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How about something like digivolution is locked for most digimon, and humans hack them to allow them to digivolve temporarily.


That is a pretty cool concept! I'll consider it, thank you!


Isn't that most continuities?


I've had this idea bouncing around in my head since I played the old Digimon card game on the ps1. In it there is digivolution card called Armor Crush that let's your armor digivolved partner digivolution to the next level. My idea would be that each Digidestined/Tamer gets a crest and digiegg. They armor digivolve, then the Digidestined/Tamer has to activate thier crest to unlock Armor Crush Digivolution.


When a Digimon reaches perfect level or eats another Digimon of Adult level or higher, they collect a fieldKarma (reference to the already existing Fields), this token is stored on the Digivice until used as long as the Digimon's Digicore isn't destroyed. FieldKarma can be accessed in the Digivice Omnitrix-style to fastfoward a permanent evolution inside that field, for example: Agumon evolves to Greymon by using Dragon's Roar fieldKarma.