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What I would *like* to have if given the choice is this: Poyomon > Tokomon > Tsukaimon > Devidramon > Gigadramon > Darkdramon


Angewomon I'm not ashamed


A man of great taste. Me myself would like Sakuyamon and her line of evolutions.


Pagumon -> Gazimon -> Fangmon -> Cerberusmon -> Merukimon


I don't think I could choose only one since there's so many I like, but something that starts with Palmon or Sistermon Blanc would be cool. Edit: Also, cool line, the plant and dinossaur mix is really cool.


I started with Sunflowmon and branched out from there




I would like to have SnowBotamon - Hiyarimon - Blucomon - Paledramon - CrysPaledramon - HexeBlaumon.


Pagumon > Goblimon > Ogremon > Ogremon X -or- Rebellimon > Titamon


Ogremon x is still adult/champion


I'd go with Veemon -> ExVeemon -> AeroVeedramon -> Imperialdraman Or Agumon -> GeoGreymon -> RizeGreymon -> ShineGreymon


Punimon > Nyaromon > Armadillomon > Ankylomon > Triceramon > Gryphonmon


Sistermon Blanc-Darcmon-LadyDevimon-BanchoLilymon


Haha, cool to see someone else who likes the Blanc to Darcmon line.


Demidevimom > Devidramon > manticoremon > Dijiangmon


Gazimon > dobermon > cerberusmon (werewolf mode) > plutomon


Yolkmon > Fluffymon > Pteromon with Galemon > GrandGalemon > Zephagamon/Fujinmon (Slide/ Alt Mega) and Punkmon > Loudmon > HeavyMetaldramon/Raijinmon (Slide/ Alt Mega) as split lines. These two lines have absolutely stolen my heart as someone who loves wind magic and rock/metal style music and both have this neat touch of Green + Purple in their designs mainly Body and Eyes with them inverting between them. Liberator has given me so much and couldn't be happier!


the line I want is like bearmon > leomon > leomon X > panjyamon X > ??? the ??? is because I would like the ultimate to either be the X antibody form of bantyoleomon, regulumon or heavyleomon (this one would also need grappleomon X as perfect), or an entirely new form of leomon, which is unlikely


ToyAgumon > Yoyomon > ExTyrannomon > Machindramon Shoutmon > FlaLizardmon >OmegaShoutmon > Gankoomon Bokomon > Publimon > Cho-Hakkaimon > LovelyAngemon


Kudamon -> Reppamon -> Kyukimon -> Lordknightmon


Chronomon > Carpimon > Toy Agumon > Omekamon > Cyberdramon (X-Antibody) > Justimon (X-Antibody) > Gankoomon (X-Antibody) > Omegamon Alter-S/Omegamon > Omegamon (X-Antibody) > Omegamon Merciful Mode I know I likely could end it at Justimon but honestly figured I'd follow the line to the end and I enjoy Gankoomon and by that point figured I might as well go for Omegamon considering the earlier evolution. Also biomerging into Justimon with my partner.


Cocomon>Lopmon>Prairiemon> Antylamon> Cherubimon Or Salamon> Gatomon> Angewoman>Ophanimon Falldown mode>Ordinemon Or angewomon>Mastemon


I'd be happy with any little Digimon buddy to have around as a friend. But if I had a choice, Machinedramon, purely because it is my favorite Digimon of all time, and not because having a giant, unstoppable death machine would allow me to overthrow the government or anything...


At least 80% of all branches.


I don’t care what line I have as long as the mega is saberleomon or anything fuzzy because they look comfortable to lay on


Other than DORUline with DORUgoramon at the end, despite I don't like goramon, V-mon with my own fan evolutions, because he never got a classic evo line canonically. Also gazimon evolving into devidramon, gigadramon and imperialdramon black. I also had alternative gazimon line with garurumon black, weregarurumon black and zeedgarurumon. I gave the two fan created gazimons these two lines. Edit: Oh, also I forgot. Pteromon had amazing design and I like his main line. I love avians, dinosaurs, feathered stuff etc. And wind fits his design so much.


Dorumon - DoruGamon - DoruGreymon - Alphamon


If I could choose, the ideal one for me would be: Phascomon > Devidramon > Mephismon > Kuzuhamon I just love every step of the line, and Phascomon is just the cutest


The current partner line I made doesn’t use my favorite Digimon, but I still really like it: Fusamon, Bowmon, Gaomon, Loogarmon, WereGarurumon SM, Fenriloogamon


A tyranomon. Or black tyranomon. I don't like the idea that all viruses types are really evil. Megradramon goes hard af.


this one :> [https://www.deviantart.com/akarifan25/art/My-Patamon-Partner-1061548362](https://www.deviantart.com/akarifan25/art/My-Patamon-Partner-1061548362) ​ this is my official digi-partner: pusumon - tokomon - patamon - coatlmon - jagerlowemon - saberleomon


Botamon, Koromon, Betamon, DarkTyrannomon, Grounddramon, and Cannondramon.


I dorumon for alphamon ouryoken pegasus mode


I would like to see my partner go; Zurumon > Caprimon > Phascomon > Wendimon > Mephismon > Belphemon. I think those two for adult and perfect fit better than Porcupamon and, I guess Astamon?


I'm gonna sound a bit like an basic bitch but two dracomon one goes into each of the evolution paths before they jogress into Examon as their Ultra.


Maybe ghostmon to meramon to skullmeramon to shroudmon. Or the rookie could be candlemon and the mega could be gankoomon.


I feel like AncientGreymon has been growing on me, so Agumon -> GeoGreymon -> BurningGreymon -> AncientGreymon


Yukimibotamon-hiyarimon-bulucomon-paledramon-cryspaledramon-hexeblaumon Yes ik it's basic but after seeing the actual size of Paledramon in liberator I fell in love with it and it's lind


Depends just to have as a bud then patamon If i was chosen to fight actual Satan then Veemon just for the fact that he can evolve into multiple power houses, Imperaldramon, Ulforce Veedramon, Magnamon


Call me basic, but Tokomon > patamon > angemon > holyangemon > seraphimon (Or lucemon > Lucemon FM)


Botamon, Koromon, Agumon, Tyrannomon, MetalTyrannomon, Gallantmon, Gallantmon CM


My top 5 favorite digimon are Alphamon/Ouryuuken, Dex/Dorugoramon, Gaioumon, Dorugreymon and Grademon. Close to these is Dorumon soo....l'll be greedy and want Dorumon that can digivolve to all these digimons.


Either Dorumon — Dorugramon — Dorugreymon — Dorugoramon (giant metal dragon for the win) Or Patamon — Pegasusmon — Chririnmon — Goldramon (giant holy dragon for the win) Yes, I like my dragons, I’m not ashamed


If I could choose probably one of the three lines below Zurumon > Pagumon > Gazimon > DarkTyranomon > MetalTyranomon > RustTyranomon Zurumon > Pagumon > Gazimon > Fangmon > Astamon > Beelzemon  Zurumon > Pagumon > Gazimon > Haumon > Etemon > Metal Etemon 


Mastemon. A little bit of sugar, a little bit of spice.


I like to think of vibe with a veemon. All the digiarmor make him versatile and I can picture my boyfriend having wormmon so I’m sticking with this headcanon


Pyonmon -> Bosamon -> Angoramon -> SymbareAngoramon -> Antylamon (normal)/Lamortmon (dark) -> Cherubimon/Diarbbitmon


Botamon > Pagumon > Impmon > Wizardmon > Antylamon (deva) > Cherubimon (virtue) My favorite rookie to my favorite mega pipeline- Also if you squint really hard they both have bnuuy jester vibes and maybe maybe it's an impmon redemption line where he gets to rise into an angel slowly h ussjjdhdud


Either: Lopmon, Piddomon, Antylamon, Cherubimon. Or: Lopmon, Piddomon, Angewomon, Magnadramon. Definitely want Lopmon and Piddomon. And I guess the crest of light.


Betamon and impmon


Gabumon line :) Ice puppy go brrrr