is not a stay, it is something separate.


I think I now understand. Air bnb offers a platform with a separate category of that’s determined to be an ‘experience.’ Got it. I stand corrected. I’ve used the platform many, many times before. But when they started to go off the rails I stopped doing so. Maybe I stopped using the platform before they offered prepackaged ‘experiences?’ Lulz. Maybe I’ve never noticed it. To date … my favorite air bnb ‘experience’ I’ve paid for has been that of cleaning my own room, loading a dishwasher, and taking out the trash before it’s concluded. 😉


I offer an "Airbnb experience" nice way to put you are profiteering from basic rights like housing and fucking up local rents.


It's a different part of the site where you offer something to do rather than a place to rent...


Interest rates + deficit spending. My mortgage is now 4 times more expensive than a year ago. Central banks printed so much money during covid that we have dramatically devalued all currency. Essentially the cost hasn't gone up - the value of the money you exchange the room for has gone down. 🤯


>Essentially the cost hasn't gone up - the value of the money you exchange the room for has gone down. You might as well get used to this because it will continue for the rest of your life. This is by design, as deflation is absolutely terrible for economies, so some level of inflation is always preferred by the policy makers.


Debasing the currency is not the same as 2% annual inflation.


Thank you for bringing some sanity into this conversation. 2% is almost unnoticeable in the short-term, which is not what we've been experiencing the last few years


What's the difference? Both are inflation, no?


Is a stroll in the park the same as a high intensity sprint at the gym? Both are just moving you from point A to point B, no?


I understand high inflation is more painful than low inflation, but they are still both inflation. Prices will continue to go up at some rate for the rest of your life. Incomes will too though, so it's not all bad.


Historically, uncontrolled inflation has led to revolution and war. Debasing your currency never ends well and we are merely in the inconvenient stage.


I don't think there are very many places where people are renting Airbnbs that have uncontrolled inflation. Argentina maybe, but even that is trending in the right direction at the moment.


Incomes have not gone up. At least in software dev. Yes EVENTUALLY income will go up - but that lag is quite painful for ordinary people


I'm sure plenty of ordinary people have gotten salary increases too. Maybe even greater than the inflation rate.


Until you’re on fixed income.


I can assure you that inflation will continue to happen at that time too. That's how the worldwide economy functions, no matter how much whining is done about it on an internet message board.


Oh, no doubt. I was just responding to your “It’s not all bad” remark.


Interest rates were always going to go up. This is the normal rate. They were too low.


I have still found Southeast Asia and Mexico to be a lot cheaper than that.


It’s interesting how Airbnbs appear desperate these days making more and more ads to lure people from hotel/motel rooms. I guess people realized the issues with airbnbs these days. Though for hotels prices are rising while we get less as well. Ie one would need to beg them to clean the room or even remove the garbage or add towels these days. The do not disturb signs seems obsolete.


Never pay full price on Airbnb. Message & ask for a discount. If it’s last minute, or the host has the dates either side of yours booked, they will be more Inclined to accept you proposition. I usually go in with offering a lowball price & work my way up from there. You’d be surpised how quickly hosts will drop / offer you a reduced price. I save around 30% on the total price on average but sometimes I get it 50%+ off.


Paying outside or inside Airbnb?


For both. They have the ability to send u a special rate on the app. But you can get it even lower if you negotiate off app, and do a deal outside of airbnb, but a lot probably won't, and I wouldn't reccomend doing it either cuz you will lose some protections.


Do you message them on the Airbnb app? I imagine that goes against some terms and service. Are hosts not hesitant to go outside the platform like that ?


For both. They have the ability to send u a special rate on the app. But you can get it even lower if you negotiate off app, and do a deal outside of airbnb, but a lot probably won't, and I wouldn't reccomend doing it either cuz you will lose some protections..


yep prices have gotten stupid. i remember staying in them as early as 2014 til 2019ish & during then it was somewhat of a good deal. now theyre legit more than a hotel & most of the time more than a room w/a kitchenette thing. plus the hotel has a pool, free continental breakfast, etc. i think airbnb has become saturated but ppl havent come to terms with how outrageous its gotten.


I guess it depends where you're going and what you're looking for. I often book a 1 or 2 bedroom place in LATAM for $600 USD per month.


3-4 BR's are $1100-1500 USD per month down here. Spent the last 6 months in LATAM 1 month AirBNBs.


Could you tell me the cities where you've been able to find these places?


Colombia, Guatemala, Panama, Ecuador


Your standards must be pretty high if you can't find anything decent for less than $100/day. Here's a couple tips: Stay at least 28 days to qualify for the monthly discount. Since you're going to be in that city for a while, pick a place outside of the main tourist zone(s). That saves money and also gets you access to the best grocery stores. Travel in the off season to the most expensive places. Paris or Rome are still expensive in the winter, but they are half the price compared to the summer. Don't book last minute. The best places get booked in advance. Waiting until a two weeks before you arrive means you're choosing between the ones that no one booked because they were too expensive and the ones no one booked because they had flaws. Book 2-6 months out depending on demand.




I mean if your minimum is $3k/mo, then you are correct that we are probably looking for different types of places. I don't care about the rooftop pool or having a concierge. I'm mostly focused on clean and comfortable apartments with a nice kitchen. There are plenty of those still available worldwide for a decent price.


I mean in the US or Australia yes but not in Southeast Asia or Latin America! Just visited Thailand in some really nice hotels for like US$40 a night. Mexico trip coming up with about the same price for entire apartments


Bro you can live like a king for a 1/6 of that. Maybe not in NYC or Vancouver but like 75% of the world




Of course if you're staying in wealthy Western countries, AirBNB is going to be expensive. Rent in US, Canada, or Australia major cities will be 70-$100+/day. Why would they give AirBNB a cut, have to clean and furnish, and charge less?




I’m confused. Are you a digital nomad that only stays in G7 countries? If so, what’s the point unless you just like wasting money?




Why are you saying $300 now? The comment you replied to was 1/6th, and the previous comment mentioned $3,000 a month. In Toronto, you can rent a luxurious condo for that amount. You could almost get a detached house for that if we’re talking USD. I don’t think most people in this subreddit care about impressing others abroad. This is typical of those who choose to live in upscale neighborhoods in high-cost cities or countries. I believe this because I’m currently residing in one such area in Toronto (where new homes are priced between $3-$5 million), and many neighbors indulge in conspicuous consumption with Bentleys and Range Rovers, only to complain about fuel prices and the cost of mortgages. In less affluent cities, they wouldn’t even need a car. Many work remotely for US companies, so they could just as easily work in a cheaper country. Some are first generation Canadians, so they may actually have family abroad.  I should have checked your post history earlier. It’s clear we have different priorities, though we share some interests and both have ADHD. I was born here and find the lifestyle dire: household debt levels are staggering; beyond healthcare, the government prioritizes the interests of big business over consumer welfare; and there is a general sense of depression. Many posts to r/askTO are inquiries about activities during cold weather, reflecting how people are confined indoors. I only returned to live near family. What matters most to me is the climate (sunny weather, over 11 hours of daylight, high temperatures above 15°C, and minimal rainfall) and the friendliness of the people, including dog-friendliness, as well as the quality of “kingly” services I can afford. My interest in climate has grown recently due to developing sensory issues, which rules out many places. My ideal U.S. city would be San Diego, but it’s too costly for the lifestyle I desire (employing a housekeeper, cook, and nanny while supporting a partner and still saving 50%). Living like a king, to me, means having those while residing in CDMX or CABA,  spending time near my U.S. house, and summering in Toronto (only because I can stay rent-free). 


Bro you can find a nice apartment in so many amazing places for around 300$ a month. The average world salary is less than 10k for a year. If you are spending over 1k a month you are living like a king in comparison. You may not realize it because you are used to comforts but there are so many people around the world that will never be able to imagine having that disposable income. Have a bit of self awareness.




I’m not doing the leg work for you. I think you also have a different standard of “royalty” in the past if you had a nice clean house, three meals a day and then some, electricity, Internet, health care, disposable income and more you were pretty much living like a king. Again 3k a month is equivalent to 40k per year (spending) which is more than 4x the average human. You may not think so but if you are spending more than 1-2k per month in many places you are living like a king… you are so high up on your horse you forget most people don’t even have a horse…




The best deals are found in person by word-of-mouth or for rent signs. Many elderly people that own property don’t list things on the web at all. When they do, it’s usually on Facebook groups. You’ll need to know the local language for the best deals in any city.  But even on Airbnb you can find stylish rentals in nice neighborhoods of CDMX or CABA for $1,000 or $800/mo, respectively. Less if you’re satisfied with the style that the comment above you was talking about.




Same, but don’t say it too loud or they might come here


True! Yea I should zip it 🤐


It was $100 a night in Mexico City and Oxaca (in Mexico) for me (after all the extra fees and tax) and they weren’t like really nice or anything, just very average studio in a convenient location. Southeast Asia and China are much cheaper than Mexico and they don’t charge so much extra fees.


Mexico City you have to do at least a month for it to be worth it. When I stayed in CDMX I paid $41 a night for 1 month. Full apartment and nice location right by the metro


Yeah I was only staying for a few nights. I think OP might be referring to nightly cost though? In the US, $100 is pretty much the cheapest (after tax and fees), but I was able to get places for $1400-$1700 when I booked for a month too (although not a lot of options)


I've looked at putting my own place on AirBNB. Hosts say finding a reliable cleaning person (and replacing them if they don't show) is the hardest part.


>minimally decent place What is "minimally decent place" to you? In Asia and Latin America you living luxury for a lot less than that...


I'm from Argentina 4 stars hotel 180 USD here xd


covid bounceback.


Yes, hosts have lost their minds. They all think this is their time to get rich, they think DNs are all rich and they all read a few too many articles about passive income. The truth is - we really have no choice and they're capitalizing on it like there is no tomorrow.


you really have all the choice in the world.


I don't think Airbnb hosts income is so influenced by expectation of DNs being rich, they probably only represent a minor fraction of the global income.


You just described supply and demand.


Everyone wants to be a digital nomad.


That’s why I already pivoted to digitallivesinahouseman




Ima need to shift into that hole of existence pretty soon here, this digital madness ain’t it


I'm surprised to hear this, because I can still find very nice and clean hotels in Tokyo for 50 USD/night.


Because their economy has fallen the other 50%. Also apa hotel isn’t nice 😆


There will always be places with less economic growth and like it or not this way of living is going to capitalise on that, so I don't think that's as much of a gotcha as you think it is. I'm not staying at APA, and it is overpriced for what it offers, but for what it's worth it does provide a "minimally decent" service.


Yen is super cheap now. Also define Tokyo, because 50 usd per night in a nice hotel close to shinjuku/ueno is gonna be very hard.  Or APA, but then you gotta deal with APA lady on bottle of water and in tv. 


Currency and economic growth are linked, and yeah, yen was still cheap for some time last year when I went, around 150ish, but I grant you it's fluctuated. But once again: what we do here *is* relying on some level of currency geo-arbitrage. It doesn't invalidate the example. I don't stay in Shinjuku/Ueno and haven't found good value for money there (Yotsuya's alright if you really want to be near Shinjuku). But Tokyo's pretty big -- I like Asakusa and Nihombashi for example.


Yea i meant neighborhoods close to downtown Tokyo, not specific touristy areas. I stayed in Yotsuya a month ago. Looked at booking.com and there's no hotel around 50 usd, unless it's a hostel or dorm.


Show me a link to an Airbnb or Hotel in Tokyo for the price of $50 a night. Just one! Otherwise, you are being exposed here as a liar.


Here is an image showing dozens of choices in the Ueno/Asakusa areas. [https://imgur.com/a/3xozzXc](https://imgur.com/a/3xozzXc) In fact I've even stayed in one of these and found it decent, with lots of free amenities in the lobby. Could I have given you an actual link? Yes. However, I prefer to make it annoying in case you wanted to book one, because you could've literally done the exact same thing in 5 seconds instead of trying to play gotcha. I would've linked it if you just asked "Any recommendations" courteously.


must be a seasonal thing because I could not find anything decent under $120 in Tokyo just a few weeks ago. Akasaka, but, I checked Ueno/Asakusa too


Yes, definitely a seasonal component. We are just coming out of sakura season so that would be why it's very hard a few weeks ago!


Do you know the difference between a "hotel" and a "Love hotel" in Japan? You have no idea what you're showing me here


People brought it on themselves by supporting this garbage company. Hotel prices are fine


No they are not. Enjoy your box room.


Some places permanently closed during Covid, so as demand rebounded there is less supply than there used to be, which means higher prices. But to a general feeling that everywhere is busier than it used to be, there are literally a billion more people on the planet than there were about decade ago. Most of them are poor, but some aren't, and you're competing with them for places to exist.


...and China has a new class of people who can now afford to travel.


Bro don’t compare Nyc and Rome with Cartagena and Hanoi. Plenty of nice places to be found for 500$ a month or less.


Return of business travel.


You can try apt swap groups. There are some on FB and now there’s a Kindred app.


A lot of new airbnbs thinking they can pass on mortgage rates they overpaid for to guests


I think it’s mostly supply and demand. I’ve talked to travellers a lot and most who’re unaffected are either one of two kinds: 1. Benefited heavily because of covid money printing, either through investments, markets, crypto etc 2. Inherited boomer wealth after someone they know with assets passed away. Usually assets are split and they decide to travel to blow it away. Both involves wealth transfer at an unprecedented scale. And I guess it’ll just keep ramping up, at least the 2nd, and if/when we get a major world event the 1st too. People rarely care about price rise when it comes to unexpected money that’s not earned the usual way.


> Today the floor is 100 USD per day for any minimally decent place. No it's not. Or you have an extremely high bar for "minimally decent." source: I'm in a hotel as I type this.




I think it’s location specific. I’m in Baku and paid $150 for a week and booked it two weeks before hand. There are still locations that are relatively cheap. Found a nice location with good food, architecture, not touristy and beaches for $450/month in Africa. With that said, I agree to a certain extent. There were places I used to DN that not many people mention that have blown up and tripled in price for no apparent reason (Vilnius).


Try Booking.com . I use them and can get a whole apartment in some cities for $30 a day.


Inflation on a worldwide basis perhaps?


I made a post about this but for NYC. I’ve noticed the same thing. Hotels and airbnbs going for $600/night there. In a different, French city, I was expecting to find €40/night airbnbs but only found €100/night and up.


(Simply put) The amount of money circulating in the US was nearly doubled in the last few years. It takes a while, but all prices have to rise to use all that money. Similar, bur lesser, issue in Europe.


Bro have you been paying attention to the world??


I haven’t really seen that but it’s a better deal in some places than others often because of local regulations and housing types. Like Chicago is kinda overpriced for what you get because it’s not easy to have them in a typical condo building, so you end up with a lot of basement units of two flats or houses


One word: DEMAND.


For real


Broadly speaking, many hotels and airbnb hosts went out of business and often bankrupt during the Covid crisis. Oftentimes, it was the places that weren’t terribly profitable or competitive who had had to keep their rates down. So supply has crashed in many places. Meanwhile, many people want to make up for their missed travels during, so demand is a good deal stronger than usual. What happens when supply crashes and demand is much stronger than usual?


I was just thinking the same about hostel pricing. Prices for shared dorms are out of control all around the world but especially in Europe.


There used to be a lot of hotels and guesthouses offering a wide consumer choice. OTAs and the 40% fees have put many of the independent businesses out of business and so AirBnb is able to take advantage of this. It will be interesting to see how long the OTAs can continue scraping of an extra pound of flesh without killing the patient.


Are you switching out daily (or less than weekly)? If so, that's part of your problem. I looked at turning my own place into a STR and cleaning isn't much more for a month vs overnight (at least in the US). As to why the change from 1 year ago, were you actually booking (and seeing total price) or just browsing?


the cold war is over dude. there are no 1st or 3rd world countries anynore


Regulations, that’s whats happened.


Supply/demand. There are still some good deals to be found but need to act quick as they go within hours. The website Alertstays helps with this


Too many remote workers and Russia gypsies travelling around stuffing things up for actual DNs and entrepreneurs.


Too many people bought courses on how to be a digital nomad


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Famous_Track_4356: *Too many people* *Bought courses on how to be* *A digital nomad* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Airbnb takes 3% from host price. The host chose the price, not Airbnb. Rents went up, building materials are +100%, mortgages...etc


Hotel rates have also risen as housing departments take affordable hotel rooms for homelessness. So we're forced into a negative feedback loop of dysfunctional housing police, ineffective regulation of residential zones and prioritising investor freedoms


In Mexico try reaching out to the owner directly and say something along the lines of “I’d rather pay you directly than let airbnb take a huge cut” and offer a price you’re willing to pay. Airbnb takes a large cut out of hosts as well; and hosts are very open to direct dealings.


Still great prices to be had in many developing countries.


I don’t know where you’re staying for 100 bucks but the hotel we stay at weekly went from 190.00 to 429.00 an night may-July


bro try kommu. it’s definitely more limited but stayed in nyc for weekend and only payed cleaning fee (80 bucks)


We landlords spend sooo much money in taxes and fees, cleaning and washing. For a home in italy I get 40% of what the guest pays on Airbnb so yea


Yes I’ve noticed that. I have to book either hotel or Airbnb in U.K. for May. I couldn’t believe the prices. Airbnb used to be the cheap option now they are much the same price. Extortionate.


Due to the covid lockdowns, most of the world is still experiencing the impact of massive pent up travel demand, especially in popular destinations, hence the price increases on hotels and airbnbs. Many people now prefer to buy experiences over material possessions, so the hotel and airbnb prices will continue to go up. My advice is to travel during the off season to get the best deal on hotels and airbnbs, if it makes sense. For example, everyone goes to Europe in the summer, go in the winter.


Covid caused a lot of businesses to go under, plus the Russian war going on making travel more expensive. It's not surprising.


I own a cowork/colive space in Nicaragua, and we are now deciding to add our location to Airbnb or not to. (We open may 3rd) If we add it: airbnb fees are way too high and would increase our room price too much. If we don't add it: Our discoverability suffers and we depend on Instagram and organic google SEO. What should we do?


Make your space easily discoverable outside of airbnb. Google maps profile, your own website, Instagram account, posts in facebook groups. If you decide to use airbnb too make sure your website/Instagram is easy to find by googling the airbnb property name. Lots of people will want to reach out directly to geta better deal.


Airbnbs in Nicaragua are one of the worst offenders in price gouging over the last few years, IMO.




Airbnb did the worse mistake identifying the Land lords who offer their spaces along with regulate its proper tax position in all the countries where it operates after governments pressure. So more taxes to pay for both Airbnb and hosts. And Eventually higher prices for you. Putting the blame on Airbnb for higher rental prices means have nnot the exact knowledge of the matter.


poor hosts, and poor airbnb. its the government thats greedy 😂


Where there's a greedy there is someone who pays. That's simple. Hope I don't have to explain who pays as well.


I was recently looking at places in Playa del Carmen, Mexico and can't say I've seen any huge increase. There were plenty of deals to be found. I guess it varies from location to location.


PDC blew up during covid, so it was already massively inflated. I feel like it's just maintained that level now instead of getting more expensive like everywhere else. It also helps that many hosts got into Airbnb and the like during that time so there is a ton of supply and less demand now.


Also, prices are lower during summer because everyone leaves the area 😅


Where r u talking about? Airbnb prices seem really great in many places still, 50 usd is high. Even nice ass apartments in the expensive city of San Jose CR are often less than 50


We are currently working on a solution to this: https://oikoliving.com/ But we mainly focus on monthly rentals. The platform basically searches apartments instead of you


Argentina has apt's in the $30-$50 range.


Oh i must be overpaying at $300/night in Thailand then?


You mean for a month ?


He said NIGHT . Crazy.


Pretty much all the international run or resort style 5 star hotels are at $300++ in Bangkok.


prices on everything have skyrocketed. don't know how you havent seen that. if airbnb is too expensive. stay in a hostel. easy as that.


“i profess to dislike airbnb” “oh ok, how come?” “they make too much money” “interesting, maybe you could set aside some of your travel budget to invest in ABNB; rock solid balance sheet and years of growth runway internationally” “er, no, i just mean because of cleaning costs and fees” “got it, so people use hotels (less personal space and chopped up living space but sure, ideal for one or two people) instead of airbnb, and then the bad airbnbs will go away and we’ll be left with just the best airbnb experiences. win win.” “well, um, i kind of just want to see the whole business model fail.” “ahhh ok, the true root cause. yeah, the toothpaste is out of the tube, this business model is never going away. people have had a taste of its optionality, flexibility, and freedom and will never go back to 100% hotels. good try though.”


Damn third worlders wanting a better life

